Origins: Exploring Marth
I am hoping to post a lot today. I want to talk a lot about Marth as a character though, and just my personal thoughts on him. I think it's important to begin this post by going back to when I first started playing Melee.
I went to Youtube one day after thinking to myself, "Hey, I haven't played Smash in a while. Let me see what I can find on Youtube." I found a match of Ken's Marth vs Isai, and I was watching them move at incredible speeds. I was amazed, but once I saw Ken Ken Combo Isai, I immediately paused it and freaked out. For some reason, it was just the coolest thing I'd seen. I immediately went to my friend's house and asked to borrow his Cube and began trying to do the Ken combo, not understanding the concepts of DI and percentages and where to hit them with the Fair to set them up for it. Thinking back on it, I still remember how "Epic" each Ken combo felt, every time I watched it on Youtube. I began watching Ken's videos religiously, as well as Kizzu's combo videos which were pretty much all Ken combos hahaha. I also went to Ken's MLG profile page, and also friended him on AIM.
I was too nervous to talk to him at first because everyone I saw on youtube vids posting and on MLG said Ken was an *******. Eventually once I had been practicing for a week or so, I messaged him. I can remember the conversation very very clearly, word for word.
Me- "Hey Ken, I don't want to bother you, but I just have a quick question."
Ken- "Sure thing."
Me- "If I were to choose and master one advanced technique, only one, which one would it be?"
Ken replies instantly- "That's easy. L Cancelling for sure."
Me- "Thanks Ken!"
*Goes to his Cube and begins practicing L cancelling, which is ironic considering all these years later I'm still missing them here and there*
A few days later after I had stayed up all night practicing and watching videos, Ken came online at 7AM. I was watching him play vs. Mikael, so I messaged him as soon as he got online. The convo went like this:
Me- Ken I'm watching you play right now vs Peach!
Ken- Oh cool. Am I winning?
Me- Duh.
Ken- Ok good haha.
It's pretty dumb, and at the time I had no idea he was just a normal person who played Smash. Back then, the smash legends were just that...legends. I remember asking my friend questions about Ken, since my friend had been in the scene longer than me.
Me- Dude, do you think Ken could Ken combo you all 4 stocks if he wanted to?
Friend- I'm not sure, probably.
The point is, I was obsessed with Ken and Marth for about my first year and a half, maybe even two years playing the game. I never played with any other character, and people would get annoyed. People who were trying to have fun and practice different characters wouldn't play me anymore because of how often I played Marth. I played Blue Marth, because I didn't want to take Ken's color haha...Even though Azen is just as beast.
Thinking back to then, I almost feel...ashamed at myself for switching from Marth so often. If I go back to when it first happened, there was a player in my area named PikaPika who I could never beat. After a while I could pretty much beat anyone but he always beat me. He played Sheik.
I started practicing Fox over and over and finally, after so long, I beat him in an MM. I wanted to win so bad I kept playing Fox and my Fox got better. Ever since then, which was a long time ago, whenever I used Marth in tournament I always choked. I think it was because I could never beat him with Marth so long ago.
So, I practiced the crap out of my Marth but never played him in tournament. Even now I still kinda suck with him in tournament. I played a Marth player named Broly from Texas who is actually really good and extremely smart. We did two Marth ditto MM's. He beat me the first, 2-1, then I beat him the next. In tournament, he 4 stocked me on FD in Marth dittos, which I promised him I'd upload because I have the vids. (Mental note to self)
Looking back on where I came from in terms of my origins in the Smash community, I am a Marth player. Not only that though, but I really do enjoy him the most. I love his range, I love his combos, his uniqueness. He is elegant, swift and tricky. I love his spikes and his dash dance, his edgeguards...Literally everything about him I love.
So recently as I'm sure you're all aware because I'm pretty sure I've made posts about it, I've begun to explore Marth at a deeper level. I've been exploring different combos, playing without grabs, trying to edgeguard differently. It feels good to acquire more depth with a character. It's a slow improvement, but also the more I play him the more comfortable I feel in every situation. I'm not really sure how to avoid getting gimped as Fox by Marth, although I can do the gimping. Situations like that, I want mastery in. Mastery is developed by focus and concentration on whatever aspects you're trying to master. Dabbling with characters is good but not enough to play at the highest levels.
So the next question is, what happens when I play against a disadvantaged matchup? What happens if I go against a Sheik in tournament? I'm really good at Sheik dittos, or at least i like to think so for the level I'm at, but I'm also really good at Marth vs Sheik, but why lower my chances just to go Marth?
In tournament at ROM3, I won the first match barely against a Fox player named KY. Next match he took me to FD as Falco, and I spent the summer playing against Axe and Forward's Falcos, so of course I'm ECSTATIC to play the matchup. Then I lost. I switched to Fox and I believe it was a 3 stock.
It's gotta be mental. It has to be. I have 10x the amount of experience as Marth then I do as Fox. I played him all summer. The only thing I can think to beat this...whatever you want to call it, is just to play more and more Marth. Memorize more situations. Feel him at a deeper level. Make Marth my game. When I say that, I mean being completely comfortable in every situation, knowing what to do and how to execute it, as opposed to trying to win with other characters due to having an advantaged matchup.
I may still go Fox for Falcon, but who knows. I like the matchup with Marth also.
Special thanks to Niko for pushing me over the edge and forcing me to do something I've been wanting to do for a while: Become a true Marth main.