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Queen B. Kyon's Random Question Thread


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2008
Six Feet Under
It was FANTASTIC, easily the best Toy Story. An ending with closure, great plot, hidden adult humor a child wouldn't pick up on, sad and happy moments. Just a great movie.


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)
If you're talking Toy Story 3, could everyone please wrap stuff in SPOLIER tags or at least give some warning

Sorry if it seems petty of me, the film isn't out yet in the UK and I would really like to keep everything a surprise cause I loved the older films when I was a child :p

I'm very jealous that you guys get to see it now though :(


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2010
Jacksonville, Florida
It was good. I liked it the best out of all the Toy Story series installments. It had some "heavy" humor, but not too much, like nothing my little brother, or nephew could pick up on. You know?


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2008
Six Feet Under
Toy Story 3 had A LOT of sexual humor and hints throughout it that kids won't pick up on but adults will. That takes balls considering the oversensitive butthurt parents who act as if their five year olds even know what sex is.

M15t3R E

Smash Master
Sep 15, 2008
Hangin' with Thor
Toy Story 3 had A LOT of sexual humor and hints throughout it that kids won't pick up on but adults will. That takes balls considering the oversensitive butthurt parents who act as if their five year olds even know what sex is.
Amazing. I'm pretty sure Finding Nemo as well as other Disney films have had that too.
When I rent rated R movies and it warns me about "Sexual humor, partial nudity, drug references, profanity"...etc. I know I picked up the right movie. ;)


I like spicy food
Dec 24, 2008
The Netherlands, sometimes Japan
Toy Story 3 had A LOT of sexual humor and hints throughout it that kids won't pick up on but adults will. That takes balls considering the oversensitive butthurt parents who act as if their five year olds even know what sex is.
Reminds me of Shin Chan. Those good old times ;_;

So Toy Story 3 is a must-see?

Also, my English test went quite well and I'm one of the only ones who got a positive advice of participating in the CAE exams, which I'd want to :D. It's pretty much the only time I will make (or do?) a test for school without being forced to.

SD is closed, so I thought I'd post it heeeere.



Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
well....when i was little...i was still a perv and said i wanted to be a porn star >_> my family didnt take that very well xD but nah now i am actually going to college to study funeral sciences ^_^ tho..my childhood dream i would but...nick riddle said he wouldnt go out with me if i was lol


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2010
Jacksonville, Florida
I wanted to be a Behavioral Analyst. Because my Uncle is one. I really didn't even know what it was when I was that young.
But now, I want to a Highschool Theatre/Drama teacher. Haha. I have big dreams (just kidding)

What about you Kyon?


I like spicy food
Dec 24, 2008
The Netherlands, sometimes Japan
I wanted to be a teacher. I still kinda do, but I'm very keen on money and teaching doesn't have that great of a salary. But I'll see.

well....when i was little...i was still a perv and said i wanted to be a porn star >_> my family didnt take that very well xD but nah now i am actually going to college to study funeral sciences ^_^ tho..my childhood dream i would but...nick riddle said he wouldnt go out with me if i was lol
A PORN STAR? XD How can you even make that up as a child? XD

But really, that's funny ;p.



M15t3R E

Smash Master
Sep 15, 2008
Hangin' with Thor
When I was a wee lad, I wanted to be a lawyer. I've always been good at debating and could analyze the intricacies of topics better than most people. I was in the debate club in high school, too. It wasn't until maybe my senior year of high school that I abandoned this dream. That year, I became interested in computer science and programming. Along with 3 high school buddies, we programmed an impressive computer game, entered it into a contest at a university with 11 other high schools, and took first. Now my dream is to code amazing software for payroll and finance management, etc., for big businesses. :)


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008

A PORN STAR? XD How can you even make that up as a child? XD

But really, that's funny ;p.


well...i was looking for videos to watch in my moms closet i was about 6 or 7 and im an only child and grew up around adults sooo i understood a lot and i put in my moms video and it was a porn video and i wanted to be one ever since i saw that lol i never really had a childhood tho =/ im kind of living it now


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2008
Six Feet Under
I wanted to be a vet when I was a child. Now I'm an environmental science major, hoping to be involved in habitat studies and animal rehabilitation.


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
Waldorf, Maryland
"I" wanted to be a doctor when I was little, a cardiac surgeon, specifically. My mom has always had heart problems so I wanted to do it for her (you know when you're little, your parents are like "You'll be a doctor to take care of me when I'm old because you love me? Aww!") and my grandparents always supported it. And it made a lot of sense while I was young, I always liked hospitals (SO CLEAN!) and I liked biology and was always one of the smartest people in my grade every year up until middle school, where I was just another Honor's student.

High school came around, and it was more of the same, but now I was just another AP student. I passed my AP tests, and was the only person in my school to get a 5 (the highest score you can get on an AP exam at the time, idk if it changed) on the AP Bio exam. I worked myself ragged in highschool and when college came around, I got accepted into an Science and Tech Honor's University that focused on research, and when I was there, I wasn't special at all. It seemed like everyone was super-smart, and had done and learned things that my family could never afford. They had crazy things to put on their resumes, like how they interned at NASA or NIH and created some big project that upped the bar for the academic community. I still took my classes, and tried, but my 2nd year in, it was just hard. The math classes for a bio major going for pre-med were crazy, and I never really grasped math (it wasnt something I could "touch" and "feel" in my head, so it was very nebulous to me), and I never liked it. So many formulas, and I always had a hard time memorizing a nonsensical string of numbers and symbols (which is basically what math is) to apply. DOING math isnt hard, but memorizing every formula wasnt something I could do. For the same reasons, chemistry and physics were hard for me.

At home during the summer, I talked to my mom about it. I told her how hard it was, and how everyone was so smart, and how it felt like everyone knew things I didn't (like what was going to be on the exams, because "smart" people have connections with people who've taken the exams and know where the professor leaves the "real" practice problems, whereas I was just trying honestly, from going to class and reading my books.) She suggested nursing, which I shrugged off thinking it was nothing. She said I would still work in the medical field, and that she's met some fantastic nurses who make a lot of money, and I would get to spend time with my patients and not just run in and run out. I kept it in my mind, on the back burner, until I decided it was for me.

What made me choose nursing was the fact that I'd have the time to spend with my patients. I wanted to help people who were dying, because I just thought that was incredibly important, and being in such a situation would put my own problems in perspective, and we'd both gain something from our time together. I didnt know about hospice then (basically a nurse who did everything I had wanted to do as a nurse), but I had always wanted to do something like that. It was suddenly important to me to pursue this dream, to be in the business of death and dying, something we all know about but rarely participate in. I wanted to BE THERE and help make things easier, make things better.

But entry into nursing was also a shock. It seemed like everyone had a background in nursing when I went to the orientation. "What made you choose nursing?" "My mom/aunt is a nurse." "I'm a CNA at a nursing home and I wanted to be a nurse like the one's I love, they're so inspiring!" I had nothing. I wanted to become a nurse not because someone in my family did it, not because I was exposed to healthcare a lot (I was never sick), and not even because I wanted to help people get better--I wanted to be a nurse to help the dying transition into death easily and with as little pain and grief as possible. But I didnt have the words to explain that to them. I really don't know what I said.

But I did really like the way it felt. It was kind of like the pre-med thing, we were all there to help people, but then again it was very different. Pre-med folk were all about boasting their accomplishments, because there were such rigid trials to go through, and you had to be better than everyone else to make it. Pre-nursing wasn't like that. Sure, it was hard, but everyone was warm. You of course had a couple *****es, but more often than not, everyone was warm. "You look like you haven't done this before, COME ON, LET'S TRY IT TOGETHER! :DDDD" it was awesome. We all sighed together, we all squealed together. We all frowned when we had to dissect our cats. We studied together, often looking like hot (******) messes. I've never been part of a fraternity/sorority, but I bet pre-nursing and nursing school is better than any of that. There's no competition, only people trying to help you stay with them. It was like war, everyone was your ally and it was in their best interest to keep you around because everyone had a strength when it came to learning something. We more often than not worked in groups, because nursing was about teamwork. We got embarrassed together (I had to do the pregnant woman breathing for another nursing student to coach, hilarious!) and it was just awesome.

Yeah, nursing. It's pretty awesome (and everyone treats you nicely.)

Edit: Why are my posts always longer than everyone else's :(?


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
I didn't really configure what I wanted to be till high school. Growing up I "wanted" to be a pediatrician, scientist, astronaut. Big things that sounded impressive, but nothing I had a real interest for.

Then in 8th grade, while I was on the yearbook staff, my photography was complimented by some professional French guy who was visiting. This was single-handily what threw me into photography and thus visual communication design.

"He said it was actually good?"

From there I finished up the yearbook, took some photography classes in high school, and followed that flair into Photography Editor for the school's newspaper. For two years my duty was to photograph people and events and objects, make it look good in Photoshop, and publish it. Usually within the time span of an hour. This was the most fun I've ever had doing "school work". And I was **** good at it.

So from then on, I decided that's what I'm doing. I'm entering my second year of art school starting this fall.


Smash Champion
Nov 12, 2009
Atlanta, GA
Yeah Meno, your threads always had a "swag" to them. The font and colors are always on-point, and I like your blue/pink/white color scheme :p

I like making poster designs and I've always been into stuff like that, but I don't think I want to do it in college. I don't think I've ever had like a dream of doing something once I got older. I always changed it from "artist" to "lawyer" to "psychologist" to "engineer." I'm just bad @ making decisions because I want to make sure it's the right one. I'm still not quite sure what I want to do next year. I'm thinking about some sort of business major like sales & marketing or management. I really just want to have a ton of business, but I want to do something that would help people...I'm not quite sure what it will be though.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 23, 2008
southport nc D:
Lol wow.... everyone's goals are so realistic compared to mine. At first i wanted to be a dragon. Once i grew out of that phase i wanted to be a ninja :0, then after that i thought about being a lawyer. Entering highschool i took aquaculture and that's what i have focused my interest on. Since i love fish and science i was going to be a marine biologist/scuba diver. Then i had my dreams shattered when my lung collapsed, the doctors told me i could never go down one atmosphere in pressure, or to put it in a better way i could never go down further than i could humanly with a snorkel. So after having my deep sea dreams shortened to about 25 feet i really dont know what i want to do. Though i am still going toward the marine biologist route. :/


Smash Apprentice
Nov 23, 2008
southport nc D:
Best of luck to you. That class really was an eye-opener to me, more power to you, bud.
thanks :/ excuse my language but i find it a tad gay that the only explanation the doctors could come up with is that im a tall growing boy, thats what caused the rip... i find this lame because i dont even consider myself tall since i am a half inch off the 6ft mark :/


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2010
Jacksonville, Florida
thanks :/ excuse my language but i find it a tad gay that the only explanation the doctors could come up with is that im a tall growing boy, thats what caused the rip... i find this lame because i dont even consider myself tall since i am a half inch off the 6ft mark :/
... Yeah. I think they BS'd you. Because I went from 5"11 to 6"2 in my Junior year of Highschool.
That's a good sized growth spurt (IMO) and I (no offense) still gots all mah organs.
Maybe you swallowed an angry bee, and it popped you open. :/
But you made it! C:


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
Waldorf, Maryland
thanks :/ excuse my language but i find it a tad gay that the only explanation the doctors could come up with is that im a tall growing boy, thats what caused the rip... i find this lame because i dont even consider myself tall since i am a half inch off the 6ft mark :/
I dont feel bad for you. The people at risk for spontaneous lung collapse are tall skinny people. AKA models. So, I don't feel bad for you :p


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2008
Washington, D.C.
At first, I wanted to be a Massage Therapist since I loved working with the sensual side of the body and how the foot is map of the body. Also, my mom herself is an esthetician, which gave me a path way to follow and I had books, products, and everything in reach if I pursue this dream. Months later, I was doing a project on Pablo Picasso and I was just struck with the impact art gave in the Spanish Civil War and how majestic the buildings were in Spain. Thus, I decided to be an architect. I began research and everything seemed ideal for me: strict education, guaranteed job, and building pieces of heart from the soul. As I began to dig in everything, I realize that there is A LOT of legal issues to deal with, and frankly I stress at the slightest mistake or confrontation. So I kicked that idea out the window. For the past year and a half, an interest of film began to bloom within me but for all the wrong reasons. So now I remain undecided, yet I know my career will deal with the art field, whether being a Music Video Creative Director or theatre technician.

Oh on the side, I will be a Gay Rights Activist.
Maybe i'll be a counselor for LGBT teens...


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
Lol wow.... everyone's goals are so realistic compared to mine. At first i wanted to be a dragon. Once i grew out of that phase i wanted to be a ninja :0, then after that i thought about being a lawyer. Entering highschool i took aquaculture and that's what i have focused my interest on. Since i love fish and science i was going to be a marine biologist/scuba diver. Then i had my dreams shattered when my lung collapsed, the doctors told me i could never go down one atmosphere in pressure, or to put it in a better way i could never go down further than i could humanly with a snorkel. So after having my deep sea dreams shortened to about 25 feet i really dont know what i want to do. Though i am still going toward the marine biologist route. :/
actually you can be a ninja it takes years of practice....well...yeah :D


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
Waldorf, Maryland
I love Bowling.

I'm bad at it tho.
This, except I don't love it. I need bumpers and a pretty ball if I'm to have any fun. (of course, my [attractive] competitor gets no bumpers, and as long as my points are automatically doubled to offset my horrific athleticism, I'll be ecstatic. :D)
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