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Project M Social Thread

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Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
Just something random I noticed from watching last night's stream. What is up with the loud noises Samus makes whenever she does anything, especially airdodge? Its kinda grating on the ears when she wavedashes. I don't remember her being that loud in Melee. In fact, what was the purpose of bringing back the sounds characters made whenever they airdodged, especially since the return of wavedashing means that you would hear it over and over and over?

Otherwise it is looking good. Great work guys.
Because it's better to have sounds on them from the characters than nothing at all. It was like that in Melee and tbh it's better this way, you won't even notice it when you're playing. Maybe the first couple of times you will but, other than that, it won't get on your nerves when you have the game in your hands.


Smash Lord
Feb 3, 2008
Aurora, Illinois
Well.. What i meant was like.. Melee's Mid tier should be the worst any character should get. high tier = on par with Melee's High tiers - Top tiers = on par with Fox/Falco/Jiggz and mid tier = Ganon/Doc/etc.

Characters shouldn't go below Doc/Ganon is what i failed to say.

Obviously you couldn't actually have a list like

Bcuz then.. High would be mid and mid would be low @_@
But.. uh.. ya sorry if that didn't make sense. I'll work on phrasing stuff like that better.
..................*silence continues to fall through the room*
That did not make a single ounce of sense at all.

I R MarF

Smash Ace
Apr 2, 2010
At my house
I know that there will be a melee fx pack but will it include Melee voices? Fox and Mario in particular sounded a lot better in melee than Brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 27, 2007
Houston, TX
Ah, the good ol' tier discussion. In that case, I'll go ahead and throw my opinion out there as well.

Melee bottom of high/top of mid tier is where it's at. EVERY top tier character in melee is there and not in high or mid tier not only because they have a good moveset, but because of some moves that stand out from the rest as well, like shiek's dthrow/ftilt, fox's usmash/SHFFL nair and jigg's bair/rest, which are all pretty abusable. High/mid tier characters in Melee are generally good, solid characters, all with their fair share of strengths and weaknesses, having no ridiculously good moves but hardly any useless moves either.

Don't get me wrong, though; I'm not about to take one single character in Melee and say that he's the ultimate example of how powerful characters in the Melee environment should be. All I'm saying is that, generally speaking, the characters near the border of mid and hi tier of Melee are decent examples.

But i digress; yall are mostly talking about what tiers there should be, whereas I'm talking about what the tier list should be modeled after and what tier the characters should be buffed/nerfed towards in the future. Well, whatever. That is all.

*goes back to lurking*


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2010
Rochester, NY
And why should I believe you?

Additionally, this discussion on tiers is pointless and yields nothing constructive. Continue however you wish (so long as it's about Project M) but if something interesting is said and not heard amongst the pointless discussion, it will be the fault of those of you who continue the discussion.
Thank you.

If I bug the heck out of you, can I playtest plz?
There's something called an ignore list.

Ah, the good ol' tier discussion. In that case, I'll go ahead and throw my opinion out there as well.

Melee bottom of high/top of mid tier is where it's at. EVERY top tier character in melee is there and not in high or mid tier not only because they have a good moveset, but because of some moves that stand out from the rest as well, like shiek's dthrow/ftilt, fox's usmash/SHFFL nair and jigg's bair/rest, which are all pretty abusable. High/mid tier characters in Melee are generally good, solid characters, all with their fair share of strengths and weaknesses, having no ridiculously good moves but hardly any useless moves either.

Don't get me wrong, though; I'm not about to take one single character in Melee and say that he's the ultimate example of how powerful characters in the Melee environment should be. All I'm saying is that, generally speaking, the characters near the border of mid and hi tier of Melee are decent examples.

But i digress; yall are mostly talking about what tiers there should be, whereas I'm talking about what the tier list should be modeled after and what tier the characters should be buffed/nerfed towards in the future. Well, whatever. That is all.

*goes back to lurking*
Just because you type a lot, doesn't make you seem smart.

I R MarF

Smash Ace
Apr 2, 2010
At my house
what tier the characters should be buffed/nerfed towards in the future.
I really don't think there should ever be any nerfing unless the P:M team accidentally made a char too good. And when I say too good, I mean the char is so good that its better than the entire cast by a noticeable margin (Such as Brawl MK).

However, I am a bit of a hypocrite since I think Jiggs's weight should be nerfed since she is one of the safest chars to play and requires almost no tech skill... but I am not going to talk about that since I realize it'll only cause arguments.

Anyway, just thought I'd comment on that.


Ike 'n' Ike
May 8, 2009
Orlando, FL
I know that there will be a melee fx pack but will it include Melee voices? Fox and Mario in particular sounded a lot better in melee than Brawl.
I'd imagine so. Either that or have hex packets so that people can take what they want. I really want the hit sound effects though. Marth's sword sounds absolutely pathetic and most of the hit sound effects are just too weak.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 27, 2008
This may be a completely random/bad idea, but after watching the Zelda stuff on sugarhigh's channel, I couldn't help but think it would be cool if Nayru's love left something behind too. Like, you could leave shards of Nayru across the stage, and if a projectile hits them, it reflects.

Jay Talbayne

Smash Apprentice
Nov 27, 2006
Also.. I remember when the Wavedash code first came out the AI killed themselves alot by airdodging off the stage. how does the AI react to these new codes and modifications?


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2006
readin spark notes
I really don't think a buffer and more easily performed techs is a bad thing. It just means that you do what you intend to do more frequently. Advanced techniques become more incorporated into gameplay and this places more emphasis on outsmarting your opponent rather than focusing on performing techs perfectly.

Certain things were done in Brawl that reduced the quality of gameplay. The buffer isn't one of them.
Mvc2 players do both as well as sf4 and melee players at a high level which separates the people who win money from the people who don't. If you can't execute your techs consistently and outsmart your opponent at the same time then you deserve to lose plain and simple. Its like you guys want a handout instead of having to practice and get good at the game. "omg give me easy techs so i can win plox."


Ike 'n' Ike
May 8, 2009
Orlando, FL
Making P:M accessible to Brawl players who weren't into Melee is a concern for this project, but that's what the optional buffer is for when training and building tech skill. When it comes to tournaments, the major appeal is the level of tech skill that players can achieve and buffer gets in the way of that. It's better left as metaphorical training wheels.

Turbo Ether

Smash Master
Apr 12, 2006
I was just thinking about the buffering issue this morning. Coincidence. Imo, Melee aerial OoS feel like **** compared to Brawl, due to the lack of buffering. I'm just pointing that out, I'm not saying that buffering should be in.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
There's something called an ignore list.
he c/p'd it from the FAQ, it even has the same font and color -_-
That sucks. I don't know anyone else who'd want to play this. I have to play computers. :(
Wifi?! (if you can bear the lag)
I was just thinking about the buffering issue this morning. Coincidence. Imo, Melee aerial OoS feel like **** compared to Brawl, due to the lack of buffering. I'm just pointing that out, I'm not saying that buffering should be in.
sounds to me like it's more a lack of skill on your part than a lack of buffer.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Unlimited Blade Works
While I understand the importance of an appropriate buffer setting for this project, my concern is that previous Brawl techniques that could be beneficial for Project M will be excluded, such as DACUS or Pikachu's QAC techniques, in favour of a 0 frame buffer. Will the developers be taking this in to consideration, or are these techniques already performable under a 0 frame buffer setting?

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
DACUS and QAC are still performable. They just require actual timing now.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2008
This may be a completely random/bad idea, but after watching the Zelda stuff on sugarhigh's channel, I couldn't help but think it would be cool if Nayru's love left something behind too. Like, you could leave shards of Nayru across the stage, and if a projectile hits them, it reflects.
Wow, some actual Zelda footage in P:M!

That would probably be pretty crazy for Zelda, as one of her biggest issues is dealing with campy projectiles. Mm, lingering reflector...

It sounds a little OP for her though. Maybe.

Some stuff I've noticed in Sugar High's videos:

- Naryu's Love has some really low cooldown or it's cancel-able with the landing animation or something?

- Farore's Wind appears to have no exit hitbox anymore, but it looks like there's much more DI-potential when exiting and maybe re-appears slightly faster?

- Din's Fire is obviously drastically different with the "landmine" mechanic now which also can be aerial and multiples can be out at the same time. But there's a pretty obvious reduction of explosion size to compensate. There also seems to be the same cancel-ability with landing or something.

Really interesting. Can't wait for more!


Smash Hero
Nov 17, 2005
Whatever it is, don't play WoW. I did that for a period of time and it consumes your soul.


Smash Rookie
Oct 16, 2006
Bay Area, CA
I don't normally come to Smashboards to post anything but I have been watching the old videos and current streams and I have to say... I... I think I'm in lesbians with this mod.

Keep up the great work guys.
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