Dear god, I get up and have people linking me to this post left and right because it's so horribly wrong it's comical.hmmm???? Melee finals are more chaotic than Brawl finals by far in terms of who would win, and its getting that way more and more everyday. The gap between n00b and pro is becoming larger, and the gap between pro and mango is becoming smaller. The guy who won Street Fighter 4's world championship lost in his nations tournament to a completely random player. People have bad days. If the SF4 won't prove it to you, I don't know what can.
Oh, and that SF player is also considered the BEST of all time btw.
back to Pound 4 planning.
I mean who wins brawl? I dont know, everytime somebody tells me about a major tourney is somebody new that I've never heard of.
Melee? You can say "the gap between pro and mango", or you could actually take a look, notice mango's pretty much been playing THE SAME PEOPLE since pound 3, and be like "Hmm, wonder if ____ coulda did it"
And SF4? *laughs hysterically* What "random guy" are you talking about.