So I went to my first ever melee tourny on the weekend (normally play 64) and used Falco. I made it out of pools but then went 0-2 on brackets.
What I found was that while I could comfortably put damage on them, I could not kill at all. This would make me freak out and I'd just start throwing out random forward smashes everywhere, giving them easy kills/punishes =(
So, what are falco's best kill moves, and how do I combo into them?
Dsmash- platform tech chases or a Nair or something on FF'ers at low-mid %s. Sends at a low angle but you'll probably have to still edgeguard(like with most of these "kill moves")
Fsmash- tech chases/CC'ing getup attacks or something silly like jab setup. any baited shield grab or roll/spotdodge can be punished with this too.
Dtilt- good as an approach/tech chase on floaties at higher % to kill them off the top. Good at shield stabbing since it hits low. Can't really combo into this beyond a Dair spike tech chase on the ground as far as I know.
Bair- can't combo into this either but hitting someone into the air is usually a good reason to use this since it beats a lot of stuff and hits the opponent offstage with reasonable knockback. this move can be used in a lot of situations except combos I guess lol.
Dair- other dairs can set this up, or shines can, or uptilts, or weak aerials or strong fairs, or dash attacks, or jabs I guess lol. dair *****.
Rule of thumb:
Fox mains: "Falco wins"
Falco mains: "Fox wins"
And this is applicable to the other top tiers too.
Some exceptions here and there, but like I said, it's just a rule of thumb.
Everyone needs to start putting their personal bias aside.
I'd argue with any Fox main/player about this matchup.
The laser is not as unbeatable as it seems. Fox can still DD in plenty of positions and abuse his speed regardless.
friendlies are the best place to practice