This. It's like none of you have played through "Ocarina of Time".
Anyhow, I have a few comments regarding the "Mango Sandbagging Theory". First, Mango did not invent the concept... he only made it famous (or infamous rather). There have always been players in our community that "sandbag" in tournaments... or at least claim to. In my opinion, to single him out is a bit unfair. In addition, there has always been the issue of "pot-splitting". These problems (if I can call them that) have always plagued the tournament atmosphere and the spirit of competition that so many of us love and travel for. I am not going to claim that "sandbagging" and "pot-splitting" are immoral or otherwise. However, I do think that some people (especially the top players) need to be made aware of or reminded of some things...
I realize that there are no professional Melee players, but that does not mean that the best players should not be held to a similar standard. Any time a person is at the top of their field, their peers and their fans will look up to them (whether the person wants them to or not). I am always impressed by a number of the top players in our community who HAVE graciously accepted this role, whether that is by playing friendlies with people far below their skill level, by giving significant or helpful advice, or simply by giving it a 110% in their matches (and by providing "no johns" if they lose). Unfortunately, there are some other high level players who do not. It is not that they do not have the right to behave or act in the way they see fit, but it is disappointing.
I just want all of the top players to know their role. We, as your peers and fans, do not ask for much. We want to watch a good and honest competition in which credit and respect are given to all parties involved. I do not want to hear about anyone "sandbagging" or "splitting" at this tournament. I want everyone to man the **** up and play the game the way that it is supposed to be played.
Again, these are just my OPINIONS, but I certainly think there is some merit and truth to them.