So I've tried to come up with some ideas of increasing attendance, then I think of how the community got to where it was. The answer to that question: Smashboards and Youtube. So why is that? Smashboards brought everybody together and provided a place to advertise tournaments (everyone who searches smash would come up with the site) and discuss the game. Youtube gathered interest from viewers and allowed people to learn quicker and increase their drive for competition (especially hyped videos.) So that got me thinking a little bit bigger, and here are a few of my ideas:
Basically we need a centralized Smash Hub that has everything a player would need. We wanna keep people interested, and bring in outside players. Smashboards is what we have now, but I'm thinking something more (which could be a part of Smashboards, or Smashboards would be a part of'll understand what I'm talking about in a second.) Because honestly, it's a little hard to get around as a new member and not everyone posts or reads all this stuff. Besides that, there isn't much to look at or do, so this Smash Hub idea is going to try and fix that - it'll constantly be a place people can check, find videos, and post or discuss.
So what will the site have? Basically, it's going to be a (very) organized video website (this is where Youtube comes into play!) What we want to create are videos to watch for anything we can think of regarding competitive smash. There are tons of good Youtube videos, but because they're not organized the views are very spread apart and not everybody sees them. Take this video for example:
Platforms 101 it's a video Phanna created to show a lot of things you could do on platforms. The problem is, not a lot of people have seen it (11k is a lot, but still many people have not) and there isn't any elaboration. My idea is that we could organize certain techniques into different categories (this video could be found in, say advanced -> platforms.) So we would basically need to have each of the techniques in a separate video where everything would be explained (how to do it, uses, etc...) and each technique contains video examples (like this: advanced -> platforms -> Isai Dropping -> Examples -> from 0:47-0:52). Pro players who know this game well and know how to give good advice would be the ones commenting on these videos, and giving their insight.
Basically, these videos would be organized into general techniques (basics -> short hopping or advanced -> wavedashing) and character specific (Fox -> advanced -> waveshining) and maybe even move specific (Fox -> shine -> shine bair or Fox -> shine -> shine upsmash) for ideas to follow up after a shine. It would cover techniques, both common and uncommon (waveshining compared to shine grabbing) but it would be as comprehensive as possible. Besides techniques, there could be a category for "counterpicking" in general, like what to keep in mind while counterpicking (Luigi/Peach like big stages, like Dreamland) and there would be character-specific counterpicking (Fox likes small stages, like Yoshi's story, but can have trouble on that stage versus a marth. Dreamland wouldn't want to be chosen against a Luigi, but it's not a bad idea against a Marth - the platforms are bad for his sword, and it's easy to move around.) So for general advice on a topic (techniques, movement, counterpicking) there would be a "general" category, and a "character specific" category for character specific matchups, counterpicking, techniques, etc... We want it to be as comprehensive as possible while making it as organized as possible.
So what this accomplishes is that it gives everyone a single place to learn
everything you'd need to know to improve at the game. You'd pick up useful techniques that are hard to pick from a video if you don't know what it was beforehand (like Isai Dropping, for example) and it would improve the metagame on top of that. It could be updated frequently with more examples, more techniques, and the information being modern and relevant. This way, we're keeping all the members to one spot that everyone references (and of course, linked to Youtube as well.) That way there isn't any confusion on where to go for information, and there isn't a flood of new information that could be overbearing. There should be an intro video on where to start for getting competitive, which videos/categories to check out first (start with basics, then advanced techniques, then work on movement and check out character specific techniques, etc...) There needs to be a sense of direction, so people aren't lost and discouraged.
So we've accomplished that, but it's not near complete. We want it to be kind of like a Smash Media Center - not a static website that doesn't change once all the information is there. This needs to be a centralized place where tournaments are listed (California -> July -> Genesis) where members can vote their "attendance" (not like online registration, it wouldn't be binding) so that people can get an idea of who's going and how many people. Smashboards has a tournament calendar (apparently) but I don't think very many people use it. It's a good idea executed incorrectly. People post tournaments and they get overlooked, or in a spot you won't read (I use the ATL North subforum, but I found a relevant tournament that was closeby in the Midwest forum, luckily) This stuff all needs to be listed. Heck, I should be able to type in "Charleston, WV" and get closest tournaments to that area. Maybe when posting a tournament thread, it would be linked to this tournament compendium so people aren't obligated to do both (which is why the tournament calendar goes unused a lot of the time.)
But that's useful, but truthfully not very interesting. We need something that'll capture people's interest. That's where the community comes into play. Each month, or week, there can be a segment of "funniest smash bloopers" for example. Users submit videos, and people vote, and they're all thrown together in one video ("Best Dropzone Ever" would be a great example of a clip that would be in one of these.) We could also have a monthly segment of top 10 plays. Again, people submit videos of awesome/flashy combos and whatnot to have voted on (or there could be a panel that decides.) This kind of stuff would inspire people to play, record, and be a part of the community. On top of this, there could be a list of popular matches. We know everyone's seen Armada vs. Mango and M2K vs. DaShizWiz. That's what would be featured in this corner, except they'd be more recent of course and popular matches would be continually updated.
There could be a Livestream corner, where each Saturday (and sometimes Sunday) links to live tournament streaming would be available. Besides my idea, streaming is a great way to get players interested, and it makes me really mad when TOs say "we're not going to have a stream because there's no excuse to miss this tournament" or whatever, short of not having the equipment or resources (good internet, for example.) First of all, that's stupid because no one can make it to every tournament, but having no livestream diminishes interest for sure. I don't know about everyone else, but when I see a livestream, it gets me really hyped up to play the game and make it out to a tournament and experience it myself. I saw the livestream for a California tournament (Good **** German) which I hadn't even heard about before. I watched the stream, and it was so hyped and just got me excited to play. While it didn't directly increase tournament attendance, it got people excited and that's what the community needs. So in any case, TOs need to work on getting Livestreams out there, cause I think that can benefit the community and attendance.
Aside from all the media coverage and resources, I recently saw a thread about trying to get an Elo Rating system for smash. I think it's a great idea (check it out
here) and it could get people to want to participate in tournaments more, and give incentive for new players to improve. It could determine who gets to participate in an Amateur Bracket, where newer players can win money (like mentioned in this thread) and make sure no one leaves unhappy (On a side note, someone mentioned being nice to newer players - this is a great idea by itself. Try and talk to new players, give them advice, and make sure they have a good time - they'll be much more likely to try and improve and return.) It would be awesome to see a leaderboard to the side of the site, which shows the top players (and maybe country too if we want to do international rankings) and you could look at the whole thing. It could be updated monthly (or so) and arrows would indicate movement among the players (and previous ranking would be listed too.) People could use this to see how they're improving, how their region is improving, and hopefully would give people a drive to get better and attend tournaments. These rankings could be used for Draft Crews (also a good way of getting people involved). Team Captains could perform an actual Draft of players, using the ratings as an indicator of how good someone is. This would kind of bring players together, especially if teams stayed similar in tournaments across the nation (depending on who's able to attend.) MarthMan887 might really feel a part of Axe's crew, especially if they perform well together, and would feel like a part of the community.
I've seen the ability for people on Smashboards to donate to a good cause (with all these "Good Player Funds" around), we're a very generous community that I'm glad to be a part of. This generosity needs to be harnessed. On this "Smash Hub" idea I came up with, we could have a list of players (or we could "write in" players) that people might want to see at the next big tournament (these people would have to be talked to beforehand to make sure they can attend.) People can donate to
one account and members would vote for who they want to see, and the money raised would be used for that player. If the money goes over what's needed for the fund, then it would be used for the next player at the next tournament. Most likely, these would all be foreign players we want to attend, but it can probably be used for anybody if it works out well (maybe even multiple people at one tournament!) This would directly increase tournament attendance (albeit just by 1 or 2 people) but indirectly as well (people wanna play Dark, Ice, Calle W, Javi, Twin, etc...) and they would want to attend. Say it's a West coast tournament, we could vote for one foreign player, and one EC player as well perhaps.
Lastly, we need a place where everyone can talk Smash. But we have that already - Smashboards. It's the perfect place with a large community and probably the biggest reason why most tournaments get large in the first place. There's no sense in making a new forum, but a new website would need a forum. Since Smashboards is what everyone's a part of already, perhaps this "Smash Hub" could be a part of it. Maybe at the top we could click on "Melee Smash Hub" or "Brawl Smash Hub" and be linked to this site that I've been explaining.
My apologies for such a long post, but I think all (or even just a couple) of these ideas would be great for the community. If anyone reads all this, let me know what you think (add your own ideas too!) It may seem unfeasible, but I really do think it would help improve the smash community, and maybe increase the longevity and perhaps become one of those things that always maintains a big community (maybe not quite like Chess or professional sports or whatnot, but who knows lol.) Basically what we would need are a few website programmers/designers, a ton of videos/people willing to make and comment on videos, and a lot of community support. I dunno, what do you guys think?