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Potential methods to increase tournament attendance


Smash Lord
Nov 8, 2007
Atlanta, GA
I think that one thing the community needs is more quality streams. The quality of streams is sad when compared to streams like teamsp00ky for AE and MvC3. The CEO stream had around 17k viewers for AE grand finals; meanwhile we're usually stuck with lag ridden streams that barely break 100 or so viewers. I think the streams are a great way to get more people involved because even though new players can't be there they still get a feeling of hype that YouTube videos just can't generate. There is no reason why a large tournament shouldn't have a stream that doesn't lag and has great quality.

Also everyone needs to at least get on juntintv because UStream is ***.



Smash Lord
Nov 8, 2007
Atlanta, GA
That's good and all, but in comparison to the big SF and Marvel tournaments that's nothing. I feel like in order to expand the community in the right direction we need to bridge the gap between the SRK community and the Smash community.



Smash Master
Jan 2, 2005
LA, CA near Santa Monica
I'm sure if DBR asked shoryuken.com to have the Genesis livestream added to the livestream queue on the right bar of the SRK homepage they would do it. In fact, I am positive they would do it. They have streams for random fight nights in Montana posted up there.

Someone who knows boback should probably suggest that to him...


Smash Apprentice
Aug 3, 2009
the wawa with peachmango juice
Someone said a few pages back people make smash out to be the laughing stock of fighters on some other fighting game forum. i would quote, but it would take to long for me to find

i think gaining the respect of other fighters would be a huge step in gaining popularity. just think of how many potential newcomers we could get if we could prove how deep melee's gameplay is to however many hundreds (thousands?) of hardcore fighting game players there are in games like streetfighter. I say we should promote our game as harder to learn or having deeper aspectes than their's by challenging them.

Heres what I think will help: we challenge one of their games greatest players to learn melee as well as possible for, say, one month. at the same time, we will have one of our greatest melee players learn to play their fighter. at the end of the month, they both go to a tornament of the other game, or maby play each other on both games, in a cross-game set. this way we can show that it is just as hard to learn the aspects of melee as it is to learn any other fighter. If things go really well, we might even be able to show that our players are better competetors.

even if the two players end up around even in how much better they got, we would show people our game is just as competitive as thier's, and that will hopefully convice them to try our game or, at the very least accept our game as a hardcore fighter.


Smash Lord
Nov 8, 2007
Atlanta, GA
No, no, no, that is easily one of the worst ideas I've heard. One of the main reasons that other fighting games hate us is because we A. Put too much emphasis on the technical aspects and B. Say our game is the deepest evarrrrr!!!11!1!1! All that does is make us look childish. The beat way to make amends with SRK is to show them that while we play different games we respect their games and communitity. I think the best way to do this is to host SF and Marvel tournaments alongside smash tournaments and advertise them on SRK.



Smash Apprentice
Aug 3, 2009
the wawa with peachmango juice
Ok fist of all my post did sound reeeealllly bad upon re-reading. but what i want to show is that our community is just as dedicated to our game as their community is to theirs. And a challenge, as i put it, isn't the best idea... but i do think we need to get involved with their games if we want them to get involved with ours.

being respectful and accepting differences of our games is a noble and good idea i know, but it probably wont help our popularity much if at all and it seems like an impractical goal. its very unlikely that we could get the entire melee community to man up and stop trolling and bashing their games and say ours is better. and even if we did, Its much esier as the bigger community, and on your home turf (forums), to just keep bashing us even if we tried being respectful. thats just coming from the fact that i dont know a single rivalry between games that just ends from one side being nice... in fact i dont know of one side even joining to try to end a rivalry that way.

about hosting tourneys of their with smash being the main attraction there, it sounds like a good try to join us, but i doubt it will work again. just knowing that the game they think of as a joke is the main attraction is goin to keep many of them away i would assume. if out of the few that are left some have the time to show up, a lack of their game's attendance will prob keep them away. but if some still show up and decide to chill with the melee crowd, that would be a good opprotunity to hook people on our game.

lastly about getting melee advertising on their forums or livestreams, once again, if we are a joke in their eyes, they wouldn't do the advertising, and if they did, people would ignore or make fun of it before actually considering looking at melee. and if we had someone big in both communities sneak a word about melee, I doubt it will be taken seriously.

o and i have no clue how we could overcome the fact that melee is more tech skill based to their audience, because i assume people who like that about a game have already tried melee.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
Thank you and I appreciate that Matt. If you take any ideas from here or come up with more of your own, post up and let us know how they went and if you feel they could work consistently.
I'd like to report that adding an amateur bracket by taking x% out of the pot is an amazing idea. I did this at my last tournament and so many people came because of the Ama bracket and participated because of the having to pay one flat rate as opposed to paying a fee just to play pools and then another fee to play in a bracket

Definitely approve.


Smash Champion
Feb 20, 2006
Columbus, Oh
The economy isn't in the best shape. I think there's a trickle down effect to people's level of dedication and when and how they spend their money. They just might be spending it elsewhere.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2008
I think Crimson and Knux have a point. Smashboards is kind of behind and needs a serious update. Allisbrawl's layout is a huge step in the right direction. It is so nice to go to a website and watch videos from the latest tournaments and read articles right from the home page.

One thing I would like to point out.
Smash Wiki

This is so much better. I can select a character I am interested, learn about their attacks, strategies, and even watch some combo videos. This is much easier accessed information.

Also I think our streams need huge improvement both tech wise and commentary wise.

I am a big fan of updating our online presence and making smashboards more accessible, but I think the real numbers come from attracting people through word of mouth. Like Crimson said it isn't unreasonable to get 40+ people to a gaming tournament at a college without any postings on Smashboards or SRK. The truth is at high schools and colleges there are plenty of potential gamers. Not all are going to be interested in true competition but even a small percent could increase our numbers. We as players need to be active in local game clubs; in fact we should start them if they don't exist. Flyers in schools and around town will increase awareness. We really need to reach out to new players, make them feel welcome show them a good time.


Smash Hero
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco
I've just started trying to seriously grow a Smash community on reddit. Reddit is an amazing untapped resource because of its incredibly large and diverse userbase. They have HUGE communities for Starcraft, Halo, WoW, Pokemon, and many other games. I've contacted the creator of reddit.com/r/smashbros and got him to add me as a moderator. The Smash subreddit never really got off the ground but I'm hoping that with some help from Smashboards, it can become big enough for the rest of reddit to sustain it. I've begun by posting a link to Hall of Gaming 6. I suggest that more people post links to their local tournaments, as well as any other random Smash stuff, on r/smashbros.



Smash Rookie
Jun 23, 2011
I think reddit is a fabulous tool to grow melee with. If all of us upvote some melee videos and make them go to front page, you all will be dumbstruck at the amount of exposure they will receive. This will spark interest in no less than thousands of people, some of whom will end up joining smash community.

Right now, people seem to be dismissing reddit, but I'm telling you guys, this is an awesome opportunity to get melee big.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 15, 2009
I like the idea in general, how much you want to expand the game itself, but for now, I'm just gonna do what I can and continue hosting and entering local tournaments here. It's what I can do personally to expand Melee around here.


Smash Ace
Apr 26, 2011
Well, I myself have been playing for only about 4 months and know this is a freaking awesome game, so I know there could be a possibility of attracting more people to play.

As for having 2 separate brackets, I think its a really good idea. At least, it should be tested out. I myself think that I belong in the amateur bracket but would want to play in the pro bracket. Not that I would be so happy to play someone awesome but more that I think playing better people would help me get better faster. But I also think that there are a lot more people that would come but they don't feel they have any chance to win anything. Obviously, the ideas just need to be tested out lots. I feel that maybe we shouldn't allow the top VIP players to go into amateur at all.

Women. Yes, I like women. I wouldn't go just to see hot girls but I'm sure most of you would. Ziv, I know you're going to call me gay, like always. Anyways, its a decent idea and I'm not gay. I mean, I'm not against seeing something pretty while around a bunch of smelly guys that don't know how to shower. Just that, that's not what I'd come for. Maybe instead of "play M2k for 1$, win 5$ if you win" we do "play hot girl for 1$, win nothing if you win"

Michael, If you need any help implementing anything you've talked about, I'm willing to help. You're the best around here at getting things done and I'm pretty good at doing things with some direction. And I'd like to be more active with smash so let me know. Like you, if I did come across a huge pile of money, I'd help you out with your ideas. I could see you being a way better TO if you had more time and possibly your own venue.

I had more on my mind but I forgot. DX


Smash Cadet
May 23, 2010
I believe that one of the key aspects to increasing the size of smash overlooked so far is the influence of local tourneys/smashfests. I believe that if local tournaments focus there efforts in recruiting as much as hosting a good tournament that the smash scene would benefit greatly. Often these tourneys are advertised on smashboards but I think more can be done. One way to recruit new players is posting flyers or signs in places like local game stops that you think you may find people interested. I feel that putting a sign out on the main road could even possibly help.


Smash Ace
May 23, 2006
Henderson, NV
[I haven't read all ten pages of comments, so excuse me if this is redundant]

Increasing attendance, fundamentally, means getting new people to play the game. A national is a prospect for people who are already a part of the community to all get together in one place to play, whereas local tournaments deal with the same people (in the same region) playing and practicing with each other (and only each other, for the most part). Nationals pick from the pool of local regions for players - locals pick from a pool of similar-tasted (smash) individuals in a given area. If you can get more people to continually play at locals, you therefore get more people to go to nationals.

There seems, obviously, many ways to increase tournament attendance. However, there is more than just one domain (nationals) that needs to be considered, and, as you can tell, I'm talking about locals. Nationals are probably the easiest scene to increase attedance at - and from what I've read in the OP, you've got it down to a science - but it seems that the surge of attendance at a national would be much more superficial and short-lived than having local attendances increased.

So, how does a local smash community increase its numbers? To put it simply: committment. However, it's not a simple problem. There are many factors that have to be considered, such as 'region' size/population, proximity to other regions, age (average and distribution) of the smash community in the region, etc.

Locals aren't where the money is at - it's where people play for the love of the game. Hence, the goal is to get people to love the game. There are a few ways to do this. Directly, you can ask friends to play smash with you to try to get them into it, or post advertisements for your local tournament at/near game/movie stores (and/or at school/college/work, depending on if you have people in those domains or not) - this gives people a concrete visual/feeling of what the game is. Abstractly, you can host your tournaments at a game/movie store or at school/work (Vegas Melee hosts its tournaments in an arcade), or host a (semi)large party with friends (smash and non-smash) including a little smashfest in it, or post your favorite smash matches on FB/Twitter/whatever or to friends - this gives the perception that there is more to smash than just a game.

There is a African philosophy called Ubuntu that states "I am what I am because of who we all are." (or: "I am because we are, we are because I am.") I believe that the health of a community - whether it be smash, a city, or even the world - depends on following this philosophy. In the end, like I said earlier, it takes commitment. Players who want to get better can be committed to practicing everyday, but what happens when there is no one to play. The committment goes beyond your personal, selfish, subjective experience of the game - the committment, if you love the game, expands to the community itself and its health. A community becomes very unhealthy when a top player in it withholds information of matchups, or won't play friendlies with new players. A community becomes unhealthy when the only people included in the scene are the people who were already in it. A community dies when there is no one in it.

Yes, I realize that this doesn't necessarily go in accordance with the OP, but I felt that it was needed. And I also realize how abstract this is (on the local level) compared to how direct and concrete the OP is (on the national level) - they're both needed though.

What you present in the OP is great. I honestly don't have much input to it, other than I believe that the Elo system would be great for Smash (I'm currently using it for the Vegas Melee PR - not on SWF but you can check it out here).

Great thread. Props.

I believe that one of the key aspects to increasing the size of smash overlooked so far is the influence of local tourneys/smashfests. I believe that if local tournaments focus there efforts in recruiting as much as hosting a good tournament that the smash scene would benefit greatly. Often these tourneys are advertised on smashboards but I think more can be done. One way to recruit new players is posting flyers or signs in places like local game stops that you think you may find people interested. I feel that putting a sign out on the main road could even possibly help.
Seems that I did get a bit redundant. lol
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