Smash Master
Link for Bugrobot theme.Battle Subway doesn't just let you battle, IT TAKES YOU PLACES! Meaning new cities/areas within the Isshu region are unlocked after the elite 4. Also, Isshu "changes" after you beat the elite 4. Then consider each area/route/whatever changes every season with new areas and activities to explore. On top of all that, Dream world is a region within itself. Isshu has a lot of leg to it.
The bug/steel pokemon has some ****ed up music. Its like Beat him or the world dies. This is music is pretty out of charecter when put aside other B/W music which is quick tempo'd and full of melodies.
He seems pretty awesome tho, IMO.
So, Encourage Feraligatr. Ugh, if only he weren't outclassed by Hidurama or whatever his name is. Maybe bulk helps.