Here we are! Hiun City is the largest city in Isshu and quite possibly the
largest city in the entirety of the Pokemon series. There is so much to do
and so much to see. You can explore the various piers, streets, and buildings
and talk to people. Some of them may give you free items.
Lets take a look at what you can do here:
The very first pier as you enter the city has a guy who will be giving away a
free evolutionary stone depending on what you choose.
Yanappu - Leaf Stone
Baoppu - Fire Stone
Hiyappu - Water Stone
Go left from PokeCenter and enter the first building with an entrance. When
you're inside, take the elevator to the 47th floor. There are a bunch of
trainers inside.
Businessman - Lv. 19 Dokkora
Office Lady - Lv. 19 Haderia
Office Lady - Lv. 18 Churine, Lv. 18 Monmen
Scientist - Lv. 19 Dangoro
Businessman - Lv. 17 Basurao, Lv. 17 Basurao, Lv. 17 Basurao
There are also a few free items you can get by talking to people, as well as
a Revive on the floor. One of the guys gives you both a Quick Ball and a Timer
Ball while a Scientist gives you a Scope Lens.
When you're done, get back on the elevator to the 55th floor. You can fight
more trainers here:
Businessman - Lv. 20 Koromori
Researcher - Lv. 20 Munna
Scientist - Lv. 20 Kurumiru
Businessman - Lv. 19 Baoppu, Lv. 19 Hiyappu, Lv. 19 Yanappu
Janitor - Lv. 20 Yabukron, Lv. 20 Chillarmy
When you beat the janitor guy, he'll give you the handy EXP. Share. That's
it for this building.
This is the street immediately to the right of the PokeCenter. It's a busy
street with a lot of people, but there are only two buildings you can enter.
The left building has a lady in the lobby who will massage your Pokemon once
a day and raise their happiness. Go into the elevator to the 11th floor and
talk to the Hiker at the bottom of the room. You'll get TM 44 (Rest).
Go to the building on the right side and talk to the girl. She'll show you a
picture of Zorua, which adds it to your PokeDex.
Travel down any of the streets and you reach a nice little park. There isn't
much here except a guy dancing by the fountain. You can battle him if you talk
to him. All he has is a Lv. 21 Yanappu. After the battle, he'll ask you to
find two other breakdancer guys in other parts of the city. Here are their
One in the small alleyway - uses a Lv. 21 Hiyappu
One on the pier that's 2nd from the left most side of the city - uses a
Lv. 21 Baoppu.
After you beat both guys, go back to the park and talk to the middle dancer.
He will give you an Amulet Coin as a reward.
Exit the park from the north to reach this area. The first building on the
left has a bald old guy who is the Name Rater and will allow you to change
the nicknames of your Pokemon.
Across the street from this building is another one that is quite
interesting. Talk to the man in shades blocking the elevator and he'll move
aside. When you go up to the other floor, you'll be able to meet people who
speak in German, Spanish, and English! One of the girls near the bottom of
the room will give you TM 45 (Attract).
Run down this narrow back alley and you'll eventually bump into a shady guy.
He'll give you TM 70 (Flash). There's a small cafe here which sells Lemonade.
Scattered throughout the city are a bunch of vending machines. They sell the
Fresh Water - 200P
Soda Pop - 300P
Lemonade - 350P
Lemonades are pretty much the most cost effective healing items in the entire
game, so buy several of them if you want.
When you're done with all this, you can head to the Gym. It's located at the
left most street in the city. Before you can enter, Cheren will bump into you
and so will Atei. They are headed to the pier, so go and follow them.
You'll meet Belle there as well as a new girl named Iris. They will talk for
a bit when suddenly, a Team Plasma Grunt is seen walking towards the street
where the Gym is. Something must be up, so head over immediately.
Some Plasma Grunts will be gathered at the building near the Gym. When you
confront them, they will battle you.
Team Plasma Grunt - Lv. 17 Meguroko, Lv. 17 Meguroko
This shouldn't be too hard. After you defeat them, they'll flee into the
building. The rest of your group shows up and enters the building as well.
Inside are the Grunts, Geechisu, and two sages. They somehow have a Munna,
which they'll release and give to Belle. After they leave, they'll drop a Smoke
Ball on the floor. Iris will then give you a Yache Berry.
That's it for this scene. You'll finally have a chance to go to the Gym!
------[m][HIUN GYM]------
Clown - Lv. 20 Kurumiru, Lv. 20 Futaude
Clown - Lv. 20 Kurumiru, Lv. 20 Ishizumai
Clown - Lv. 21 Kurumiru
Clown - Lv. 20 Futsude, Lv. 20 Kurumiru
This gym is a lot like the inside of a giant beehive. The puzzle basically
involves you going through walls made of thick honey and stepping on some
buttons to lower gates that are blocking other honey walls. Some buttons will
make clowns appear.
Leader Atei
-Lv. 21 Hoiiga - Bug/Poison
-Lv. 21 Ishizumai - Bug/Rock
-Lv. 23 Hahakurimo - Bug/Grass
Prize: 2880P, Beetle Badge, TM76 - Bug Resistance
His first Pokemon, Hoiiga, has high Defense and Sp. Defense, but rather low
stats in other areas. It will attempt to lower your Defense with Screech
before hitting you with Poison Tail, which may poison you. Ishizumai also has
high Defense. It's main moves are Faint Attack and Bug Resistance. Both are
rather weak so it shouldn't bother you too much. His last Pokemon is the fully
evolved form of Kurumiru. It excels in Attack and Speed and uses Razor Leaf
as its main move. It's pretty strong, but it has a 4x weakness to both Fire
and Flying moves.
Pokabu users will once again have an easy time with this gym. Baoppu/Baokki
will also perform well. If you don't have either of those two, you can try
using Koromori with Air Cutter, Dangoro with Rock Blast, or Dokkora with
Rock Throw.