Well, no... actually there is a point there.
Let's hold on for a second and consider shall we.
What makes a character Brawl worthy? Well, honestly, no-one really knows until they are in the game, but there are certainly things that enhance your chances.
1) Being in previous SSBs... in fact, Jiggly and Pikachu have been in both which practically nets them spots. Mewtwo and Picu have been in only 1, and pichu was a clone which is major marks against him, but mewtwo still looks like a fairly safe bet.
2) Recognizability. It's kind of a large help if people know who you are. Now, I know that you can say that Ice Climbers and Game and Watch were not very well known at all before SSB and that's fair enough, but, even so, they were the stars of their respective franchises. It is wholly unlikely that any obscure pokemon would be picked before a well known one. Once again, Big marks for pikachu and mewtwo here. Jigglypuff scores less so, but still more than most other pokemon. Unfortunately, most of the well recognized pokemon would fall solely in the early games.
3) Importance to the series. Well this should really cut down the list. Pikachu was obviously one of the stars of the Anime and has a few games that feature it. Mewtwo has his own movie and is THE definitive uber pokemon. He was the first, he's still one of the best. He was the final goal of all pokemon trainers in Red Blue and Yellow. Meowth was one of the villains constantly thwarted by Ash in the anime. Unfortunately, very few pokemon will shine here, and the bane of any starting pokemon (eg. Blaziken) is that they are no more integral tha any of the other starters. Keep in mind also, that squirtle, ivysaur and charizard were moderately important in the anime and were of respectable importance to the game, and THEY don't get their own character to themselves, so no pokemon less important will likely do so without great reasoning otherwise.
4) Personality. Pokeon is a unique game in that the characters likely for inclusion into brawl are esssentially just your emotionless pets. The only way to break this is to have importance outside of the games. Very few examples come to mind. Jigglypuff was mischevious in the anime. Mewtwo was the antagonist of his movie. Pikachu was full of personality in the Anime. But more than any other pokemon, team rocket's talking meowth had a personality. As well as being comical and sassy, he went as far as to star in his own game, albeit one that got cancelled, a feet that only pikachu has mimicked.
5) Representation of franchise. This is the big hitter here. We already have Pikachu and Pokemon Trainer confirmed. And Jigglypuff is a near sure thing as well as Mewtwo being a VERY likely returning smasher. This is a total of 4 characters (6 if you split up the trainer since each pokeon will be unique) already in brawl. ALSO, there are tonnes of pokemon available in pokeballs throughout the game. And while pokemon is a great series, it is not one of nintendo's cornerstones like the Mario or Zelda series are. I don't see more pokemon coming in and I CERTAINLY don't see more than one new addition at most.
6) Ease of incorperation. pretty much: how easily can this thing adapt to being a brawler. If it has no arms and legs then it's a no. it has to be able to utilize items, the stage and it's movelist the same as any other brawler. This cuts out LOTS and LOTS of pokemon. the closer to humanoid it is, the better. So, sorry gyarados lovers, it's a no.
8) Originality. Yeah this certainly helps. and hurts. I mean, with the anouncement of no clones, we can pretty much eliminate Pichu, Raichu, igglybuff, wigglytuff, mew and any other sort of pokemon trainer. And also any pokemon like the three the trainer controlls.
so... I implore that we keep these considerations in mind before blindly bashing or praising a pokemon. I mean, I love my jolteon. It's my favourite pokemon ever and always has been, but I dont have any false delusions about Jolteon making it into brawl as anything but a pokeballed creature.