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Points of clarification about Casual Vs. Competitive that everyone needs to read(WOP)


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
My choice of character (Pikachu) is probably not the best choice to win tournaments and stuff.
So? I was hardcore competitive in my day and I mained Mewtwo for the longest time. At one point I was generally considered the best Mewtwo in the nation. Why did I main him? Because he was my best character. Logically if one's performance is better with said character their tier position doesn't matter.

I was at a smashfest/mini tourny at the University of Alabama a few weeks back and I was talking to some people who attended a tournament for the first time. They were amazed, because they thought there would be so little variety yet there were 2 insane Mewtwo players (myself and Iori), an insane DK (also Iori), an insane Pika (Chad), some really good Links (the best being NESNoob, who is posting in this thread :-P), and etc. Not only that, we counterpicked CRAZY stages and there was EXCELLENT representation. This in effect blew their minds to see people who are playing to win that deviate from the typical and it changed a lot of their impressions on the competitive scene as a whole.

People don't seem to realize this though, and they only see the silly posts made by a lot of the competitive people that are newer to the scene (usually they are more belligerent as well). That's why I get upset when people claim that we live up to these ridiculous stereotypes, because there is a ton of variety within the community that goes unseen, and for the most part we are criticized mostly for "removing" gameplay elements moreso than wave dash and glitch related stuff.

To go further though, Pika and Mewtwo aren't good choices overall, but if you have other characters to support their harder matchups then they could be a great aspect of your play. Very few people master these characters and cause of that very few know how to properly play against them. Also, these characters are often horribly underestimated. Taj is showing many many people that Mewtwo is probably mid-tier level and has proven that one can be entirely successful with him. So yeah, a competitive mindset isn't something to make you this entirely tier dependent robot. It also has A LOT to do with self-discovery and discovering hidden nuances of the game, and exploring the lesser played characters can sometimes reveal important new discoveries that could very well place them much higher than previous thought.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
in melee, tiers only apply with like, the top 5 players in the US lol.

everything else is an illusion created by matchups ^_^

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
So? I was hardcore competitive in my day and I mained Mewtwo for the longest time. At one point I was generally considered the best Mewtwo in the nation. Why did I main him? Because he was my best character. Logically if one's performance is better with said character their tier position doesn't matter.

LOL, that is the exact same reason I use Link competitively. No matter how little I practice with him compared to CF or how much I try to practice high tiers (not enough because I get bored :(), Link always seems to keep up or surpasse my other characters. Sort of cool, but also sad.

@5150, I read the quote, but I don't get it. He said he didn't like wavedashing because it didn't fit into his style. CF mains really don't wavedash either. He would have kept in wavedashing for Brawl and that wavedashing evolved the game which was a good thing. Then, he talked about whiney elitists which is sort of "bleh" to me because he didn't also mention elitist casuals/scrubs who are far more numerous and equally if not more so annoying(probably because of the small population of competitive smashers :().

Edit: *Flexes awesome Link muscles* XD We need to meet up again soon. I can never get enough Mookie.


Oct 12, 2001
I like how a wavedash discussion sparked again from zero in the last page, just after about 38 pages of... discussing wavedash.

After more than 30 pages of people carefully explaining their arguments on the issue (which didn't even belong here in the first place) we get this.

Well, in retrospective i think this whole topic didn't belong in the Brawl room anyway. It's about the competitive vs. casual scene, which doesn't even exist for Brawl yet. And it derived -somehow- into wavedashing, which definitely is NOT in Brawl, for better or worse.

Competitive Brawl will develop as we discover more about the game and actually play it for a long time, we can't say for sure what Final Smashes, Characters or Stages are really broken (i suppose we already know that Items work in pretty much the same manner as in Melee so they'll be out of tournies). We'll see that when the game comes out.

(I say "we" but i actually mean "you" the professional players. Sadly i won't go to tournaments since there aren't any here)

Let's all have Cake now. True Cake.


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
I really don't think the people in this thread truly have it in them to make 30 more pages about the wave dash. So far all wave dash related posts made after the big splurge have been more of recaps and the like, and haven't accounted for much off topic discussion.

Yeah, I've been having that melee itch for a week or so now, but I've been bogged down finishing up this semester that I haven't been able to call around and see what is going on. Hopefully some fun stuff is planned for Christmas, I can't really imagine that there wouldn't be.

Sheik vs Link? That's hardly fair XD. That's like CF vs Mewtwo or Marth vs Mewtwo. It just isn't right XD. Anyways, I just noticed that you are from Georgia, so maybe our paths will cross at some point. Also, if we have already unbeknown to me, I apologize, I really SUCK at remembering all the new people at tournaments :-(.

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
NO. I want my MM first, n00b. Five bucks, my Sheik versus your Link. :p

Smooth Criminal
I can definitely do that as I will be going to GA during the 11-16th to visit a friend. If I could convince said friend to go to a tournament/smashfest with his tourney friend and me, then you and I could meet there.

Definitely will try. :)

Edit: Peeshaw, Sheik doesn't scare me. Only space animals, Falcon, and people who I know are better than me scare me. XD I haven't played Moogle in awhile or another really good Sheik so that might affect my opinion. Hmmm. . . . Anyways, we shall see what happens. Either way, it will be fun.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Let's all have Cake now. True Cake.
The cake is a lie.

I really don't think the people in this thread truly have it in them to make 30 more pages about the wave dash. So far all wave dash related posts made after the big splurge have been more of recaps and the like, and haven't accounted for much off topic discussion.
What I don't understand is why we seem to get an influx of people like that every week now. It gets kind of tiring arguing the same points over and over.


Smash Ace
Sep 21, 2007
Ive seen a bunch of threads that bash casuals... One that comes to mind is the one some MODERATOR made that said something along the lines of..

"If you're casual, you probalby suck at this game"

It's kind of biased to say that only casuals bash on competitive players, and competitive players are completely innocent..

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
sry guys but hes a scrub. i quoted why and there is no arguing about it.
Why is it that every time this ****** posts, he proves that he has Down's Syndrome? Maybe I'll just drop out of college, say "screw you" to all the extracurriculars I do, practice smash at LEAST 20 hours a week, ask my parents to load my bank account with money, use that money to travel to tournaments, and then brag about the fact that I have the time and money to go to tourneys regularly and shun everyone else who doesn't. Maybe that'll get your respect. OH...WAIT A MINUTE...your opinion means nothing to me! I guess you need to shut the **** up then. You're a complete ******* and I'm glad I'm not the first to bring it to your attention (and strongly doubt that I'll be the last). I never once said I hate competitive players. Hell, I'm partially competitive myself. And I have a lot respect for someone who can excel at a talent without sucking the fun out of it for other players through their arrogance. "Scrubs" don't excel at the game and are arrogant for no reason until a competitive (elitist or non-elitist) puts them in their place, and then they get bitter as all hell because they've been shown techniques and strategies that they couldn't even dream of. Elitists excel at the game, but are arrogant about being better than people who actually do more than play Smash and eat food. "Scrubs" and "elitists" are exactly alike in the manner that they both shun the other for not playing the way that they do. They should both go to hell and stop turning a leisurely activity such as a video game into serious business. So, 5150, you've proven that you're no better than the REAL definition of a "scrub" and perhaps I'll put this in a language you can actually understand....GTFO.

I'm glad to know that apart from the shmuck that I quoted above me, this thread has goten far more sensible. It's even more rewarding that most of the braintrust in this thread is from P2W (NES N00b, Smooth Criminal, and a couple more I may have forgotten). Keep fighting the good fight fellas.


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
Wavedashing is exploiting a glitch. The two are not mutually exclusive...
Just let it go already... gees, I'm fairly causal and the WD arugment is losing any empthesis...


Smash Journeyman
Oct 21, 2007
*******, GA (yes that really the name of the city,
I'm a casual player., mostly out of necessity because there are no tournaments in the middle of Bumble-**** Georgia but I think there is no issue what-so-ever in anybody playing in anyone in antway they chose and personally i think its shoking that so many people have such a problem with this... its ridiculous. Mind your own **** buisness people. The only thing I can possibly find competitive players at fault for is saying that casuals always start things...we all have our share in the blame.


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
One that comes to mind is the one some MODERATOR made that said something along the lines of..
"If you're casual, you probalby suck at this game"
It's kind of biased to say that only casuals bash on competitive players, and competitive players are completely innocent..
While that is a harsh way to put it, by tournament standards casual players do tend to be not so great. However; I refuse to acknowledge that a mod posted that to someone who was being kind and courteous. I know the mods, they aren't evil people like that.

Another thing too, I hear you guys talk about such attrocities yet they aren't as evident as you would believe. A lot of times you guys look too into something and you think we are bashing you when we aren't. Hell, you could have very well just saw "If you are casual you probably aren't very good." but got mad at it and in your mind you remember him saying "You suck if you are casual."

Memories are very fallible, and I for one see far less casual bashing than competitive bashing.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
While that is a harsh way to put it, by tournament standards casual players do tend to be not so great. However; I refuse to acknowledge that a mod posted that to someone who was being kind and courteous. I know the mods, they aren't evil people like that.

Another thing too, I hear you guys talk about such attrocities yet they aren't as evident as you would believe. A lot of times you guys look too into something and you think we are bashing you when we aren't. Hell, you could have very well just saw "If you are casual you probably aren't very good." but got mad at it and in your mind you remember him saying "You suck if you are casual."

Memories are very fallible, and I for one see far less casual bashing than competitive bashing.
It was http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=121271, for future reference.


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
I made that post, and it was intentionally harsh. The post was made when roughly 1000 people were viewing the Brawl forums because of EforAll, and it was my best chance to get material, so now whenever these debates come up and people will tell me competitive players think so and so and I tell them casual players think so and so, it will only take me a few minutes of looking through that thread to find examples of casual players believing they are better than they are. Meanwhile, when I asked 10+ pages ago for 5 examples of competitive elitists...well...I've been shown nothing except Dylin, who has improved his posting since a few months ago. Just yesterday someone made a thread about casual tournaments, how they went to a competitive tournament and lost, but believed if it was with items/other rules they could do well. The thread is currently in Melee discussion.

Anyone who has met me knows I'm not going to look down on someone if they are a casual smash player. I would much rather educate and improve people then put them down, but the players that falsely believe that they are good need to be set straight before they can even begin to be taught, and sometimes the best way to do that is to be brutally honest (per my thread).

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
Okay, this is gonna be tough, here goes nothing............ different levels of traction were intended.
Now that wasn't so hard was it?
Food for thought-- forget wavedashing for a moment. Boot up Melee. Double jump high into the air. On the way down, airdodge diagonally right before you touch the ground. Your character doesn't go through the floor-- instead, he slides, and the distance he slides is based on his traction. What force do you suppose causes this? Why, it must be caused by magic because certainly the developers didn't program the game to be this way! (Hint: of course the developers programmed it to be this way).

What they likely DIDN'T think of during development was how allowing you to airdodge SO soon after jumping could affect gameplay. But guess what? They did program the game to be that way. In fact, there are a LOT of moves you can cancel moves with other moves for one reason or another. Sorry pal, wavedashing ain't an isolated incident in the programming.

Clarification: obviously the developers didn't realize how the individual component of the game engine could be linked together to achieve wavedashing, but they DID program those individual components to be exactly how they are. Wavedashing is 'exploiting' (i.e. making use of) those components to achieve specific effect.
Well played, sir. You caught me on an error that I completely overlooked. I meant to say that traction differences were not intended for the purpose of wavedashing because someone earlier believed that wavedashing was an legit and fully intentional technique for the players since each character has their own level of traction. The traction comes as a factor of many properties of the character (floatiness, jump height, jump speed, land speed, landing angle, etc.) We all agree that wavedashing was unintentional so saying that traction differences are intended for the purposes of wavedashing is contradictory. Why people are so offended by the word "glitch" is beyond me. Debating about semantics almost never reaches a resolution. People say that a glitch cripples the functionality of a program. If that was the case then over 90% of the video games that are currently in existence would not exist because they would be deemed "nonfunctional". A glitch doesn't necessarily have to be a flaw or an error. It can easily be an unintended, undocumented, and originally undesired result. So please stop getting so bent up over the word, and stop quoting Wikipedia and Dictionary.com for your definitions. That applies to everyone whose still arguing over this matter. End of discussion. This has become a stale argument. And like most stale things (especially girls), it gets bad much faster than it'll ever get good.
I'm a casual player., mostly out of necessity because there are no tournaments in the middle of Bumble-**** Georgia but I think there is no issue what-so-ever in anybody playing in anyone in antway they chose and personally i think its shoking that so many people have such a problem with this... its ridiculous. Mind your own **** buisness people. The only thing I can possibly find competitive players at fault for is saying that casuals always start things...we all have our share in the blame.
That's what I've essentially been saying the whole time except you're doing what most other people here have been doing and that is generalizing all casual into one category and all competitive players. There are douchebag casuals (the "scrubs") and there are douchebag competitives (the elitist punks). Playing smash leisurely for fun doesn't automatically make you a "scrub". And playing in tournaments regularly and doing well does not automatically make you an elitist punk. It's your attitude towards the game and the other people that play it than determines whether you're a douchebag or not.

I know the mods, they aren't evil people like that.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH...err i mean *ahem* i..uh
...totally agree...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Smash Journeyman
Feb 16, 2007
London, UK
Ya-da ya-da ya-da. I'm a casual player and I knew this already. Pssht. Sorry Hypnotist, but this is mega-patronising. Those 'n00bs' you mentioned will not take any notice of this post, and because of that, it won't be stickied, and won't be closed (lulz, mods r nubz!1!11one).

Sorry man, but that's how it is.


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2007
AlphaZealot said:
Anyone who has met me knows I'm not going to look down on someone if they are a casual smash player. I would much rather educate and improve people then put them down, but the players that falsely believe that they are good need to be set straight before they can even begin to be taught, and sometimes the best way to do that is to be brutally honest (per my thread).
Right then and there I quickly felt fear for the thousands of MLGTards on their forum who thing airdodging close to the ground is airdodging.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
When I went to my first tournament ever, I did not get my *** handed to me like I expected, but it was very much a challenge. I also met some people that would fall under the 'competitive' catergory that were really good and that weren't mean punks at all, they were actually really friendly. So I think when we think of extreme cases of 'casual and competitive' players, we lump everyone with either the casual 'n00bs' that are jerks, or the 'competitive elistists', who are also jerks. I think that those particular groups of people should just get over themselves so that people who don't fall into either category don't get lumped in with them in generalizations.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2007
under a rock
Although this is a good discussion... I always feel like these Competitive vs. Casual threads tend to make relatoins between the two more strenuous then they already are in some cases. No offense to the thread maker or anything.

Sure, a lot of us are intelligent enough to respect and understand how other people enjoy playing the game. But then there will always be the select few who insist on being, for lack of a better word, noobs. Yes, I mean the annoying little prats type of noobs, not the newb form.

An argument I'm sure that we all see alot is the "How Sakuria intended it" crap. How items should be allowed because that's what Sakuria put in the game. I see two major flaws in this general argument. One, being that Smash games also include an ITEM SWITCH; we were given the choice to play as we desire or see fit. And two, is that the REAL way Sakuria intended us to play, was for us to enjoy the game however we want! And I think that is a safe assumption.

I used to be casual. Now I'm competitive. I don't recall having ever complained about stuff like WDing, etc. And at the same time I refuse to ever claim that I am good at the game. Regaurdless of if I am or not.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
I think all casual players should try hosting a tournament.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
I just found myself some extra motivation to get better...

@Sliq. I know you're a great player, an awesomely skilled player even. I wouldn't be able to win and I live to far away from you to take the challenge anyway.
However, over the next few months, I will try to travel to as many tournaments as I can. Train as much as I can over the course of 2008 and I'm gonna remember you.
Then whenever I'm in US at some point, I'll challenge you to a money match... You're just someone I wanna beat even though I know I wouldn't be able to right now.
I will be training under 100 times Earth's gravity for just this day.

(You have valid arguments though, I'll give you that, you are intelligent, but I don't like your attitude :p)
I post like that because it entertains me, and if it entertains someone else, so beat it. Attitude should never be used to reflect upon whether or not someone's argument is valid or not. Example: Tom is the best Chef in the world, bar none. He knows way more about cooking and is far more competent than any human on the planet. But he is a neo-nazi skinhead. Does that make Tom's food taste less delicious?

Those who are actually into programming (such as myself and apparently user_name as well) will have a lot more knowledge.
I am a time traveling pirate. By saying this, it is automatically fact. Thanks, internet!

And my response was that there's no landing animation.
False. Wavedashing shares an animation with landing. If it didn't, you would be able to immediately do anything out of a wavedash, as opposed to waiting for the landing animation to end.

I'm talking about a conventional landing animation. Yes theres AN animation, but you have to admit, its a very strange one, with the character sliding forward in a crouching position and then clicking back into a standing position, without lag.
Just because something is strange or kooky doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

So No Ones Challenging Sliq. All Right Sliq Ten Stock Match On Flatzone All Items On, Best Of 3. Make It Happen. Noooooo Waaaavvveeeeeddaaaassshhiiinnnnggggggg. 100 Bux
Silly slikvik, The Sliq Challenge is for casuals.

You're right, I would qualify as an inexperienced player against other 'competitive' players. But that doesn't mean that they're all automatically better than me.
Yes it does. IT has been proven over the course of Melee's six year lifespan, time and time again, that a veteran tournament player will 99% of the time beat a casual. That 1% is practically negligible.

Ok. How about you try this in real life. Jump forward, and slide due to your momentum, bending your knees to absorb the force. Then, without being phased, do a roundhouse kick. Not physically possible?
Shoot a fire ball out of your hand, six times in the air, and create an electrical current with your knee.

You win the "Most ******** Post of the Topic" award.

I am in the real world I applied this same exact concept to becoming a 3d Character artist, teaching myself from every book, video, and tutorial imaginable. I am a self taught 3d artist and it is rare I find anyone coming out of college better at 3d art then me because I have been doing it a lot longer then all of them, hell most of the vets think I am pretty amazing. Experience is just time commitment to the subject
Let's see some of your artwork before you go tooting your own god**** horn again like a *****.

Furthemore, you had to actually work with the software in order to get that good, correct? You didn't just read up on it for 6 years, jump into the program and on your first try pump out the god**** Mona Lisa.

brightside, we care because they come on our forum and act like *******
This is my favorite post so far.

I guess your point is to trick someone into saying that because something is intended it can't be a glitch, which would define a glitch as simply something that wasn't intended. If so, you are even a bigger idiot than I thought, considering you put enough thought to set up an elaborate theme that proves absolutely nothing.
*sigh* Sadly, I must bow my head in shame. As 5150 pointed out, there is no point reasoning with these people. Rather than participate in a discussion where people listen to reason, these scrubs strolled into the thread predetermined in their minds that wavedashing is a glitch, casuals have a fighting chance against competitive smashers, etc. We lay down the evidence (Hypnotist did it all in the first post), and they respond with "logic". Rather than present any tangible evidence, they simply reason their way to the top.

Ph34r teh 1337 casuals...
Let's have secks.

Once again, I was tired when I wrote the post, you can look back at my previous posts and you'll see, I already have corrected myself when I said I l canceled the landing lag.
Any and all of your points are now invalid due to the fact that you do not know what l-canceling, the very crux of what Melee's technical game relies on.

You have to do an aerial before you land to l-cancel you ****. You can't do an aerial while holding a bomb. Kill yourself.
You know, I like how you assumed me to be a fan fiction kid when you're the one correcting me on what the correct name of the attack is. So I'll save you your high horsedness and tell you that my name is a combination of Uchi and Harakiri, thanks; also I don't see how I was proved wrong. P.s.: I don't write fan fictions.
No, but you make a forum name based off a NARUTO character, which basically automatically makes you fail at life.

I have lurked, a good amount, look at my join date before you assume things you elitist douchebag. I was tired and people make mistakes when typing, just like anyone would a typo, it's easy so get off your high horse dude.
I have never been so tired that I said, "I'm going to go eat," only to subsequently take a **** instead. You are trying to cover your ***, and poorly, I might add.

While most this post is irrelevant to the argument as a whole. I will now tell you that the only manga I read whatsoever, out of all the manga anywhere, is Naruto. At the moment, I look at nothing else Japanese of that category, do not generalize me.
How is this BETTER? NARUTO is ********, and there are about infinity-billion better mangas out there. Why not choose a GOOD ONE?

Dash dancing into a regular dance, it's simply when you're dash dancing and at the end of it you simply just push left or right to go off in that direction.
I don't have any idea what you are talking about, but it might be fox-trotting?

someone do enlighten me because I'd be a bit bewildered.
We know you're bewildered. We've known that for a looooong time, and we've tried to enlighten you, much to our chagrin.

As for me knowing what l-canceling is, yes, I do know what that is. As for what happened with the terminology I simply got l-canceling and wave dashing mixed up in my brain due to my tired state, it was pretty late at night.
Ok, I've been tired in the past, but I have never confused a puppy for a car. Never.

Now if you said you were drunk, or even high, I would be more inclined to believe you, but even then I've read some drunk SWF posts, and even THEY knew the difference between the 2.

This thread is total crap primarily because the first post is biased as hell beyond belief. And primarily, because those that are against the first post can't make a solid, unbiased argument worth crap either.

Flaws With Some Casual Player (the "scrub" by Dylan_Tnga's definition)
- They get bitter when defeated by someone who plays in a different manner than they do.
- They try to re-defined the definition of "fair" by eliminating as many factors as possible that they are not skilled enough to work their way around instead of just trying to get better and ceasing all the ****ing whining.
- They believe themselves to be far better at the game than they truly are, and in the process look 5 times more ******** when they get absoluted demolished by a skilled (competitive or casual) player.
- They commonly accuse any situation in the game in which they can't play their way out of as "cheap".

Flaws With Some Competitive Players(codenamed "elitists" by me or "tourney***s" by those idiots at 4chan)
- They believe EVERY casual wants to aspire to their level, even though most casual smash players believe it or not HAVE A LIFE OUTSIDE OF SMASH.
- They turn a mere ****ing video game into "serious business".
- They get bitter and become the "scrub" if low and behold they run into a casual who is actually respectably decent at the game because they are too high on their own ego to believe that anyone who doesn't hang around the tourney scene could possibly be any good at Smash...especially because these types of elitists believe that they have redefined the standard for being "good at Smash" and therefore believe them self to be unbeatable.
- If they have never heard of you, they automatically underestimate you and believe that you're terrible even though it's not as if everyone has the time or patience to travel to a Smash tourney.

I am a casual player myself and find it insulting every time an elitist punk shows a display of ignorance by believing that they can immediately lump me into the category as the whiny idiots that can't see anything past defining "skill" as beating 3 level-9 CPUs on a team. I've seen advanced techs. I've seen combo videos. Hell, I even made my OWN combo video just for fun.

Being good at Smash is nothing to brag about, nothing to piss people off about, and sure as hell nothing to center your whole life on. Being terrible at Smash is nothing to brag about, nothing to piss people off about, and sure as hell nothing to center your whole life on.

Do I see wavedashing as a glitch? By my definition of a glitch, yes. Wavedash is an exploit of the physics engine (the actual bread and butter of user-to-game interaction) in the manner that in was never really intended. Just like in many 3-D platform games, there are collision detection issues that allow you to walk through walls and perhaps are advantageous to the progression of the game. Walking through walls is a physics issue just as sliding is playing after an air dodge is. I don't care what people say about characters having different traction. Try telling me that different levels of traction was intended...go on, try it. Stop being so insulted by the word "glitch" that you feel it's a direct insult to how you play the game. That fact that there even as an argument about semantics is appauling in its own right. If everyone can use the glitch then it's not really cheating now is it?

Should wavedashing automatically be removed? Well that's Sakurai's call, not mine. Personally, I don't use wavedashing because I feel it's unnecessary to my style of Smash play, but that's just me. Personally, the Smash community has helped this glitch evolve into an additional gameplay feature. The evolution of a game is usually a good thing, so why eliminate it? Left to me, I would've kept it just to shut up the elitist whining, but like I said it's not my call.

So this concludes my rant. Elitists stop being arrogant, pig headed asscakes and try being humble for once. And "scrubs", stop being wannabe-skilled posers and btching about something as trivial as video game...and maybe try actual getting better instead of making excuses for why you're incapable of winning. That is all...

That entire post and that's all you could pick out. My God...
Oh and for the record, you've just proven that you can't read. I said SOME competitive players are elitists and SOME casuals are "scrubs". You se what I did thar? I said SOME, meaning I don't generalize like the rest of the asscakes in this thread. Only reason I put "scrub" in quotes (NOT PARENTHESES) is because it's a stupidass word that was never even been applied to gaming until the elitists morons decided to have a field day with the newfangled slang dictionary. I hate "scrubs" and I hate elitists exactly like. They're both idiots with arrogance where it sure as hell isn't due. Elitists are arrogant about being good at a video game...of all things. And "scrubs" are arrogant about "skill" that doesn't really exist otherwise they wouldn't whine like little *****es when they lose.

The fact that this thread was engineered from a competitive player's viewpoint proves nothing more than this thread serving as bait for internet-power-hungry elitists to ream out anyone who disagrees. Is there anything wrong with tourney-goers? Not at all. Is there something wrong with tourney-goers who have the gall to shun people who play the same game but DON'T go to tourneys?...you're ****ing right it is! The fact that these type of tourney-goers (the elitists) believe they know how the world works just because they have the money and free time to go to tourneys regularly is sickening. And many of them believe they needed to make an appearance in this thread repeating the same old "Competitive > Casual" bull**** that we've been hearing since the dawn of time.

1. Don't automatically assume you're better than a casual at the game. Yes, it's more than likely that you are. You probably practice more often than they do and play against more skilled opponents than them. But don't automatially assume you'll win like an ignorant and arrogant prick. Because people that lose after underestimating their opponents look like the biggest ****tards ever. And nobody likes a ****tard...

2. Don't believe you're automatically superior to a person just because you can beat them in a ****ing video game.

3. "Scrubs" try to make up rules for a game to eliminate their chances of losing. Don't automatically force casuals who enjoy playing with items to stop using them in a casual match, because that makes you a hypocrite.

I personally believe myself to be a cross between casual and competitive because I don't use items, I play tourney-allowed stages only (usually), I made my own DK combo video, I use (as in choose to use) some advanced techs that I believe are important to my style of play. Only thing keeping me from being fully competitive is that I don't practice regularly anymore. And that I've never gone to a tourney in my life. And yes, I DID play against competitive smashers before in a casual dorm room environment.

And for the record, Buzz, programming in Java proves that you fear being a real man and implementing memory deallocation manually. From one CS major to another, I recommend you man up and adopt C++ as your primary programming language of choice.

No, that is incorrect. I'm a casual player and I actively work to win. PROVE ME WRONG
Name some tournaments you've recently gone to.

Why is it that every time this ****** posts, he proves that he has Down's Syndrome? Maybe I'll just drop out of college, say "screw you" to all the extracurriculars I do, practice smash at LEAST 20 hours a week, ask my parents to load my bank account with money, use that money to travel to tournaments, and then brag about the fact that I have the time and money to go to tourneys regularly and shun everyone else who doesn't. Maybe that'll get your respect. OH...WAIT A MINUTE...your opinion means nothing to me! I guess you need to shut the **** up then. You're a complete ******* and I'm glad I'm not the first to bring it to your attention (and strongly doubt that I'll be the last). I never once said I hate competitive players. Hell, I'm partially competitive myself. And I have a lot respect for someone who can excel at a talent without sucking the fun out of it for other players through their arrogance. "Scrubs" don't excel at the game and are arrogant for no reason until a competitive (elitist or non-elitist) puts them in their place, and then they get bitter as all hell because they've been shown techniques and strategies that they couldn't even dream of. Elitists excel at the game, but are arrogant about being better than people who actually do more than play Smash and eat food. "Scrubs" and "elitists" are exactly alike in the manner that they both shun the other for not playing the way that they do. They should both go to hell and stop turning a leisurely activity such as a video game into serious business. So, 5150, you've proven that you're no better than the REAL definition of a "scrub" and perhaps I'll put this in a language you can actually understand....GTFO.

I'm glad to know that apart from the shmuck that I quoted above me, this thread has goten far more sensible. It's even more rewarding that most of the braintrust in this thread is from P2W (NES N00b, Smooth Criminal, and a couple more I may have forgotten). Keep fighting the good fight fellas.

When I went to my first tournament ever, I did not get my *** handed to me like I expected, but it was very much a challenge. I also met some people that would fall under the 'competitive' catergory that were really good and that weren't mean punks at all, they were actually really friendly. So I think when we think of extreme cases of 'casual and competitive' players, we lump everyone with either the casual 'n00bs' that are jerks, or the 'competitive elistists', who are also jerks. I think that those particular groups of people should just get over themselves so that people who don't fall into either category don't get lumped in with them in generalizations.
Who was at this tournament. Just because you go to a tournament doesn't mean you played veteran competitive players, and just because someone says they're good doesn't make it true.

Creator's intent =/= glitch.

Furthermore, there is no way to actually know what the creator intended without either asking them or being told by them, so all you can do is make baseless assumptions made off of personal observations.

Feel free to tl;dr this.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 1, 2006
Flaws With Some Competitive Players(codenamed "elitists" by me or "tourney***s" by those idiots at 4chan)
- They believe EVERY casual wants to aspire to their level, even though most casual smash players believe it or not HAVE A LIFE OUTSIDE OF SMASH.
- They turn a mere ****ing video game into "serious business".
- They get bitter and become the "scrub" if low and behold they run into a casual who is actually respectably decent at the game because they are too high on their own ego to believe that anyone who doesn't hang around the tourney scene could possibly be any good at Smash...especially because these types of elitists believe that they have redefined the standard for being "good at Smash" and therefore believe them self to be unbeatable.
- If they have never heard of you, they automatically underestimate you and believe that you're terrible even though it's not as if everyone has the time or patience to travel to a Smash tourney.
#1 is the only real point you have. #2 doesn't really say anything and is just there to add body to the block of text. #3 and #4 are completely justified because there is no such thing as a "good" casual player who has never been heard of or has never been to a tournament. We aren't being pretentious, we aren't being elitists, we are stating FACTS.

At this point in the game's lifespan, people don't just pop out of nowhere and woo everyone with their awesome mindgamez without ever being heard of. It's a fact, you're wrong, stop being delusional, the "pro casual player" is just a myth. Get over it.

EDIT: I'd like to add that ever since i've been on this forum, the only real "smash elitist" i've seen was Dylan. I doubt many of the anti-competitive people have REALLY seen an "elitist", they just got it confused with a normal competitive player who was stating the facts i explained above.


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
I think all casual players should try hosting a tournament.
I've tired in the past actually, near close to impossible consider how few places where I live where we could do such a thing and even the community centers don't want anything to do with any video game related competitions :p


Smash Ace
Mar 29, 2006
Now that wasn't so hard was it?
Well played, sir. You caught me on an error that I completely overlooked. I meant to say that traction differences were not intended for the purpose of wavedashing because someone earlier believed that wavedashing was an legit and fully intentional technique for the players since each character has their own level of traction. The traction comes as a factor of many properties of the character (floatiness, jump height, jump speed, land speed, landing angle, etc.) We all agree that wavedashing was unintentional so saying that traction differences are intended for the purposes of wavedashing is contradictory. Why people are so offended by the word "glitch" is beyond me. Debating about semantics almost never reaches a resolution. People say that a glitch cripples the functionality of a program. If that was the case then over 90% of the video games that are currently in existence would not exist because they would be deemed "nonfunctional". A glitch doesn't necessarily have to be a flaw or an error. It can easily be an unintended, undocumented, and originally undesired result. So please stop getting so bent up over the word, and stop quoting Wikipedia and Dictionary.com for your definitions. That applies to everyone whose still arguing over this matter. End of discussion. This has become a stale argument. And like most stale things (especially girls), it gets bad much faster than it'll ever get good.
That's what I've essentially been saying the whole time except you're doing what most other people here have been doing and that is generalizing all casual into one category and all competitive players. There are douchebag casuals (the "scrubs") and there are douchebag competitives (the elitist punks). Playing smash leisurely for fun doesn't automatically make you a "scrub". And playing in tournaments regularly and doing well does not automatically make you an elitist punk. It's your attitude towards the game and the other people that play it than determines whether you're a douchebag or not.
You're like the kids who say that snaking in Mario Kart DS is a glitch. The developers implemented a technique-- powerslide boosts, which the developers probably assumed people would just use around corners. Then people played a lot and got so good at those powerslide boosts that they could essentially use them on straightaways for continuous boosts. These players are EXPLOITING the boost mechanic in a manner that the developers may or may not have thought of-- but sorry, nothing there is a glitch by any stretch of the imagination.

Likewise, sliding after airdodging into the ground was programmed into the game or else it wouldn't happen. The developers may or may not have thought of all the ways to USE this sliding, but they did program it that way. Seriously, stop and think about what I'm saying. Like snaking, it isn't a glitch by any stretch of the imagination.


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
You're like the kids who say that snaking in Mario Kart DS is a glitch. The developers implemented a technique-- powerslide boosts, which the developers probably assumed people would just use around corners. Then people played a lot and got so good at those powerslide boosts that they could essentially use them on straightaways for continuous boosts. These players are EXPLOITING the boost mechanic in a manner that the developers may or may not have thought of-- but sorry, nothing there is a glitch by any stretch of the imagination.

Likewise, sliding after airdodging into the ground was programmed into the game or else it wouldn't happen. The developers may or may not have thought of all the ways to USE this sliding, but they did program it that way. Seriously, stop and think about what I'm saying. Like snaking, it isn't a glitch by any stretch of the imagination.
The old snaking arugment from Mario Kart eh... boy this look all too similar to that >>;;


Smash Apprentice
Feb 1, 2004
Any matter, in closing...I love Hyrule Temple. Once in Final Battle I was fighting my friend as Pichu and he was Fox, I had picked up a bob-omb, faked as if to throw it at him and he like an idiot freaked, turned reflecter on. L-canceled my jump, threw the bob-omb into the air, dash grabbed him out of his reflector, did Pichu's back throw, and ended up throwing him down into the falling bob-omb. Epic, you can't get that kind of stuff in Tournaments. Also, mods, I ask you deep from my heart like the creator did and close this thread, it's the same as every other one before it ever.

lol you obviously have no idea what you're talking about dude.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
Who was at this tournament. Just because you go to a tournament doesn't mean you played veteran competitive players, and just because someone says they're good doesn't make it true.
What does this have to do with the point I was trying to make when you quoted me there?

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
I don't know nor do I care what "tl;dr" means, but if it's an insult, I hope you managed to amuse yourself for the whole 2 seconds that it was funny.

I'm done with the glitch argument. It's irrelevant and us trying to convince each other of our mindset is like beating an already dead horse to death.

At this point in the game's lifespan, people don't just pop out of nowhere and woo everyone with their awesome mindgamez without ever being heard of. It's a fact, you're wrong, stop being delusional, the "pro casual player" is just a myth. Get over it.
Yes...because walk-on football players in college cannot possibly get good enough to make the NFL. You obviously don't know the definition of the term "learning curve". Just because you're an experienced smash player, why do you automatically assume that no one who casually picks up the game, learning the technique, and plays as a hobby could ever be respectably decent at the game? That's like saying an undefeated team can't possibly be upset by a weaker team. Sure it's not likely...I never said it was. But the people who claim it's impossible and then get beaten by somone who isn't competitive at all have the stupidest looks of their face, and turn into the very "scrub" that they despise.

And I didn't say anything about a "pro casual player" so I think you're being delusional. Why would a casual player want to be a pro or even be a pro? That makes no sense....hence the term "casual". It's competitive players that wish they could be pros. So stop confusing the two. This thread is about hating on "scrubs"...stop using it as an opportunity to bash on casual players just because you feel that your superiority in video game over them can give you an inflated ego and power that you probably never had in a more social atmosphere.

Sliq = counterexample to everything the casuals ***** about
Yes, because all casual whine about games they're not good at. All casuals want nothing more in life than to be a pro smash player. I'm glad the generalization train is still chugging along proudly in this thread. CHOO-MOTHER****ING-CHOO-CHOO!

The Hypnotist

Smash Lord
May 23, 2007
Pinole, California (The Bay Area)
I do consider myself casual, but I do not think the casual players who actually think tournaments are meant and should be played with items have the right to think that; that's just being completely ********. But considering myself to be casual due to not going regularly or possibly being able to go to said tournaments, I myself find it just as fun to play a 4 stock no time limit match in BF as it is to play a match in Hyrule Temple with items and 10 stock, this even with short hopping and the other techniques. Like it's been said many a times, if it's fun and you don't care, let others do as they wish without breathing down their necks for it, as you said; basically not thinking others down for it. Both parties have people that need to do this, I will show...

This is why I don't believe you when you said that, Hypnotist. If any evidence I just posted here shows, it's you who actually knows less than -I- do, and I'm just a casual player. But you did ask everyone to stop bashing on me though so you aren't entirely, how do I say this without killing the word "elite" some more..."holier than me.". So thanks for that.
Don't even joke about knowing more then I know... You most likely didn't even know the defintion of l-canceling or how the hell a tourney worked, and most smashers don't talk like they are "dding into regular dashes" no one says that, and I wasn't the first one to mention that. You can continue to play with items on Hyrule thinking that it is the best way to determine which player has the most skill, but you'd be lying to yourself.
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