This thread is total crap primarily because the first post is biased as hell beyond belief. And primarily, because those that are against the first post can't make a solid, unbiased argument worth crap either.
Flaws With Some Casual Player (the "scrub" by Dylan_Tnga's definition)
- They get bitter when defeated by someone who plays in a different manner than they do.
- They try to re-defined the definition of "fair" by eliminating as many factors as possible that they are not skilled enough to work their way around instead of just trying to get better and ceasing all the ****ing whining.
- They believe themselves to be far better at the game than they truly are, and in the process look 5 times more ******** when they get absoluted demolished by a skilled (competitive or casual) player.
- They commonly accuse any situation in the game in which they can't play their way out of as "cheap".
Flaws With Some Competitive Players(codenamed "elitists" by me or "tourney***s" by those idiots at 4chan)
- They believe EVERY casual wants to aspire to their level, even though most casual smash players believe it or not HAVE A LIFE OUTSIDE OF SMASH.
- They turn a mere ****ing video game into "serious business".
- They get bitter and become the "scrub" if low and behold they run into a casual who is actually respectably decent at the game because they are too high on their own ego to believe that anyone who doesn't hang around the tourney scene could possibly be any good at Smash...especially because these types of elitists believe that they have redefined the standard for being "good at Smash" and therefore believe them self to be unbeatable.
- If they have never heard of you, they automatically underestimate you and believe that you're terrible even though it's not as if everyone has the time or patience to travel to a Smash tourney.
I am a casual player myself and find it insulting every time an elitist punk shows a display of ignorance by believing that they can immediately lump me into the category as the whiny idiots that can't see anything past defining "skill" as beating 3 level-9 CPUs on a team. I've seen advanced techs. I've seen combo videos. Hell, I even made my OWN combo video just for fun.
Being good at Smash is nothing to brag about, nothing to piss people off about, and sure as hell nothing to center your whole life on. Being terrible at Smash is nothing to brag about, nothing to piss people off about, and sure as hell nothing to center your whole life on.
Do I see wavedashing as a glitch? By my definition of a glitch, yes. Wavedash is an exploit of the physics engine (the actual bread and butter of user-to-game interaction) in the manner that in was never really intended. Just like in many 3-D platform games, there are collision detection issues that allow you to walk through walls and perhaps are advantageous to the progression of the game. Walking through walls is a physics issue just as sliding is playing after an air dodge is. I don't care what people say about characters having different traction. Try telling me that different levels of traction was intended...go on, try it. Stop being so insulted by the word "glitch" that you feel it's a direct insult to how you play the game. That fact that there even as an argument about semantics is appauling in its own right. If everyone can use the glitch then it's not really cheating now is it?
Should wavedashing automatically be removed? Well that's Sakurai's call, not mine. Personally, I don't use wavedashing because I feel it's unnecessary to my style of Smash play, but that's just me. Personally, the Smash community has helped this glitch evolve into an additional gameplay feature. The evolution of a game is usually a good thing, so why eliminate it? Left to me, I would've kept it just to shut up the elitist whining, but like I said it's not my call.
So this concludes my rant. Elitists stop being arrogant, pig headed asscakes and try being humble for once. And "scrubs", stop being wannabe-skilled posers and btching about something as trivial as video game...and maybe try actual getting better instead of making excuses for why you're incapable of winning. That is all...