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Points of clarification about Casual Vs. Competitive that everyone needs to read(WOP)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 23, 2005
I'm starting to try to believe you're on the road to recovery. kudos

*signs out of thread*
If I wasn't so confident that I did no extreme wrong that would irk me at 2 percent strength.

Hypnotist: Lol, I myself wasn't expecting the thread to go this far actually, I also wasn't expecting to be sitting in the middle of a circle jerk of flaming but I think I've defended myself pretty well so far, eh...


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
Buzz, if you're writing all this in Java, wont it suffer from the slow?
... Fine!


Smash Ace
Mar 29, 2006
Your dash dancing statement was fine, I don't know what that guy is going on about.

Anyway, stop with the hyperbole already. No one thinks you're COMPLETE AND UTTERLY ONE-HUNDRED-PERCENT devoid of any understanding of the game. We just think you're like most casual players who thinks they're a lot better at the game than they are. The reason we think that is because you have demonstrated it to us through your posts-- in the vast pool of experience here at Smash Boards, 99% of the people who talk like you do and play in the ways you've described aren't very good. Further, as has already been stated countless times, the reason you're getting flamed isn't because of any deficit in skill. No one gets flamed here for being less skilled.

Also, some of your posts are hilariously backward. Maybe the reason you're getting flamed is because you ignorantly call people "elitist douchebags", not because said people actually are elitist douchebags.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2007
I love that I created such an epic thread... 520 posts FTW!
Just an offtopic question:

How did things like "epic" and "lurk moar" become so popular outside of the 'chans? Its actually started to annoy me, especially since Ive been on 'chans for 3 or 4 years, and I dont usually see things leak out and get THIS POPULAR among the interwebz.

... Fine!
Jebus, Assembly would have been fine!

EDIT: No, no, better yet, write it in Brain****. =)


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
... Fine!
You know the Java I somewhat understood this just made my brain bleed :chuckle:


Smash Journeyman
Dec 23, 2005
I love that I created such an epic thread... 520 posts FTW!
Your dash dancing statement was fine, I don't know what that guy is going on about.

Anyway, stop with the hyperbole already. No one thinks you're COMPLETE AND UTTERLY ONE-HUNDRED-PERCENT devoid of any understanding of the game. We just think you're like most casual players who thinks they're a lot better at the game than they are. The reason we think that is because you have demonstrated it to us through your posts-- in the vast pool of experience here at Smash Boards, 99% of the people who talk like you do and play in the ways you've described aren't very good. Further, as has already been stated countless times, the reason you're getting flamed isn't because of any deficit in skill. No one gets flamed here for being less skilled.

Also, some of your posts are hilariously backward. Maybe the reason you're getting flamed is because you ignorantly call people "elitist douchebags", not because said people actually are elitist douchebags.
Nah I don't think I'm big ****, I've stated that a couple of times on the thread that I wouldn't go that far with myself, I hold a policy to think that just about anyone posting on the board at any given time could hand me my *** and me vice versa, I never think anything concretely about me being better than anyone, the only person I critique on skill is myself based on what I myself think my skill level is which I've already said is not great enough to warrant my thinking myself to be better than I really am which would mean me I would be saying idiotic **** like "I can beat 30 to 50 percent of the posters in this board" you know? As for the elitist comments, I take care into reading people's posts before deciding what to call them, I'm just that kind of person I guess, I do tend to get a little judgmental even from the slightest comments so yeah I'll give you that somewhat.

As for my posts being backward, I wouldn't exactly know which ones, as people's opinions and views vary.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2007
You know the Java I somewhat understood this just made my brain bleed :chuckle:
Ha, yeah, thats ok. I'm pretty sure he just mashed the 1 and 0 keys, as the actual binary for the function he wrote would be much longer, I'm sure.

But yeah, Buzz, as long as were talking about programing languages, and Assembly came up, (omfg so offtopic...) do you by any chance know where I can find a pirated version of A386? I'm using Ax86, but you know, A386 supports ALL the 386 processor interrupt signals, so it would be nice to have, you know, just so I could mess with those ints.


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
Hehe yea, just more of a joke on my experience level, I am good with most computers and technologies but I am no programmer and codes espeically Binary is beyond me XD


Smash Ace
Mar 29, 2006
Casual players advocating items reminds me of my experience with ping pong.

I play competitive table tennis. I own a 100$, semi-pro level paddle. I've competed in many tournaments around the midwest against very skilled players and know a LOT about the sport.

For most people, however, table tennis is just a way to kill some time while you're hanging out in your friend's basement. A lot of those people think they're really good at ping pong. A lot of those people look at their 5$ paddle and can't IMAGINE what could be so different about competition level equipment, or what could be so different about the way I play the game compared to the way they beat their younger brother. There IS, of course, a huge, HUGE difference., but they don't understand, and never will. Luckily I don't have them breathing down my neck about how table tennis was MEANT to be played just for fun with cheap equipment because after all, that's what came with their table! :laugh:


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
Ha, yeah, thats ok. I'm pretty sure he just mashed the 1 and 0 keys, as the actual binary for the function he wrote would be much longer, I'm sure.

But yeah, Buzz, as long as were talking about programing languages, and Assembly came up, (omfg so offtopic...) do you by any chance know where I can find a pirated version of A386? I'm using Ax86, but you know, A386 supports ALL the 386 processor interrupt signals, so it would be nice to have, you know, just so I could mess with those ints.
Not to my knowledge. I never touch the stuff.
Casual players advocating items reminds me of my experience with ping pong.

I play competitive table tennis. I own a 100$, semi-pro level paddle. I've competed in many tournaments around the midwest against very skilled players and know a LOT about the sport.

For most people, however, table tennis is just a way to kill some time while you're hanging out in your friend's basement. A lot of those people think they're really good at ping pong. A lot of those people look at their 5$ paddle and can't IMAGINE what could be so different about competition level equipment, or what could be so different about the way I play the game compared to the way they beat their younger brother. There IS, of course, a huge, HUGE difference., but they don't understand, and never will. Luckily I don't have them breathing down my neck about how table tennis was MEANT to be played just for fun with cheap equipment because after all, that's what came with their table! :laugh:
I lived in South Korea for two years. I swear, they are so freakin' humble when it comes to ping pong. I would challenge the most random people. They would bow their heads and say, "No! No. I'm not that good. I'm bad at this game." After I convince them to give it a go, they start doing spin shots, behind-the-back hits, etc. Their worst players are better than our top players. LOL (exaggeration, but it felt that way)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 23, 2005
Casual players advocating items reminds me of my experience with ping pong.

I play competitive table tennis. I own a 100$, semi-pro level paddle. I've competed in many tournaments around the midwest against very skilled players and know a LOT about the sport.

For most people, however, table tennis is just a way to kill some time while you're hanging out in your friend's basement. A lot of those people think they're really good at ping pong. A lot of those people look at their 5$ paddle and can't IMAGINE what could be so different about competition level equipment, or what could be so different about the way I play the game compared to the way they beat their younger brother. There IS, of course, a huge, HUGE difference., but they don't understand, and never will. Luckily I don't have them breathing down my neck about how table tennis was MEANT to be played just for fun with cheap equipment because after all, that's what came with their table! :laugh:
I do consider myself casual, but I do not think the casual players who actually think tournaments are meant and should be played with items have the right to think that; that's just being completely ********. But considering myself to be casual due to not going regularly or possibly being able to go to said tournaments, I myself find it just as fun to play a 4 stock no time limit match in BF as it is to play a match in Hyrule Temple with items and 10 stock, this even with short hopping and the other techniques. Like it's been said many a times, if it's fun and you don't care, let others do as they wish without breathing down their necks for it, as you said; basically not thinking others down for it. Both parties have people that need to do this, I will show...

Your not completely skill less but your knowledge of smashbros is significantly less than the average smasher on these forums, your also just not as good at the game. Especially if you don't know what L-Canclling or DDing is. And that's not a bad thing, it's just the truth.
We need to quit bashing him, but dash dancing into a regular dash, wtf was that? And once again, it's impossible to argue that it's more logical to play with ITEMS on for determining the winner as the player with the most skill.
Your dash dancing statement was fine, I don't know what that guy is going on about.
This is why I don't believe you when you said that, Hypnotist. If any evidence I just posted here shows, it's you who actually knows less than -I- do, and I'm just a casual player. But you did ask everyone to stop bashing on me though so you aren't entirely, how do I say this without killing the word "elite" some more..."holier than me.". So thanks for that.

Anyway, I think this particular misunderstanding is at least decently enough dealt with, I've had my fill of "debating" for tonight and am worn out so let's move onto something new eh. And once again, yes I -did- mess up on my original post and I'll admit at least that but I've posted my explanation of it further back, so, I'm out; school tomorrow.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 29, 2007
Centre, Mexico
still open this thread?

y'know, this can be simplified :

three: those who can't live quietly when the other exists, are plainly timid genocides. If you're good, who cares what bad players say? just beat them with their own rules. If you're bad, is not the good player's fault, he'd beat you even with one hand.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
This thread is total crap primarily because the first post is biased as hell beyond belief. And primarily, because those that are against the first post can't make a solid, unbiased argument worth crap either.

Flaws With Some Casual Player (the "scrub" by Dylan_Tnga's definition)
- They get bitter when defeated by someone who plays in a different manner than they do.
- They try to re-defined the definition of "fair" by eliminating as many factors as possible that they are not skilled enough to work their way around instead of just trying to get better and ceasing all the ****ing whining.
- They believe themselves to be far better at the game than they truly are, and in the process look 5 times more ******** when they get absoluted demolished by a skilled (competitive or casual) player.
- They commonly accuse any situation in the game in which they can't play their way out of as "cheap".

Flaws With Some Competitive Players(codenamed "elitists" by me or "tourney***s" by those idiots at 4chan)
- They believe EVERY casual wants to aspire to their level, even though most casual smash players believe it or not HAVE A LIFE OUTSIDE OF SMASH.
- They turn a mere ****ing video game into "serious business".
- They get bitter and become the "scrub" if low and behold they run into a casual who is actually respectably decent at the game because they are too high on their own ego to believe that anyone who doesn't hang around the tourney scene could possibly be any good at Smash...especially because these types of elitists believe that they have redefined the standard for being "good at Smash" and therefore believe them self to be unbeatable.
- If they have never heard of you, they automatically underestimate you and believe that you're terrible even though it's not as if everyone has the time or patience to travel to a Smash tourney.

I am a casual player myself and find it insulting every time an elitist punk shows a display of ignorance by believing that they can immediately lump me into the category as the whiny idiots that can't see anything past defining "skill" as beating 3 level-9 CPUs on a team. I've seen advanced techs. I've seen combo videos. Hell, I even made my OWN combo video just for fun.

Being good at Smash is nothing to brag about, nothing to piss people off about, and sure as hell nothing to center your whole life on. Being terrible at Smash is nothing to brag about, nothing to piss people off about, and sure as hell nothing to center your whole life on.

Do I see wavedashing as a glitch? By my definition of a glitch, yes. Wavedash is an exploit of the physics engine (the actual bread and butter of user-to-game interaction) in the manner that in was never really intended. Just like in many 3-D platform games, there are collision detection issues that allow you to walk through walls and perhaps are advantageous to the progression of the game. Walking through walls is a physics issue just as sliding is playing after an air dodge is. I don't care what people say about characters having different traction. Try telling me that different levels of traction was intended...go on, try it. Stop being so insulted by the word "glitch" that you feel it's a direct insult to how you play the game. That fact that there even as an argument about semantics is appauling in its own right. If everyone can use the glitch then it's not really cheating now is it?

Should wavedashing automatically be removed? Well that's Sakurai's call, not mine. Personally, I don't use wavedashing because I feel it's unnecessary to my style of Smash play, but that's just me. Personally, the Smash community has helped this glitch evolve into an additional gameplay feature. The evolution of a game is usually a good thing, so why eliminate it? Left to me, I would've kept it just to shut up the elitist whining, but like I said it's not my call.

So this concludes my rant. Elitists stop being arrogant, pig headed asscakes and try being humble for once. And "scrubs", stop being wannabe-skilled posers and btching about something as trivial as video game...and maybe try actual getting better instead of making excuses for why you're incapable of winning. That is all...


Smash Ace
May 24, 2006
Adelaide, Australia. Along with my Mad Duck.
I see what u did thar...

Del Money said:
Elitists stop being arrogant, pig headed asscakes and try being humble for once. And "scrubs", stop being wannabe-skilled posers and btching about something as trivial as video game...and maybe try actual getting better instead of making excuses for why you're incapable of winning. That is all...
Notice scrubs in parentheses yet elitists aren't...Hmm, unbaised you say?

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
I see what u did thar...

Notice scrubs in parentheses yet elitists aren't...Hmm, unbaised you say?
That entire post and that's all you could pick out. My God...
Oh and for the record, you've just proven that you can't read. I said SOME competitive players are elitists and SOME casuals are "scrubs". You se what I did thar? I said SOME, meaning I don't generalize like the rest of the asscakes in this thread. Only reason I put "scrub" in quotes (NOT PARENTHESES) is because it's a stupidass word that was never even been applied to gaming until the elitists morons decided to have a field day with the newfangled slang dictionary. I hate "scrubs" and I hate elitists exactly like. They're both idiots with arrogance where it sure as hell isn't due. Elitists are arrogant about being good at a video game...of all things. And "scrubs" are arrogant about "skill" that doesn't really exist otherwise they wouldn't whine like little *****es when they lose.

The fact that this thread was engineered from a competitive player's viewpoint proves nothing more than this thread serving as bait for internet-power-hungry elitists to ream out anyone who disagrees. Is there anything wrong with tourney-goers? Not at all. Is there something wrong with tourney-goers who have the gall to shun people who play the same game but DON'T go to tourneys?...you're ****ing right it is! The fact that these type of tourney-goers (the elitists) believe they know how the world works just because they have the money and free time to go to tourneys regularly is sickening. And many of them believe they needed to make an appearance in this thread repeating the same old "Competitive > Casual" bull**** that we've been hearing since the dawn of time.

1. Don't automatically assume you're better than a casual at the game. Yes, it's more than likely that you are. You probably practice more often than they do and play against more skilled opponents than them. But don't automatially assume you'll win like an ignorant and arrogant prick. Because people that lose after underestimating their opponents look like the biggest ****tards ever. And nobody likes a ****tard...

2. Don't believe you're automatically superior to a person just because you can beat them in a ****ing video game.

3. "Scrubs" try to make up rules for a game to eliminate their chances of losing. Don't automatically force casuals who enjoy playing with items to stop using them in a casual match, because that makes you a hypocrite.

I personally believe myself to be a cross between casual and competitive because I don't use items, I play tourney-allowed stages only (usually), I made my own DK combo video, I use (as in choose to use) some advanced techs that I believe are important to my style of play. Only thing keeping me from being fully competitive is that I don't practice regularly anymore. And that I've never gone to a tourney in my life. And yes, I DID play against competitive smashers before in a casual dorm room environment.

And for the record, Buzz, programming in Java proves that you fear being a real man and implementing memory deallocation manually. From one CS major to another, I recommend you man up and adopt C++ as your primary programming language of choice.


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio
I saw this on the first page. Don't know if it's been elaborated on yet, but I figured I'd go for it.

I saw a guy say that "items are how sakurai intended the game to be played"

If that's the case then the game is ALSO meant to be played on 2-minute melee with the original starting characters, friendly fire off. I use this arguement against the street fighter guys that seem to think that since all they do is press start to being a tourney match from the starting screen that our game is worse, not better than theirs for it. Just because you have to press a button and the joystick over a bit to turn off items doesn't mean they weren't intended to be turned off. Hince the "Item selection" portion of the additional rules. Therefore, if you play with stock instead of 2-minute melee you are as bad as the competitive players that you hate so much.

Beating a dead horse. How can something that had its own animation be considered a glitch? The artists and physics designers made the distinct animations for air dodging towards a level. this is why luigi and falcon have different lengths of WDing. It probably wasn't expected to be used like it is, but then again, if you're complaining about wavedashing you too probably don't know its implications.

did you know that when a football team has the lead at the end oh the 4th quarter they take knees and run out the clock? Yeah, it's totally a glitch because it's not how the game was meant to be played...


A.K.A. Disafter
Jul 7, 2007
Dallas, Tx
I've heard this arguement before. So have all the casual and competitive players. I must've missed the part about (WOP).


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
And for the record, Buzz, programming in Java proves that you fear being a real man and implementing memory deallocation manually. From one CS major to another, I recommend you man up and adopt C++ as your primary programming language of choice.
Now, I could be a jerk at this point and point out that refusing to use Java is like refusing to use the c-stick in smash. Many see it as a noobish escape, but then they discover that it frees you up to focus on more important aspects.

But I hear ya. C++ is much faster than Java. I just like Java because it is platform independent. I can program it once, and it works on all operating systems. Huzzah!
int main()
   smasher* Buzz = new smasher();
   return 0;


Banned via Administration
Mar 5, 2005
Madison, WI
I've seen combo videos. Hell, I even made my OWN combo video just for fun.

Personally, I don't use wavedashing because I feel it's unnecessary to my style of Smash play, but that's just me. Personally, the Smash community has helped this glitch evolve into an additional gameplay feature. The evolution of a game is usually a good thing, so why eliminate it? Left to me, I would've kept it just to shut up the elitist whining, but like I said it's not my call.
your a scrub. gtfo.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
I don't agree with how the term 'competitive' player is used. I think all people that play Smash Bros. to win are 'competitive'.
No, that is incorrect. Everyone plays to win. Since when does anyone play to lose? "Competitive" describes the player's mindset. A casual player simply hopes to win. A competitive play actively works to win. In other words, a casual play wants to win, but they are also willing to do something if it makes everyone laugh or just to beat someone a unique way. Competitive players filter out all unnecessary fluff and focus only on winning. They practice techniques to increase their chances of winning in future matches.
The Kirby Kong said:
exploiting is the use of a glitch.
Exploiting can be the use of a glitch, but you can exploit things that are not glitches.
We've already been over this discussion.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
No, that is incorrect. Everyone plays to win. Since when does anyone play to lose? "Competitive" describes the player's mindset. A casual player simply hopes to win. A competitive play actively works to win. In other words, a casual play wants to win, but they are also willing to do something if it makes everyone laugh or just to beat someone a unique way. Competitive players filter out all unnecessary fluff and focus only on winning. They practice techniques to increase their chances of winning in future matches.
No, that is incorrect. I'm a casual player and I actively work to win. PROVE ME WRONG

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
your a scrub. gtfo.

There's a fine line between being a "scrub" and being opinionated, 5150. I don't see where Del is being a scrub. At least he's not talking through his *** like some people in this **** thread.

I think we can chalk it up to you being narrow-minded, as per usual.

Smooth Criminal

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
exploiting is the use of a glitch.
So exploiting the use of Marth's range to make it harder for people to attack you is a glitch?
You see where the logic fails.

Exploits are little more than tricks that uses games' parameters (usually physics in most games) to help you play better. You can slide on the ground when you airdodge and so if you immediately airdodge at the beginning of a jump, you have a techniqe/exploit that is useful (wavedashing if you didn't catch it >_>).

Glitches are things that happen outside of games' parameters also known as code. In smash bros, you are supposed to stay on the stage no matter what and not fall through (clearly programmed in). Fox holes happen and make characters (mostly Fox) fall through the stage which was clearly a failure of coding.

In the end, it doesn't matter if it is a glitch or not, but some people just need to be better at semantics and can tell the difference between an exploit in videogames and glitches in videogames.

Edit: Everyone is competitive to a degree, but these two groups that are made are usually defined by the drive to learn advance techs and go to tournies. If you try to get better at the game with friends, you have some competitive spirit. Do you do whatever is necessary to win/get better at this game? If not, you are not trying your best, because you do not want to win enough or you only want to get better while making your own rules of how you want to win. Admittedly, I play Link and CF competitively and that is definitely not the best options to win tournies, but I have too much fun playing these characters to practice many other characters. That is my "casual" side. It is all spectrums. It is just that these two groups were given arbitrary values of what you do to be labeled that.

Also, forget 5150. He is an infamous troll. I think he has become too used to the Roy and Bowser boards so he might just look for keywords. XD DelMoney isn't a Sirlin definition of scrub anyway.

Edit: I felt bad after I saw my post had "immediately" instead of "admittedly." =(


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
No, that is incorrect. Everyone plays to win. Since when does anyone play to lose? "Competitive" describes the player's mindset. A casual player simply hopes to win. A competitive play actively works to win. In other words, a casual play wants to win, but they are also willing to do something if it makes everyone laugh or just to beat someone a unique way. Competitive players filter out all unnecessary fluff and focus only on winning. They practice techniques to increase their chances of winning in future matches.

Hehe It depends, this mindset can depend alot on the time and place just as much as the player honsety. For example, me and my younger brother always go at it one-on-one without any gimmicks when we play and it's describe as the same competitive mindset your descripting even though neither of us attend tournments or use alot of advance techinques. On the other hand I assume I used to know Competitive Players that would do the casual mindset when they weren't practice and there was nothing at stake.


Smash Ace
Mar 29, 2006
I find the evolution of the word "exploit" around here incredibly interesting. Despite being CONSTANTLY reminded of the meaning of "exploit" and "glitch", a lot of people seem entirely incapable of grasping the difference. While 'exploit' does conventionally have negative connotations, there is nothing inherently negative in the definition.

to utilize, esp. for profit; turn to practical account for one's own ends

When we call wavedashing an exploit, that's what we mean-- utilizing airdodges and the physics engine it for our own benefit.

I don't care what people say about characters having different traction. Try telling me that different levels of traction was intended...go on, try it.
Okay, this is gonna be tough, here goes nothing............ different levels of traction were intended.

Food for thought-- forget wavedashing for a moment. Boot up Melee. Double jump high into the air. On the way down, airdodge diagonally right before you touch the ground. Your character doesn't go through the floor-- instead, he slides, and the distance he slides is based on his traction. What force do you suppose causes this? Why, it must be caused by magic because certainly the developers didn't program the game to be this way! (Hint: of course the developers programmed it to be this way).

What they likely DIDN'T think of during development was how allowing you to airdodge SO soon after jumping could affect gameplay. But guess what? They did program the game to be that way. In fact, there are a LOT of moves you can cancel moves with other moves for one reason or another. Sorry pal, wavedashing ain't an isolated incident in the programming.

Clarification: obviously the developers didn't realize how the individual component of the game engine could be linked together to achieve wavedashing, but they DID program those individual components to be exactly how they are. Wavedashing is 'exploiting' (i.e. making use of) those components to achieve specific effect.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
Edit: Everyone is competitive to a degree, but these two groups that are made are usually defined by the drive to learn advance techs and go to tournies. If you try to get better at the game with friends, you have some competitive spirit. Do you do whatever is necessary to win/get better at this game? If not, you are not trying your best, because you do not want to win enough or you only want to get better while making your own rules of how you want to win. Immediately, I play Link and CF competitively and that is definitely not the best options to win tournies, but I have too much fun playing these characters to practice many other characters. That is my "casual" side. It is all spectrums. It is just that these two groups were given arbitrary values of what you do to be labeled that.
Thanks for replying. My choice of character (Pikachu) is probably not the best choice to win tournaments and stuff. I still do everything I can to win though, against casuals and 'competitive' players alike. I just don't agree with all these 'rules' about how we can get lumped into either casual or 'competitive'. Mmhmm.


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
I just don't honsety think the wall between Casual and Competitive is quite as fine of a line as it's being made out by either side. You can easily see an extreme Casual or an extreme competitive player, but where does the semi-casual and semi-competitve meet up exactly?


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
I just don't honsety think the wall between Casual and Competitive is quite as fine of a line as it's being made out by either side. You can easily see an extreme Casual or an extreme competitive player, but where does the semi-casual and semi-competitve meet up exactly?
Exactly what I think; we're all just Smash players deep down inside, *why can't we be friends?*


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
Exactly what I think; we're all just Smash players deep down inside, *why can't we be friends?*
That's kind of a very optisimtic view even for me. Yes, there is always arugement among people of different ends, part of bbeing a community really. To expecting everyone to get along is unrealistic at best, but the problem now is that the wall between the two sides is becoming larger which might be bad for the community in the long run.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
That's kind of a very optisimtic view even for me. Yes, there is always arugement among people of different ends, part of bbeing a community really. To expecting everyone to get along is unrealistic at best, but the problem now is that the wall between the two sides is becoming larger which might be bad for the community in the long run.
Walls can exist peacefully. It just becomes a problem when one side starts throwing tomatoes over it at the other.


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
Walls can exist peacefully. It just becomes a problem when one side starts throwing tomatoes over it at the other.
Guess that gives you the choice of throwing it back as it has been or make spaghetti sauce :chuckle:

In other words, is it worth the effort to try to prove something wrong if they throw the same thing at you or take it for what it is and... well the spaghetti sauce I had a metaphor for but now I forgot it, but you get the idea.

sry guys but hes a scrub. i quoted why and there is no arguing about it.
How is he a Scrub for stating a honset opinion? Really now you're just generalize a scurb as anyone that doesn't seem to agree with your view.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Walls can exist peacefully. It just becomes a problem when one side starts throwing tomatoes over it at the other.
QFT. The term "wokka, wokka" definitely comes to mind here. Buzz, have you been watching Muppet reruns like I have lately? :laugh:

sry guys but hes a scrub. i quoted why and there is no arguing about it.
And you did such a wonderful job at reinforcing your point, as always. No wonder you've been banned a bajillion times from this bloody site.

Smooth Criminal
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