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Points of clarification about Casual Vs. Competitive that everyone needs to read(WOP)


Smash Ace
May 24, 2006
Adelaide, Australia. Along with my Mad Duck.
Uchiharakiri said:
I never once complained, I've constantly said wave dashing is completely reasonable and the like, as well as other advanced techniques, and that I myself try my best to use them to improve myself.
Did I say this was directed at you? Does it say "Uchi the scrub came up and complained to us and so thats why we're arguing"? No. I was making a general statement about why these sorts of threads occur.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 23, 2005
I'm just a spectator here, liking competitive and casual gameplay, but one thing I have noticed.

You don't stop saying "high horse"

Capitalization is everything, such as helping your Uncle Jack off a horse, or helping your Uncle jack off a horse.

Also, you're speaking as if tourneygoers are like a disease.
I'm not really, but if it came off as that way sorry. It's all mostly aimed at the current people flaming the flying **** out of me.

Uchiharakiri... just please... either explain to us how you L-cancel while HOLDING A BOMB-OMB, or just admit you ****ed up.

Im not a tourny goer. I still think you seem like a dip**** right now.
Thanks for that but not really.

You know the whole evolution of the term "elitist" around here has been interesting. The word has become the new and only way of insulting a competitive (or knowledgeable) player. It's pretty much lost it's meaning, just like calling something gay doesn't really mean anything anymore.

Anyone else notice this? It's just senselessly thrown around so much now.
I myself just use it to refer to people who literally think they're so good they're actually entitled to flame and bash on someone less skilled than them when they so much as mess up even once with terminology.


Smash Lord
Mar 2, 2007
Screw the hatewagon.
This is a prime example of a cornered, tired, confused yet rabid animal lashing without thought

I myself just use it to refer to people who literally think they're so good they're actually entitled to flame and bash on someone less skilled than them when they so much as mess up even once with terminology.
Wasn't "elitist" supposed to refer to certain smash players, rather than smash forum posters, regardless of them being one in the same?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 23, 2005
Did I say this was directed at you? Does it say "Uchi the scrub came up and complained to us and so thats why we're arguing"? No. I was making a general statement about why these sorts of threads occur.
Ah okay, my bad then, you must understand why I'm a little on edge with everyone busting my nuts.

The Hypnotist

Smash Lord
May 23, 2007
Pinole, California (The Bay Area)
You were holding a bomb and then L-canceled your JUMP? Do you know what L-cancelling is?


Sorry for being 30 pages late, but I hope someone else caught this. He didn't waste any time proving how clueless he is.
Hahahaha, great catch, but you can't blame hi, he doesn't know any better. But yeah, playing competitively on hyrule temple with bombs is an oxymoron.


Smash Hero
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco
I myself just use it to refer to people who literally think they're so good they're actually entitled to flame and bash on someone less skilled than them when they so much as mess up even once with terminology.
There's a difference between being knowledgeable and good. I DID claim to be pretty decent back a bunch of pages ago by posting some accomplishments but that was just to prove to you I'm not someone really random who showed up.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2007
Ah okay, my bad then, you must understand why I'm a little on edge with everyone busting my nuts.

...mmmm... nuts....

You seem a little stressed out, man. Look, no one here is trying to hurt your feelings or whatever **** you think an elitist would try to do. We just think its amazing that you were able to l-cancel WHILE holding a bomb-omb. Most of us didnt think it was possible, only a myth! Man, you've truely done something amazing.

that 1 guy

Smash Ace
Oct 31, 2005
Greenbow ALABAMA!!
Just to let you know I believe the main reason hyrule temple is banned is because of fox. All he has to do is shoot you with lasers and run away. If fox does this he can't lose.


Smash Champion
Jan 12, 2006
Glendale, AZ
I myself just use it to refer to people who literally think they're so good they're actually entitled to flame and bash on someone less skilled than them when they so much as mess up even once with terminology.
I myself use the term Uchihahrhenterkiri to allude to individuals who literally think they'd get away with arguing for 30 pages on a subject they clearly know little about, and despite being disproved many, many (lotses) times still fervently refuses to admit that they are wrong.

Admit you're wrong and I'm pretty sure people will stop laughing at you.

We will embrace you.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 23, 2005
Joining in 2005, and not posting anything until this year, does not mean you've lurked. Even when you think you've lurked long enough, lurk more. It is never enough.

Also, lurk correctly. If you'd lurked like you claim, you'd know the basic terminology. Don't kid yourself, L-Canceling is incredibly basic.

I do agree with you on the typo thing, though. Everyone makes mistakes. However, no reasonable person would attempt to justify a perfectly debatable topic with information that they do not know, I don't care how tired they may be.
I did make a ****ing mistake alright, but that does not mean I don't know what it is I'm talking about, this is simply a case now of anyone not trusting me when I say I do know what the hell it is I'm saying solely from that single mistake, give me a break folks I'm no Ken or anything like that, I'm trying my best to better my knowledge of the game and stuff and this just happens to be one of those ways.


That's funny. My patience is now at an end.

Look, kid. We can accept that you play Smash with items. That's all well and fine. What we CAN'T accept is the fact that you are talking out of your *** about something that you know absolutely nothing about. There's nothing "elitist" about us calling you on your **** and you refusing to believe it, despite everything that has been said thus far.

Smooth Criminal
Sorry but there is, when you just keep insisting that I don't even BEGIN to understand what I'm talking about despite me repeatedly telling you that at least I may even know the basics well enough to discuss them, THAT is when you're just on that elitist edge.

Screw the hatewagon.
This is a prime example of a cornered, tired, confused yet rabid animal lashing without thought

Wasn't "elitist" supposed to refer to certain smash players, rather than forum posters, regardless of them being one in the same?
So now you're likening me to an animal, okay, thanks. By the way it refers to anyone who thinks themselves big **** enough to act like everyone is acting right now, at least to me.

Hahahaha, great catch, but you can't blame hi, he doesn't know any better. But yeah, playing competitively on hyrule temple with bombs is an oxymoron.
I'll tell you I do know better, but you won't believe me, like everyone else.

There's a difference between being knowledgeable and good. I DID claim to be pretty decent back a bunch of pages ago by posting some accomplishments but that was just to prove to you I'm not someone really random who showed up.

We're flaming and bashing you because you've been talking out of your ***, not because you're less skilled. We already explained that we like to help newer players onto the scene.
Did it ever occur to you someone less skilled would be bound to mess up on some of the terminologies and how to apply them to the game? Like I said people, give me a break eh?


Smash Ace
May 24, 2006
Adelaide, Australia. Along with my Mad Duck.
maXXXpower said:
Admit you're wrong and I'm pretty sure people will stop laughing at you.

And the point is that you should of known what L-cancelling was before you started arguing about it. That fact that your posts prove that you didn't know what L-cancelling was until you looked it up makes your previous L-cancelling arguments obsolete.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 23, 2005
Wow, now I just feel bad.

End this debate before it turns into syntax genocide.
I do hope it's a good type of feeling bad and not a bad type of feeling bad, like you know, pity. Because then I'd just be offended :laugh:


Smash Cadet
Nov 20, 2007
...33 pages?


...You know what? Nevermind... I am not going to even bother voicing my opinion because I am obviously spoken for by a person who is not me.

Forget it.


Smash Hero
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco
Sorry but there is, when you just keep insisting that I don't even BEGIN to understand what I'm talking about despite me repeatedly telling you that at least I may even know the basics well enough to discuss them, THAT is when you're just on that elitist edge.
Look get a wake-up call.

You got a bunch of guys, some of whom have analyzed the game down a science for YEARS, telling you that you have no idea what you are talking about. What makes you think that you are right when not a single person agrees with you.

If you want to learn and get better, get all these misconceptions and your ego out the window and listen to the guys who know what they are talking about. We respect those who know their place and are willing to learn. We don't respect people who act like you and honestly don't want them here on this forum, which recently has been poisoned by scrubbiness beyond belief.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2007
I did make a ****ing mistake alright, but that does not mean I don't know what it is I'm talking about, this is simply a case now of anyone not trusting me when I say I do know what the hell it is I'm saying solely from that single mistake, give me a break folks I'm no Ken or anything like that, I'm trying my best to better my knowledge of the game and stuff and this just happens to be one of those ways.

Are you admitting to a typo, or to not knowing what l-canceling is? For the record, you ARE reacting in a way that's very similar to how an average person reacts when they're caught in a like, or caught while talking about something they know nothing about.

If you admit that you don't know what l-canceling is (or fully explain what actually happened in that match) any of us, I'm sure, will be happy to explain it to you, and point you in the direction of a video tutorial.

The Hypnotist

Smash Lord
May 23, 2007
Pinole, California (The Bay Area)
We need to quit bashing him, but dash dancing into a regular dash, wtf was that? And once again, it's impossible to argue that it's more logical to play with ITEMS on for determining the winner as the player with the most skill.


Smash Ace
Mar 29, 2006
Eh, anyway, the "l-canceling my jump" thing has been beat to death, I think we all get it.

In any case, these arguments are dumb. Anyone who's played a substantial amount of Melee and can't understand why items aren't conducive to competitive play is just crazy to me. There are two main points here. First, people playing in the tourneys LIKE to play without items, so that's how they play. The reason they like to play this way is because they believe it promotes skill over luck, which I agree with, but that's neither here nor there. The bottom line is that that's how the tourneys are going to be played, and that you're getting upset over something you don't even participate in. Second, people playing in the tourneys are much better at this game than you realize, and know a LOT more about how the game and how items effect its flow than you realize.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 23, 2005
Look get a wake-up call.

You got a bunch of guys, some of whom have analyzed the game down a science for YEARS, telling you that you have no idea what you are talking about. What makes you think that you are right when not a single person agrees with you.

If you want to learn and get better, get all these misconceptions and your ego out the window and listen to the guys who know what they are talking about. We respect those who know their place and are willing to learn. We don't respect people who act like you and honestly don't want them here on this forum, which recently has been poisoned by scrubbiness beyond belief.
Isn't it enough that I at least know the basics enough to discuss them and not be considered a scrub with a humongous ego and thus get immolated beyond belief when I mess up so much as once, cmon. I'll admit I did make a mistake on that post way back there but what I'm asking is don't let that itself make you think I am COMPLETELY devoid of any knowledge about the game, I simply don't want to be seen as completely skill less and a total noob who doesn't know what the **** it is he's talking about, THATS what's getting to me because I know it isn't true.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
public class casualSmasher
   public casualSmasher()
      int IQ = 50;
      while (1)
         System.out.println(new rant());


Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2007
public class casualSmasher
   public casualSmasher()
      int IQ = 50;
      while (1)
         System.out.println(new rant());

Your function suffers from negative IQ.....
....but is it a glitch, or an exploit?


Smash Hero
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco
Isn't it enough that I at least know the basics enough to discuss them and not be considered a scrub with a humongous ego and thus get immolated beyond belief when I mess up so much as once, cmon. I'll admit I did make a mistake on that post way back there but what I'm asking is don't let that itself make you think I am COMPLETELY devoid of any knowledge about the game, I simply don't want to be seen as completely skill less and a total noob who doesn't know what the **** it is he's talking about, THATS what's getting to me because I know it isn't true.
You've been showing your ignorance about Smash for like 20 pages. c'mon lol
And not only did you screw up on L-canceling but you screwed up on dash-dancing. Here on Smashboards those are BASICS.

The stuff in bold is your problem. You seem like you are too embarrassed to just admit you were wrong about everything. Like I said forget about your ego, admit the mistakes, and we'll invite you to learn whatever you want to learn.

LOL @ The Java thing. Post of the Year right there (there's probably been better ones this year but whatever >_>)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 23, 2005
Are you admitting to a typo, or to not knowing what l-canceling is? For the record, you ARE reacting in a way that's very similar to how an average person reacts when they're caught in a like, or caught while talking about something they know nothing about.

If you admit that you don't know what l-canceling is (or fully explain what actually happened in that match) any of us, I'm sure, will be happy to explain it to you, and point you in the direction of a video tutorial.
We need to quit bashing him, but dash dancing into a regular dash, wtf was that? And once again, it's impossible to argue that it's more logical to play with ITEMS on for determining the winner as the player with the most skill.
Dash dancing into a regular dance, it's simply when you're dash dancing and at the end of it you simply just push left or right to go off in that direction, if I'm wrong and this is an impossibility somehow someone do enlighten me because I'd be a bit bewildered. As for me knowing what l-canceling is, yes, I do know what that is. As for what happened with the terminology I simply got l-canceling and wave dashing mixed up in my brain due to my tired state, it was pretty late at night. Regardless what I had meant was that I was dash dancing with the bob omb on Pichu to make my friend Michael worry about wether I was actually going to throw it at him or not, in hopes that he would turn his reflector on, which he stupidly did. That is when I went from the dash dance into a short hop that I would wave dash into after having thrown the bomb upwards, the wave dash having been so as that I could get close enough to grab my friend Michael, and back throw him into the bomb as it came down.

If any of that sounds out of place let me know and I'll try and explain it a little better and or correct myself.

The Hypnotist

Smash Lord
May 23, 2007
Pinole, California (The Bay Area)
I simply don't want to be seen as completely skill less and a total noob who doesn't know what the **** it is he's talking about, THATS what's getting to me because I know it isn't true.
Your not completely skill less but your knowledge of smashbros is significantly less than the average smasher on these forums, your also just not as good at the game. Especially if you don't know what L-Canclling or DDing is. And that's not a bad thing, it's just the truth.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005

Your function suffers from negative IQ.....
....but is it a glitch, or an exploit?
Nope. It functions as it is supposed to. They just start pumping out rants with a negative IQ.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 23, 2005
public class casualSmasher
   public casualSmasher()
      int IQ = 50;
      while (1)
         System.out.println(new rant());


Your function suffers from negative IQ.....
....but is it a glitch, or an exploit?
edit: nevermind

You've been showing your ignorance about Smash for like 20 pages. c'mon lol
And not only did you screw up on L-canceling but you screwed up on dash-dancing. Here on Smashboards those are BASICS.

The stuff in bold is your problem. You seem like you are too embarrassed to just admit you were wrong about everything. Like I said forget about your ego, admit the mistakes, and we'll invite you to learn whatever you want to learn.

LOL @ The Java thing. Post of the Year right there (there's probably been better ones this year but whatever >_>)
And you, out of these previous ******* above you, I thank you. Unlike them you're actually going out of your way to resolve our misunderstanding unlike those elitist douchebags above you, though the Post of the Year thing still hurts, I still thank you. Everyone else, you know what to do.

Edit: **** sorry about that, I didn't mean "dash dance into a regular dance" I meant into a regular dash, once more it's late and keeping up with all the high horse posts and the others is taking a bit of a toll.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
String query = wtfIs("TL:DR");


Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2007


And you, out of these previous ******* above you, I thank you. Unlike them you're actually going out of your way to resolve our misunderstanding unlike those elitist douchebags above you, though the Post of the Year thing still hurts, I still thank you. Everyone else, you know what to do.
Aw man, I find that offense. If you read a post I made a few posts back (and you quoted it a few posts back) I said Id be happy to explain any technique to you if you'd admit you were wrong.

Edit: also, the coment you just quoted and said was to long to read.... was three lines long.....


Smash Journeyman
Dec 23, 2005
Aw man, I find that offense. If you read a post I made a few posts back (and you quoted it a few posts back) I said Id be happy to explain any technique to you if you'd admit you were wrong.

Edit: also, the coment you just quoted and said was to long to read.... was three lines long.....
Well yeah people usually don't tend to listen to people they feel have wronged them, as I feel you have when you made an (admittedly even to me) funny post regarding my supposed stupidity which I sadly do not share my view of with you. What I'm trying to say is, you're not likely to get a person to admit any wrong that actually wants to admit, by making some, again; epic, fun of them. But I've already explained what I needed to explain about my mistake in previous post.

Hmmm, I really should get to sleep.
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