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Pocket Monsters Inc. (The General Spriting Thread)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 25, 2008
That is one *****in' GC, Slash.

Also, check out this comic I just drew:

My scanner sucks. Tell me if you can't read my handwriting.
Yeah you're handwriting is very hard to read. I know it's not your fault, just the crappy scanner.


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
Here's what they're saying, reading left to right, top to bottom:

Bug: Hey, I got a present for you!
Slug: I don't want it.

Bug: Why not?
Slug: Material posessions!

Slug: I have no need for physical things. No one does!

Stuff just eats our money and takes our space.

Slug: Most of our armed conflicts would be avoided if not for material posessions, you know.
Bug: Yes...

Bug: But it's the thought that counts!

Slug: ...Hmm. Maybe you're right.

Bug: Great! I'll go get it!
Slug: I'll put it in my house!

Words on machine: Money- Eater Space-Taker 2.0
Slug: Sigh.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Good job double posting...

Anyways, in response to your comment, Darkslash...

Wind Waker
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2
Super Mario Sunshine
Luigi's Mansion
Twilight Princess
Pokemon Colosseum
Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness
F-Zero GX
Mario Kart: Double Dash
Paper Mario: TTYD
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

Metroid Prime 3
Super Mario Galaxy
Twilight Princess
Mario Kart Wii
Super Paper Mario
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

Gamecube > Wii. Don't deny it. EVAR.


Atemon Game
Aug 7, 2008
confiirmed, sending supplies
Super Mario Galaxy
I detest that game. It is so linear, you have to follow a set path and there is no real chance to just explore and generally when you do you'll get punished for it, why the hell is there a black hole in the centre of every planet anyways! It's also much too simple, I understand it is directed towards younger children but it could still have some degree of difficulty, I played through Super Mario 64 not long ago just for nostalgia and even now I couldn't collect every star, also that game let you search every inch of the castle and levels and a lot of the time you would get rewarded for it with extra levels and stars. Every time I hear someone praising it for it's graphics and the fact that they perfected the camera among other things it just gets to me! /rant

Wow that feels alot better, I understand now why you do this Firus (albeit my rant pales in comparison to yours)


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
I detest that game. It is so linear, you have to follow a set path and there is no real chance to just explore and generally when you do you'll get punished for it, why the hell is there a black hole in the centre of every planet anyways! It's also much too simple, I understand it is directed towards younger children but it could still have some degree of difficulty, I played through Super Mario 64 not long ago just for nostalgia and even now I couldn't collect every star, also that game let you search every inch of the castle and levels and a lot of the time you would get rewarded for it with extra levels and stars. Every time I hear someone praising it for it's graphics and the fact that they perfected the camera among other things it just gets to me! /rant

Wow that feels alot better, I understand now why you do this Firus (albeit my rant pales in comparison to yours)
I can collect all the stars in super mario 64 (the only ones that get me are the final wing cap area around Tick Tock Clock and for a while the final red coin on bowser in the sky) and the DS version, too. :)

I agreee with you 100%. 64 was much better in terms of dificulty and the amount of freedom you have. In galaxy you have a set path and that, in turn, lowers the dificulty sinificantly. That isn't to say I hate the game, actually I'd put them at about par with each other with 64 still being better. 64 was harder, had better mario-esque music, and was more free-form, but galaxy I felt had a bit more creative level design and great graphics for a wii game.

@Firus: While I certainly think the GCN has better games, keep in mind that there is still a few more years on the wii's lifespan. That could easily mean that there will be some great game on the horizon and we all don't know it yet (once Nintendo realizes that appealing to only the casual audience is a bad economic plan since what if they become a fully realized gamer and has no interest in the wii stuff anymore). That could also very well mean that people will be rehashing the low budget games that I've seen on the market at this point. Honestly what I put in parenthases will be the key to the direction of the wii at least for nintendo.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
@ Zook, that slug dude is mad cool, comics preety cool too.

about SMG, well it sucked, it was to chilidish in my thoughts, 64DS was much better and chalenging, it felt rewarding after i unlocked the cannon to get on top of the roof and claim luigi last mini game rabbit.




You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
I detest that game. It is so linear, you have to follow a set path and there is no real chance to just explore and generally when you do you'll get punished for it, why the hell is there a black hole in the centre of every planet anyways! It's also much too simple, I understand it is directed towards younger children but it could still have some degree of difficulty, I played through Super Mario 64 not long ago just for nostalgia and even now I couldn't collect every star, also that game let you search every inch of the castle and levels and a lot of the time you would get rewarded for it with extra levels and stars. Every time I hear someone praising it for it's graphics and the fact that they perfected the camera among other things it just gets to me! /rant

Wow that feels alot better, I understand now why you do this Firus (albeit my rant pales in comparison to yours)
Yes. I detest it too. Yay, I found someone who agrees with me.

And wait, perfecting the camera? El oh el. I hate the camera for the whole spherical planet system. It's awful and deceitful, it makes it look like you can press left to go left, but instead you go diagonally left.

@Firus: While I certainly think the GCN has better games, keep in mind that there is still a few more years on the wii's lifespan. That could easily mean that there will be some great game on the horizon and we all don't know it yet (once Nintendo realizes that appealing to only the casual audience is a bad economic plan since what if they become a fully realized gamer and has no interest in the wii stuff anymore). That could also very well mean that people will be rehashing the low budget games that I've seen on the market at this point. Honestly what I put in parenthases will be the key to the direction of the wii at least for nintendo.
I highly doubt it. With Kind Code and things like a "more accessible" Zelda on the rise, I see games continuing the way they are. The Wii isn't dead yet, but it's been half a console generation now. I don't really buy into the "Wait longer" argument, be it for Brawl or for Nintendo. I don't think Nintendo does realize that their current marketing strategy is going to fail eventually. They don't really seem to realize that they shunned the hardcore fans who stick with them through thick and thin and decided to go for people who will buy their crap as long as it's "WIII (pun intended) MOTION SENSOR!", but the moment that aspect is toned down and/or another company manages to have a system just as good for that, they're leaving. No...they've realized that they are losing about 25% of the hardcore, but they've still got a good 75% following them like Mary's little lamb. They're trying to ACT like they're still catering towards the hardcore, but I don't buy it.

Also, we've not heard any news of any new games other than that they're working on a Zelda of some sort and some definitive news on Pikmin 3. No Star Fox news. No F-Zero news. No new Metroid news, and it's been over a year since the last one (the only way I'm going to stop being pissed at them for that is if they announce a Super Metroid remake for DS or a 2.5D remake for Wii).

I'm not counting on improvement from Nintendo any time soon.

about SMG, well it sucked, it was to chilidish in my thoughts, 64DS was much better and chalenging, it felt rewarding after i unlocked the cannon to get on top of the roof and claim luigi last mini game rabbit.

Awesome. Good job Firus.
Thank you.

Anyone want a shoddy or sprite? I'm quite bored and want something to do.
There are 20 on the pending list just calling your name. =P

I just had a rather enjoyable time reading through some of my rants on Brawl, Nintendo, and the DSi.[/randomness]


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
I detest that game. It is so linear, you have to follow a set path and there is no real chance to just explore and generally when you do you'll get punished for it, why the hell is there a black hole in the centre of every planet anyways! It's also much too simple, I understand it is directed towards younger children but it could still have some degree of difficulty, I played through Super Mario 64 not long ago just for nostalgia and even now I couldn't collect every star, also that game let you search every inch of the castle and levels and a lot of the time you would get rewarded for it with extra levels and stars. Every time I hear someone praising it for it's graphics and the fact that they perfected the camera among other things it just gets to me! /rant

And here I thought you weren't a sell-out, LB!


Apr 13, 2008
I used to think that Galaxy was inferior, but no longer do I.

You guys compare its difficulty to you now to the difficulty of Super Mario 64 and Sunshine then, when you were younger. Games are more difficult when you're younger. I say Super Mario Galaxy is as good as SM64 and Sunshine, as each had their own, unique charm.

Super Mario 64 was very fantasy like, based in Peach's castle with quirky tunes and very kid-friendly content. It was the "all-around 3D Mario game," because it focused on a very diverse premise.

Super Mario Sunshine took a leap from SM64 with a tropical setting, and a very different type of platforming, one that was based around the F.L.U.D.D., rather than Mario's own prowess. It had its own charm, that was very distinguishable from SM64, enough to be reckoned as a totally different game, and equally as good.

Super Mario Galaxy, the latest in the series does exactly what Sunshine did - but in a totally different way (oxymoron). It took the idea of SM64, spun it on its axis and threw it in space, along with of course, an incredibly enhanced physics engine, and totally new ways to play as Mario. It wasn't as farfetched as Sunshine was, but neither was it as grounded. Super Mario Galaxy is by far, the most mature in the series, as it has the most involved and mortality-influenced concept.

All in all, I find these games to be some of the best ever made, and I praise them all equally for their own merits, not the battle between their aspects. Why war these gems with one another when their all incredibly fun to play?


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
idc about this Galxay arguement but I agree with Spire on this on the whole difficulty and unique-ness aspects. But I still like 64 out of the 3 because of all the memories I have with that game.


Apr 13, 2008
idc about this Galxay arguement but I agree with Spire on this on the whole difficulty and unique-ness aspects. But I still like 64 out of the 3 because of all the memories I have with that game.
Super Mario 64 is my favorite also, because of the memories I have with it as a child - being my first Nintendo game. Before that, I was a Saturn/Playstation renter from Blockbuster (never owned the consoles until I got my Playstation after my 64).

But, I cannot say that SM64 is a better game than Sunshine or Galaxy, because frankly, those are two incredible games.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
Super Mario 64 is my favorite also, because of the memories I have with it as a child - being my first Nintendo game. Before that, I was a Saturn/Playstation renter from Blockbuster (never owned the consoles until I got my Playstation after my 64).

But, I cannot say that SM64 is a better game than Sunshine or Galaxy, because frankly, those are two incredible games.
Well 64 was my first game ever that I can remember playing. It's possible that I could've played a game before it but that would've meant that I was like 2.

Sunshine and Galxy were good games too but there were some (little) problems with them that makes me like 64 better.. The FLUDD was gimmicky in Sunshine and some of the missions in Galaxy were too easy. But all 3 were still good platformers.

Bowser King

Have It Your Way
Aug 7, 2007
Ontario, Canada
2nd one is my favourite Aman and I personally think it looks really good :).

Also, I'm surprised at how many people started with the N64.

I'm not that old (below 17 won't tell anything beyond that :p) and I started out with the good old Nes and Snes (granted they were my dads but I played them a lot :p).

Playing games like Super mario world, Zelda lttP, Super Mario bros 3 and a lot of others at an early age was probably one of the greatest things to happen to me. Especially since I got the chance to go back to them at a older age and feel that good old nostalgia.

-:bowser:Bowser King


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
I started with the Genesis.

HAH! I'm different.

...Just ignore me.

And BK, while the console you start out with CAN be an indication of how old you are, it can also just be that that was simply the first console you got. I know quite a few people my age who started out on the N64, and I know there is at least one person on SmashBoards who started on the Wii. Doesn't mean that was the latest console when they were born, it just means it was the first console they got.


Smash Lol'd
Jun 1, 2008
Have I missed allot?

I started on the SNES (super mario bros, mortal combat, jurasic park), but it wasn't mine, it was my neighbors and then when I was 5 or 6 I got the N64.
BK, your 15 aren't you?


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
Thanks for the comments guys. I was intending for the second one to be a bomb. Hence all the fuses and wires.

Eh, I could've done a bit better on this one.

Bowser King

Have It Your Way
Aug 7, 2007
Ontario, Canada
I started with the Genesis.

HAH! I'm different.

...Just ignore me.

And BK, while the console you start out with CAN be an indication of how old you are, it can also just be that that was simply the first console you got. I know quite a few people my age who started out on the N64, and I know there is at least one person on SmashBoards who started on the Wii. Doesn't mean that was the latest console when they were born, it just means it was the first console they got.
I know but a lot of people think that if you own a NES your old :p
My dad wasn't really a sega person and I basically grew up on a strict Nintendo system guide :p

Luckily, my cousin owned a genesis and dreamcast so I got to witness some of the wonders :p

Have I missed allot?

I started on the SNES (super mario bros, mortal combat, jurasic park), but it wasn't mine, it was my neighbors and then when I was 5 or 6 I got the N64.
BK, your 15 aren't you?


Thanks for the comments guys. I was intending for the second one to be a bomb. Hence all the fuses and wires.

Eh, I could've done a bit better on this one.

-:bowser:Bowser King


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008

Could you do a mawile egg when yr done plz?
Sorry, the shop isn't open to new requests at the moment. Come back once we've finished off the Pending Request list and re-request it.

Bowser King

Have It Your Way
Aug 7, 2007
Ontario, Canada
I'm old? Strange when I think about it, I never watched a Gundam show until Wing and I was expecting the green one eyed suits to show up. What the hell?
I don't know your age so I can't say but by owning a NES does not make you "old". It's just one of those stupid things I hear people say.

-:bowser:Bowser King


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Why are PRoom mods going so crazy with the disabling of sigs? That's like, two people on this little island alone who have a locked sig.

I don't know your age so I can't say but by owning a NES does not make you "old". It's just one of those stupid things I hear people say.

-:bowser:Bowser King
Yeah, I got my NES a month or so ago. I'm not like, a 5-year-old (obviously), but I certainly am not any age because I own an NES. I could theoretically be a day old and own an NES.
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