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Smash Master
Apr 4, 2006
I jog NY
man **** Yo, I Just Went Thru This Thread Only To See Half Of The Last Page A List Of Eggms Recent Accomplishments Lol. Shut Whoevers Argument That Was Up, Was It Dires Or Something, I Dont Remember.
I Second That

DJ Nintendo

Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2005
Bronx, NY
I'm gonna remember this forever.

Within the first three posts of a page, DJ actually had better grammar and less net speak than Mew2King.
I actually have godly a$$ grammar skills. I major in English & Psychology too. It's the boards though. I'm not gonna speak OD proper English through here. It's basically the way most people talk on AIM too.


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2006
I jog NY
I actually have godly a$$ grammar skills. I major in English & Psychology too. It's the boards though. I'm not gonna speak OD proper English through here. It's basically the way most people talk on AIM too.
LOLZZ at HAB, I SOO wanted 2 go 2 ur smashfest, but since IDK U.....


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2007
LMFAO at m2k randomly coming to say that ... also ... m2k when are u coming to my bi weeklies so i can bust that *** like i did at espoc with samus ^_^ even tho i only won once out of like 8 but that was fun as **** and u help me with the match up


Smash Lord
Mar 29, 2006
lewl shut down by m2k.

I also have amazing grammar skills!

bu7 s0m371m3s i lik3z t0 74lk lik3z dis
cuz ima be a G!

DJ Nintendo

Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2005
Bronx, NY
Cba, you should've definitely gotten in contact with me. M2K, its alright you can't handle my Mario lol. Nah, but you gotta come through. I'm thinking about bringing Dr. Mario back lol.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2007
ya need to come to my melee bi-weeklies ^_^ ... the last one was amazing draft crews and everything ... if we can get enough people for at least 4 crews we can do crew round robins ^_^


Smash Lord
May 29, 2007
Brooklyn, New York
ya need to come to my melee bi-weeklies ^_^ ... the last one was amazing draft crews and everything ... if we can get enough people for at least 4 crews we can do crew round robins ^_^
Man if only I still had my Samus I would soooo go :ohwell:...I'm in need for some smash right now..in any form lol.

on a side note...I'm not as desperate as I seem...I still wouldn't play Smash 64 :laugh:


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Gotham City
man, im mad tight i didn't get to go to ch4. oh well for those of u who got nothing to do try getting top 60 in AiB ladder they said they will give away money now O.O


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Gotham City
yo DJ ma dood!!! Just go to Allisbrawl.com.

Yo i just saw the results for CH4, man someone ***** that pot money from 1200 to 600 lol m2k is pissed.
Me and Rog would have GARANTEED won teams but since the payoff got disminished i guess i'm kinda glad i didn't go. good stuff to those who rep NYC.

Seriously go to AIB though dj


Smash Master
Nov 23, 2003
Staten Island, NY
aib ****ing sucks dude, its like worse than smashboards. its just a bunch of blowhard cali players who think wario is better than meta knight and have a bunch of stupid memes and give themselves stupid internet badges to boost their ego because they aren't good enough to prove themselves.

a majority of themselves couldn't debate for **** and I doubt they could hold on to their testicles with both hands for more than 3 seconds either. it's a bastion of incompetence and stupidity.


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2008
Getting used to FL.....slowly.
aib ****ing sucks dude, its like worse than smashboards. its just a bunch of blowhard cali players who think wario is better than meta knight and have a bunch of stupid memes and give themselves stupid internet badges to boost their ego because they aren't good enough to prove themselves.

a majority of themselves couldn't debate for **** and I doubt they could hold on to their testicles with both hands for more than 3 seconds either. it's a bastion of incompetence and stupidity.
Finally, somebody who thinks the same as I. My 4 accounts there see all.


Smash Master
Nov 23, 2003
Staten Island, NY
Finally, somebody who thinks the same as I. My 4 accounts there see all.
well its relieving to see that im not losing my mind despite it feeling otherwise lol -.-

i went there for like a month but stopped because people there are seriously ****ing stupid. watch how the same people post between there and here, they are so much more confident posting **** that isn't true there because they know they're little e-buds will back them up on anything. like its the same crowd who thinks matchups have no pull on how a character is ranked and when i brought up player skill as a potential reason for a char placing high they couldn't refute it and just ignored it cuz they're ****ing stupid.


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2008
Getting used to FL.....slowly.
well its relieving to see that im not losing my mind despite it feeling otherwise lol -.-

i went there for like a month but stopped because people there are seriously ****ing stupid. watch how the same people post between there and here, they are so much more confident posting **** that isn't true there because they know they're little e-buds will back them up on anything. like its the same crowd who thinks matchups have no pull on how a character is ranked and when i brought up player skill as a potential reason for a char placing high they couldn't refute it and just ignored it cuz they're ****ing stupid.
nah there are others but they just aren't here right nao.

I just lurk, and i see more stupid stuff than I do here.

But thats probably because I don't dare go near any of the brawl sections, unless I'm bored out of my mind ya dig.


Smash Lord
May 25, 2006
BergenField, Bergen County(North East Jersey)
allisbrawl.com owns thats where u promote your weeklies and such.
thats funny. i have no well thought out clever remark for that stupid statement so instead ill just state the truth.

AIB = for all the dumb idiots who think brawl is amazing. where idiot posting is allowed to run free and rampant and peoples opinions are far from reality.

Smashboards = where all the smart consistant intellegent players post and find out about tourneys and make crews and stuff.


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
thats funny. i have no well thought out clever remark for that stupid statement so instead ill just state the truth.

AIB = for all the dumb idiots who think brawl is amazing. where idiot posting is allowed to run free and rampant and peoples opinions are far from reality.

Smashboards = where all the smart consistant intellegent players post and find out about tourneys and make crews and stuff.
That's funny.

Because I like playing Brawl and usually say the stupidest **** on the weekly thread the most often.

By your standards I shouldn't even BE on Smashboards.

But then again, given my intelligence and reasoning skills, I am pretty much built to be the perfect Smash player, except that I can't play Smash well at all. I main Olimar for ****'s sake.


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2004
Queens, N.Y.
Eggm didn't shut ME up Jason Zimmerman, he's merely showing support for the player that he does not dislike, which happens to be Jman. Of course eggm is not going to swallow his pride and say ''I really don't like you but i'm going to admit to your skills'', like other haterade-drinkers he is going to scrounge up the most-pass-off logic to pit against me. Epic fail. OK so Jman does decent in an OOS brawl tourney, I haven't even travelled yet, so sure, he is better than me OOS, too bad he gets rocked-a-locked over in hometown. That's like saying Jman is better than Bum cause he does better than him OOS on the technicality that Bum does not travel, quite like me. Another epic fail. Neither Jman or Eggm have anything on me when it comes to this game, are you serious? You could hate my guts and still tell who's better, clearly better in fact. Bum being the only one that says so? I think i'll trust his eye in talent considering he's the Goku to all you phuckin' Yamchas and Tiens talkin' the talk. For someone so hell-bent on bringing up statistics and all that Jason Zimmerman-like data, you sure don't respond well to MY facts, as haters only work one way.

Oh and ending your "valid" argument with ''suck a ****'' eggm? Real mature, out of all the people that do not like you, and I mean -all- the people, I am the one person that hasn't even poked fun at your weight, let alone say something like that. I simply ask that you do me the favor of re-addressing this homo-erotic request to me personally, so that I may properly retort, and retort hard I will.


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2003

Eggm didn't shut ME up Jason Zimmerman, he's merely showing support for the player that he does not dislike, which happens to be Jman. Of course eggm is not going to swallow his pride and say ''I really don't like you but i'm going to admit to your skills'', like other haterade-drinkers he is going to scrounge up the most-pass-off logic to pit against me. Epic fail. OK so Jman does decent in an OOS brawl tourney, I haven't even travelled yet, so sure, he is better than me OOS, too bad he gets rocked-a-locked over in hometown. That's like saying Jman is better than Bum cause he does better than him OOS on the technicality that Bum does not travel, quite like me. Another epic fail. Neither Jman or Eggm have anything on me when it comes to this game, are you serious? You could hate my guts and still tell who's better, clearly better in fact. Bum being the only one that says so? I think i'll trust his eye in talent considering he's the Goku to all you phuckin' Yamchas and Tiens talkin' the talk. For someone so hell-bent on bringing up statistics and all that Jason Zimmerman-like data, you sure don't respond well to MY facts, as haters only work one way.

Oh and ending your "valid" argument with ''suck a ****'' eggm? Real mature, out of all the people that do not like you, and I mean -all- the people, I am the one person that hasn't even poked fun at your weight, let alone say something like that. I simply ask that you do me the favor of re-addressing this homo-erotic request to me personally, so that I may properly retort, and retort hard I will.

anyways i dont give respect to ppl that dont give me respect when i beat them. eggm and jman both of u i have beaten you a good amount of times but yet either you cry and john or you dont say good game instead i hear shti fom eggm " well trebles samus is better than wes's" lol how do u say that after you lose to me lol makes no sense lol. And jman you are doign your thing in melee but realize this the competition isnt as packed as it was during the era me and dire use to play melee your doing your thing but it doesnt bother to wonder if how you would go up against ppl like me at my prime vs your prime i guess not.

I forgo =t your just a lik kid that smiles when you win but when you lose there is always that epic oscar crying scene that you do. i tell you this i am thinking really hard about coming back to melee just to play: vanz,jman,eggm and reno **** them then leave. lol


Smash Hero
Aug 29, 2006
Neptune, NJ
Eggm didn't shut ME up Jason Zimmerman, he's merely showing support for the player that he does not dislike, which happens to be Jman. Of course eggm is not going to swallow his pride and say ''I really don't like you but i'm going to admit to your skills'', like other haterade-drinkers he is going to scrounge up the most-pass-off logic to pit against me. Epic fail. OK so Jman does decent in an OOS brawl tourney, I haven't even travelled yet, so sure, he is better than me OOS, too bad he gets rocked-a-locked over in hometown. That's like saying Jman is better than Bum cause he does better than him OOS on the technicality that Bum does not travel, quite like me. Another epic fail. Neither Jman or Eggm have anything on me when it comes to this game, are you serious? You could hate my guts and still tell who's better, clearly better in fact. Bum being the only one that says so? I think i'll trust his eye in talent considering he's the Goku to all you phuckin' Yamchas and Tiens talkin' the talk. For someone so hell-bent on bringing up statistics and all that Jason Zimmerman-like data, you sure don't respond well to MY facts, as haters only work one way.

Oh and ending your "valid" argument with ''suck a ****'' eggm? Real mature, out of all the people that do not like you, and I mean -all- the people, I am the one person that hasn't even poked fun at your weight, let alone say something like that. I simply ask that you do me the favor of re-addressing this homo-erotic request to me personally, so that I may properly retort, and retort hard I will.
Alright your right about the non game stuff. I took it out of my post. However the rest of what I said stands. I"m pretty sure I've seen like 3 different results were jman was top 2. I don't know how that translates into getting rockalocked in his hometown.

Also its not coincidence that people came to backup jman and no one has came to back up you yet. Just like it wasn't coincidence that hardly anyone mentioned you in that other thread. Jman is just better overall. You realize some one can be better but not win head to head right? I think he's better overall. Btw, my original reason for even saying he was better is so that I could say Jman/Bum were still top in brawl like they were in melee so nothing changed. But you'd occasionally **** in melee too, so honestly i don't even really need to argue for this. Wes is still getting rocked by all the new school melee players like jman reno vanz etc.. in the new game and D.A is still placing around the same and the top players are still the top players, brawl didn't "fix" anything that you guys johned forever about which was my original point anyway.

Edit : Wes, our tournament record is 3-1. Yes, you beat me ONCE on a laggy tv at smashtality. I beat you the next 3 times in a row in your own territory. Treble is a better samus than you and was then. Hes also beaten me in tournament and I can just tell, anyone whose played him would agree btw. Many have already that i've talked to on aim. Hugs is also infintley better than you I played him at pound 3. Dont like it? Come to alukards biweekly saturday and practice up and prove yourself. It only takes like 3 hours of tech skill practice to get your tech skill back. And since your smart that should make up for if its a little rusty after the practice right?


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
Major announcement:

web2zone has kinda informed me that if need be, they would be comfortable with me running weeklies again (probably because they're hurting for business and I'm the only previously-employed Smasher who left on good terms with the people still working there). They want me to come in one day a week, probably Fridays, and run Tio and make sure tournies go smoothly.

I told them that my schedule is hectic but that if there's a demand for it, I'll try my best.

Any feedback?


Smash Master
Nov 23, 2003
Staten Island, NY
lmao @ dire being double quoted when vanz said not to quote >_>

HOLY **** @ HAb that's amazing, i;d reallllllllllllllllllllllllly like to be able to go to web2zone again i havent been there since jan. its really hard to get there but i will definately try not to take it for granted next time
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