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Banned via Administration
Feb 6, 2005
Twitter @xD1x
What console you got Sc4 on?


Nvm, Aris confirmed this works.
Being that Aris was definitely one of the best SC2 Voldo/Yoshi players back then I wouldn't even 2nd guess him being right...no meatriding intended but he always did get pretty far in Evos for SC2 I have like all his vids.

Even tho Mick was most def my fave and RTD since like...they're black...LMAO j/k.

I actually know Mick (best Cassandra period hands down). And yeah he's amazing...thats that meatridin -_-.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2007
Ah if only I or Bum were attending...such hope for NY placings are ever so fleeting..

It's pretty much up to Ninja Link and D1, straight up..

Let's see what those guys can do.
see -__- ... *sigh* i'm tired of getting looked over


soul ark

Smash Ace
May 2, 2008
bronx, new york
i dont know why but my ralph just keeps getting better by the second also rock is too intense in this game. i dont think the ivy thing will last either some one will ban it or someone will realize how to actually air control.

and the only deterrent from me going on calibur forums is all this 32kk combo mess i dont even understand it and wouldn't know how to start.


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2006
queens, NY
i dont know why but my ralph just keeps getting better by the second also rock is too intense in this game. i dont think the ivy thing will last either some one will ban it or someone will realize how to actually air control.

and the only deterrent from me going on calibur forums is all this 32kk combo mess i dont even understand it and wouldn't know how to start.
the numbers are just directions, look at ur numpad on ur keyboard and the numbers correspond to the direction ie. 5= forward, 4= back, 2= down, 8= up, (and its assuming ur facing right). the letters represent the buttons, A is horizontal B is Vertical and K is Kick (like in the command menu) so 2k is down kick and 3A+B is diagonal down right and vertical+horizontal button at same time. hope that helps.

and LOL at how u rather have 3 ppl spamming this thread with NONSENSE then have a couple ppl have an intelligent discussion about sc4. u guys are so full of crap and its funny because half the ppl that are complaining (not all) dont even use this thread to say anything but nonsense.*cough* silven *cough*....


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2006
queens, NY
sry for double posting but since when did tiers become a taboo subject? you guys are always attacking NJ for having a bunch of foxes and falcos but NY had almost the same amount of players who played marth peach and fox in melee. just cuz we had a couple ppl like jayo, jash and glitch that played low tiers u guys think u guys were all unique? newsflash i dont think anyone except bum ever won a weekly with a low tier when it was melee. now all of a sudden everyone is anti tiers nonsense, all of who mained high or high mid tier characters in melee (leo= falco, silven= samus, brian= falco, marth) so why attack ppl now for talking about tiers?

also D1 im mad at u for being the person who was typing essays about sc4 to telling ppl they should go to sc forums. why should they go to sc forums when they probably dont have the intention of playing the game competitively? dont smashers complain when ppl come on these forums and ask why items are off??? i already stated i dont own the game yet and on sc forums if u ask about **** u can test u just get raged at. which is why i APPRECIATE emblem lords input about sc in this thread. ty emblem lord for the info and ty for putting up with NYC's garbage where they rather have leo or godot triple posting instead of have a conversation about another game. lololol ya nikkas is ********.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2007
sry for double posting but since when did tiers become a taboo subject? you guys are always attacking NJ for having a bunch of foxes and falcos but NY had almost the same amount of players who played marth peach and fox in melee. just cuz we had a couple ppl like jayo, jash and glitch that played low tiers u guys think u guys were all unique? newsflash i dont think anyone except bum ever won a weekly with a low tier when it was melee. now all of a sudden everyone is anti tiers nonsense, all of who mained high or high mid tier characters in melee (leo= falco, silven= samus, brian= falco, marth) so why attack ppl now for talking about tiers?

also D1 im mad at u for being the person who was typing essays about sc4 to telling ppl they should go to sc forums. why should they go to sc forums when they probably dont have the intention of playing the game competitively? dont smashers complain when ppl come on these forums and ask why items are off??? i already stated i dont own the game yet and on sc forums if u ask about **** u can test u just get raged at. which is why i APPRECIATE emblem lords input about sc in this thread. ty emblem lord for the info and ty for putting up with NYC's garbage where they rather have leo or godot triple posting instead of have a conversation about another game. lololol ya nikkas is ********.

but this is a thread about smash i dont care WTF peopel post as long as it pertains to smash if i wanna read about ****ing sc i would go somewhere else ... and the tier discussion was like that cuz the game just was released ... so we dont wanna her about PEOPLES opinion on whos the highest tier cuz it was just released


Smash Journeyman
Aug 24, 2007
Bronx, NY

Why are you telling me to stfu?

Anyway, SC is a different breed of fighter. Infinites are much harder to come by in 3-d fighters and they give much bigger advantages namely because you have a health meter so an infinte alone can kill. And this is extremely easy to do. Plus Ivy already had all the tools to be top tier. She has great pokes, can fight at any range, can shut down side stepping, and has insane command grabs. This infinite put her over the top.

You can't compare Dedede who manages to get by on a few really good moves and a CG to a character that has pretty much EVERYTHING you would want in a character that also happens to have an infinite that is super easy to set-up.

Do you realize the insane mix-up potential off of this infinite? Say it isn't banned. Ok, a veteran who knows about the infinite would always block standing when they see Ivy crouching. Guess what though? Ivy has two command grabs that can take about 1/3 of a life bar. So if you ALWAYS block standing when Ivy does a move that forces her to crouch then she essentially gets a free command grab every time. You could attempt to break the grab, and it will be easier if you know it's coming, but then another mix-up with low pokes can occur.

Do you not see how f*ckin deadly this is?

BTW Ivy also has an attack loop when her opponent is against the wall.

Edit: Infinite on counter hit still scares the piss out of anyone. It's not hard to get a counter hit really. You just have to hit someone when they try to do....anything at all.

Also Ivy was in coiled stance in the vid. She can't do command grabs in that stance. But if she has that launcher move in sword stance then the mix-up is still viable.

On topic: Ninja Link....

I want you to try going Diddy on my Marth son.

He is hungry for some monkey brain soup.

ok let me point this out, you do realize that in SC4 theres an an ability called "Nullified Air Control" did anybody ever think that maybe Ivy was equipped with it or some1 already tried it without power-ups?


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Gotham City
I agree with alu stop talkin about sc4, until i can get my own copy.

bum the phone# i gave u is my house, maybe my pop probably pick it up, next time ask for STEINER!!!
MASK is my gamer tag lol

as for the pictures they got erased thanks to my cpu crashing.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 24, 2007
Bronx, NY
but this is a thread about smash i dont care WTF peopel post as long as it pertains to smash if i wanna read about ****ing sc i would go somewhere else ... and the tier discussion was like that cuz the game just was released ... so we dont wanna her about PEOPLES opinion on whos the highest tier cuz it was just released
*Applause* Alukard is my new best friend ^_^ xD well ppl will do what nthey want. Can't stop them from posting about another game cuz i get caught up and argue back about the same game to so, im at fault too xD


SiNiStEr MiNiStEr
Apr 18, 2006
DAYUM!!!! I hate melee LMAO im kiddin
That dude hates Melee.

Fo sho.
EmblemLord, just wanted to join in ;D
I just pulled six fatties in a match.

I am too pro.
I'll play Gears of War with you. My Gamer Tag is Starzonedge. ;D
im soo bored shesh anyone want to play on wifi?
my brother is using the tv for 360 maybe in a few i can play. But the only thing thats available to me is my wii =P

if you wan to play on wifi then thats ok =]
I lol'd

ok let me point this out, you do realize that in SC4 theres an an ability called "Nullified Air Control" did anybody ever think that maybe Ivy was equipped with it or some1 already tried it without power-ups?
I agree with alu stop talkin about sc4, until i can get my own copy.

bum the phone# i gave u is my house, maybe my pop probably pick it up, next time ask for STEINER!!!
MASK is my gamer tag lol

as for the pictures they got erased thanks to my cpu crashing.
*Applause* Alukard is my new best friend ^_^ xD well ppl will do what nthey want. Can't stop them from posting about another game cuz i get caught up and argue back about the same game to so, im at fault too xD
i guess no one huh =[
Brawl and Melee
:urg: :urg: :urg: :urg: :urg: :chuckle:
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