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Pharaoh's Judgment Live stream will be available! ALLY, HOLY, SWORDGARD, TIN MAN


Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2010
Montreal, Canada
Craigglist has this thing called ride-share, my buddies from highschool have used it about 5 times to visit me (i'm first year uni). They pick you up at a gas station in toronto, drive you downtown montreal a block away from my place. You can lawl all you want, but it's a budget way to come to montreal. You pay 30$ here, and 30$ back. They have had no problems and it's some indian guy. You usually need to come up the thurs/fri at 9am? and they grab you sunday at around 4 i believe.

I am unaware of the next big montreal tourney, Hopefully king kongs next monthly will have more hype, depending if he has one considering its the same month as pound. When I hear anything i'll let you all know, I think it will be nice if you guys came down considering montreal has travelled several times, I think this is why Ally is frustrated.

For more hype, I've booked my bus ticket, it leaves friday at 3:30. Anyone from Montreal on the same bus lemme know. Get hyped

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
Craigglist has this thing called ride-share, my buddies from highschool have used it about 5 times to visit me (i'm first year uni). They pick you up at a gas station in toronto, drive you downtown montreal a block away from my place. You can lawl all you want, but it's a budget way to come to montreal. You pay 30$ here, and 30$ back. They have had no problems and it's some indian guy. You usually need to come up the thurs/fri at 9am? and they grab you sunday at around 4 i believe.

I am unaware of the next big montreal tourney, Hopefully king kongs next monthly will have more hype, depending if he has one considering its the same month as pound. When I hear anything i'll let you all know, I think it will be nice if you guys came down considering montreal has travelled several times, I think this is why Ally is frustrated.

For more hype, I've booked my bus ticket, it leaves friday at 3:30. Anyone from Montreal on the same bus lemme know. Get hyped
If you book mega bus early enough u can get round trip for cheaper. Another advantage is you get to select travel times. I'm not sure if the times you stated are the only available times this guy operates.

Ally is frusterated? Elaborate please.

Why isn't anyone responding to setups for this tournament. Over 40 people confirmed and no one else can bring a TV?


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I know tin, this is getting ****ing irritating.

Anyways, for Ally being pissed it's because we talk so much **** about how our scene is good and all but we don't travel to prove ourselves. We say we're better than mtl and such when we've never really gone there to prove it. Also, we cheer a lot whcih affects them (more so holy) more than it does us becuase we are at home cheering against them.

All his points are valid and we really should consider going there. Even in the sf community, although gta has been winning more so than mtl, they STILL travel there regardless. So although we may have smacked them once it isn't a justification at all to say we're better over and over again.

It took a lot of thinking to get this mindset truly, although i had a vague sense of it beforehand. It's true, we suck when compared relatively.

ALSO: if KK is hosting one on the pound weeked please consider comingto the Ontario Pwn Classic which will have other games to satisfy the fiend within. It'll be worth your time. Plus most of our good players are gone that weekend for pound.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2010
Alright guys this is a week away let's get this **** going. You drive, bring a tv.

MPrime, you bringing one? I think you mentioned something aobut if Tdawg comes and I heard he is coming. If you could, please bring it.

Looft, you drive, you got any small tv? Even if it is ridiculously small, we need one for the projector anyways.

ceX, hate to bug you man, but if you could confirm that tv it would be awesome.

HrcPoke, will you be bringing your tv?

Does anyone live near tin or dirt to get them rides so they can bring their tvs?

At this point I'm considering a taxi to and from to bring my tv lol. Please people, this is looking to be our biggest since our revival and we don't have the set-ups to support it. If it does not meet our requirements we may have to do straight brackets, and of course that sucks.
I'm 15 minutes away(Lol)
My Tv will always be there!(Not 24/7, but for tourneys and crap).


I'm either going Marth or Falco at this one? I'm leaning towards Marth.

What do you guys think?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 21, 2008
Scarberia, ON
lol Gi I dont drive.

The reason I dont bring my crt is because the screen cuts out randomly and the sound has a habit of blaring.

Patches, you play on wifi? We should get some doubles practice in


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2009
Land of the party
lol Gi I dont drive.

The reason I dont bring my crt is because the screen cuts out randomly and the sound has a habit of blaring.

Patches, you play on wifi? We should get some doubles practice in
Yeah. I can do that. Add me on MSN? or pm me.


Also, secondly. I'd be very interested in going to a MTL tournament. I'll be moving to Brantford in a month or two, so I could bus to Toronto, and then to MTL.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I'm 15 minutes away(Lol)
My Tv will always be there!(Not 24/7, but for tourneys and crap).


I'm either going Marth or Falco at this one? I'm leaning towards Marth.

What do you guys think?
thanks a lot man! Gonna put it down.

And go both depending on MUs. Funny cause you'd be lik the reverse Iliad (marth main, secondary falco: you main falco, secondary marth).

What's with that combination?


Smash Ace
Nov 8, 2010
Whitby, ON
Tinman is going to **** MTL (including Ally) and he's going to do it with a jiggly puff. All those times in the past where MTL ***** Tinman, all that ****ty DI you guys ripped on him for, well... he was just play'n. Tinman has a secret and I'm tired of him hiding it. Little did you guys know that Tinman is actually a ****ING SUPER SAIYAN and he plans on finally turning into one this upcoming tourney. MTL, if you're coming to take our $$ and pride once more you might shove that french toast pride up your ***, save your cash and stay home because tinman is going to emasculate all of you, and once and for all prove that GTA > MTL!

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
Ally's mad
According to their current PR, the top 5 (ally - kong) are in a different league than the rest. Like a large gap.

Yeah. I can do that. Add me on MSN? or pm me.


Also, secondly. I'd be very interested in going to a MTL tournament. I'll be moving to Brantford in a month or two, so I could bus to Toronto, and then to MTL.
*googles brantford*

thanks a lot man! Gonna put it down.

And go both depending on MUs. Funny cause you'd be lik the reverse Iliad (marth main, secondary falco: you main falco, secondary marth).

What's with that combination?
Marth's bad matchups: MK, DDD, Diddy (kinda)
Falco's noticable advantages: DDD, Diddy (kinda)

Falco's bad matchups: MK (kinda), ICs, pikachu
Marth's noticable advantages: pikachu, (does better against ICs)

Rough explanation of why this combo works. The Falco needs to be able to use lasers tho...

Tinman, MM my secondaries vs your oli?
**** your secondaries lol. I think i deserve better. I'd be glad to take ur money but I prolly wont have time since i'm hosting. C u in brackets (maybe).

Just something a little bit fancy.
seen this before :p (not the exact one but something like this).

thanks tho ^_^


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
According to their current PR, the top 5 (ally - kong) are in a different league than the rest. Like a large gap.

*googles brantford*

Marth's bad matchups: MK, DDD, Diddy (kinda)
Falco's noticable advantages: DDD, Diddy (kinda)

Falco's bad matchups: MK (kinda), ICs, pikachu
Marth's noticable advantages: pikachu, (does better against ICs)

Rough explanation of why this combo works. The Falco needs to be able to use lasers tho...

**** your secondaries lol. I think i deserve better. I'd be glad to take ur money but I prolly wont have time since i'm hosting. C u in brackets (maybe).

seen this before :p (not the exact one but something like this).

thanks tho ^_^

Stroumbert lost to Guard before not too long ago(like 2 months ago), kkong lost to tim, mar1 always goes last hit with both of them. Our PR has not been updated, kinda mad cause none of the hyped matches actually occured due to brackets last time.

Also, too good for my secondaries? lol. Believe w/e you want I guess.


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2009
* Pokemon Stadium 1
* Castle Siege
* Delfino
* Halberd

did i miss something? when and how the hell are these considered neutrals?

and you guys are STILL using effing japes as a CP? STILL?


Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2010
Montreal, Canada
Welcome to liberal thinking.

I agree with them being neutrals in all honesty, they get striked most of the times anyways.
I forget, is there a lgl?


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2009
it doesnt even make sense for them to be neutrals... a neutral stage is supposed to be just that, NEUTRAL. It should not favor any characters or disfavor any characters.

Those stages clearly have favourites, not to mention there are long walk-off segments in two of those stages.. what the hell? Then theres the claw/laser in halberd, and the ridiculously low ceiling, and PS1's ******** terrain changing with the windmill and other shit.

whatever, ill just strike those stages when i play

Supreme Dirt

King of the Railway
Sep 28, 2009
The idea of neutrals is not that none of them favour a character, it's that after striking them you end up on a stage that doesn't favour either character. A larger stagelist makes this easier, as there are several characters who are heavily favoured by having 3/5 of the stages being SV/BF/FD, ICs and Diddy among them.

Oh, and Tin, the image thing is from Jack Kieser's Item Standard Play thread.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
hammabrooooo!!! What's up man!! Bout ****ing time man, come out these shizz they are hype.

And pharaoh, give it a chance you'll understand how much better it is when you try it. Ask everyone else.

And hating on japes? why cause of he high ceiling not allowing you to kill us earlier? lol.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2007
Toronto, ON
Yeah it's been a while lol

You guys still do the jams over at york?

Also when is the deadline for signing up? I'd know by next week friday if I can make it. Hell I might attend just to watch and do friendlies or some ****, considering this is so convenient for me to reach to.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
yo why you talking like this is your first tourney. You know how it works, you can even decide on the day of. Come and join, this tourney is looking epic as ****.


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
Cruxis, the more neutrals you have the less likely you are to play on one you don't like. You still strike down to one but you get a lot more freedom in what aspects of a stage you want to avoid. It ends up being much more fair for both players. In fact ideally we would just strike from every stage in the game but that would be far too cumbersome. The 9-stage neutral list is the furthest you can really go and still have it be practical.

Also, PS1 is far, far more neutral than both Lylat and Yoshi's. The idea of a neutral not favouring any character is impossible. All of the neutrals favour certain characters. The only real qualifier a neutral needs is to have as few game-disrupting aspects as possible.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
lol, u edited the fake google stuff just in time
i love how you think its fake, also its true, i dont have anything to lose, i dont practice brawl anymore and the only times i play are when im givin iliad or raidos or phiddle mk training,

just means it'll be all the more satisfying beating everyone (other than holy, sg, and joe) when i dont play this game anymore.

<3 to those top 3 tho, mad respect.
<3 to hamilton/burlington aswell, u guys ****


Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2010
Hm. I actually switch mains alot..
I went.. Mario(08') -> ZSS -> Kirby(08') -> Dk(08') -> Falcon(08') -> Samus(08) -> Meta -> Toon Link(08') -> Ganon -> Bowser -> Ike(09'[October-ish]) -> TLink(10') -> Falcon(10') -> Marth -> Ike -> Falco -> Dk -> Ganon -> D3 -> Falcon -> Falco/Marth/TLink/Dk/Ike/Falcon/Mario/Snake/Meta/Ganon/Mr Game and Turtle.

Falco is for easier MU's.
Marth is for "i'm going to **** your ****, by the way, I wear a tiara".
Dk is a Secret Weapon.
Falcon lost his touch...
TLink was my best...
Ike was my second best..
Mario is Fan boy.
Meta is for "Yeah, all my aerials are frame 4 or faster, have fun!"
Snake is just Tilts all day!
Ganon for.. 'My Dair does 23%, More than alot of smashes, Even Ike's uncharged F-Smash'.(Also, I have a pretty **** tech chase). GaW is for 'I have this D-tilt you see, I can spam it all day as well as my Turtle, Have fun on hitting me, Oh! and my smashes kill under 100%'.

Falco is my strongest character.
Marth is second.
Dk is above, or possibly below.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2009
Land of the party
Hm. I actually switch mains alot..
I went.. Mario(08') -> ZSS -> Kirby(08') -> Dk(08') -> Falcon(08') -> Samus(08) -> Meta -> Toon Link(08') -> Ganon -> Bowser -> Ike(09'[October-ish]) -> TLink(10') -> Falcon(10') -> Marth -> Ike -> Falco -> Dk -> Ganon -> D3 -> Falcon -> Falco/Marth/TLink/Dk/Ike/Falcon/Mario/Snake/Meta/Ganon/Mr Game and Turtle.

Falco is for easier MU's.
Marth is for "i'm going to **** your ****, by the way, I wear a tiara".
Dk is a Secret Weapon.
Falcon lost his touch...
TLink was my best...
Ike was my second best..
Mario is Fan boy.
Meta is for "Yeah, all my aerials are frame 4 or faster, have fun!"
Snake is just Tilts all day!
Ganon for.. 'My Dair does 23%, More than alot of smashes, Even Ike's uncharged F-Smash'.(Also, I have a pretty **** tech chase). GaW is for 'I have this D-tilt you see, I can spam it all day as well as my Turtle, Have fun on hitting me, Oh! and my smashes kill under 100%'.

Falco is my strongest character.
Marth is second.
Dk is above, or possibly below.
Shoulda just stuck with GaW.

Been reppin' him since '08.

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
if anyones lurking here and wants to wifi lemme know,ill look in here for a bit

edit: gonna play 007 wifi instead LOL


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2009
And hating on japes? why cause of he high ceiling not allowing you to kill us earlier? lol.
no, i hate on japes because ive seen too many times what our scene does on the stage using falco.

also, im very hyped for this as well. i really shouldnt be because i should be focusing on my finals lol but i am so pumped for this.

im interested to see, how much people have improved. it feels so long since i actually cared about brawl.

im in the exact same mindset as sauc3 right now. i really have nothing to lose, i dont care about the game anymore, there is a lot less pressure and stress on me, and i feel a ton more confident about my abilities. and i dont expect to lose to anyone except holy, SG, or joe (if he shows that is).


Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2010
Sure, but my Ganon isn't THAT good, but sure, i'll mm you.

Also, what does the term Bo3 mean?
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