yea exactly, i could see someone whining if the very top 16 players in the country all showed up for this, and i dont think most people realise this but having a 32 man bracket means you will have 8 people finishing joint 17th and 8 finishing joint 25th. whats the point lol?
if your not finishing in the top 10, especially in this country where the avergae level of smash is still quite low compared to the states and most of europe (dont kid yourselves i can think of 5 or 6 countries in europe with stonger scenes than this one).
ben - good on you for sticking with what you want to do, your the host and will be putting alot of time and effort that most people dont even take into account. what im gonna say to you is dont be too worrried about your performance at this, i know from experience how draining running an event like this can be, its only natural your going to be more physically and mentally drained by the time brackets come along than anyone else. just stay calm and watch those second jumps
oh and thanks for the phone call, nice that someone wants my opinion on something