I think my timing sucks since I believe I signed onto P4A just as Minato was signing out of it. Still though...I seem to have terrible luck with this game. Yosuke doesn't really feel that right so I spend my time playing as Chie and then run into an Aigis or Naoto and can't get in, and I find myself often forgetting about the Persona buttons entirely and just leading into things with A. Plus, I kind of have seemed to have a tendency to run into people either way above my skill level or with terri-bad connections in Ranked. It's kind of weird since my win/loss ratio on that is something I'd certainly rather not mention.
However, I think my problem is just forgetting the combination things. Like, I'll remember the 2 button ones no problem, but I don't remember all 3 of the 3 button ones. I believe I remember the Burst one, but not the other two. It kinda reminds me of when I bought BBCT for the very first time and tried to play it. However, I'm more ashamed this time because rage-quitting after you get a win because you realize that prior to that match you were scary close to throwing your stick down and getting a headache from trying to hold yourself back from letting out "rude obscenities in a displeased tone of voice" from not being able to just instantly grasp the entire system after 4 days with it, is just childish and embarrassing.
On the plus side though, I learned a bunch of ways to implement Dragon Kick into Chie combos as an ender, and picked up a couple of Naoto combos.