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OZ Interview Thread #6 - ZXV (PAGE 5! PAGE 5!)


Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2007
how important is character selection in melee compared to general ability?
how does this compare with brawl?
do you think the netherlands lost the world cup final because they dressed like oompa loompas?


Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2007
when did you start to think molesting children wasn't right?
do you base your look off santa claus?
any chance of returning to the smash scene?

oh sorry, thought this was the ztv interview thread


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
New World
Zxv why do you have a black bomb as your avatar? Is it to tell everyone that nobody has lit you up yet which hasn't revealed your full potential?


Smash Master
Mar 4, 2008
do you go out of your way to play as cheap as possible, or do you just let your character choices naturally do that for you? both perhaps?

cheapest stage/character in brawl? in melee?

chicken or watermelon?


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Land of Ooo
Who is the better Peach main, you or Cao?

How did you come up with the Zxv combo?

What is it like to pull of the Zxv combo in a tournament match?


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Land of Ooo
What are your thoughts on Julia Gillard?

How do you feel about red heads in general?

Why do you think gingers have no souls?


Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2009
Sydney, Australia.
Great questions guys! I'm really looking forward to answering them, they're hilariously amazing! Thanks a lot. I'm busy today, so I'll write up my answers tonight and post them on Wednsday.


Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2009
Sydney, Australia.
Sorry this is late guys. I was hit by a massive, impassable wall of laziness yesterday. But, I finished these this morning and now they're ready to be posted. Thanks again for all the questions. I had a great time doing this.

what do you think were the main reasons for your massive improvement in both games in such a short period?
Well, I think my improvement is due to my ability to analyse my gameplay and pick up areas that need improvement. Since I already had a decent amount of tech skill and gameplay experience, there wasn't a whole lot I needed to desperately work on when I first joined the scene. This made it a lot easier to find where I was lacking and work to improve those parts of my game.

Bryte, why do often insist on being player 4?

For how long did you know about competitive smash before you joined our scene? I remember you performed extremely well at your first tournament, how much had you been playing and practising before that?

How do you like to practice/improve tech skill?
I use player 4 because it's green (my favourite colour), and I'm most used to those spawning locations. Also, I have a mild form of OCD, so it ticks me off slightly whenever a character's colour doesn't match the colour of their port.

I'd only heard about the Smash scene maybe 2 months prior to my first tournament, which was at the end of November. I didn't go to tournaments then because of school commitments.

Meets, tournaments and training mode/CPUs. Meets are where I practice interactions/reading/tech chasing etc. Training mode/CPUs are where I practice technical stuff that doesn't require other people (platform cancelling, for example), and tournaments are where I consolidate what I've learned. Ironically though, I spend the least amount of time training with Sheik. I never use her at meets or when I'm alone. I've basically learned how to play Sheik purely through tournament experience.

you play a lot of characters, who is your best, and who do you enjoy playing as most?
Sheik is my best character and she is by far my favourite. I love absolutely every aspect of her as a character, and I don't simply use her because she's the best. Ted often asks me how I can stand using such a cheap character, and my only answer is that everything about Sheik comes naturally to me. The character just feels right (and I love b-air gimps, juggling and tech-chasing).

In Brawl, Peach is my best character, but my favourite is easily Charizard (weren't expecting that, eh?). I use Peach for the same reason I use Sheik: everything about her comes naturally to me - float cancelling, spacing, her moveset - except I also find her mentally and physically draining, and she requires a lot of effort to do the simplest of tasks, hence why I don't enjoy using her. Charizard always was, currently is and shall forever be my favorite character in Brawl. If it wasn't for Squirtle and Ivysaur, I'd probably have ended up seconding him instead of Marth.

What are the characters you like to play against, and which do you hate playing against?
In Melee: my favourite matchups is Falco, followed by Fox. I like them primairly because they're as fun as they are difficult. N-air OoS and gimps absolutely **** Falco, which are like my favourite things ever, while Fox forces me to think, space and read properly. Also, he gets gimped easily. In addition to those two, I like ICs and Jiggles, purely because they're Sheik's worst matchups, and really make me work for my wins.

I don't enjoy ridiculously easy matchups, like low-tiers or Falcon/Ganon with Sheik. Also, I ~>LOATHE<~ Marth (namely Turtle's Marth), because Turtle ***** me for 3 hours straight at my first tournament, using Marth the whole time (also, I lost to Shaya that tournament, who spammed d-tilt when I was off-stage, before I learned how to recover properly :()

In Brawl: my favourite matchup is DK (ALL Peach mains will agree with me on that) followed by Wario then probably Falco/Wolf. DK is just too fun to verse. He's just a big punching bag. I like the Wario matchup because Ted has given me ~>A LOT<~ of experience in it. Even though it's Wario's worst MU, he's a horrendously broken character when played right, so I don't feel guilty about gaying him (Grab release up-smash kills @ 80% ;)). I enjoy the Wolf matchup because I play Ted a lot and we have a lot of close matches when playing, and I don't really understand why I like the Falco matchup...

My least favourite matchups are: Snake (****ing up-tilt beats EVERY single move Peach has), then MK (****ing shuttle loop OoS beats EVERY single approach Peach has, and he ***** her offstage {worst airdodge in the game, woo!}) and Diddy (his aerials are better than Peach's - f-air and u-air shut down my d-air almost completely; he can grab me/throw bananas if I f-air him and he's just plain annoying.)

when did you first learn to beatbox?

last time you were in jail, how many people did you cut?

gun of choice?
When I was 7.

Ages 12-15. I cut 28 people in total, including 4 prison guards and my lawyer.

Crossbow: plain and simple.

Zxv, what's it like being the king?
You should know, you're amazing.


1. how do you spell that? lol
2. do you think peach is in the right place on the tier list
3. shieks gay huh?
4. you taugh ken everything he knows right?
5. tak or atlas?

She's fine where she is. All characters below and above her are far worse or far better, respectively (except Wolf, who should be middle/top of C)

Sheik is gay, correct.

Little known fact: I am actually the reincarnation of Ken "Sephiroth" Hoang himself. That's why I picked up Marth.

Never met Atlas, but Tak seemed pretty cool when I went down to Melb.

watermelon or chicken, zxv?
Both, simultaenously (that's what she said).

ZXV: Was it difficult to reach your level of cheapness? Or did you just pick up Sheik and say "Hey, this is where I belong". :p
I've been cheap since I completed my first wavedash.

Anyway do you have a favorite low tier?
In Melee: Link and G&W.

In Brawl: Charizard, Ganon and Ivysaur.

ZXV: who in the Sydney scene do you see as your benchmark, a potential rival?


ZXV: who in the Sydney scene do you dread playing against the most?
I feel most competitive towards anybody who's ranked higher than me on the PR. Also, I would really love to be the best Sheik in NSW (and maybe AUS if I work hard enough), so rising above Kulla's spot is my top priority. However, my actual rival (the person who I want to beat the most out of everyone I've played) would definitely be Turtle. I've never beaten him in tournament, and he ***** me so much whenever we play. He's easily my biggest hurdle to overcome.

In Melee: I dread playing Turtle. He knows absolutely everything about me and makes me feel so helpless when I'm versing him. Every move I make, he's already two and a half leaps ahead of me.

In Brawl: It'd be Luke - purely because Snake's bull**** against Peach.

How did you become so good before even attending a tournament?

You seem to be a student of the game, how do you learn so much so quickly? Is it self investigative work, research or some sort of mix?

Does being the token black player in the Sydney scene motivate you to live up to the likes of shiz, HMW and Wes? (Also does being black automatically make you good?)

Where does the name bryte come from, it is too cool to be allowed.
Well, before I went to any tournaments, I had 2 years' worth of level 9 CPU practice underneath my belt. That, and I had watched lot (and I mean A LOT) of videos. That's where all my skill came from. However, I had learned more in the first two months of joining the scene than the entire 2 years of solo play, so I guess that says something about my previous training regime.

I do a little bit of research when I'm alone, but nothing too major. I like to follow updates and new ATs though. I'm subscribed to nearly 300 channels on YouTube, a lot of which are Smash-related. This allows me to keep relatively up-to-date on new discoveries. The main way I improve is after every tournament I go home and analyse my performance, scrutinising my mistakes. I spend a lot of time thinking up better solutions to scenarios I feel I handled poorly. Also, watching videos helps me a lot.

Hmm... I never even thought about this before LOL. I don't really know what many people look like (for example, I didn't even know Wes was black), so I don't really aspire to many inspirational black players for reasons other than their skills. I do like Shiz' dancing, so I guess that counts (I also like Tang's dancing). Also, being black doesn't automatically make you good - but it does automatically mean you can beatbox.

Although, I do wish we had another black guy in the Sydney Scene...

My dad gave me the name 'Bryte' because he came home from work one day and said "I want my son to shine"

How do you do that think with the cans? I missed out on seeing you do it.

When did the thing with the cans start and do you ever get tired of the reactions?

How do you approach an important tournament match?

Do you do any special tourney prep or do you just chill?

It started when I was in Primary School, about year 3 or 4. My best friend at the time showed me how to do it and I've done it ever since. Tbh, I never recieved any obscure reactions until after I joined the scene; since I rarely drink soft drinks. I didn't even realise it was weird until EA pointed it out one time. And no, the reactions I get from you guys are always priceless - especially Luke's.

Hmm... I don't really do anything. I have pretty much the same mindset for friendlies as I do for tournament matches. It doesn't start to change until about semi-finals approach - when a crowd gathers or when I can hear commentary is when I start to focus a lot more and analyse myself/my opponents. If I have time, I like to think a lot between sets and review what I'm doing wrong.

exams or smash?
I got home from Melbourne 3 days before my Computing exam and I hadn't started studing yet - you tell me.

are you alone?
what are you wearing zxv?
keen for a good time tonight?
want me to take you to disneyland?
whats your favourite position
how big do you like it?

Why are you such a nice bloke.
Haha, I dunno... I'm nice to people I enjoy being with, and I haven't met a single person in the scene who I don't like.

Is smash helping you pay your uni fee?
No. I'm yet to so much as profit from even a single tournament.

What are your training methods to help you get better? Just lots of practice?
My main method is I think about what I did wrong after every tournament. Watching videos of myself help to pinpoint areas of weakness, and watching videos of others to see how I can improve on those.

which religion is the right one?

How do you beat Shiek?

Worst matchup and why?

What would you to rate yourself compared to Australian players out of 10?

What's your weakness that a Fox player that may or may not take advantage of?
Focus on her flaws. Sheik's a character who's more broken than a God tier, but also has the same amount of fundamental flaws as a high/mid tier, which balances her out. Attack her weakpoints and she'll cave.

My personal worst matchup would be Marth. I know it's in Sheik's favour, but I haven't gotten the hang of that MU yet (I get juggled WAAAY too easily). Second worst would be ICs, but that's purely a character disadvantage. Personally I don't mind the matchup (just SoPo CG makes me rage :@).

Well, since I'm relatively new to the scene and haven't really had a chance to verse all that many players, I can't really compare myself. I feel I'm pretty good, but I still have a lot of work to do.

I don't really feel I have any major weaknesses against Fox anymore compared to what I used to. I've thought a lot about the matchup and watched many videos (and played Ted a fair bit to get used to gimping/edge guarding). Fox out-spaces Sheik quite badly. I find it very difficult to deal with people I can't hit, and who seem to be able to weave in and out of my zone. If a Fox player were to consistantly out-space me, I'm sure that would be the most difficult thing for me to deal with. Also, I find it difficult to change my strategies mid-game, so players that adapt quickly and can change strategies or their spacing mid-game or even mid-set really throw me off.

How are you so cool?

What do you eat for breakfast?
Not nearly as cool as you.

For breakfast, I eat JigglyPUFFs.

Get it...?

worst moment regarding smash?

best moment?
Worst moment... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snsE1--L46o&feature=channel_s#t=6m47s
Best moment was probably doing well at Thriller. I feel I improved the most after that tournament. Versing Unreon gave me valuable experience and confidence in my anti-Falco game. Also, beating Sam in Winner's Finals a few weeks back gave me huge confidence boost in my anti-Fox game, and my anti-ICs game (as long as the stage isn't FD [rage]).

Also, my 0-to-death team-combo with Gords that nearly ended with a Warlock punch is definitely the pinnacle of my Brawl career. Nothing else will compare (unless we actually land the Warlock punch next time).

The "Zxv Combo" would be second to that.

Who are your favorite Smashers from Australia?

Who are your favorite Smashers in the world?
I don't really have a favourite in terms of who I like most. Everyone in the scene has been amazing and I've enjoyed meeting every person so far. If I had to give a single person my favourite spot, it'd probably be Dekar for making me this thread <3, and also you Scabe, for being awesome and having the most incredible DI and Link I've ever seen.

In terms of skill... Well, as usual, I'm new... So, yeah... Haven't had much experience. I look up to Sam's ICs a lot, I really wish I could pick them up, they look fun to play as. I'm also jealous of his Falco because it's incredibly innovative, smart and technical, and his ability to use several characters at a high level. Not many players can do that. Also, Unreon's Falco has great consistancy that I wish mine had. However, Turtle's Marth is probably the #1 thing I look up to though. Ted often calls me a "Turtle Clone" because my entire Marth playstyle is a poorly excecuted copy of his (LOL). Speaking of which, I am also incredibly envious of Tedeth's trashtacular Fox comboes. They're so insultingly bad they make you feel like quitting Smash/life when they work (Up-throw, up-smash, f-smash, f-smash, edgehog -> I'm dead? WTF???). I wish I could be as disrespectful as you Tedeth.

On a world-wide scale though... I look up to Sheik players most of all. Lucien is definitely my favourite, followed by Amsah, Maple, M2K, Kira... and the list continues indefinitely. Outside of Sheik, my favourites are: Armada, M2K's and Ken's Marths, Kels (I REALLY like his Fox), Zhu + Forward + Shiz (the reasons why I started off playing as Falco), PeePee M.D. + Calle W, SS + Darkrain + Scar (my inspirations to pick up Falcon) and of course, Mango.

How many Weet-Bix do you do?
7. It's my favourite number.

how important is character selection in melee compared to general ability?
how does this compare with brawl?
do you think the netherlands lost the world cup final because they dressed like oompa loompas?
Theoretically, I believe lower-tiered characters have more of a chance in Melee than Brawl, because I believe it's easier to win harder MUs in Melee compared to Brawl, because there's a much larger skill spectrum. Plus, bad MUs in Brawl are generally created by some poorly programmed, fundamental character flaw (like Snake's up-tilt vs Peach) and are abused more thoroughly in Brawl. In practice, however... You see A LOT more mid/low tier characters in Brawl... So idk, lol.

Although, my philosophy is the same for both games: You'll go much further with a character you're comfortable with than simply picking up Sheik/MK or counterpicking based on MU. Imo, it's more effective to learn your worst matchups than pick up a secondary.

I don't watch soccer, but I'll assume yes.

Who is your favourite member of SNSD?
I didn't know what SNSD was, so I Googled it, and from what I saw I'll say... every single one of them.

What is your opinion of Princess Zelda in Brawl?
Worst character ever. Deserves her own tier. Z-TIER!!!

When did you become interested in Melty Blood/first play Melty Blood?
I first played Melty Blood about a year and a half ago? Maybe more, don't really remember. I played it at a friend's house and enjoyed it far more than any other 2D fighter game (except Smash) that I'd played previously.

What is your favourite Dragonforce song and why?
Through The Fire and Flames (generic, yes).

Purely because I like watching people play that on GH3.

ZXV, did you also feel the sexual tension between us when we first met?
I thought that was just me! I'm so relieved I'm not alone.

On a completely unrelated note, want to stay at my house next time you visit Sydney?

Who do you main in Melty? =)
Akiha, Arcueid and Kohaku.

Zxv why do you have a black bomb as your avatar? Is it to tell everyone that nobody has lit you up yet which hasn't revealed your full potential?
I tend to pull a fair amount of bob-oms while playing Peach in Brawl. Ask Attila.

is there a mrs zxv?
do you want a mrs zxv?
Yeah, I've been with my girlfriend for 3 months... But I'll gladly trade her in for you, Dekar.

In your opinion, who is the cheapest player in the Smash scene here? (other than yourself, of course)
Wait, there are OTHER cheap players? I had no idea... Cheapest player would probably be EA, for maining ICs and consistantly losing to my Peach.

do you go out of your way to play as cheap as possible, or do you just let your character choices naturally do that for you? both perhaps?

cheapest stage/character in brawl? in melee?

chicken or watermelon?
It all comes naturally to me. I have cheapness running through my veins.

Cheapest stage in Brawl - Delfino (Nova knows where it's at).

In Melee - Brinstar or Mute City.


Who is the better Peach main, you or Cao?

How did you come up with the Zxv combo?

What is it like to pull of the Zxv combo in a tournament match?
I think I'm better than Cao, because I don't think he puts anywhere near as much effort into Brawl as he does for Melee. I beat him in Peach dittos, but I haven't really played a lot of tournaments with him in them, so I can't really say who's better.

I simply interrupted his detonation of his C4. I didn't expect him to buffer another detonation while he was falling onto his C4 - but I'll sure as hell take credit for it.

It was one of the top 5 experiences of my life. My children will have a very hard time making me proud because of Smash and that moment.

what do you think of the capt falcon peach mu?
Not 70/30 as the chart says. 60/40. U-air hurts. A LOT.

What are your thoughts on Julia Gillard?

How do you feel about red heads in general?

Why do you think gingers have no souls?
I don't have any strong feelings for or against her. I feel sorry for Ruddy, though. I always liked him (probably because I don't follow politics).

I'm not very fond of red-heads... I mean, I can tolerate blacks, whites, Indians, Asians, Arabians, Aboriginals, Europeans, gays, lesbians, bisexuals and EVEN women... But gingers? There's a limit to my acceptance.

Do gingers have souls? Look at EA. Even his name is blatant false advertisement. Contrary to his tag he is infact NEVER Alert. Thus, he's a liar.

Dear zxv,
How do u keep your hair like that?
It's completely natural. I don't do anything to keep my hair the way it is.

When will we play 64 again?

which snsd member is the best?
I don't even know how you can choose...

Thanks again for the questions! I loved this and I love all you guys!

P.S. if I missed your question, PM me and I'll edit this.


Smash Hero
Jul 7, 2008
Next question: Are you going to win the Melty Blood tournament on Sunday? :D

Reading this has made my day, great job Bryte :D


Professional Nice Guy
Apr 21, 2007
Amazing Land
next question

why didnt you answer my first set of questions?

and who is your favorite turf crew?


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
In Brawl: It'd be Luke - purely because Snake's bull**** against Peach.

I wish I could be as disrespectful as you Tedeth.

Do gingers have souls? Look at EA. Even his name is blatant false advertisement. Contrary to his tag he is infact NEVER Alert. Thus, he's a liar.
lololol, I'll try fox against you next time ;)

It'll come with time, being around me and ted will corrupt your soul.

also get ***** ea lololol


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
wasn't it my amazing melee skills that beat you at that tournament zxv?
Surely you can't doubt that.
Like did you hear about that new AT called wave dashing out of shield? jesus christ it's OP.

Plus can you teach me how to recover some time,


Also will you please reconsider who is the cheapest player in the scene if you let me play FULLY GAY BRO meta knight against you? ;p
On lylat cruise, obviously.


Smash Lord
Sep 22, 2009
Also will you please reconsider who is the cheapest player in the scene if you let me play FULLY GAY BRO meta knight against you? ;p
On lylat cruise, obviously.
Pro tip, you're not meant to try and earn that title.


Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2009
Sydney, Australia.
Zxv why do you have a black bomb as your avatar? Is it to tell everyone that nobody has lit you up yet which hasn't revealed your full potential?
I'd just like to ammend my response to this:

When someone finally uploads the vids from Boost 14, you'll see that I wasn't lying about the bombs.

ZXV: You lucky ******* XD. How many Bob-ombs was that? Like I said to you, you pull Bombs more frequently then Luke missfires. It is ludicrus!
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