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Ottawa Melee Thread - Updated Summer 2016 Power Rankings!


Smash Champion
Oct 6, 2007
Alright guys this my last post on Smashboards and I have a couple of things to say. First off I would like to apologize for being an ******* on saturday. If I was half the host that Cam is, I would behave better. The smash scene at Ottawa is great and deserves a better host. Secondly the smashfest last yesterday would be the last one. I no longer feel motivated to play smash and I do not think that I will improve at the rate I would like. I think it is time to hang up the controller. Thank you all for attending my smashfests, they were extremely enjoyable. I would like to especially thank BC AL and Cam for introducing me to the smash scene in Ottawa. Again thank you very much for coming over and I have indeed enjoyed smashing with you.

P.S: Chris if I see you again I'll pay you back for the drinks you left at my house lol.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
Ottawa, Canada
Charlesz, hopefully you will read this as I think there are some things that you should consider.

1. Your behavior on Saturday could have been better, that is true. I used to get upset when I would lose really badly against people. Then I decided to stop worrying about winning and having perfect tech skill. I think you just need to change the way you think about the game and be more positive.

2. You have been a great host in my opinion and I think you are probably the only person who is willing to host right now.

3. I think you don't feel motivated because maybe you aren't having fun with the game. If you are tired you might want to take a short break from the game, like 1 to 2 weeks, and when you come back not worry about any mistakes you make playing (tech skill, reads, etc.). That's what I do when I'm not really into playing. When I come back I feel better have lots of fun.

4. I'm pretty sure people would rather you not leave. You are fun to play with and you are very good.

You don't have to pay me back but I'd like the rest of the Doctor Pepper, lol.

Get that Brawl crap out of here Zylem. Smash 64 is where it's at.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Sorry to see you go Charles, it was great to meet and play you. I had a lot of fun. I wish you success in all you pursue. Thank you for hosting.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
Ottawa, Canada
No, lol.

In all seriousness, imo SSBM = SSB > SSBB but I can understand why anybody would like any of those games more than the others.

Edit: Charlesz, if you are seriously going to stop playing, I'd like to give a big thank you for hosting.


Smash Champion
Oct 6, 2007
lol thanks
uhh ya soon, once i decide which tag to go by LOL

be careful of the gift i entrusted Diakonos to you, its deadly, but it belongs to someone in BC but u can keep it :p

K I don’t agree with this post at all
Don’t worry about your behaviour, I felt like doing the same emo behaviour after Diakonos ***** me LOL he made me feel like all the practicing I have been doing up till now was useless, all I gotta do now is practice wobbling /jokes
Naw Im more motivated to do better as I know I was not playing my best either since I was mad choking. (couldnt wobble properly arrgh lol)
You were a good host imo, maybe u had to prioritize your studies or something instead of smash. Its alright to do that eh, studies is 10x more important than smash (obviously) Maybe yesterday wasn’t a good day for you to host?
Believe me when I said you are REALLY good, your fox actually had me running for my money reading up match up guides and watching videos…why would u give all that up? You re definitely improving imo
I d say you re better than me, just if you haven’t sandbagged during our last league match lol u dont see me quitting because i suck :p
Nope, I am not accepting that ‘thanks’ until all of us gets a clear explanation on why you re giving up smash :p
I totally agree with every point Chris said, as of right now, no one wants you to leave, we all need you to stay >_<
I also agree that Chris should get the rest of the doctor peppers IN PERSON or in a final smashfest or something

if you dont want to listen to me...fine..thanks for hosting up till now, just that if you want to smash give us all a shout :p cyaz azn brovuh

In all due respect, I got 4 stocked 3 times in falco dittos against diakanos and in those 3 matches I never got higher than 70% on him. You did very well against him and even took a match off him.


Smash Champion
Oct 4, 2009
Surrey, BC
Quitting-cause-I-can't-beat-one-of-the-best-players-in-Canada johns are the lamest excuse ever.

He's Diakonos. What would you expect? It just means you have to change the way you play. There's a big difference in playing to learn and playing to win. If you play to win, you're not going to accomplish anything against a smarter, faster player than yourself. Test some things out while you're playing, see what works and what doesn't. Take note of his habits and what not.

Again, play to learn. And when you feel that you've learned enough, then try to take some games off. It's alright to get 4 stocked by a beast. No one's gonna think you suck at this game.

But if this is truly how you feel about this game, then this is for sure not the game for you. If you've always been playing to win from the beginning, then you're doing it wrong and have always been doing it wrong since. The moment you start to think that you're bad at this game and that you can't win, the sooner it'll come true.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
I know this may not be my place to say since well, I primarily play Brawl and haven't played Melee much, but I can understand entirely how disheartening it is to keep losing time and time again. When I picked up Smash in Fall 08 and started heading out, I was getting 3 stocked by everybody, let alone beating the best. It even took me a year to get past the first round of a Bi-weekly via actually beating somebody, and even now I often find that I get my butt kicked by the better players in Ottawa. Sometimes, I do find that taking a break helps, because once you come back, some of that anxiety is gone, and as somebody told me, it sometimes helps you not do your bad habits as much. Also, I'd bet you've improved a lot more than you give yourself credit for. I know that even though I may be at the bottom end of the ladder, I'm still worlds better than I was when I started, and if you give it time, Charlesz, I'm pretty sure you'll be a lot better in the future too. A little faith can go a long way.


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2009
Charles, I'm sad to hear you're thinking about quitting. This game is intensely deep, and it's only by playing different people of different levels that you improve significantly.

I am very good in Falco dittos because I live with one of the best Falcos in the world.

The first time I played in a tournament, I got 4-stocked twice and sent to losers'. In losers, I got 3-stocked twice and eliminated after only beating 1 person. Those people were Eric and Adam. Needless to say, matches are a lot more in my favour now than they were at that time. Things happen, friend.

Nonetheless, I respect your feelings about not wanting to play. I think you should take a couple of weeks' break, and see how you feel. Be very careful about hanging up your controller. Thanks for your hospitality and letting me in, man. I am saddened that my presence made things more difficulty for the Ottawa community.



Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
Ottawa, Canada
Diakonos, I think you've helped our community a lot. You were fun to play and fun to hang out with also. :)

Charlesz, you don't have to give me back the Dr Pepper. The drinks only cost me $5 and I decided to just get more, lol.

Edit: I was going to take a break in March, but I've changed my mind. I'm enjoying Melee right now!


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
Ottawa, Canada
Good **** Blitz. Your Falcon's so ****ing ****.
Thanks for telling me so, lol. :)

Edit: I watched some of you Falcon. Good ****, keep it up!

**** yeah bl1tz!!! GOOD ****! wait a sec.. we won't get a chance to play lol.
Well since Fogel isn't hosting anymore, I'll be able to go somewhere else. I could drop by your house sometime during the week after Fogel's last smashfest! Only if it's ok with you though.

Edit: Unless you'd rather drop by my house.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
Ottawa, Canada
Too bad I got my **** *****.

Ottawa seems to be running out of smash. That's rather depressing.
You were doing sexy moonwalks and sexy combos, that's pretty much all that matters with Falcon.

If anybody wants to come here tell me so. I have two brothers that also play.


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
I think he's just still in rage mode from all the 9-hammers on Friday night. That's all.
Diakonos' smashrapefest only accentuated that rage :p

Seriously, even though I didn't go, having a top player here only hypes things up.
Charlesz, don't ****ing ruin that, man! XD

Anyway, if stuff starts happening around Rideau, I will totally be showing up. G&W represent!


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2009
I'm at UofO and everyone here is speaking foreign tongues! Specifically, French.

Hosting is fun. I love your guys' $5 subway, seriously, I'm considering the move for this reason alone.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
$5 subs are legit. And sloppy. But mad props to that subway girl, she had the fastest sub-building tech skill I've ever seen. Ever.

On the topic of smash I can try and convince my roommates to let me host something. No promises, but if I can I'll let you guys know.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
Ottawa, Canada
Why not both?

Captain Falcon, where abouts do you live?
I'm right by the intersection at Merivale and Baseline. I'm assuming you're asking me, lol.

I don't know if you'd be able to come over before you leave. My house is a mess and I have to prepare for 2 Mid-terms, so I have no time to clean. Also I have to study I guess.


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2009
Mmmkay, that's cool. Thanks anyway! I just tried going to subway by UofO, but the lineup was huuuuge. No dice. :p I will wait!


Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2007
on teh edge, throwin dem eggz~~
Thanks for telling me so, lol. :)

Well since Fogel isn't hosting anymore, I'll be able to go somewhere else. I could drop by your house sometime during the week after Fogel's last smashfest! Only if it's ok with you though.

Edit: Unless you'd rather drop by my house.
yeah, we'll definitely get something going. i gotta get my smash fix somehow, that i know.

Luls. My stop is Hurdman. That's literally right after Lees.

So yeah. Chl0ro, you plan on hosting at any point? I'd host but I have parents. D:
i'd host except i don't think it would be best. i have like a tv in my living room, there'd be nowhere to get more setups in place. i have an hdtv downstairs but you can't play smash on a ****in hdtv.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
Ottawa, Canada
i'd host except i don't think it would be best. i have like a tv in my living room, there'd be nowhere to get more setups in place. i have an hdtv downstairs but you can't play smash on a ****in hdtv.
That's better than my house, lol. There would most likely only be a few people for now, so it would be alright for something small and temporary.
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