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Official "Who is going to return?" topic


Smash Rookie
May 24, 2007
Silver Spring, MD
we know who does...

like Mario, Link was already offically returning,,

and original Super Smash brothers characters are all coming back

like characters on the N64 Super Smash bros.

I don't know how many characters were on the N64, but they are all returning..

so just think about the new characters like

Riley, Snake, Characters of the Kingdom Hearts, Sonic, or something...

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
like Mario, Link was already offically returning,,

and original Super Smash brothers characters are all coming back

like characters on the N64 Super Smash bros.

I don't know how many characters were on the N64, but they are all returning..

so just think about the new characters like

Riley, Snake, Characters of the Kingdom Hearts, Sonic, or something...
Uh...not really.

You fail for two reasons. 1. You're wrong, and 2. your grammar needs work.

EDIT - Although you (sort of) bring up a good point. Preferably, the original 12 will be back, along with some of the no-brainers from Melee. The list would be:

Mario, Link, Pika, Kirby, C. Falcon, Jiggs, Samus, DK, Yoshi, Ness, Luigi, Fox...Bowser, Peach, Ganon, Zelda, Falco, and Marth. This'd leave tons of room for fresh faces, whilst keeping every highly relevant character intact. Anyone agree/want to kill me?


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
like Mario, Link was already offically returning,,

and original Super Smash brothers characters are all coming back

like characters on the N64 Super Smash bros.

I don't know how many characters were on the N64, but they are all returning..

so just think about the new characters like

Riley, Snake, Characters of the Kingdom Hearts, Sonic, or something...
Way to be a n00b.
Do you anything about Smash? or Nintendo?
There were 12 in the original cast of SSB64.
No one knows if all the originals are returning, so let's stop acting like we know.
It's Ridley, not Riley.
And most likely, no one from the KH series will make it. (As much as I'd like to see someone.)

Sorry, I just wanted to put you in your place and put you up to speed with the rest of the community. No hard feelings.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
hahah way to be a n00b...CLASSIC. no hard feelings by the way. but yet im 100% sure all 12 originals will return. and if nintendo has to rush development, theyll just throw in the melee character models (which werent half-bad IMO)

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
darn i dont know anthing about Lucas or Mother 3. i just wiki-ed it though and he does look a bit like a Ness-clone. it might be possible they could replace Ness with him but i 99.9 (repeating of course) percent doubt it

Katy Parry

The Only Zelda in Indiana
May 20, 2007
Indianapolis, IN
Uh...not really.

You fail for two reasons. 1. You're wrong, and 2. your grammar needs work.

EDIT - Although you (sort of) bring up a good point. Preferably, the original 12 will be back, along with some of the no-brainers from Melee. The list would be:

Mario, Link, Pika, Kirby, C. Falcon, Jiggs, Samus, DK, Yoshi, Ness, Luigi, Fox...Bowser, Peach, Ganon, Zelda, Falco, and Marth. This'd leave tons of room for fresh faces, whilst keeping every highly relevant character intact. Anyone agree/want to kill me?

I agree 100%.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
X-x-Dyce-x-X said:
I concur. Also, I think Mewtwo will be on that list too. They'll have to improve him though.

What's the opposite of "nerfed"?
I'm relatively anti-Mewtwo, (I'd see him and Pichu dumped for Meowth and Deoxys), but I'm not as anti-M2 as I am for some others. In short: whatever.



Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
I do not know any and I personally do not care. Boosted sounds good though.

I think Lucario and Mewtwo will be in Brawl...
I'm sticking with "boost" then. Creo was the deciding factor for me.

Boost- Opposite of "nerf"; to improve a character from the previous game making them a better competitor.

Spread the word.

As for Lucario... I'd like to see him in. If he's not in, then so be it. But I'll be surprised if he's not. He's pretty popular, and he looks like he'd fit well.


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2006
Netherlands Antilles
Pikachu doesn't look very realistic but whatever. I hope Falco has his Assault look with a jacket over it and some shades like he had in Adventures. That would be the amazingest looking Falco costume.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Im sure he'l lhave the DS look, which actually looks kinda awesome, and he'll have a scouter just like fox...

and when ur playing online, falco will ask:
"Fox what does the scouter say about the number of players online?!"
Fox: "It's over 9000!!!!" *breaks scouter*


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2006
Netherlands Antilles
Fox doesn't have the DS look so why should Falco? Fox has some strange combination of looks that makes him look kinda weird if you ask me. So why shouldnt they make Falco with a combo of the diffrent looks.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
The most commonly used opposite to nerf is "buff" I believe. As in, Kirby was nerfed in Melee but will be buffed in Brawl.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
The most commonly used opposite to nerf is "buff" I believe. As in, Kirby was nerfed in Melee but will be buffed in Brawl.
Ok, I like "buff" better. I'm gonna use buff. Well, let's just hope they do buff Kirby and Ness into what they used to be and Mewtwo into what he deserves to be. I wonder, was anyone buffed from 64 to Melee?

But he looks much cooler than the DS version. But what was that game about anyway? I never played and never realy looked anything about it up.
Starfox: Command
It's different, more simplistic in Command, but that's definitely Fox's Brawl look.

As for SF:C, I don't like it so much. You have to command where your pilots go, then when they make contact with an enemy ship, you have to play some silly "find and chase the weird looking thing so you can blow it up" minigame. It plays all through the stylus, which you think would be fun, but it gives you hand cramps after a while.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Ok, I like "buff" better. I'm gonna use buff. Well, let's just hope they do buff Kirby and Ness into what they used to be and Mewtwo into what he deserves to be. I wonder, was anyone buffed from 64 to Melee?

Starfox: Command
It's different, more simplistic in Command, but that's definitely Fox's Brawl look.

As for SF:C, I don't like it so much. You have to command where your pilots go, then when they make contact with an enemy ship, you have to play some silly "find and chase the weird looking thing so you can blow it up" minigame. It plays all through the stylus, which you think would be fun, but it gives you hand cramps after a while.
Buff sounds tougher, Ness could use a good upsmash and downsmash, while Kirby needs to be more like SSB64, minus the cheao bup combo and all those **** campers! :mad: God I hate campers on Kaillera=most annoying thing ever. Mewtwo needs well...a lot of stuff, much like Kirby.

Star Fox: Command is short is sorta like the unreleased Star Fox 2 game, but you use the stylus and it has other DS features. It's a awsome game, but like Dyce said, those hand cramps aren't very fun!

Orginally Posted by Stryks
Im sure he'l lhave the DS look, which actually looks kinda awesome, and he'll have a scouter just like fox...

and when ur playing online, falco will ask:
"Fox what does the scouter say about the number of players online?!"
Fox: "It's over 9000!!!!" *breaks scouter*
Lol=very nice! :laugh:


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2006
Netherlands Antilles
This just hit me. Why is it that only people that live in the states post there state and everything at by the location part, and others just post the county? Is the USA realy that important?

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Must be a personal preference.

I hope falco gets the sniper rifle or rocket launcher as his side B. That would totally own.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
X-x-Dyce-x-X said:
Starfox: Command
It's different, more simplistic in Command, but that's definitely Fox's Brawl look.

As for SF:C, I don't like it so much. You have to command where your pilots go, then when they make contact with an enemy ship, you have to play some silly "find and chase the weird looking thing so you can blow it up" minigame. It plays all through the stylus, which you think would be fun, but it gives you hand cramps after a while.
Indeed, Fox has his Command outfit, only with extra textures and different boots. Falco should follow suit.

Also, why is it that I'm the only one on SWF that thinks Command's the best SF? The navigation mode perfectly blends tactics into the dogfights, and provides for alot deeper replay than other SFs. Not to mention the seemingly endless supply of new enemies, and ALL THOSE ENDINGS. The cherry on top is the best multiplayer a SF game has ever seen.

As for the cramping...I find it lessens the more you play, just like with Hunters. A larger, normal stylus (pick one up at your local STAPLES, you won't regret it!) also helps.

MasterGary said:
This just hit me. Why is it that only people that live in the states post there state and everything at by the location part, and others just post the county? Is the USA realy that important?
We're conspiring against you in a subtle, yet (clearly) effective effort to drive you insane.

Red Exodus said:
I hope falco gets the sniper rifle or rocket launcher as his side B. That would totally own.
It'd also be very un-Falco like. Nobody really considers Assault to be a good representative of the SF franchise anyway.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
SF:A is the only real SF after SF64 anyway. I don't even consider Adventures as as a SF game [Rare made it, so....yeah...] and Command is.... Command. So unless they use Command or Assault they'll have to go back to SF SNES or 64.

And they could always make a hybrid version of Falco, like they did with Fox.


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2006
Netherlands Antilles
Well so far I've played a lot of SF game except Command and the ones before SF64. And I found that Assault was pretty not good. The 1 player sucked and could be beat in like 2 hours. ( I actually beat it in like 5 but that was my first time playing the game and I'm not good at shooting games) But the multi-player in that game wasn't bad.
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