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Official "Who is going to return?" topic

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
What pisses me off when it comes to Starfox is that they never try to make the back up better and they still don't have co-op. I'd also little some versus AI, but I don't see that happening.

Yeah multiplayer was really fun.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Concerning the Wii's online: Strikers was released in Europe today, right? Well, apparantly Ninty's advising purchasers NOT to play with people outside of Europe, due to latency problems.

What the heck, Nintendo? I can (even though I don't) play 30-player Resistance on a PS3 using WiFi supplied by the same internet that my Wii utilizes. Why isn't Ninty picking up the ball in this area?

So if an American and a European can't play a simple futbol game over the airwaves, what hope is there for an interstellar dogfight?

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
Nobody really considers Assault to be a good representative of the SF franchise anyway.
you really think Assault was a lower quality SF game? i thought it was quite decent. i figure if any SF game would be the poor representation of the franchise it would be star fox adventures (even though i didnt mind its zelda-style gameplay at all). and plus Assault furthered Krystal's inclusion as an actual character of the SF franchise.

What pisses me off when it comes to Starfox is that they never try to make the back up better and they still don't have co-op. I'd also little some versus AI, but I don't see that happening.
i do agree though, i hoped for co-op. especially since the previews and other news prior to its release suggested that co-op wouldve been included. versus AI wouldve been nice too, perhaps if it were smarter than the single player in-game teammates AI

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
you really think Assault was a lower quality SF game? i thought it was quite decent. i figure if any SF game would be the poor representation of the franchise it would be star fox adventures (even though i did mind its zelda-style gameplay at all). and plus Assault furthered Krystal's inclusion as an actual character of the SF franchise.
It had some SF to it, but overall, Namco turned it into a generic thrid-person action game, complete with a cheesy storyline (as opposed to the usual SF cheesy storyline, only it's hardly noticable because there aren't long, stupid cutscenes).

And I think Adventures is just so far out of line as far as SF goes...that most people don't even think of it as a SF game. It's just a poopy Rare game that Ninty felt obliged to give some brand recognition to. Pity they didn't choose a character that would've made sense...*coughdonkeykongcough*

EDIT - Completely off-topic, but there are two really snazzy trailers up for It's A Wonderful World and Crystal Bearers. Highly reccomended.

IaWW: http://www.square-enix.co.jp/subarashiki/ (the map symbol, then "PV", then S-E Party 07)
CB: http://www.ffccnews.jp/2007/05/85.html (just click the image. That Tactics theme on a flute is freaking amazing.)

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
@ Chief Mendez
i guess i see your point. the 3rd person shooter aspect took away from the typical space-shoot-em-up we all knew and loved from SF64 and SF16 (i like to call it that). overall i thought the game was pretty good, not better than SF64 but not too far behind. it felt a bit cool to see Fox out of the cockpit and actually using a blaster instead of a staffthat wasn't even his, but i guess nothing beats the typical gameplay. hopefully Ninty doesnt run away with the out-of-the-cockpit idea and make the next F-Zero game a foot race

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
roy owns said:
Its a mix between Starfox and RPG whats so bad about it.
Nothing: it's the best game evar. Everyone go buy a copy NOW.

Gray Fox1103 said:
i know that mario and luigi are returning i HEAR possible peach, Link is back,and so is pikachu

Del Money said:
it felt a bit cool to see Fox out of the cockpit and actually using a blaster instead of a staff that wasn't even his
Until you find a...uh...Gatling Gun. Yeah.

Del Money said:
but i guess nothing beats the typical gameplay.
Besides Command...no, nothing compares.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
@ Chief Mendez
i guess i should hit up SF Command then huh? is it better than SF64, better than SF16, worse than both, or somewhere in-between?

@ Gray_Fox1103
so when they said that "some" characters will not be returning, about how many did you guys estimate from the Melee character cast? i figured it meant anywhere from like 3-5 characters but i could only think of pichu, dr mario, and possibly roy not making the cut. i dont see how peach could be a "maybe" unless Nintendo felt the Mario franchise had too many SSB characters which i doubt

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Del Money said:
i guess i should hit up SF Command then huh? is it better than SF64, better than SF16, worse than both, or somewhere in-between?
Well, that depends. If you deeply loved the SNES and 64 version's on-rails gameplay and branching paths, than you might be a bit put-off by Command. All of it's levels (excluding a few bosses) are all-range, and there's alot of thought that has to go into where to spend all your precious resources in every mission.

I thought it was absolutely brilliant, on par with what Retro did to the Metroid franchise with Prime. But after hearing some of the opinions on it here, I guess it's not everyone's cup of tea.

And for the record, I think Command outclasses every SF game prior.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
EDIT - Completely off-topic, but there are two really snazzy trailers up for It's A Wonderful World and Crystal Bearers. Highly reccomended.

IaWW: http://www.square-enix.co.jp/subarashiki/ (the map symbol, then "PV", then S-E Party 07)
CB: http://www.ffccnews.jp/2007/05/85.html (just click the image. That Tactics theme on a flute is freaking amazing.)
Man, what is up with that first game? I love the music, but everything is in Japanese so I can't read any of it, and I can't find the trailer anywhere no matter how much i click.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
You mean It's A Wonderful World, right? Click the link, then click the top-right button (an orange-on-black city map). Once the menu switches, click the bar labeled "PV", then click the Square-Enix Party 2007 bar.

I'm pretty freakin' excited about the game. It's about two kids running around Shinjuku (there's some street crossing there that's like, the biggest in the world, which explains all the people) trying to solve this "game" within seven days. The main character finds that he can now "listen to the hearts of others" which is what he's doing in the trailer when that big blue circle radiates out of him and everything gets all shiny. During battles, the top screen plays out like a rhythm game, which, depending on how succesful you are, will govern how effective the character on that screen is in battle. The bottom screen uses the stylus to move and attack with whatever character's on there. And the music does indeed kick some serious tushie.

The characters and concept are by Nomura, the guy behind Kingdom Hearts. I really, really hope S-E localizes this thing.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Well...your "loser" is about right, I'd say. But most Japanese kids are skinny like that, especially one's like Neku who're all trendy and stuff. And it's also partly the art style. Those kids are supposed to be, like, 15 and 16 years of age. But like alot of Japanese characters: they don't quite look it.

Mini Mic

Taller than Mic_128
May 5, 2007
back on topic. i thik it's fair to say that all characters well recieved in melee will return as well as all the essential characters regardless of how they were recieved *coughkirbycough* and i think taht's all it comes down to. by the way chief mendez i like your sig :)

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
And I think Adventures is just so far out of line as far as SF goes...that most people don't even think of it as a SF game. It's just a poopy Rare game that Ninty felt obliged to give some brand recognition to. Pity they didn't choose a character that would've made sense...*coughdonkeykongcough*
Well, it was never Rare's idea to make it a StarFox game in the first place! The game was originally called Dinosaur Planet, and it was planned to be released on the N64. However Rare is known for taking huge amout of time into their games, so the project couldn't get finished.

The main heroes from Dinosaur Planet where both Sabre and Krystal. For your knowlegde Sabre looked like this:

He actually looked a lot like Fox, so Miyamoto wanted it to become a StarFox game and thus the project got screwed... Not Rare's fault I still say, however Krystal wouldn't nearly be as populair if she wasn't a StarFox character.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Thanks for the link to the new CB trailer Chief :grin:.

I'm one of the minority that actually liked the original game despite some it's flaws 'cause it was just fun for me. Been looking forward to both the DS and Wii sequals and with promise of new and improved single player focus, as well as the return of the good multiplayer, it's easily going to surpass the first game. One of it's main ups was the wonderful graphics and seriously if that trailer's ingame footage is how it really will play like it's just another reason to be hyped.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Yea, don't anyone expect anything until 3:00am on Monday morning. We pick up from there. This time, I'm staying up for it. Thank America for Labor Day Weekend!

@Chief Mendez:
Wow, that video looks wicked. It looks like a better version of KH:CoM. Like what they should have made it, instead of a card game. I still liked it, but it got repetative at points. THIS GAME however, looks like it will never get old. There seems to be a million attacks and combos and enemies and a longass storyline. The kids kind of remind me of Roxas' crew from Twilight Town in KH2. They might fit in there quite well, especially Roxas.
And I don't see "malnourished emo kid" at all.

@ Tappy:

It says "Daily Weekday Updates"

Meaning Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday ONLY.
No Saturday.
No Sunday.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Thanks for the link to the new CB trailer Chief :grin:.

I'm one of the minority that actually liked the original game despite some it's flaws 'cause it was just fun for me. Been looking forward to both the DS and Wii sequals and with promise of new and improved single player focus, as well as the return of the good multiplayer, it's easily going to surpass the first game. One of it's main ups was the wonderful graphics and seriously if that trailer's ingame footage is how it really will play like it's just another reason to be hyped.
Oh I know, I know. The first one was really, really good...in multiplayer. Now the next one, Crystal Bearers, reminds me of Skies of Arcadia: always a good thing.

X-x-Dyce-x-X said:
Like what they should have made it, instead of a card game. I still liked it, but it got repetative at points.
Fun fact: I enjoyed CoM more than the first game. The only flaw was the randomly generated environments; the battles system rocked the story was...well, the story was a KH story: what can I say, and vs. play was actually really friggin' fun.


Smash Ace
Oct 14, 2006
seems like there would have been alot more updates when the new site launched..


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Gotham City
they're only doing one thing a day cuz its still too far before its release date 9/1/07 but even this date isn't 100% certain.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
they're only doing one thing a day cuz its still too far before its release date 9/1/07 but even this date isn't 100% certain.
Ummm... don't spread lies punk.

And I think they're spreading info apart and doing this "give us what we already know" to procrastinate on finalizing some of their more recent ideas so we don't bug them with pleads and requests for new info.

Would you rather have it like it is now, updating daily where we always have something new to talk about? or would you rather them give us chunks of info so we talk about all there is to be talked about in a day and have nothing to talk about by the next day?


Smash Ace
Oct 14, 2006
to me, it's not that big of a deal. i'd rather be mostly surprised when it comes out:)


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2006
Netherlands Antilles
All I wanna know is if Falco, Krystal and Wolf are in it and the release date. I dont care about anything else.

If only the Brawl roster was like American Idol where you just vote for who you wanna see in the game and then the top 40 would be in that way I know Falco would make it.
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