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Official Stage Discussion- New Minor Update 19/4


Smash Apprentice
Apr 26, 2004
North Charleston, SC
Are you sure? What are your sources?
oh just speculation. just reminding people that its entirely likely based on what sakurai has said in the past that falco will not be returning. Just something to consider, seeing as a lot of the people booing this killer stage are booing it on account of how SSBM falco would play on it.

Oh, and walk-off stages for the win.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 18, 2007
its a BRIDGE, it is connected to land. that is the whole point. this stage is most likely a walk off stage
Theres those gates though, all the other walk off stages haven't had anything like that so maybe the gates are locked so you can't walk off.


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
oh just speculation. just reminding people that its entirely likely based on what sakurai has said in the past that falco will not be returning. Just something to consider, seeing as a lot of the people booing this killer stage are booing it on account of how SSBM falco would play on it.

Oh, and walk-off stages for the win.
Man, I hated the walkoff part of walkoff stages in Melee. They were good stages, but it would've been beter if they were floating. IMO.


Smash Ace
Jul 4, 2007
It's not exactly what I had in mind for the LoZ stage but chances are we'll get 2 anyway. Besides it looks good to me.


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2007
Miss you Ryan
I'm definitely playing all the stages for a while. And I'm not sure if there would be a way to change the random stages online, so I'd get ready for that.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2007
Yeah I really wish they had a turnoff button for other things that come on the stage and mess with you(don't know what to call it). If so, I would really like this stage.


Smash Apprentice
May 29, 2007
Hiding in Snake's Box
it looks pretty cool and i know ill be playing it... there wont be gates at the sides as mentiod earlier, as there aren't gates on the bridge in the TP


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
The walk off part isnt bad. Just...dont walk off. How are you supposed to make a bridge have ledges? imo, it is a good stage. The king wont be that much of a deal. It's much like Onett's cars. And once he blows a hole in the middle, then all of you guys can have your downward KO kills.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 2, 2002
This LoZ: TP stage looks great! Two things make me a little nervous, though.
1. When King Bulblin blows up the bridge, I really hope the hole in the middle isn't TOO big. I mean, I would hate to have a massive gap that forces most of the fighting to stop cuz everyone had to rush to the edges

2. The LoZ music they released better not go with this stage! The music's an Ocarina Medley, which has nothing to do with Bridge of Eldin, or TP at all for that matter. Hopefully, the OoT medley will go with another Zelda stage.

Also, does anyone notice how in some of the pictures, the sun is on the left, and in the other pictures, the sun is to the right? Maybe this will also have day-to-night sequences, or maybe the background will show twilight or somehting fancy?

Chaotic Yoshi

Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2001
Picture this...

Piece of stage blows out...
A bit later you fall through the gap...
Just as the bridge is being reconstructed...
And your stuck under the bridge waiting for death.


Smash Rookie
Mar 20, 2007
is it just me or is anyone else bothered by the fact that too many of these maps will be edgeless.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 10, 2006
Tijuana, BC, MEX
well, i didnt like this stage that much
this stage is FLAT, with a big monster running from one side to another, blowing at least 1/5 of the stage itself, then MAGICALLY reappearing...while your brawlin on it...

its just too complicated :/


Smash Rookie
Jun 23, 2006
Judging from the pictures, the holes don't seem to be that big. It's probably just a tenth the size of the entire stage.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2005
There. A flat stage. The Final Destination stage.

Just ignore the hazards, they're really pinatas full of candy. :p


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Tennessee V_V
Well, by the looks of this it won't be the super regulated final destination type stage...

Besides the bomb hazards, it looks as if they guy can hurt you too, and there are no edges, you can walk to your demise..

I think the more stages the require a unique stratagy the better, It really helps lower tier players to be able to counter pick really well, like ness at green greens XFD


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
I meant to say that the sun looks like it goes from the left side to the right side. There must be some sort of daylight change that happens with this.
Checked it out. I don't know... the sun is actually in the same corner of the sky the whole time. If you look, the sun is placed at about just Northwest of the castle in every shot. Yes, even the one with King Bulblin. Look at the screenshot again, there's the sun to the right, but where's the castle? Most likely just off-camera.

Don't get me wrong, another stage with a day-night cycle would be ok in my book, but there's actually no proof saying the time of day will change. Sorry to dash your dreams. :ohwell:


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Tennessee V_V
I wonder if the bombs can hurt you, or they just kinda go around while the stage falls apart beneath you...

I hope the bombs are solid, like you can shoot them in the air and influence where the holes are!

I bet if they can hit you, they are pretty stong, I mean regular attacks can't break the bridge (i assume v_v )

Either way, this stage is gonna own all!

I wonder why they are discussing it in whats going on with smashbros.com if there is this thread...

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
I think most of you guys are nuts. I get tired of these updates and everyone's like "oh, that's banned." Don't fancy yourselves experts because we don't know jack about how the games will play and what's fair/not fair until we PLAY THE GAME.

Also, what is everyone complaining about walk-off stages? So far, we've only have 5 stages revealed/explained: Battlefield is the same, Delfino is in the air half the time, Lylat is floating with no sides, and Yoshi's island is basically the same as Melee, too. This is the FIRST walk-off stage Sakurai has mentioned. Why are people getting so worked up about it??

And we can keep going...Pit's stage: normal floating; Poke Stadium: same as Melee; Halberd stage: seems to be a normal floating one at least most of the time; Fire Emblem stage is more or less floating outside and who knows inside?; and we have no idea what the Snake stage is like...The Mario Kart stage I could see as a walk-off, but you guys are clearly exaggerating.

Also--Sakurai didn't say anything about Falco. Stop making up crap, guys.

I also took the liberty of shrinking down one of the screens to fit it onto the larger picture where it approximately fits...look how huge it is, guys!

I think that the holes won't be a bit deal because you will still have a huge chunk of the stage to play on, but...we'll just have to see how it plays out when we get it.


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
I think most of you guys are nuts. I get tired of these updates and everyone's like "oh, that's banned." Don't fancy yourselves experts because we don't know jack about how the games will play and what's fair/not fair until we PLAY THE GAME.

Also, what is everyone complaining about walk-off stages? So far, we've only have 5 stages revealed/explained: Battlefield is the same, Delfino is in the air half the time, Lylat is floating with no sides, and Yoshi's island is basically the same as Melee, too. This is the FIRST walk-off stage Sakurai has mentioned. Why are people getting so worked up about it??

And we can keep going...Pit's stage: normal floating; Poke Stadium: same as Melee; Halberd stage: seems to be a normal floating one at least most of the time; Fire Emblem stage is more or less floating outside and who knows inside?; and we have no idea what the Snake stage is like...The Mario Kart stage I could see as a walk-off, but you guys are clearly exaggerating.

Also--Sakurai didn't say anything about Falco. Stop making up crap, guys.
First off--don't tell us to "stop making up crap, guys." This is just mere speculation as we wait for the game. We're discussing what we think about the stages. I personally love this one, except for the walkoff. And here's something to think about--most of the time, when Delfino Plaza isn't on the platform, it's a walkoff stage as well.

Pit's stage, normal floating? We don't know anything about it! Pokemon Stadium, same as Melee? We don't know anything about it! Fire Emblem stage is more or less floating outside? We...don't...know...that...either...

Don't tell us what none of us, including you, know. And don't tell us we're "clearly exaggerating," becuase these are just our thoughts.

Now that I'm done being pissed at the grim lizard, I just went and checked the Bridge of Eldin in TP and it looks literally exactly the same as in Brawl. Literally. I think they just took it right out of TP.


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t

It means you're ugly!!! :mad:

No, just kidding, you're hot. I mean it's like Final destination, flat, no platforms; and it's like a donut because... there's a huge freakin' hole in the middle (sometimes).
Uh...I'm hot, huh? Interesting. That frightens me. You've never even seen me, and you're complimenting my looks. You're not some creepy rapist stalker, are you? Just kidding.

Yeah, I like this stage already, especially the fact that it gets blown up. :laugh: Yay destruction! Ahem.

I wonder how long the hole will stay before it get's fixed, and how big it will be. :confused:

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
First off--don't tell us to "stop making up crap, guys." This is just mere speculation as we wait for the game. We're discussing what we think about the stages.
Actually, if you had read the previous pages, you'd realize how off topic it got numerous times, and my comment of "not making crap up" was in regards to this...

Falco will not be in brawl.
Pit's stage, normal floating? We don't know anything about it! Pokemon Stadium, same as Melee? We don't know anything about it! Fire Emblem stage is more or less floating outside? We...don't...know...that...either...

Don't tell us what none of us, including you, know. And don't tell us we're "clearly exaggerating," becuase these are just our thoughts.
This...was....my....ENTIRE POINT! Read the other pages, dude. Everyone is complaining about how many walkoff stages we have. I was pointing out that this was the first one. Delfino doesn't count because it's only walkoff part of the time, and we don't know how often. I really wish you would try understanding the person's point before you try to contradict them...especially when you end up repeating their points anyway. Sheesh.


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
You're right, we know much about Angel Land (Pit's stage)... except that it looks exactly like this:

Floating stage.
What the aitch? You tricky b*st*rd! I need to stop following every d*mn link someone posts.

But what I was saying is that we don't know if the stage changes drastically or not. Any of them for that matter.


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
Actually, if you had read the previous pages, you'd realize how off topic it got numerous times, and my comment of "not making crap up" was in regards to this...


This...was....my....ENTIRE POINT! Read the other pages, dude. Everyone is complaining about how many walkoff stages we have. I was pointing out that this was the first one. Delfino doesn't count because it's only walkoff part of the time, and we don't know how often. I really wish you would try understanding the person's point before you try to contradict them...especially when you end up repeating their points anyway. Sheesh.
I quote from the LoZ cartoon:
"Well, excuuuuuse me, Princess!" ;)


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
Now that I'm done being pissed at the grim lizard, I just went and checked the Bridge of Eldin in TP and it looks literally exactly the same as in Brawl. Literally. I think they just took it right out of TP.
I just realized that's not true! At that time of day, the sun is on the other side of the castle!

Unless that's in the morning. But I don't think it looks like that until the afternoon. Hold on...I'll watch the sun, it's morning right now.

I'm talking about TP, if ya'll didn't know.

All right, I was right. The sun never goes to that side of the castle. maybe the changed other things from TP to Brawl?
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