Toise, why have you been so grumpy lately? I can't say that my ideas are 100% true or anything, since everything we say he is just speculation, but what exact facts have I been wrong about? What exactly are you talking about that I say is so wrong? Is it that everything you say is right? (And quite frankly everything all of us say here is fairly irrelevant. Every system or standard anyone makes up here isn't real, so you either just don't bother with it or just go with it)
@Fatman: I think S&P could be ranked up there at this point, since it is having a actual console game come out. Allegedly Nintendo's going to try to push it in NA as well. (For the life of me, I can't get VGchartz to work, so I can't quite see how good or bad its sales are, especially compared to Golden Sun, which has a simmilar situation of a new game in the waiting....wait, where the heck is my GSDS news anyways?)
In any case, it dawns on me that there are quite a few new IPs that Nintendo has been throwing around this generation. If you actually counted up all of them, and used their main characters, you might actually have enough for a new Smash game. Of course the problem with that is that several of these guys aren't popular at all, and looking back on them, they'd just be flavor of the month. Still, I can't help but wonder if anything will actually stick. (Or if Nintendo will finally throw in the towel with them, and just get back to its older franchises)