Smash Lord
The debate over Fire Emblem characters needs to end. They'll probably get ONE more rep, but the series really isn't all that deserving in comparison to many of the other represented series in Smash Bros.
Third party characters were not a favorite of Sakurai, and I completely support that, despite my longing for a couple third party appearances. I - and I hope all of you - would rather have more NINTENDO characters appear in Smash Bros. rather than non-Nintendo characters, disregarding their closeness. Odds are, Snake and Sonic will stay for SSB4, but you just really never know. Maybe they'll "be in production", but end up getting cut, just like Mewtwo and the others were.
Geno is a lost cause, and despite his cult following, he will never make it in the game. This community is only a very, very small portion of the Smash fans worldwide, and only a few of you even want Geno anymore. He was considered, yes, but the devs did not include him for good reasons. I'd rather have R.O.B. than Geno, Megaman, and many, many other characters, as he is a Nintendo character (not just an accessory anymore) and historically, has been far more important than the majority of characters already in Smash Bros.
Characters will be cut from Brawl's roster for SSB4, that's just how life works; you have to make sacrifices for the better. The only characters I see with the potential to be changed/cut are:
- Toon Link - this Link may dwindle in appearances in Zelda, and may be replaced by another Link, and given that Young Link was changed into Toon Link, I'd say that he has a (3/5) chance of being removed.
- Pit - is a newly rectified retro character with a decent following who sparked some spontaneous amazement upon announcement, but still contends as one of "those characters"; (1/5) chance of removal.
- Ice Climbers - have been in for two games now, and have garnered quite a fan base, but are hated by others; (1/5) chance of removal.
- R.O.B. - since announcement, has been extremely debated as whether or not he "deserves" a roster spot, and because he was a "WTF" character whose only importance was tied with SSE, he probably has a (3/5) chance of removal.
- Pokemon Trainer - despite hosting the three original starter families, more Pokemon have been created since, and probably will be created between now and SSB4, so a removal is probably unlikely, but a change in character is almost inevitably a (4/5).
- Lucario - like Mewtwo before him, he will probably be cut for a replacement with a similar build (4/5).
- Jigglypuff - has appeared in all three Smash Bros. games, but because she's a Pokemon, and that series being very elastic when it comes to character selection, along with the following of Jigglypuff haters, she has a small chance of finally being cut at (2/5).
- Mr. Game & Watch - despite being 99% sure that he would be cut from Melee, he survived, which has buckled him in a bit tighter; he may stand to see another Smash Bros appearance with a (2/5) chance of being cut.
- Snake - despite having a huge following and being a commercial magnet, he is a guest character, and guest characters usually stand for one game only, and with his removal from the Metal Gear series, he unfortunately has a (4/5) chance of being cut.
- Sonic - rivals Nintendo's own franchises in popularity on their consoles and fits very well with the Smash Bros roster, but again, he is a guest character, so I feel that he has a (3/5) chance of being cut.
Funny stuff man! You think they would cut all those people? You're joking. Lucario and Ike are the only character with a small chance of being cut and maybe Toon Link. You crack me up.
Anyways, you guys have to admit even though Master Chief can't be in SSB4, he would be an AWESOME character.
Also, BK3 will suck. It's hardly even a platformer anymore.