Spydr Enzo
Smash Ace
There are millions of features that could have been added into Adventure Mode that could have improved things. That doesn't mean that any of them would be worth the time to implement, like save points or stage selects. And all I'm saying is that there really is no point to choosing a single stage anyway, because all it usually is a just a battle, which you can do in multiplayer mode, it is much more enjoyable to play through the collection of stages together anyway, like a speed-run. And why use stage select anyway when you can play the same stage in the normal Adventure mode plus others and get a trophy for it?@Enzo
Adventure mode didn't need them, and in the end didn't have them, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't have improved things. And in any case, the fact that you view none of the stages as being things that are worht playing on their own is a problem in itself, isn't it?
Actually, Medieval style would be split into Legend of Zelda style, Fire Emblem style, and a possible Golden Sun style, and space would be split into Metroid, F-Zero, and Starfox, so there would be plenty of variations. It would keep things fresh while not wasting so much time, like the SSE did.And it would eventually get very sloppy to just have everyone repeat the same thing over again, and in the end you'll probably only have really 6 or 7 different variations. (Mario style, Pokemon style, medieval style for Zelda/FE/GS, retro style, space style for Metroid/FZ/SF, and maybe like one other for Kirby) Thus I'm suggesting just not even bothering trying to make the illusion that everyone else has their own unique story mode, and rather just limit it down from the start.
It doesn't matter to me WHAT the Adventure mode is like really, as long as it more closely resembles Melee and doesn't take up as much time as the SSE. Simple cut scenes too, not those time-consuming CG ones. Most fans would agree that Adventure mode needs to take a more "Melee-ish" approach, as seen in the latest posts.