Fun time!
First off: On generic, Pokemon Trainer got in, and really any character from Final Fantasy you add... Anyways.
Chrono Trigger is well-known.
I'm doing this as many times as I have to; Sorry toise.
FF - 76M
DQ - Around 25M
KH - Around 14M
Chrono Trigger - Around 4M
Super Mario RPG - Around 2M
Now, If you were to pick a rep for square enix, which one should it go to?

Chrono's only mainly popular on the internet. More popular outside than say, geno? Yes.
And don't think I hate CT. I'm uniting us all in representation for Square Enix not because of my love of Final Fantasy. It's because of my love for Square Enix's RPG's.
Oh, BTW, Tingle's games also didn't have the brightest sales yet a lot of people here still consider him a rather plausible suggestion.
slime is a stupid idea, how the hell does a slime ride a chocobo anyways. also who cares about enix, just because its square-enix doesn't mean everything they do has to have something from the other company in their games. i don't see any slimes in ffxii or chocobos in star ocean 4. how about we just stick to the chocobo because enix just isn't iconic enough to be very important.
Sales wish to have a word with you. People care about slime still in japan, Enix is an important part to Square in general (And has had It's own game as well)
Sora scored like #5 on the Brawl poll.....but IDK.
No he didn't. The only results we know are Sakurai's Journal, which outside of Geno, we have no clue who placed higher than who.
Geno is not in any Mario Kart games. Geno is not in any Mario Tennis games. Geno is not in any Mario Golf games. Geno is not in any Mario Party games. Geno is not in any Mario Baseball games. Geno is not in any Mario Strikers games.
Filler games don't matter.
But basically in short Geno would really be mainly on fanservice. I'd still like it If he made it in but It'd be more preferable to see a bigger rep to square.
its moveset set would probably be awkward and goofy as Hell.
Hi rob, how's your day?
Moveset is a terrible arguement on this, because DQ And FF Have a BUNCH That could implement to the character, like Haste, Ultima, Potions, etc.
In a way, it would be like if Epona the horse from the Zelda games was made playable...
Epona: Filler character to LoZ. LoZ Has one (Well, two, arguably more) Main Protaginists. FF Has 12 (And that's just Final Fantasy)
Chocobo and Slime: Both one of the only few reoccurring characters in there perspective series - We'd normally go with cloud here but Cloud got...A fan service cameo!
This is one of those ideas that sounds cool at first until you start to think about it practically and then you realize you're trying too hard to convince people to support an idea (In this case, Square Enix "needing" not only a rep but one that effectively represents the whole company).
It is hard to grasp people onto it than every other idea out there - But is that such a bad thing? Some idea's are more unique than others. See: Pokemon Trainer. We don't rather NEED The slime on it, but It's not a bad compromise considering Square's two biggest series don't have that many characters that could work outside of there reoccuring characters generally looked as mascots of those.
This isn't something that ridiculous; What would be ridiculous is throwing Geno, Sora, Cloud, and Chrono as well as slime on that Chocobo.
...And SE Doesn't truely have a "Face" Of the company, yet shown in the past, people still want representation for it a surprising lot. It wouldn't be as "Unhyping" in the US As say, Travis or Pac-Man.
Really It's not that implausible when you think about it:
-Final Fantasy is Square's main franchise
-The most popular FF Character is a sony character; None of the protaginists take line over each other.
-There's such few relevant reoccuring characters, nonetheless, ones that matter (aka only plausible ones for smash seem to be Chocobo and Black Mage)
Slime however is a debateable addition onto it, but It wouldn't hurt the character. It would make it more unique, be a compromise, and appeal to people who wanted a Dragon Quest rep instead - Infact, asides from being a bit outfield, what is so "Bad" About the idea?
Probably not, as I think people understand that they are not Nintendo characters. If they are removed, people will understand.
Oh; People will still complain. People freaked out at roy being gone. Imagine what will happen when a character who got in due to a huge part of it being fan demand gets "Cut"
I don't really know what to think; It's too early to decide. I mean I can see them staying, but I can also see them being removed/not in Smash 4. I'd personally like Sonic, Snake, a Square Enix rep (Probably Final Fantasy), and Megaman. 4 out of 44ish (disregarding transformations) Is a lot.