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[Official SSB4 Discussion] --- Nintendo announces 2 new Smash games!

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Smash Lord
Oct 24, 2007
Switch FC
4999 6039 1484
There's no end to this...

do you guys think that since they added snake and sonic that they are gonna go as far as adding master chief or characters from resident evil or final fantasy? adding cloud or leon could be a big draw from those two fields. even squall, tifa, or vincent would be an attention drawer.
Sigh...does anyone else want to take this?

...no takers, what so ever?

FINE :mad:, d*mm*t, I'll do it!

1stly, Squall and Leon are the same people...

2ndly, most of us are trying (hoping) that the Smash series will stay away from flooding the game with 3rd party characters, ESPECIALLY those that are thrown in just because they're popular in games/franchises that have no major merit to Nintendo. Master Chief in Smash Bros...I'm so tired to death of this notion. Hey, why not suggest Mario & Luigi for Halo 4 while we're at it!

And I think the overwhelming consensus on Final Fantasy characters is just as bad...NO. People hated the idea of Sora, Cloud, Seporith, and friends in Brawl, people (if there is a God) STILL hate the idea of Sora, Cloud, Seporith, and friends in SSB4. And as insignificant as he is, no Geno (who sadly actually has a better snowball's chance in hell in being in a Smash game then those others you mentioned).

And before you post a reply to this, no, Naruto, Goku, Mickey Mouse, Ronald McDonald, and the Walmart happy face would not make great additions, either. We want to play Super Smash Brothers, with the occansional and rare appearances or worthy 3rd-party characters; Sonic, Snake, Mega Man, the list is short, as it should be.

Sakurai opened the floodgates to let two outsiders in, and now every Tom, D*ck, and Larry thinks the roster should have 40% random additions from non-Nintendo companies; from FF characters to Master flippin' Chief, the 'mascot' of the Xbox systems by Microsoft, NINTENDO'S OTHER MAIN COMPETITOR DUH, in the game.

If Master Chief ever makes it into SSB, Nintendo might as well hand over the Pokémon franchise to Sony, while their at it.

Sonic on the Rocks

Smash Lord
Apr 3, 2008
In your base, killing your d00ds.
Sigh...does anyone else want to take this?

...no takers, what so ever?

FINE :mad:, d*mm*t, I'll do it!

1stly, Squall and Leon are the same people...

2ndly, most of us are trying (hoping) that the Smash series will stay away from flooding the game with 3rd party characters, ESPECIALLY those that are thrown in just because they're popular in games/franchises that have no major merit to Nintendo. Master Chief in Smash Bros...I'm so tired to death of this notion. Hey, why not suggest Mario & Luigi for Halo 4 while we're at it!

And I think the overwhelming consensus on Final Fantasy characters is just as bad...NO. People hated the idea of Sora, Cloud, Seporith, and friends in Brawl, people (if there is a God) STILL hate the idea of Sora, Cloud, Seporith, and friends in SSB4. And as insignificant as he is, no Geno (who sadly actually has a better snowball's chance in hell in being in a Smash game then those others you mentioned).

And before you post a reply to this, no, Naruto, Goku, Mickey Mouse, Ronald McDonald, and the Walmart happy face would not make great additions, either. We want to play Super Smash Brothers, with the occansional and rare appearances or worthy 3rd-party characters; Sonic, Snake, Mega Man, the list is short, as it should be.

Sakurai opened the floodgates to let two outsiders in, and now every Tom, D*ck, and Larry thinks the roster should have 40% random additions from non-Nintendo companies; from FF characters to Master flippin' Chief, the 'mascot' of the Xbox systems by Microsoft, NINTENDO'S OTHER MAIN COMPETITOR DUH, in the game.

If Master Chief ever makes it into SSB, Nintendo might as well hand over the Pokémon franchise to Sony, while their at it.
You sir, have won. Kudos to you. :)

Neon Ness

Designated Procrastinator
Jul 10, 2008
I'd just like to go on record and say that I still want Rosalina from Super Mario Galaxy to be in SSB4.

Neon Ness

Designated Procrastinator
Jul 10, 2008
Rosalina doesn't need to be a Peach clone, just because they look similar. She has the power of the cosmos at her disposal. I daresay she won't be plucking any turnips.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Rosalina doesn't need to be a Peach clone, just because they look similar. She has the power of the cosmos at her disposal. I daresay she won't be plucking any turnips.

Seriously, she wasn't that cool. Peach is only in the game because of how often she shows up with Mario, not to mention a few playable roles here and there. The only thing Rosalina's done is make possible a (at most) passable plot in one game.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 17, 2008
The only thing im afraid of is her being overused because she has *gasps* dark powers lol. The same counts for any dark alterative for a character. If shadow was put in do u think sonic would be used as much? But this isn't really your fault, its just that "darkness" is overused hence the dark color swaps and mk (who is sorta a darker version of kirby)
Well there are allready dark-themed chars....like meta knight...for example....so by adding a new one players would play both therefore the popularity of MK would drop closer to the rest chars...if it was the first addition it would spoil everything but since such chars are already included D samus wont do anything but good

Besides everywhere i see DSamus posted everyone thinks that its a clone of Samus and start complaining.....has any1 here ever seen dark samus going morph ball, shooting missiles (or in general anything but phazon) or doing screw attack? there are so many possibilities like the ones ive posted (again its page 171)....i dont remember her even using charge beam but im not completely sure that she didnt so lets keep that one for B......besides although we dont want clones since she is dark samus cloning the b smash (charge beam) is a must, with phazon colours of course


Smash Journeyman
Apr 17, 2005
I have a pretty good third-party character idea.

Viewtiful Joe:
B: Voomerang: Throws a voomerang forward dealing multiple hits.
B>: Mach Speed: He rapidly attacks while you hold the button.
B^: Zoom Jump: Does the jump attack he preforms from the game. Works like fire fox.
B-down: Viewtiful Forever: This attack works like a counter. If he uses this just as an opponent attacks him, he "strikes a pose that's oh, so cool" as the game says, and the opponent takes damage.

FS: Six Machine: He calls his flying vehicle, Six Machine, and is able to fly around and blast and ram people.


Down: You want some? Well, come and get it!
Side: View-ti-ful JOE!

Enterance: He flies in on Six Machine.

Victory 1: I'm Joe! View-ti-ful JOE!
Victory 2: I'm coming for you, Silvia!
Victory 3: Flies in on Six Machine and lands.
Victory 4: Takes down to Biankies (I think that's how you spell it.) and strikes his Henshin pose.

I might think of more later.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 18, 2007
Well.......I certainly hope we don't have to wait another 7 years. that would be seriously bogus, espically since how much Brawl was a dissapointment compared to Melee. Even a SSBB2, which Nintendo is even considering, would be fine.

I personally hope for the return of 1 fighter....



Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2007
Somewhere, most likely existent
Rosalina, though I personally like her as a character, doesn't seem like a very good choice for a playable in SSB. She's made one mainstream appearance and is unlikely to make any more, and has, like, one other appearance in Mario Kart. Though she could have a unique moveset, a lot of it would have to be made up since she never fights in the game and the game only has so many unique concepts that Rosalina could pull together.

Personally, I'd like to see her as an AT like she was reported to be way back before release.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
I honestly think Mewtwo is going to return in the next game. Assuming that the roster has strict guidelines regarding the amount per series, I hope they make an exception for Mewtwo since his removal caused a lot of backlash and is widely considered unnecessary.


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2007
Hyde Park, Chicago
I honestly think Mewtwo is going to return in the next game. Assuming that the roster has strict guidelines regarding the amount per series, I hope they make an exception for Mewtwo since his removal caused a lot of backlash and is widely considered unnecessary.

"Mewtwo Strikes Back" lol. Why is jiggs still in? I mean when 64 came out everyone loved her from the anime, but now not alot of people rememeber her role on the anime.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007

"Mewtwo Strikes Back" lol. Why is jiggs still in? I mean when 64 came out everyone loved her from the anime, but now not alot of people rememeber her role on the anime.
I think a number of people remember her role in the anime, you just have to jog their memory. Anyway, there are two reasons why she is still in:

1. She is still one of the most popular Pokemon.
2. She is one of the original 12. Therefore, she has immunity from ever being removed.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 17, 2008
Has it been OFFICIAL that they are AT LEAST CONSIDERING making SSBB2 (Which from what i heard is a.k.a an update of the current game)? Pay attention not to misunderstand...i dont ask if its official that they are making it BUT IF IT IS OFFICIAL THAT THEY HAVE "THOUGHT" THAT THERE MIGHT BE A CHANCE THAT THEY MAY AT SOME POINT MAKE IT (i know ive bit of overdone explaining but in this specific topic its very easy for a misunderstanding to happen due to missread or something and if that happened it'd result in unnecesarily bad comments and replies to my post which would spoil the familiar atmosphere of this idea-posting thread, and i wouldnt wanna be the reason something like this would happen)

AND btw if they do are considering of doing so will this happen via internet update of the current game somehow or a second game release...MY guess is that its propably the second option as with the first they wouldnt make any money except if they had charged for the update through the net but that would result in less people buying it because of many casuals' avoidance of buying/selling any kind of hardware/software through the net + many people who have brawl not having an internet connection with their wii...also this disc is double layer, done so because of high memory needed so not many updates would have had enough space to be added (and only if the disc isnt ROM though i doubt it isnt cause most video games are...besides even if it isnt i too doubt that the wii itself has all hardware/software needed to overwrite such a way the game)


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007

Man I forgot.... I remember when lucas was announced and there was that "up until now" and people went up in arms about removing a orginal.
Well, I didn't believe that the original 12 had immunity but Ness turning out to be in all along changed my mind. Not to mention that the original 12 have event matches dedicated to fighting them. So, I think Brawl confirmed the immunity theory.


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2007
Hyde Park, Chicago
Well, I didn't believe that the original 12 had immunity but Ness turning out to be in all along changed my mind. Not to mention that the original 12 have event matches dedicated to fighting them. So, I think Brawl confirmed the immunity theory.
True true, but im still adamant about Jiggs removal even though I doubt she will be removed. Shes like Pichu there was a time where she was very popular and she outlived that peroid. Unfortunately that solidified her in all future smash games. :urg:


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
True true, but im still adamant about Jiggs removal even though I doubt she will be removed. Shes like Pichu there was a time where she was very popular and she outlived that peroid. Unfortunately that solidified her in all future smash games. :urg:
Wasn't Pichu a joke character to begin with? Anyway, as I said, she is still very popular even though she hasn't appeared in the anime for a long time.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 17, 2008
in here (cyprus) it stopped showing the anime since the end of johto + Orange islands (dont remember which is last)...now that i think of it they did show up to half of hoen region...btw my point is that pokemon are turning worse every second passing....i mean they are still good and i buy the portpable games (up to diamond/pearl) but i just miss the first season...i mean its so much different from what it started of...besides they have even completely forgotten about Misty who has been the most important friend so far, I believe even more than Brock although he appeared in the latest seasons...she just had a big bond with ash which i havent seen with any other character than pikachu....i dont know the characters of the sinnoh season as i just watched a few episodes of the hoenn one before they cut it off but from all the main characters that appear in diamond/pearl i guess she is not included in the anime either as there wouldnt be more friend-space.... Correct me if im wrong but even in the case she is still in i believe that pokemon isnt any longer what it was meant to be...even the pokemon are every generation more complicated....have a look at 1st gen and then 4th....they look so...non-simple....
Even the idea of leaving all his first 2 generation pokemon and starting over just with pikachu sucks...he could have simply just begun to add up...but the fact that he got them out of the game all at once and also although he had pokemon experience since the first 3 seasons but still looked like a beginner in some episodes loosing stupid battles that he could have easily won with his last pokemon...so dissapointing

Btw this thread is about SSB4 so i wont go far from it just post an opinion about this along with ur normal posts and please also bother answering me my question earlier on this page about the SSBB update thingy if possible


Smash Lord
Oct 24, 2007
Switch FC
4999 6039 1484
I think a number of people remember her role in the anime, you just have to jog their memory. Anyway, there are two reasons why she is still in:

1. She is still one of the most popular Pokemon.
Anyway, as I said, she is still very popular even though she hasn't appeared in the anime for a long time.
You must not be referring to the Pokémon community. Go to Bulbasuar's Garden or Serebiiforums, I assure you the general Pokémon community have no particularly strong fanbase for Jigglypuff. If you are referring to Jigglypuff's fanbase in the Smash Bros. community, I can't rebuttal. But I assure you again, Jigglypuff's so-called stardom was thanks to the anime, and Jigglypuff in the anime got played out, and the Pokémon community aren't clamoring over this Pokémon.

It may some how still be somewhat popular, but it's not Mewtwo popular, Pikachu popular, the Kanto Starter Pokémon popular. Its only because of its presence in the Smash games still that Jigglypuff even gets any mention nowadays. The anime made Psyduck, Togepi, Arbok, and Weezing popular, and once their roles were up, their fandom went down. At least Jigglypuff has SSB. Sadly, being one of the original twelve guarntees that this Pokémon will always waste occupy at least one Pokémon character slot in the Brawl games from now on.


Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
The Cosmos Beneath Rosalina's Skirt
I heard somewhere the while Pikachu is the most popular Pokemon in America, while Jigglypuff is the most popular Pokemon in Japan...I'm not entirely sure how true that is but...it'd certainly explain at least part of Jigglypuff's constant reappearances in Smash...

Neon Ness

Designated Procrastinator
Jul 10, 2008
I would laugh if Mewtwo returned in SSB4 and ended up being god tier. He'd be all "What now!? Y'all thought I was dead, but I's back and betta than eva."



Smash Lord
Oct 24, 2007
Switch FC
4999 6039 1484
Oh, and when Jigglypuff DOES return in Smash 4...she MUST be the first character you unlock...I can't believe Brawl broke that tradition...
I thought it was kinda cool that (for me) Jigglypuff was the 2nd to last character I unlocked. I even remembered how in Melee, I unlocked Dr. Mario, then Luigi, then Jigglypuff in that order. I think the only time I ever unlocked Jigglypuff before anyone else (1st) was 64.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
^But why, I would think Pika would be in both places, he is like the flagship Pokemon! He has his own game!

lol.. do you guys konw that Jiggs was originally gonna be the main Pokemon mascot, a.k.a. instead of Pikachu being the most popular it would have been Jiggs, but I'm glad it didn't turn out this way since Jiggs has a "girly" look which doesn't really appeal to me.

but yea, Mewtwo should definetly return, especially if he were to be at least Mid-Tier


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2007
Hyde Park, Chicago
lol.. do you guys konw that Jiggs was originally gonna be the main Pokemon mascot, a.k.a. instead of Pikachu being the most popular it would have been Jiggs, but I'm glad it didn't turn out this way since Jiggs has a "girly" look which doesn't really appeal to me.
They probably thought we would confuse her with Kirby...


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
They probably thought we would confuse her with Kirby...
wait..WHAT? how could someone compare Kirby's awesomeness with Jiggs well...

and don't say because there both pink floating puff balls

Seriously, though. I have one wish for SSB4. And that is for WarioWare to get a second rep in the form of Jimmy T.
how about Amy instead, I always though she would be a nice addition

Collective of Bears

King of Hug Style
Nov 10, 2007
North Carolina
how about Amy instead, I always though she would be a nice addition
As long as you didn't say Ashley, I'm fine with your support. But still, Jimmy deserves a spot. Just give me a moment to dig up my moveset... Here it is! It's not as complete as my MYM entries, but that's because I just threw it together to show the guys on Serebii that he should be included.

Power: 3
Speed: 3.5
Jump: 3.5
Range: 4

A: Punch, then spins and punches
Forward Tilt: Dropkick
Up Tilt: Headbutt
Down Tilt: Swings afro in front of him

Forward Smash: Does The Wave and smacks the opponent with his elbow
Up Smash: Headspin
Down Smash: Break Spin

Neutral Air: Spins around
Forward Air: Kicks twice
Up Air: Headbang
Down Air: Moonwalk in the air

Forward Throw: Spin and throw
Back Throw: Drags opponent while doing the moonwalk, then spins and throws
Up Throw: Throws upward, then kicks them
Down Throw: Throws under him, then Headspins on top of them

B: Disco Bomb
Throws a Disco Ball that shatters on impact and sends shards everywhere. Will sometimes leave items.

Side B: Moonwalk
Chargeable. Stands in place and moonwalks as long as the button is held. When released, Jimmy does the moonwalk very fast and shoots along the screen.

Up B: Finger
The classic Disco move. Stretches out his finger and shoots up.

Down B: Breakdance
Does a continuous Breakdance. You can move slowly while doing this attack.

Final Smash: Night Fever
The lights go off. Everything then lights up, and all the floors on the stage have been converted into a Disco floor. Jimmy is in the middle of the stage dancing. The lights on the ground flash and send beams of light out. Each color has a different effect:

White: None
Red: Fire
Yellow: Electric
Blue: Freezes
Green: Flower-head
Rainbow (Rare): Instant KO

Taunt 1: Does the moonwalk and runs hand through his afro
Taunt 2: Does The Wave and says, "Smooth."
Taunt 3: Spins around and says, "Aw yeah."
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