This seems more like the kind of thing that would fit a Smash Bros. DS.
I'm sure the hardcore Melee-favorers would prefer something like this, but Nintendo loves money more than they do balance in their games, and making a sequel with
less characters than the previous game would be sales-suicide.
Especially on a system that will most surely have significant technological upgrades over the Wii. But on a lesser system (like the DS), this could be pulled off greatly.
But it's a cool roster though. I'd hit that.
Sadly you are right about money vs balance... that's why I like blizzard for taking their time with SC2. I myself prefer balance. It doesn't have to be perfect, but it can be much better than brawl.
Like Mendez said: that's an amazing smash DS roster. I would spend the money in a heartbeat. It's hard to believe that some Sega fanboy hasn't come screaming at you on the forum yet "WHERE'S SONIC?"
This is definitely not my view, and I freakin love the roster. Have I said that I love the roster?
I had to choose between Sonic and Megaman... and Megaman is new, So he got the place
I'm kinda mix on the roster.
Why take out Peach, but keep Zelda/Sheik?
Why take out Pokemon Trainer in favor of Deoxys?
Where the heck is Olimar?
Zelda/Sheik were kept as a second rep from LoZ games. I didn't even want to keep Bowser from the mario games...but I needed another Heavyweight
PT is gimmicky and I cannot stand him the way he is right now. Maybe with some changes he could stay, but not the way he is. And I think Deoxys would fill his place nicely with a moveset like this:
(While not having the terrible problems that PT has)
Olimar.... I dunno, I just didn't have room. I'd have to kick someone else out. If I didn't need Bowser as a heavyweight, Olimar would prolly make it in due to his unique moveset and being the only rep from pikmin.
I'll give a bit more info about how I picked the roster.
1 - Mario, Pika, Kirby, DK, Fox, Samus, Link, CF, and Yoshi were automatically in. These are from different series and have been in since the beginning. Jiggs and Luigi were left for now because they are from the same games as mario and pika.
2 - I got a second rep from the most popular series above: Bowser, Deoxys, MK, Diddy/Dixie, Wolf, Ridley, and Zelda. Many of these are the villains except Diddy and Zelda, for whom the villains didn't fit. (Ganon is too close to CF and if he got a new moveset I didn't need another sword user... and K Rool is another Heavyweight which I didn't need) I did however need to fill the IC's position, so Dixie got paired with Diddy.
3 - Other games who needed one rep: Isaac, Marth, and Ness join the cast. Lucario also joined because Pokemon has so many excellent characters to choose from and they have many games and the series is very popular.
4 - I wanted two 3rd Party characters. Snake has an excellent moveset and I would only reduce his invisible hitboxes before having him return. And the other was a tossup between Sonic and Megaman. Megaman is new, and can have a very interesting moveset, so he got the spot
5 - After this was done I went over the roster and checked how things balanced out. For example I have 2 Heavies, and then Snake and this matches with 2 balloons and then Pika. I have a few who can glide, a few who can tether, a couple sword users, a couple magic users, characters with amazing recovery, characters with crappy recovery... All said I think I had a good variation in the roster.
Hmmm... now that I look at it this way. I do have a spot for Olimar. He can have Lucario's spot. Pokemon can be like most other games and only get 2 reps. I'll redo the roster sometime this weekend and repost it.