@ Ilex -
Or something like that. I've thought about it alot, and the big problem I always come across is Smash attacks, as there's no analog stick to distinguish between a tilt and a smash. We don't want to cut out tilts, nor do we want some silly "touch smash" feature.
The best I could come up with is that to smash, you have to tap a direction and press A at the same time, basically like you do with an analog stick. For tilts, you'd simply have to be holding in that direction before you used the move.
Pressing 2 buttons at once would work too, but not A+B, as a player's thumb doesn't rest on those two. You'd have to use B and Y.
So that said, my controls are basically the same as Ilex's, only scratch the A+B combo, both X and Y jump, and R grabs while L shields (reverse this in the option menu if you need to). Taunts are placed on the select button, nice and out of the way.
And Final Smashes would possibly be used on the Touch Screen.
oceanic--ice said:
Well in that case the screen would only focus on one character so it wouldnt be a problem for 4P battles (propably it will need 4 users to have the game)...but there is still a small prob....it will be harder to play 2P-4P battles cause its not that easy to find people with the same hardware and there wont be even a story mode so what will someone play when he is alone?
This would be an issue, but the DS is stupidly popular, in case you hadn't noticed. Also there's WiFi play, so...
Yeah, it's not an optimal experience, but even if your friends didn't have copies of the game, you could use Download Play to send out a version of the game that has none of the locked characters/stages/music/items/etc. in it.
And if you go back one (or two) pages, I made a small list of things the game would have as far as single player goes.