Dang it, because of Wizzerd's Lip moveset, I started to think of some ideas...
Neutral B – Garbage Block: Lip raises her wand, and a shining light appears over her head, in the shape of three blocks. If the B button is held down, the three blocks eventually start to increase, until they eventually hit six. Like DK and Samus, if the move is fully charged, it won’t automatically work, and pressing the shield button will cancel Lip out of it, while still maintaining the charge. Once used though, Lip waves her wand forward, and the block lights fly off a distance, much like Yoshi’s Up Special, though if a opponent touches them in this state, they won’t take any damage. Instead, at the peak of their arc, the block lights will materialize into garbage blocks, and fall straight down, more like Kirby’s down B. The increase in charge not only increases the damage and knock back that the garbage blocks would do, but also their range, with six blocks being twice the size of the three block attack. (And four/five blocks would be pretty much one block added, obviously) Three blocks would be around the size of Kirby’s garbage block transformation, though technically shorter to make it three equal blocks.
Side Special – Potted Piranha Plant: Yes, the Mario type of piranha plant. Its technically her pet from Captain Rainbow though, and has a blue bow tied to its head to signify that. For the opening animation, Lip pulls out a garden pot, holds it at a slant upwards angle in front of her, and the piranha plant’s head emerges from it after a split second. The piranha plant has a mind of its own per say, and will simply lunge and attack at any opponent that gets within its range (about the length of ZSS’s forward B). If a opponent does get in front of it, it will lunge out fairly quickly, and then bite. The lunge doesn’t cause much damage or knockback, but the bite does, though nothing spectacular. After a initial lunge, whether it hits or misses, the piranha plant will take a second or so to get its bearings to attack again. Incidentally if the piranha plant is attacked while it isn’t making its lunge, it will whimper, and shoot back inside the pot, taking a few seconds to come back out again. (If Lip withdraws it on her own, it can go back out again right away, though there is some lag in the withdrawal of the plant back into its pot, and Lip putting the pot back into hammer space) Additionally, while it can only take one hit before going back into the pot, the piranha plant can be used as a guard or sorts, because of its position in front of Lip. If the plant is hit by, say a projectile attack, it will simply absorb the attack, hide back in its pot for a few seconds, and Lip will not take the damage. The drawback of this though is that Lip is open in the back, because the pot is positioned in front of her, and the piranha plant can not turn around to attack. Additionally, Lip is stationary while holding out the pot, and can not change directions, without withdrawing the flower pot.
Up Special – Rainbow Walk: This move is essentially the same as Pit’s as when activated, Lip will be able to walk on air, as a glowing rainbow materializes under her feet. Like this, Lip can move in any direction, with the rainbow trail following her wherever she goes. The move shares all the downsides of Pit’s Up B though, as if Lip attacks while using it, she will pop out of it, and won’t be able to use it again until she lands. Similarly, if she is attacked while using it, she won’t be able to reactivate it until she lands. The move is in reference to both the intermissions in Panel De Pon where Lip walks from island to island on a rainbow bridge, as well as Captain Rainbow, where she also walks on a solid rainbow into the sky.
Down Special – Flower Field: Lip raises her wand into the air again, spins it around in a circular motion, and then waves it straight down, and a grove of flowers appears directly under her, around the size of a fully charged six-block (aka two Kirby garbage blocks). She can make two of these flower patches show up on the screen at any given time, and they will stay on the field for about 20 or so seconds. (If she already has two out, and performs the move again, the a new flower patch will still form under her, and the first of the two flower patches will automatically disappear as soon as the new patch forms.) If a opponent walks into one of these patches, they will immediately start to take damage as they would from a Lip’s Stick, though somewhat faster. If they move out of the patch though, they will automatically stop taking damage, as the effects are only in effect when inside the patch. The move is a double reference to both the Lip’s Stick item (though only some of its effect) as well as Captain Rainbow (again...) where Lip causes several flower patches to grow over the island.
Final Smash – Combo Garbage Block: When Lip activates the Smash Ball, she will basically perform a much more powerful version of her standard special move. The initial start up is the same as said move, with Lip sending lights up into the air, forming three to six blocks in the air, but then it turns into a single large block with the number 2 on it. Said number quickly goes up all the way to 8. Once 8 is reached, a little chime will play (Straight out of PdP) and one to three giant garbage blocks (depending on how many opponents are there) will show up over the enemies head’s and after a split second (where they can possibly roll out of the way) the blocks will come crashing straight down, causing high damage and knock back. The length of the blocks in question are about three times the length of the Kirby garbage block, though much much higher. After the initial contact with the ground, the blocks will remain there for a second, after which, they will poof out of existence.
Boy its been awhile since I've made a moveset. Takes a lot of time and effort though, and kind of pointless in the end though.