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[Official SSB4 Discussion] --- Nintendo announces 2 new Smash games!

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Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
As I said earlier, the tag team of Diddy and Dixie being on the screen at the same time but having different moves is probably what was originally intended but scrapped due to technical difficulties. If the idea was to be brought up again, I'd say Dixie and Kiddy would be the prime characters to use it with, though Kiddy is much less deserving that a good deal of characters. Still, that didn't stop Sheik from showing up, who really only got in because of the concept of changing characters.

EDIT: As far aa second Pokemon trainer is concerned, I don't quite think it will happen unless his way of switching characters is different from the regular PT. This is because it does seem that Sakurai (assuming he makes SSB4) tries to keep the specialized or transforming characters seperate from each other. (Zero Suit Samus, and PT are both different in their transformations from Zelda and each other for instance)

That being said, if there was a Rival PT, he'd probably have a starter from each Gen, instead of three random Pokemon. That in itself would solve some of these Pokemon generation probems.


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
Dallas GA
I am a little mad that no one reads the Manga at all. Silver =/= Paul. Paul is quite close to him, but even from the games to the Anime to the Manga, Paul and Silver are not paralelled.

Granted, I do hope to see another version of the Pokemon Trainer in SSB4. Maybe not so nerfed..... I should bring my 30 page Essay for what I want to occur in Super Smash Bros 4 here.



Smash Lord
May 10, 2009
I'd rather have Smash add Lanky Kong, Chunky Kong, and Tiny Kong, to make the D.K. Crew.
They could add Dixie Kong and Funky Kong later, but it might be too many Donkey Kong characters.

Mario the Jumpman

Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2009
Why would I tell you guys that?
To TheAceLucario: What are you thinking?! Tell me exactly why you think Jessie and James are the best villains ever?! And it had better be good!!

I also called Paul Silver's counterpart because they act so much alike, and Paul was inspired from Silver!! Jessie and James are so lame, I would like get Omega Tom Hanks(hilarious) to beat them up (if you don't know who Omega Tom Hanks is, go to Google and type in "mugen omega tom hanks." He's funny, Jessie and James are stupid).

And in addition to Silver, I would like to see Leaf as well in Smash 4 (I am hoping that she would be more fully clothed; her skirt is a bit short for my tastes). And I guess one of her Pokemon could be Jigglypuff. And if SSB4 only has room for 2 Pokemon Trainers in the playable roster, I would like Nintendo to include both Leaf AND Silver, even if it means cutting Red.

And here it is:

Jessie and James are lame!


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
I'd rather have Smash add Lanky Kong, Chunky Kong, and Tiny Kong, to make the D.K. Crew.
They could add Dixie Kong and Funky Kong later, but it might be too many Donkey Kong characters.
It's funny you should mention that; I once had an idea of a playable character called the DK Crew that utilized several of the Kongs.

It probably wouldn't happen, but it'd be kind of interesting to see.


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2009
New Super Mario Bros relies on its own retro roots, so is Mario a retro character? Of course not. And yes if he didn't have his retro roots then he'd have less of a chance, but he does have them so your hypothetical situations are uncalled for. Heck, everyone who wants K.Rool wants him to be like he was a decade ago, rather than what he is now. And seeing how Game & Watch and the ICs got in before Diddy Kong, and how Pit and ROB got in before K.Rool, its pretty clear to me that if Little Mac was a retro only character then he'd still have a high chance of making it in before them. But as the case is, he's made the next gen leap, so even if your retro priority theory was true, it doesn't even matter any more.
You're missing my point entirely. I am not saying that having retro roots makes you retro. However, the vast majority of Little Mac's roles are retro. Little Mac is a retro character, and so he has less priority over current characters. Smash is all about representing the most recent and popular characters, and so it's ridiculous to compare Little Mac to characters like K. Rool and Ridley when they are the characters with more significance and support.

Unimportant as a whole because he's just a cookie cutter villain. I'm not sure how you can't quite grasp what I'm saying....Its like Smithy from SMRPG. He's important to the plot of the game since he's the antagonist, but he's unimportant as a whole since he's just there to be the villain, and has no role outside of being that final boss. Also what is your problem with figuring out what I'm saying in terms of the Super Show? I'm not sayiit should be implemented in the game at all. I'm saying K.Rool is a ripoff of Bowser in that show. And outside of you I guess, no one buys the DK series for K.Rool alone. That's just idiotic. And as noted before, sales aren't what decides character numbers in the lesser series, since SF and Kirby had more than the DK series. And sure its enough time for a new character to show up in either of those series. (And quite frankly if the skip from Melee to Brawl is anything to judge, then character inclusions or updates to series depends heavily on what occurs between the two games.)
While K. Rool did not show up until the end of the Donkey Kong Country games, you forget that those were not his most recent roles. In DK64 he showed up multiple times during the plot. In King of Swing he showed up in the opening as well as in the Jungle Jam mode. He showed up many more times during the process of Jungle Climber... I'm sorry, but we no longer are in the SNES days. What I'm saying about the show is that it's ridiculous to use it in a point about a video game when it's an old TV show nobody remembers or cares about. lrn2read again, as K. Rool himself was NOT what motivated me to buy the game. His support for SSB4, and his constant discussion, was what motivated me to buy the game, and I don't want to debate this because you're just trying to insult me based off of a footnote. And nobody buys the Donkey Kong games for Dixie either. This goes directly back to my last point where you just insulted me over one thing and ignored my main point. No, a few years is not enough time for either Star Fox or Kirby to get another rep. Star Fox is rather stagnant as far as new games go, and I imagine they'd suck that whorish Krystal dry instead of a new character. Kirby games tend to have rather simplistic plots, with Kirby, King Dedede and Meta Knight being the only main characters, and they don't have much continuity for a new character to appear again and again.

And that's a dumb reason to be curious/buy a game still. It'd make sense not play a full game for him though, since in those games he's really doesn't do a thing until the end. Heck back in the day the developers didn't even decide on WHY he took those bananas.
I am not going to argue this. It's ridiculous, you have an entire point to counter a minor footnote in my main one.

Funny how Boos and Nokis are more popular than K.Rool then, eh bro? Yeah these generic NPCs are not all that popular, but they just show you how unpopular K.Rool really is as he gets so little priority. Sure he may have a following on a board like this (Which quite frankly seems to be stagnant in its roster views, as they havn't changed since before Brawl even came out) but to the vast majority, he has little popularity. Yes the DK series has popularity, but you're making the mistake of assuming that's all for K.Rool when it never could be.
Do people outside of message boards even care? Besides, we can't argue about how characters are only popular in message boards when the only thing we have to measure popularity out of them is that horribly biased Japanese poll, which surveyed a small segment of one country for a game which is released in so many. K. Rool's Melee trophy even acknowledged his popularity: "While he fits the evil boss mold nicely, he's just enough of a bumbler to have gained a few fans over the years." Also, K. Rool appeared in Super Sluggers, maybe Nintendo is putting him in your beloved spinoffs now.

What? Are you saying that if they worked out beforehand that their idea would have complications in programing then they would never have done that? If so that'd be true, but I don't think they could have foreseen that. What I was saying is that before programing they had to have a idea of what they wanted to do, and if that is the case, and as they got to the programing itself, they must have finalized a good deal of their ideas. The problems that arose of course through a wrench in these plans, but are you really saying that the team is so incompetant that they start up something and don't know what they are even going to do with it? And I don't think Sakurai would have done something like that as he tries to keep as many characters as true to their series as possible. Sure Ganondorf got rushed in Melee and has been paying for it ever since, but that doesn't mean Sakurai would make Dixie Kong of all people use a jet pack. If you really think its acceptable for someone like that to use such weird moves, then why not say that K.Rool becomes a clone of Wario? Sure he hasn't used all of Wario's moves, but its possible that he could, so why not?
Do you really think that someone would put in so much time and development into coming up with an idea, and run the risk that they might have done something wrong? I honestly think that they would program in some of their ideas as they worked. Yeah, Sakurai has really tried to be true to series. Trophies are littered with errors, and while cloning Ganondorf in Melee was excusable, not decloning him for Brawl shows his utter laziness. Sakurai doesn't give a sh*t about being true to their series. Also, Dixie Kong could more easily be a clone of Diddy, a character who shares body structure and personality, then K. Rool could ever be a clone of Wario, a character with different body structure and personality.


Smash Lord
May 10, 2009
To TheAceLucario: What are you thinking?! Tell me exactly why you think Jessie and James are the best villains ever?! And it had better be good!!

I also called Paul Silver's counterpart because they act so much alike, and Paul was inspired from Silver!! Jessie and James are so lame, I would like get Omega Tom Hanks(hilarious) to beat them up (if you don't know who Omega Tom Hanks is, go to Google and type in "mugen omega tom hanks." He's funny, Jessie and James are stupid).

And in addition to Silver, I would like to see Leaf as well in Smash 4 (I am hoping that she would be more fully clothed; her skirt is a bit short for my tastes). And I guess one of her Pokemon could be Jigglypuff. And if SSB4 only has room for 2 Pokemon Trainers in the playable roster, I would like Nintendo to include Leaf and Silver, even if it means cutting Red.

And here it is:

Jessie and James are lame!
I really don't care if you think they're lame.
I think they are awesome and funny.
Have you watched the first season?
I understand if you think they are lame if you haven't watched the very first season.
Team Rocket kind of went downhill after the first season, but only by a little bit.

Anyway, I think Jessie and James should be a character in Smash as another Pokémon Trainer.
Their Pokémon would be Meowth, Arbok... and one more I think...
I forget the third one... if there is a third one.

Mario the Jumpman

Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2009
Why would I tell you guys that?
I really don't care if you think they're lame.
I think they are awesome and funny.
Have you watched the first season?
I understand if you think they are lame if you haven't watched the very first season.
Team Rocket kind of went downhill after the first season.

Anyway, I think Jessie and James should be a character in Smash as another Pokémon Trainer.
Their Pokémon would be Meowth, Arbok... and one more I think...
I forget the third one... if there is a third one.
Mario the Jumpman:

You, my friend, should take a vacation. Jessie, James, and their Pokemon (includes Meowth) should never, ever, ever be in Smash 4, not even as the smallest cameo. And I have watched the first season when I was a kid. And from now on, unless I give you my approval, stop talking about Jessie and James.


Smash Lord
May 10, 2009
Mario the Jumpman:

You, my friend, should take a vacation. Jessie, James, and their Pokemon (includes Meowth) should never, ever, ever be in Smash 4, not even as the smallest cameo. And I have watched the first season when I was a kid. And from now on, unless I give you my approval, stop talking about Jessie and James.
Well that's your opinion, and I don't want to continue this conflict with you.
I'd rather not make an enemy over a disagreement of opinions.

Anyway, I'd like to see a new Pokémon stage in Smash 4 other than a new Pokémon Stadium.
Maybe the alternate demension where Giratina lives.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009

Is the Team Rocket discussion over? Is it safe to come out now?

Phew, good. Mario the Jumpman, Pokemon Trainer as he is in Brawl should be the only playable trainer. No Silver, no Leaf.

Of course, this is just my opinion.

Mario the Jumpman

Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2009
Why would I tell you guys that?
If Banjo-Kazooie are playable in Smash 4, then an idea I came up with would be three fighting styles for the duo: one working together, Banjo working solo, and Kazooie doing it on her own. And players could switch between those three styles. Although that idea might not work out very well.

And Wario should return for SSB4. He is my man, and is very deserving!

And a Distortion World stage would be unique, always shaking things up a bit (or maybe a lot...).

And maybe there could be an item that, when it hits an opponent, the thrower will steal one stock from that opponent.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
You're missing my point entirely. I am not saying that having retro roots makes you retro. However, the vast majority of Little Mac's roles are retro. Little Mac is a retro character, and so he has less priority over current characters. Smash is all about representing the most recent and popular characters, and so it's ridiculous to compare Little Mac to characters like K. Rool and Ridley when they are the characters with more significance and support.
Wow you make no sense. If Smash is about the newest and most popular characters then why are any retro characters there at all? Why wasn't Midna in Brawl instead of Toon Link? Why were PT's pokemon all from gen 1, and not gen 4? Why was Snake, a character who's past was with Nintendo rather than present, in instead of some other recent Konami character? Why was Ike in his FE9 clothes and not FE10? Why did Pit and ROB defeat your precious K.Rool for getting in? Why do you think that a cookie cutter villain who's last memorable role was nearly 10 years ago, is recent and popular?

Yes, Little Mac originated as a retro character, but that doesn't change the fact that he is now more recent than either Ridley or K.Rool. (Though some time in 2010 Ridley will show up again, so I digress with him) Retro characters do have priority despite your twisted veiws, and Little Mac is not only that but also has a brand new game that he is the star of. There is no legitimate reason you can come up with for him to be put behind either of the two.

While K. Rool did not show up until the end of the Donkey Kong Country games, you forget that those were not his most recent roles. In DK64 he showed up multiple times during the plot. In King of Swing he showed up in the opening as well as in the Jungle Jam mode. He showed up many more times during the process of Jungle Climber... I'm sorry, but we no longer are in the SNES days. What I'm saying about the show is that it's ridiculous to use it in a point about a video game when it's an old TV show nobody remembers or cares about. lrn2read again, as K. Rool himself was NOT what motivated me to buy the game. His support for SSB4, and his constant discussion, was what motivated me to buy the game, and I don't want to debate this because you're just trying to insult me based off of a footnote. And nobody buys the Donkey Kong games for Dixie either. This goes directly back to my last point where you just insulted me over one thing and ignored my main point. No, a few years is not enough time for either Star Fox or Kirby to get another rep. Star Fox is rather stagnant as far as new games go, and I imagine they'd suck that whorish Krystal dry instead of a new character. Kirby games tend to have rather simplistic plots, with Kirby, King Dedede and Meta Knight being the only main characters, and they don't have much continuity for a new character to appear again and again.
Oh yes, the great and sucessful Jungle Climber/King of Swing games. Wait, wasn't Dixie playable in both of those, while K.Rool was only in one? And you're reasons for it not being valid still don't count. If you totally rip off something old that no one remembers, it still doesn't change the fact that you friggen ripped it off. And reading your post its still your interest in K.Rool that's making you buy these games, which is still a dumb reason. Who in their right mind would buy SMRPG just because they keep on hearing Geno being talked about? At least in that case it makes more sense seeing as Geno is a actual playable character. Also DKC, which sold 3 million world wide was Dixie own gameo I don't get your comment with that. And sure its enough time to get new reps. New games mean new pottential representatives, its quite simple. Despite people objecting to Krystal, she's still viable, and quite frankly a better choice than Rool any day. And the Kirby series could also have a new main character for all you know.

I am not going to argue this. It's ridiculous, you have an entire point to counter a minor footnote in my main one.
Dude its just two sentances. Plus they admited it themselves that they had no idea what they were doing with K.Rool at the time.

Do people outside of message boards even care? Besides, we can't argue about how characters are only popular in message boards when the only thing we have to measure popularity out of them is that horribly biased Japanese poll, which surveyed a small segment of one country for a game which is released in so many. K. Rool's Melee trophy even acknowledged his popularity: "While he fits the evil boss mold nicely, he's just enough of a bumbler to have gained a few fans over the years." Also, K. Rool appeared in Super Sluggers, maybe Nintendo is putting him in your beloved spinoffs now.
Sure they care. The message board community is actually pretty small in the grand scheme of things, and is broken up to boot. And lulz @ trophy pointing out that he's generic. And I already told you that K.Rool was in Sluggers. (lrn2read, lol) The point of me even saying that was to show that it took that long for him to be recognized, and it was only in a game that need loads of characters to fill out baseball teams.

Do you really think that someone would put in so much time and development into coming up with an idea, and run the risk that they might have done something wrong? I honestly think that they would program in some of their ideas as they worked. Yeah, Sakurai has really tried to be true to series. Trophies are littered with errors, and while cloning Ganondorf in Melee was excusable, not decloning him for Brawl shows his utter laziness. Sakurai doesn't give a sh*t about being true to their series. Also, Dixie Kong could more easily be a clone of Diddy, a character who shares body structure and personality, then K. Rool could ever be a clone of Wario, a character with different body structure and personality.
Yeah, I think so. Things don't always work out as you plan them. And you're really wrong about the being true to the series thing, just because of one character (who probably had people that got used to his style, along with Ike basically being the heavy swordsman of this game) and some trophies errors that Sakurai probably didn't even get to proofread. (Actually the error on the Brawl K.Rool one as based around the fact that in Japan, K.Rool ISN'T any of his dressed up forms, but rather those are his brothers) Just make Wario a little bigger, and change around some things on his model, and you've got a perfectly acceptable K.Rool (as long as you think its acceptable to give Diddy's moves to Dixie) Sure K.Rool doesn't use most of these things in his games, but he could if he needed to. Plus, while I doesn't count for jack in your argument, K.Rool and Wario are kind of close. Then again, that's a pointless point in the first place.


Smash Lord
May 10, 2009
Pokemon Trainer as he is in Brawl should be the only playable trainer. No Silver, no Leaf.
I agree.
I think they should just keep the Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard Pokémon Trainer as the only one.
Also, the original three starter Pokémon are my favorite.
The only cooler Pokémon Trainer, in my opinion, would be a Bulbasaur, Charmeleon, and Blastoise Pokémon Trainer
, which probably won't happen.

Oh, and...
Banjo-Kazooie for Smash!


Smash Lord
Oct 10, 2008
Mario the Jumpman:
And from now on, unless I give you my approval, stop talking about Jessie and James.
You are not the dictator of Smash Boards.

Oh yes, the great and sucessful Jungle Climber/King of Swing games. Wait, wasn't Dixie playable in both of those, while K.Rool was only in one?

K.Rool and Wario are kind of close.
I completely missed Dixie being playable in Jungle Climber. I was fairly sure you could only play as DK.

K. Rool and Wario are both fat villains. Similairities end there. Dixie is much more likely to be a clone than K. Rool because there's no decent template for K.Rool. The best I think they could do is DK himself, which isn't right. K. Rool should be in over Dixie because he's more popular, has better potential for a unique moveset, and satisfies all those people ranting about how we need more villains for Smash. So Sakurai will probably add Dixie.


Smash Lord
May 10, 2009
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Banjo in Diddy Kong Racing before his game came out?
I forgot about that. :laugh:
I don't play as Banjo-Kazooie in that game, so that's probably why I forgot.
But I don't consider that a Banjo-Kazooie game.
Just because he's a playable character doesn't mean it's one of his games.
That's like saying Smash is a Zelda game.


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
val PT, he'd probably have a starter from each Gen, instead of three random Pokemon. That in itself would solve some of these Pokemon generation probems.
Well, they are not exactly random.
Biggest problem with going with starters again is that we already have a PT with Fire, Water and Grass pokemon. It would be way to similar. That is why I mainly worried about the other elements (or specifically psychic attacks.)

I agree.
I think they should just keep the Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard Pokémon Trainer as the only one.
Also, the original three starter Pokémon are my favorite.
Well, I will respectfully disagree.
I think if an idea is really good, it should at least be done twice.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2009
between earths and heavens shadow
Ahh louie, reminds us of another lackie dousnt it, a certain mastachio one too.
If youve been dead for the past 10 years you would'nt know that pikmin made lots of money, same with the sequel, and the seqel being number 3 which is being made right now is gona make them even more money. Therefore i think Pikmin should have more rep in the smash games.

Come on you think they would've make at least 1 boss from pikmin in brawl. a bulbemperior would kick ***. this is why i think loue should be a character in smash.

depending on what pikmin 3 brings us decides if hes a clone or not. he could use pikmin even a bulbman.
his fs would be he gets controled by that spider thing and goes rampaging all over the page till it comes to a stop. also it well drop items like it douse in pikmin2. and those items well be idk food or items such as the hammer.

regular b would be plucking pikmin and side b pikmin well be throwing since that is prior to pikmin series as is FE down b deflect and mario and lugiis b and up b.

his up b can be he climbs up the pikmin like a ladder and the last one he climbs up can hang on to his foot.

down b... i think down b shold be changed on olimar too. i main olimar and i hardly ever use down b. for olimar he has a pikmin burrow in to the ground and if u step over it he pops up and hits u.
with louie its ...maby ride a bulbman maby and it hits u sorta like warios bike.

tell me what you think. and i dont care if you think louie shouldnt be in it, because he douse, pikmin prints money biznitch.
Oct 28, 2007
Louie Would be intresting if they made him unique enough...but Olimars Down B has become a key in his metagame....just sayin...and the Bulban idea should eb altered a little


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2008
I agree.
I think they should just keep the Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard Pokémon Trainer as the only one.
Also, the original three starter Pokémon are my favorite.
There should only be one Pokémon trainer in the game, and I think " Red" fits the role well, although Squirtle and Charizard could be swapped for Blastoise and Charmander, but thats because I don't really like Charizard that much.

Mario the Jumpman

Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2009
Why would I tell you guys that?
Krystal for Smash 4

Krystal would be slightly lighter and slower than fox, but her Specials and attacks would be more powerful

Here is an idea for the blue fox lady's Specials (I already listed an idea for her FS a day or so back):

Standard Special: Fire Shot: Shoots a fireball from her staff, and any opponent hit by her staff while this Special was executed will gain damage for a few seconds

Up Special: Rocket Boost: Uses her staff's rocket boost ability, like Diddy's, but takes less time to charge, does more damage, flies at a bit of a slower speed, and can only shoot Krystal up straight

Down Special: Krystal creates a block of ice using her staff, the ice block stays there for half as long as Snake's C4, but any opponent touching the ice will be frozen a few seconds

Side Special: Krystal will throw her staff in the direction she's facing, and it will function like Ike's Aether, but goes sideways and without an increase in falling speed

And her Smash Attacks, some of her aerial moves, and even some of her throws will involve her staff

Battle Entrance: Like Fox's, but comes from the foreground

The blue fox lady would also be a hidden character, and one of the ways she could be unlocked is by unlocking at least three other hidden characters and beating Classic Mode with at least half of the starting characters

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Guh, Krystal.

Just want to throw it in, that Krystal using her staff is only a possibility, not a necessity.


Smash Rookie
May 4, 2009
They need to come up with a new item...OLIMAR BE-GONE!! 100% GUARENTEED TO DESTROY OLIMAR FOREVER!!!XDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Smash Lord
Aug 15, 2007
Very scary ruins
What? Oh and sundayeclipse I loved your ideas for Louie but it took me a while to work out what you were saying. Work on your typing please.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
On the subject of Louie, I'm not quite sure whether or not he deserves to be in. Correct me if I'm wrong (I've never played Pikmin before), but doesn't he not have that much importance in the games? Is his role in the games significant enough to make him playable (this could change with Pikmin 3, of course)?

To WerehogKong: Not that I main Olimar, but why do a lot of people hate the little space explorer?
As far as I know, they don't. I've actually visited this thread for a while before I signed up, and WerehogKong is the only person I've seen who doesn't like him.


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2009
Krystal would be slightly lighter and slower than fox, but her Specials and attacks would be more powerful

Here is an idea for the blue fox lady's Specials (I already listed an idea for her FS a day or so back):

Standard Special: Fire Shot: Shoots a fireball from her staff, and any opponent hit by her staff while this Special was executed will gain damage for a few seconds

Up Special: Rocket Boost: Uses her staff's rocket boost ability, like Diddy's, but takes less time to charge, does more damage, flies at a bit of a slower speed, and can only shoot Krystal up straight

Down Special: Krystal creates a block of ice using her staff, the ice block stays there for half as long as Snake's C4, but any opponent touching the ice will be frozen a few seconds

Side Special: Krystal will throw her staff in the direction she's facing, and it will function like Ike's Aether, but goes sideways and without an increase in falling speed

And her Smash Attacks, some of her aerial moves, and even some of her throws will involve her staff

Battle Entrance: Like Fox's, but comes from the foreground

The blue fox lady would also be a hidden character, and one of the ways she could be unlocked is by unlocking at least three other hidden characters and beating Classic Mode with at least half of the starting characters

Krystal has no significance over the existing Star Fox characters, and StarFox does not deserve four reps. It doesn't even deserve three.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
SSB4 Item Ideas

Furniture (Animal Crossing):

Kind of like Poke Balls and Assist Trophies, but rather than pokemon/people, a random piece of furniture from AC would pop up. Depending on what it is, it could have some sort of effect on anyone who comes into contact with it, or it could just add an obstacle to the stage.

Mario the Jumpman

Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2009
Why would I tell you guys that?
Guh, Krystal.

Just want to throw it in, that Krystal using her staff is only a possibility, not a necessity.
Mario the Jumpman:

Captain Falcon never left his car in his games, and look what he's doing now in the Smash series: punching and kicking most of the time. Nintendo can pretty much make Krystal more reliant on her staff and magic. The reason I want the blue fox lady in Smash 4 is because she is what I often call her. Because of her staff and magic powers, Krystal would most definitely have her own moveset and not be a Fox clone. At least quarter of Smash 4's playable roster should be composed of female fighters (And I do not count transformations, Nintendo. Got that?!). And none of it can be sexually-orientated (act mature, people!). And if Japan doesn't want that many female combatants, include that many anyway (for those of you who don't want Krystal playable in Smash 4, I probably won't care about you).


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2009
Being female does not make you a better option for Smash. There are few enough candidates to try to make it even harder by putting in the many insignificant Nintendo females. Also, it's funny that Krystal and Dixie are at about the same place in terms of deservingness- why does Krystal get so much support and Dixie doesn't? Oh yeah- because she's hot. (At least, some people think so, I don't see how animals can be attractive.)


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Mario the Jumpman:

Captain Falcon never left his car in his games, and look what he's doing now in the Smash series: punching and kicking most of the time. Nintendo can pretty much make Krystal more reliant on her staff and magic. The reason I want the blue fox lady in Smash 4 is because she is what I often call her. Because of her staff and magic powers, Krystal would most definitely have her own moveset and not be a Fox clone. At least quarter of Smash 4's playable roster should be composed of female fighters (And I do not count transformations, Nintendo. Got that?!). And none of it can be sexually-orientated (act mature, people!). And if Japan doesn't want that many female combatants, include that many anyway (for those of you who don't want Krystal playable in Smash 4, I probably won't care about you).
First of all, Capt. Falcon didn't have much moveset potential to draw from. Krystal, on the other hand, has done more things than use her staff and magic (which she hasn't used since Adventures, if I'm not mistaken).

Also, it doesn't matter whether you're female or not. If you deserve to be in, you get in, regardless of gender.

Mario the Jumpman

Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2009
Why would I tell you guys that?
Being female does not make you a better option for Smash. There are few enough candidates to try to make it even harder by putting in the many insignificant Nintendo females. Also, it's funny that Krystal and Dixie are at about the same place in terms of deservingness- why does Krystal get more support? Oh yeah- because she's hot. (At least, some people think so, I don't see how animals can be attractive.)
Mario the Jumpman:

Hotness has nothing to do with it! I already talk about that! Since I mentioned that for about the third time, you can probably guess why I want more playable females in SSB4 (and for the fourth time, it isn't hotness).


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2009
But the reason many females get support is by-and-large because they are hot- look at Ivy and Taki in Soul Calibur. Looking at them from a purely objective standpoint, the only ones who deserve it at all are Lip and to a lesser extent Captain Syrup. All of the rest are dated(Lyn), not the most deserving in the franchise(Dixie Kong) or have a series without a need for reps and no character less significant to cut for them(Krystal).
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