My Animal Crosser moveset idea:
A: Punch
AA: Punch, Slashes Shovel sideways
AAA: Punch, Slashes Shovel sideways, kicks
Up A: Swings Umbrella up
Side A: Swings Axe left of right
Down A: Swings Umbrella Net in a sideways rotation. If a player gets hit by it, they get caught inside and thrown after the move is over
B: Aims Slingshot to where you want to shoot. The longer you wait, the more damage is made
Up B: Shoots into air and opens up Umbrella
Side B: Jabs with Shovel
Down B: Opens Umbrella and holds it sideways, shielding player. This bounces back any projectiles
Aerial A: Swings Axe around in circles
Aerial Front A: Jabs with closed Umbrella
Aerial Back A : Smacks with Watering Can
Final Smash: A big house falls from the sky, and if you're caught in it, you can't move. Furniture starts flying into the house and if you get it by any you get shot around. The ones that are stuck in the house can't move, but they get hit by all of the furniture, so they get a lot of damage.
Up: Twirls Umbrella
Side: Does the thing when you pay off your debt (Music plays, player smiles...)
Down: Waters ground and flowers bloom
Can switch from boy to girl and girl to boy
Shirts from game... (will vary)