Looking over the past posts, seeing that Banjo & Kazooie pic made me remember my wishlists for Melee & Brawl. In addition, I might as well post my wishlist for SSB4:
Who I wanted for Melee:
Joanna Dark
King Dedede
Banjo & Kazooie
A Killer Instinct character
Yep...ABSOLUTELY NONE OF THEM MADE IT IN! Tons of clones got in. Dr. Mario got in...but none of the above got in. And with Rare gone, my beloved Joanna Dark will never see the light of Smash Bros. I even had imagined movesets for them (My Pit had the same moves Brawl's Pit has, except Pit's B Foward was a hammer). Seeing Pit's Melee trophy made me violently upset that he wasn't in Melee. Seven years I would have to wait for Pit, a decent Kirby, and more Kirby characters!
Who I wanted for Brawl:
Isaac from Golden Sun
This round's wishlist mostly came true. Pit was confirmed from day one, so Lucario became my obsession. Wolf I though wouldn't make the cut, then lo & behold, he was confirmed! Sonic I didn't clamor too much about, since I just knew he'd be in after Snake opened his door.
Some of who I want for SSB4:
Mega Man
Isaac from Golden Sun
Pit to return
Lucario to return
Wolf to return
Mewtwo to return (from Melee)
I was pretty happy with Brawl's roster. Greatly made up for Melee's (the lack of Dedede and Meta Knight, and too many clones made me bitter). So really, if my mains could make the cut, I'd be satsified. Pit's chances of coming back are pretty much guaranteed; now that we have him, interest in him was spiked. It's Wolf & Lucario, ESPECIALLY LUCARIO, I'm worried about. I swear, I'd like Krystal, but if they drop Wolf for her, there WILL be blood. Still rooting for Isaac as a playable character; and Mega Man is much needed. Mega Man 9 FTW!