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[Official SSB4 Discussion] --- Nintendo announces 2 new Smash games!

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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Personally, I could see Geno in a faction of his own. Sure, he's never appeared in his own title like Yoshi and Wario have (thus why they're under factions of their own)... but being he's owned by Square Enix... it wouldn't seem right to slap a Mushroom icon for him. I think the ones behind Smash 4 would give him a faction all on his own, so to show he's not entirely Mario-owned/-related (if that's how you want to put it).
How about giving him an icon of Exor's handle/face? That gigantic sword seems to be iconic enough to be Geno's symbol.

On a side note, his victory theme could be the one you hear when a new member joins the party in Super Mario RPG.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2008
These sre what the bosses should be in Super Smash Bros 4.

Boss Characters:

Dino Piranha

Evil Black Jewel

Sumo Kong

Usurper King Zant

Dyna Blade



General Scales & RedEye King


Deathborn (Main Antagonist)

Primoid (Made him up)

Laz-Or Cruncher (Made him up)

Master Hand (Classic and Boss Battle Mode Only)

Crazy Hand (Classic Mode and Boss Battle Mode Only)


Smash Lord
Jul 14, 2008
Running for my life in the forests of Eelong
The most obvious fixes are no more clones. That means a lot of work is going to be needed for Fox, Falco, and Wolf. I don't even know why Gannon is a clone. I am not sure how to fix the space animals but I have some ideas for Gannondorf.
Explain to me exactly how the spacies are clones? They have some similarities, but Fox, Falco, and Wolf are three completely different characters.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
SBM, the final boss will probably be an original one, with individual series villians as henchmen or simply annonyances you must deal with.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2008
SBM, the final boss will probably be an original one, with individual series villians as henchmen or simply annonyances you must deal with.
Well for the next one. Deathborn would fit great as the main antagonist. I made this thing up that he was the one who created Tabuu. So Deathborn should be the main villain.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Deathborn....wouldn't really make that sense, seeing as he wasn't even the final "boss" of the one game he showed up in. Plus, his only power is teleporting, wich Tabuu already has down. Plus, he's the villain of one of the series with lesser importance.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 12, 2007
Queens, NY
I felt soooo bad for Samus. She had no one of her own kind to brawl with her other than her doppleganger.

Now that Metroid hunters came out, it would be awesome if they added the hunters to SSBB.

But seriously, what's the deal with tripping?!


Smash Ace
Oct 21, 2007
But seriously, what's the deal with tripping?!
It's fun! But it would have been better if possible tripping while doing a Final Smash.

Just imagine Marth doing his Critical Hit, and suddenly trip, a wasted (and also, FOR GREAT LULZ) Final Smash.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
I felt soooo bad for Samus. She had no one of her own kind to brawl with her other than her doppleganger.

Now that Metroid hunters came out, it would be awesome if they added the hunters to SSBB.
It is a shame. Hopefully, she WILL have another rep from the series to duel with in the next game. Sylux would be acceptable, since we don't even know what his beef with Samus is.

Tedius Zanarukando

Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2007
Anderson, SC
Tedius, as much as I love FE, it won't ever get more than 3, unfortunately. Also, this is the second time you acted as if you know what everything about SSB4 will be like. While those are general assumptions that have been made numerous times, I can shoot them all down easy.
the voice chat-- someone black-mails you through this. Nintendo does NOT like getting sued.
downloadable content--Props to Chief for making this point, those who battle online with them and the opponent did not download them can take very long. Also, this can seriously screw a tier list, as some people hosting might not have 'em.
online features--I can't judge this 'cause you're not specific.
Your assumptions are only speculation, darkserenade. That is the way it was during the Melee era. That may change during the Brawl era, darkserenade. I have heard similar assumptions at IGN about how Fire Emblem will be represented numerous times, saying at most 3 characters, but that is only speculation. I can assure you that this prediction will come false. You cannot really shoot down these predictions you mentioned easily, as if Fire Emblem sales will end up like they were during the Melee era. Also, it is too early to predict on how much Fire Emblem will be represented, as Fire Emblem is new to the U.S. market and Brawl has been recently released. It is too early to predict what SSB4 will be like. The assumptions are solely based on how Brawl was like. One other thing is that you are using Fire Emblem's sales figures as a measurement of representation potential. It is a bad idea, given that the first six Fire Emblem games were marketed exclusively in Japan.

The problem with downloadable content can be resolved by means such as renting the downloaded character (thus a rental character). The downloadable characters will be developed with balance with existing characters in mind. This is demonstrated by the Rental Unit feature in Fire Emblem DS. Sakurai mentioned a similar case in the official Brawl site about battling with unlockable characters with a user who has not yet unlocked the characters.

Therefore, unless Sakurai shoots down your assumptions, Melee will remain my last Super Smash Bros. game ever.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
I saw your other locked thread, Tedius, and in my opinion, I think it's pretty dumb to boycott a perfectly fun game because some series isn't represented the way you want it. It's also dumb to contemplate boycotting future games in the series for speculative reasons (and make a thread about it as well).


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2008
Germany, NRW, Wessum
I will not read this entire thread... so i just add something... xD

I think that lots of people awayts him in brawl... but he isn't threr TT...

And secondly... Ark from Terranigma (the best SNES game EVER!... and from all games i ever played, terranigma has BY FAR the best story)

A new story mode, which should be at least as amazing as the one of brawl

The Red Shell (and mayby the purple spiny one, too... the one with wings, because else it would be like the red shell i think ;) )

An updateable version, were they can fix bugs and balance everything nearly perfect... maybe this should be firstly ^^


but mewtwo should not be the same as he was in melee... the charging blast and teleport were quite ok... but the rest...
and he should not be compareable to lucario xD
and his final smash... just kill everything and everyone on the entire stage... i mean... he is mewtwo... if mewtwo would meet ganondorf in a game where both have there real powers, mewtwo would be able to defeat him just without moving xD

Tedius Zanarukando

Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2007
Anderson, SC
So you think it is fatuous to boycott Super Smash Bros. Brawl because Fire Emblem was not represented the way I would want and that it is fatuous to contemplate boycotting future installments of the Super Smash Bros. series on the basis of darkserenade's reply to my post from last night. That is what I am likely to do. That implies that the post from darkserenade in question is only speculation.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
@Tedius Zanarukando: flyinfilipino's right, you know. I always buy Smash games for the whole fun factor of pitting random Nintendo characters against each other, no matter who's in it!

Also, I can have fun with certain characters, even if I never played their games. Lucas is a good example of this, as I have a passive familiarity with his game that I never even played. Regardless of this, I'm having more of a blast with than I did with Ness(who is not too shabby, either).

Let's not forget about the various innovative characters, like the dual-fighting Ice Climbers and the character-swapping Pokémon Trainer, too.

The pure joy of discovering what Sakurai came up with next is one of the main reasons that I buy and enjoy the series. It doesn't matter to me all that much if the series I like are poorly represented or not. I hope that you can understand the point that I am bringing across.

Tedius Zanarukando

Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2007
Anderson, SC
I still will never play Brawl and I am still contemplating to boycott future installments of the Super Smash Bros. series on speculative grounds based on darkserenade's post. However, I listen to the Brawl soundtrack regularly. What if I boycott three more installments of the Super Smash Bros. franchises?


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
Your assumptions are only speculation, darkserenade. That is the way it was during the Melee era. That may change during the Brawl era, darkserenade. I have heard similar assumptions at IGN about how Fire Emblem will be represented numerous times, saying at most 3 characters, but that is only speculation. I can assure you that this prediction will come false. You cannot really shoot down these predictions you mentioned easily, as if Fire Emblem sales will end up like they were during the Melee era. Also, it is too early to predict on how much Fire Emblem will be represented, as Fire Emblem is new to the U.S. market and Brawl has been recently released. It is too early to predict what SSB4 will be like. The assumptions are solely based on how Brawl was like. One other thing is that you are using Fire Emblem's sales figures as a measurement of representation potential. It is a bad idea, given that the first six Fire Emblem games were marketed exclusively in Japan.
I wasn't talking about sales, I was talking popularity. Half the people on this thread can help me with this, since we were talking about how much FE derserves(me protecting it), and, as you might guess, not many liked it. Besides, random FE characters wouldn't work, because we haven't even seen Samus get one.
The problem with downloadable content can be resolved by means such as renting the downloaded character (thus a rental character). The downloadable characters will be developed with balance with existing characters in mind. This is demonstrated by the Rental Unit feature in Fire Emblem DS. Sakurai mentioned a similar case in the official Brawl site about battling with unlockable characters with a user who has not yet unlocked the characters.
Those rental units need attack animations and a weapon and they're good to go. SSB holds much more data, because they need multiple animations and attacks, so, unfortunately, Melee might be your last game unless you lighten up a bit.

Deleted member

I just saw the last couple of pages by Tedius. Wow, too much hate on Brawl man.

Tedius Zanarukando

Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2007
Anderson, SC
I wasn't talking about sales, I was talking popularity. Half the people on this thread can help me with this, since we were talking about how much FE derserves(me protecting it), and, as you might guess, not many liked it. Besides, random FE characters wouldn't work, because we haven't even seen Samus get one.
Brawl was only on a single-layered Wii disc. By the time SSB4 has an official Website, technological advances will make downloadable content possible. I have seen many recent newcomers to the Fire Emblem franchise myself. The outcome and predictions on Fire Emblem representation in SSB4 may change with the advent of the DS remake Fire Emblem: Shin Ankoku Ryuu to Hikari no Ken. I have witnessed that Ike's appearance in Brawl boosted Fire Emblem sales. Another mistake is that the first six Fire Emblem games were marketed exclusively in Japan, and the Fire Emblem franchise was unheard of in the U.S. until Melee.

Therefore, darkserenade, you are assuming that I contemplate to boycott future installments of the Super Smash Bros. series. This is the way is going to be, unless Fire Emblem happens to be represented the way I would like. It does not matter how many Fire Emblem characters will be in the roster. What matters is the few Fire Emblem characters I wanted.

Seriously, Tedius, I don't think Smash Bros. is the right series for you at all. Just stick to Fire Emblem.
Then I do not think Smash Bros. was the right series for Fire Emblem fans like me, at least not for fans of Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu. Melee may be my last Super Smash Bros. game. I will still see how the Super Smash Bros. series turns out in the future.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
Brawl was only on a single-layered Wii disc. By the time SSB4 has an official Website, technological advances will make downloadable content possible. I have seen many recent newcomers to the Fire Emblem franchise myself. The outcome on Fire Emblem representation in SSB4 may change with the advent of the DS remake Fire Emblem: Shin Ankoku Ryuu to Hikari no Ken. I have witnessed that Ike's appearance in Brawl boosted Fire Emblem sales.

Therefore, darkserenade, you are assuming that I contemplate to boycott future installments of the Super Smash Bros. series. This is the way is going to be.

Then I do not think Smash Bros. was the right series for Fire Emblem fans like me, at least not for fans of Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu. Melee may be my last Super Smash Bros. game.
I mean, that's great and all, but don't you care about having fun?

EDIT: By gosh, how many times are you going to edit your post?

Also, for what reason are you blaming the way FE was marketed before Melee?

Tedius Zanarukando

Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2007
Anderson, SC
I mean, that's great and all, but don't you care about having fun?
I care somewhat about having fun. I just care about whether something will keep me busy. What darkserenade posted on that page of the thread is only speculation. I was once addicted to original Super Smash Bros. and Melee a long time. The way Brawl turned out and the current speculations about future Super Smash Bros. games have knocked me out of having fun with Super Smash Bros. games, and that has proven that it is not really the right game series for me.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
I care somewhat about having fun. I just care about whether something will keep me busy. What darkserenade posted on that page of the thread is only speculation. I was once addicted to original Super Smash Bros. and Melee a long time. The way Brawl turned out and the current speculations about future Super Smash Bros. games have knocked me out of having fun with Super Smash Bros. games.
But what does/did make the previous Smash games fun for you?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2008
Brawl was only on a single-layered Wii disc. By the time SSB4 has an official Website, technological advances will make downloadable content possible. I have seen many recent newcomers to the Fire Emblem franchise myself. The outcome and predictions on Fire Emblem representation in SSB4 may change with the advent of the DS remake Fire Emblem: Shin Ankoku Ryuu to Hikari no Ken. I have witnessed that Ike's appearance in Brawl boosted Fire Emblem sales. Another mistake is that the first six Fire Emblem games were marketed exclusively in Japan, and the Fire Emblem franchise was unheard of in the U.S. until Melee.
Fire Emblem has two characters, three in the entire history of the series. Metroid has had 2, possibly 1 if you don't include Zamus. How's that fair when you consider that Metroid is much better known than FE? Sure, Metroid's not that popular in Japan while FE is, but what about Europe? The USA? Most of us didn't even know what FE was until Melee, while any person with even a passing knowledge of game history knew of Metroid.

Therefore, darkserenade, you are assuming that I contemplate to boycott future installments of the Super Smash Bros. series. This is the way is going to be, unless Fire Emblem happens to be represented the way I would like. It does not matter how many Fire Emblem characters will be in the roster. What matters is the few Fire Emblem characters I wanted.
Oh my god, you're a lunatic. You're going to boycott smash because it's not just the way you like it? Do you know how many people are angry that Zamus got in instead of someone worthwhile like Ridley or DS? Do you know how many people are angry that not a single Zelda character was added? Do you know how angry people are that there are 3 landmasters? Well, at least none of those people boycotted the game. Boycotting a game because you're unsatisfied with the amount of characters from a franchise is petty.

You suggest more than 3 characters for a poorly known franchise that has recently gotten its sea legs outside of Japan. Tell me, have you ever heard of the Custom Robo franchise? It has six games to my knowledge (I might be wrong) and ZERO characters.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2007
Brawl was only on a single-layered Wii disc.
No, Brawl was duel/double layered, wasn't it? And you know what, fine; you want to boycott Smash Bros. games that you don't like, go ahead. I'm sure that Nintendo will almost break down into tears and go out of business because ONE person willingly chose not to buy (their arguably best franchise made) a game out of the MILLIONS of people who bought it.
Fire Emblem has two characters, three in the entire history of the series.
What the hell are you talking about? FE has A LOT of characters! That's like saying Pokémon has only 5 Pokémon. Let me name any random ten that I can think of: Marth, Ike, Roy (for SSB4!!!!!), Lyn(dis), Nephenee, Sheeda, Sothe, Micaiah, Haar, and Black Knight. Somebody hasn't ever played about FE before...

Deleted member

What the hell are you talking about? FE has A LOT of characters! That's like saying Pokémon has only 5 Pokémon. Let me name any random ten that I can think of: Marth, Ike, Roy (for SSB4!!!!!), Lyn(dis), Nephenee, Sheeda, Sothe, Micaiah, Haar, and Black Knight. Somebody hasn't ever played about FE before...
I'm 90% certain he means in the smash series


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2008
I'd love to see an underwater stage. Not swim or anything, but move around in water is just a cool idea.

Oh, and NO tripping. Fix it Nintendo.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2008
What the hell are you talking about? FE has A LOT of characters! That's like saying Pokémon has only 5 Pokémon. Let me name any random ten that I can think of: Marth, Ike, Roy (for SSB4!!!!!), Lyn(dis), Nephenee, Sheeda, Sothe, Micaiah, Haar, and Black Knight. Somebody hasn't ever played about FE before...
When I said FE has only 2, I was talking about SMASH. I also said Metroid had two, and then I said it required Ridley or Dark Samus. I've played a good portion of PoR, so don't patronize me. Seriously, try reading my entire post, and you'll see what I'm actually talking about.

FE deserves at most ONE more, excluding Roy, who gets celebrity status because of him being a character who was already in. There's other series *Metroidhinthint* that don't have enough characters, and some *AnimalCrossingandCustomRoboandwhoknowshowmanyoldNintendofranchiseshinthint*.


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2008
I'm gonna wreck it! (Fort Myers)
Oh my god, you're a lunatic. You're going to boycott smash because it's not just the way you like it? Do you know how many people are angry that Zamus got in instead of someone worthwhile like Ridley or DS? Do you know how many people are angry that not a single Zelda character was added? Do you know how angry people are that there are 3 landmasters? Well, at least none of those people boycotted the game. Boycotting a game because you're unsatisfied with the amount of characters from a franchise is petty.
LOL, they actually took a Mario character out in Brawl.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Tedius. sales of Fire Emblem aren't going to reach amazing levels any time soon. Oh, they are probably profitable, but are still under many franchises. They are still beaten by Starfox, even now.

I still will never play Brawl and I am still contemplating to boycott future installments of the Super Smash Bros. series on speculative grounds based on darkserenade's post. However, I listen to the Brawl soundtrack regularly.
Please. Tell me you aren't playing it becuase you don't own a Wii or know someone who has it. Please.

Really, not playing it becuase it lack FE characters is ********. Like KoJ, we are missing more Metroid characters, and many other franchises got left out like Advance Wars and Custom Robo. There are better reason to boycott the game. Heck, why not just play the stinking game because we are going to get another one. Might enjoy this game while we wait 6-7 years.

What if I boycott three more installments of the Super Smash Bros. franchises?
Then your an idiot. You boycotting it will do nothing. Heck, Smash Boards boycotting it will do nothing. they don't even make a blip on the radar.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
I'm starting to think that we won't see another Smash for maybe four years, tops. Of course, by this, I mean the first trailer. We waited a little over four and a half years for that trailer after all (2001 was two months, 2006 was five months.).

Tedius Zanarukando

Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2007
Anderson, SC
Therefore, what darkserenade was saying in this case is only speculation. It is unclear on how many Fire Emblem characters will be in SSB4. It does not really matter how many Fire Emblem characters are in the SSB playable roster, but it matters what Fire Emblem characters I most want in the roster, which are not many. Finally, SSB4 is not yet announced, and it would be at least 6 years before it is released.

What about F-Zero, Golden Sun, and Animal Crossing? F-Zero has 1 character in the entire SSB series (Captain Falcon), and 1 Assist Trophy in Brawl (Samurai Goroh). Fire Emblem is very popular in Japan, but new outside Japan.

Please. Tell me you aren't playing it becuase you don't own a Wii or know someone who has it. Please.
I do not own a Wii, but I know someone who has one. He does not have Brawl. I advised him not to buy it, and he has taken my advice. I would rather play Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.

FE deserves at most ONE more, excluding Roy, who gets celebrity status because of him being a character who was already in.
That is only speculation, and it is only as of today. I find Fire Emblem deserves TWO more, not ONE, more characters.

Tedius. sales of Fire Emblem aren't going to reach amazing levels any time soon. Oh, they are probably profitable, but are still under many franchises. They are still beaten by Starfox, even now.
Again, you cannot project the sales ranking for Fire Emblem. Fire Emblem is new to the U.S. market anyway. It may not remain in the same rank among Nintendo franchises as it was during the Melee era. I am predicting that Fire Emblem will at least beat Star Fox saleswise, and maybe gain ground on Metroid and maybe Zelda.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
Therefore, what darkserenade was saying in this case is only speculation. It is unclear on how many Fire Emblem characters will be in SSB4. It does not really matter how many Fire Emblem characters are in the SSB playable roster, but it matters what Fire Emblem characters I most want in the roster, which are not many. Finally, SSB4 is not yet announced, and it would be at least 6 years before it is released.

What about F-Zero, Golden Sun, and Animal Crossing? F-Zero has 1 character in the entire SSB series (Captain Falcon), and 1 Assist Trophy in Brawl (Samurai Goroh). Fire Emblem is very popular in Japan, but new outside Japan.

Between the first and second installment of the series, sales were good, so they made another one, which we know as Melee. Now the series was well known. People demanded a third one, and for many years, they did not get it, perhaps because the booming sucess of competitive play kept them happy very long. Afterwards, quite a few people were disappointed with Brawl's lack of competitive play. Depending on the outcry of competitive players, we may see another installment in 4-5yrs. What I'm trying to say is, so long as people will pay, they will make more. Futhermore, you don't see people buying pokemon after they play SSB, do you? That is because Pokemon is well known, FE is not. The only people who would want the game immediatly before doing research are kids, who then have to ask their legal guardian if they can get it, and before that, they have to know what their series is.

What about those series? Issac is guaranteed, F-Zero needs DECENT made-up movesets, and K.K Slider doesn't even have apposable thumbs. Not much here. Besides, interest in Golden Sun for SSB was sparked AFTER Issac became an assist trophy. Also, I am 99% sure the first new FE rep will be internationally released(or Roy, but he's not new to the series).

Tedius Zanarukando

Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2007
Anderson, SC
Interest in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn sparked after Ike appeared in Brawl as a playable character. Ike has also been used in Brawl by players who never played a Fire Emblem game before. I just want Lyndis promoted from Assist Trophy to playable character. There would be at least one more Fire Emblem character, besides Lyndis, who would be in SSB4.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
Also, interest in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn sparked after Ike appeared in Brawl as a playable character. Ike has also been used in Brawl by players who never played a Fire Emblem game before.
So? Snake is played by people who never played MGS. I'm pretty sure I can say the same thing for a majority of the cast.

Tedius Zanarukando

Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2007
Anderson, SC
I insist that Fire Emblem be represented with 4, not 3, characters, unless you want Ike cut from SSB4. 3 Fire Emblem representatives will do me no good. Lyn should be guaranteed a spot in the SSB4 roster. Judging from your posts in this thread, it looks like I am contemplating to boycott future installments of the SSB series, thus sticking with Final Fantasy and Fire Emblem.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
I insist that Fire Emblem be represented with 4, not 3, characters, unless you want Ike cut from SSB4. 3 Fire Emblem representatives will do me no good. Lyn should be guaranteed a spot in the SSB4 roster. Judging from your posts in this thread, it looks like I am contemplating to boycott future installments of the SSB series, thus sticking with Final Fantasy and Fire Emblem.
It's not that I think you're boycotting, it's just that because you want one character that didn't come in, you're saying how bad the game is. Since facial expressions can't be seen online, you sound kinda ridiculous. I want to know something: If Lyn was in brawl, would you like it?

Note to all other users reading this:If you're gonna post"Darkserenade, why are you against FE now? You were for it previously." I'm not against it, I just refuse to be put in the 'fanboy' category. Besides, better RPGs exist.My sig gives some hints.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Again, you cannot project the sales ranking for Fire Emblem. Fire Emblem is new to the U.S. market anyway. It may not remain in the same rank among Nintendo franchises as it was during the Melee era. I am predicting that Fire Emblem will at least beat Star Fox saleswise, and maybe gain ground on Metroid and maybe Zelda.
Holy God, why are you so dense.

YES, I CAN FREAKING PREDICT THE STUPID SALES. PEOPLE MAKE A LIVING OFF OF THIS SO IT CAN BE DONE. Guess what, contrary to Fie Emblem fanboy's beleifs, Fire Emblem has never broken 1 million sales world wide ever. Many franchises, inclusing Animal Crossing, F-Zero, and Starfox, which these fanboys ignore, have million sellers. numerous in fact. Fire Emblem is not on the rise and it hasn't been since 4. The best selling FE game on record is number 3 (which was a remake of 1 with 695,300. The rest hit about 300K, much less then many other Nintendo game s(also why Marth is so popular).

Also, how is it that I can't predict sales, but you gave a prediction yourself. Oh, it's becuase I'm not a fanboy, thus I must not be educated on the mystical ways of Fire Emblem. Pardon me.

Stop being so stupid.


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
Okotoks, Alberta, Canada
I insist that Fire Emblem be represented with 4, not 3, characters, unless you want Ike cut from SSB4. 3 Fire Emblem representatives will do me no good. Lyn should be guaranteed a spot in the SSB4 roster. Judging from your posts in this thread, it looks like I am contemplating to boycott future installments of the SSB series, thus sticking with Final Fantasy and Fire Emblem.
Fire Emblem is nothing. 4 characters? That would be placing it above the likes of Kirby, Star Fox, and Donkey Kong (As they are now). It deserved 1 rep, and was lucky that it got 2.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
I do not own a Wii, but I know someone who has one. He does not have Brawl. I advised him not to buy it, and he has taken my advice. I would rather play Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.
Ah, that would explain it. Also, you're really lame for coercing people not to play a real fun game just because it doesn't have the characters you would rather play as. Unless, like you, your friend does not care about having fun.

Judging from your posts in this thread, it looks like I am contemplating to boycott future installments of the SSB series, thus sticking with Final Fantasy and Fire Emblem.
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