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[Official SSB4 Discussion] --- Nintendo announces 2 new Smash games!

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Smash Apprentice
Dec 20, 2007
The starfox style shoot the credits definitely needs to make a return. The idea of shoot the credits is that shooting the credits gave you more information about the people, as well as helping you stomach the credits. In brawl there's almost no reason for it.

I don't know about anyone else, but I preferred the whole toys thing from the original smash bros than the trophies thing from brawl. The whole idea of it all being some idea by master hand (who I always thought was just representing some sort of creator) was pretty clever. The smash series is based on what if? I'd like to see that idea explored more in SSB4.

The Slayer

Apr 16, 2007
New World
New Modes:

Board The Platforms:

Same as in the original. 5 generic stages plus a unique one for each character.

VS Board the platforms:

When you jump on a platform, you take control of that platform. Your aim is to take control of a certain number of platforms on a map, or have control of the most after a time limit.
I love you. If they can put Board The Platforms back into the next Smash Bros, I would probably be a happier cookie with Single-Player mode.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 17, 2008
Holy balls. I missed a ton of conversation.

This is my response to the roster

Geno is more popular then Megaman. He was one of the most requested characters for the Japanese audience and one of the most popular in the west as well. Megaman doesn't come close. In fact, he isn't really popular. His popularity steamed because Sonic got in (which I dub, the "Me too effect" Once on character gets in, people move to the next character. Megaman was really popular becuase everyone clamoring for Sonic had him, thus they move to something else because it is the norm. He wasn't popular until after Sonic was announced. The same is true for Claus as he was more popular).

Wrong. But Cheif Mendez already argued this but I will re-justify: Megaman is an entire flippin series. Geno is a character. Therefore, Megaman is dominantly more popular. HOWEVER. Geno is still very popular and demanded very much by MANY Smash fans.
But so is Megaman.
That's my thought.

Ike shall stay. He is a lord in 2 games where marth is now at 3.

Black Knight and Micaiah are people that alot of people like. People can dream right, and besides, its not THAT impossible.
Ike BETTER stay, dear God.

R.O.B. is a coin flip, but Pit sis probably gonna go. So will Sonic and Snake.
Sonic & Snake = stay, I have no doubt in my mind due to the popularity/demand of the characters. I don't care if Sakurai said they were guests or stupid crap that like, they're Smashers.

Pit & R.O.B. = because they play the same old school but remodeled roles as Ice Climbers & G&W, I think that they'll probably stay... If one of them, it'll be Pit who stays.

Actually, a Soul Cal rep wouldn't be bad. SC2 was on the GCN and Link made a cameo there...

Nightmare for SSB4? Discuss?
I don't get why Soul Caliber is so demanded. It's not even Nintendo related is it?
Will someone please explain the legal copyright ownership of that series to me?

I could do my dream roster... Maybe I will later... Maybe...
You should. I think that you'd be one of the few on this thread who doesn't get questioned :-P.

They're called GUEST characters for a good reason. You don't see Heihachi on the PS2 on Soul Calibur, do you? GUESTS should never make a repeat return.

Snake's going because Kojima is tired of giving Sakurai blowjobs.
No... "guests" was probably just a term for off-beat characters that ORIGINALLY were not planned from the get-go of the Smash series. That doesn't mean that they're automatically doomed to leave the series.

Where are they called "guest characters"?

Nowhere, that's where. Sonic and Snake for SSB4.
Point proven.

Why no Bowser Jr. He is the up and comming villan in Mario
I was just never a fan of Bowser Jr... that's it, really.

And I'd like to see PT in SSB4 with a team of Squirtle, Grovyle, and the 5th Gen's fire starter's final form.

Or any combination of the 1st, 3rd, and 5th gens, really. :)
No Squirtle! For shame, to repeat a character within two trainers! *smacks upside the head with force*
Just kidding, Chief Mendez

Zelda and Shiek should be separated. Nobody ever uses both of them, and a new down B could make them both more varied characters. Pokemon trainer should be the only multiple characters in one, because you're forced to use all of them. And toon zelda/tetra should just be tetra; toon zelda would inevitably be a clone, and why can't tetra just fight on her own?

Pokemon trainer 2 should be a "rival trainer", be the female rival from RSE and use mudkip (popular due to fad), grovyle (very cool pokemon) and blaziken (very popular).
Zelda/Sheik should NOT be separated. It would clog up the roster for one thing and take away the unique twist to the character altogether!

Good Pokemon Trainer, though. I like that.
On the whole 2nd Pokemon Trainer...
They did it like this in Brawl:
1st Evolution Water
2nd Evolution Grass
3rd Evolution Fire

Now. I think that they should switch up one or two of two variables: evolution and type.
So, if they're gonna do three fire/grass/water starter Pokemon again, it SHOULD NOT be
1st Evolution Water, 2nd Evolution Grass, etc.
Because that would really "favor" one type over another, if you know what I mean.
Or maybe they could drop the water/fire/grass cycle and do something really random like...

Bug/Flying/Psychic... I don't know I'm out of ideas!

You get what I'm saying, though.

I doubt Sonic and Snake will get cut. I mean, look at the response to the cutting of Mewtwo and all the clones. Imagine cutting two completely unique characters. That's calling for nuclear war. Like Mendez said, nowhere are they stated to be guest characters. They're at the end of the roster because they're third-party, and those characters haven't been allowed into Smash until now. I'm highly confident they'll return.

I'd like to see the second trainer be a female. Perhaps we could give them actual names this time. I know in Ruby/Sapphire, the boy was Brendan and the girl was May. So it's not like we'd have to be dealing with names like Red and Silver. I'm not saying I'd utterly hate that, but face it, the names sound weird. As far as PT2's Pokemon, either three evolutions of the newest set of starters, or a spread combination. If we were to do it now, we could do some from generations 2, 3, and 4, done in various stages like the first PT. For example, Treecko, Combusken, and Empoleon.

On second thought, Sonic will return because the games with his name on it suck.
Good work.

Sakurai also referred to Marth as a male. Obviously, the man is not all there in the head.

No, seriously, though, I'm not a Marth-hater. I actually support Marth's masculinity, but it was too fitting and irresistable, I had to post that.
Good work.

I second that!
I third that!


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Here is what I wrote on Geno in my Smash Bros. 4 project:

The next character that I will discuss is Geno. Super Mario RPG was the first RPG I ever played, and it was the game that got me into the genre. Heck, I would spend hours just running around with Mario in the game because it was so cool playing as Mario in 3-D. Even to this day, Super Mario RPG remains in my Top 5 most favorite RPGs ever, and hold it to be a masterpiece. Geno was my favorite original character in Super Mario RPG, and I would always have him and Bowser in my party. I was certainly surprised to see how popular he really was when Smash Bros. 3 speculation started rolling around. Geno eventually turned out to be one of most requested characters for Brawl not only among Western Smash Bros. fans, but among Japanese Smash Bros. fans as well. I was kind of surprised actually that there was no appearance of him at all in Brawl.

Many people cite that Geno’s uniqueness as being the primary reason why he should get in over other possible Mario newcomers. However, I don’t believe this to be a very good reason, since I can also claim the same for Toad and Paper Mario. Also, many people cite Geno’s popularity as being the reason why he should have the edge over the other Mario newcomers. However, this is again not a good reason, most of Geno’s popularity comes from forum-goers and I doubt many casual fans of the Mario series know who Geno even is, and would be much more familiar with Bowser Jr., Toad, and even Paper Mario. Geno also has the least overall importance to the Mario series than the other three characters. While Geno may have had an important role in one game, the problem is he has only been in one game (and a cameo in another). Paper Mario has an entire series dedicated to him, and Bowser Jr. and Toad have made constant appearance in both the main Mario series and the spinoffs. I am sorry Geno fans, but even as a Geno fan myself, I must say there are simply more deserving characters within the Mario series who must get priority to be playable before Geno. That being said, I definitely see Sakurai being bone-headed enough to include Geno due to his popularity among the Japanese Smash fanbase, and I would not be surprised if Geno is a playable character in Smash Bros. 4. However, personally, I think he is the least deserving of the Mario characters I have mentioned thus far.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2007
Err, pardon.
Mewtwo had an original moveset... and he still got the boot from Brawl.
This is true, however, some of his moves were similar to other characters (NOT CALLING HIM A CLONE).

i.e. his upsmash--like Zelda's; the physics and the execution of the moves are similar.
i.e. his b neutral--just think a little; it's a little like Samus'. Not really, but still.
i.e. his fair--it's execution is similar to Shiek's...the effect is completely different, but the execution is what i'm looking at.
i.e. rush attack--similar to Peach's rush attack minus the fact that Mewtwo's rush carries him a lot farther with other properties.

Again, I'm not saying that he's a clone, just some of his moves look a little similar to others. But, yeah, his moveset is original.

Pit and R.O.B. are probably going to stay. They both have original movesets and Pit is going to be in the higher half of the tiers (protecting him a little from getting the axe). Not many people like R.O.B. I'M NOT SAYING I DON'T LIKE HIM!!! It's just that many people were aggrivated at his return.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 17, 2008
Not many people like R.O.B. I'M NOT SAYING I DON'T LIKE HIM!!! It's just that many people were aggrivated at his return.
Well... I wasn't aggravated, I just didn't get how he beat other could-be characters to the punch. R.O.B. over characters like K. Rool, Paper Mario, Megaman, Bomberman, or even Mewtwo... just didn't make great sense IMO.
It's all good though. I don't hate him, just don't care for him and wouldn't be phased if he stayed in SSB or if he left SSB.


Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2005
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
I'd just like to say that I think people hoping for a second Pokemon Trainer with reps from the 2nd, 3rd and 4th gen are being slightly ridiculous.

Biggest question...WHY? Red is the first and most recognizable protagonist. His starters are pretty important too in that they're not the only first starters of the series, they're the only version mascots that AREN'T legendaries (besides Pikachu, of course). I'm going to have to pass on the thought of gen 2, 3 and 4 starters ever being put into another trainer. It'd make more sense at the least to have the fifth gen trainer with fifth gen starters if they were ever to put in another trainer. But seriously, these random ideas of having another trainer with gen 2-4 starters is just silly to me.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2007
Also, Sonic does not need more then one more fighter. Again, these are guest characters. They are not a dominate force in Smash bros, and they aren't suppose to be. It is a Nintendo fighting game. This does not mean you can add 5-7 new 3rd party characters. It's not viable (cost too much) and ruins the spirit of the game. There will probably be one more third party, but don't count on 2.
This is correct. Suppose you invite your friend to a...fancy restaurant whatever. He/she/it (you never know :laugh:) is a guest. You expect that person, that's it. You don't expect them to bring their whole family of 5, do you? The same goes for Smash. When Sonic and Snake were invited to come, they brought themselves (along w/ an Assist Trophy each). They aren't going to bring in more characters of their franchise; that's rude. That's a guest of a guest. No, not going to happen. Now, another one or MAYBE two new 3rd party characters may be in SSB4, but it's not going to be a Sonic or Snake character. Get over it! Megaman and Geno are the big two right now. Megaman has his own series (actually a few there's the reg. Megaman and there's the X series, etc.). He's the mascot of Capcom, no? Geno is astoundingly popular, however the preceding posts make a point: if you aren't on boards, you've probably never heard of him. I've never heard of Geno until I got onto these forums. btw he's owned by Square, right?


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Yes, Geno is owned by Square-Enix.

Edit: I got the response.

Also, I will try to make my social group for my Smash 4 project today.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
I second that!
Those were awesome ideas man! And I would love to see them all in smash 4.

ALSO--bring back a good, challenging credits shoot-out. brawl's wasn't the best :/P
It's so awesome I third this idea. That user just gave Nintendo so many good ideas that if they didn't put any in, I'd cry. Wonderful ideas.=b


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2007
Hyde Park, Chicago
I'd just like to say that I think people hoping for a second Pokemon Trainer with reps from the 2nd, 3rd and 4th gen are being slightly ridiculous.

Biggest question...WHY? Red is the first and most recognizable protagonist. His starters are pretty important too in that they're not the only first starters of the series, they're the only version mascots that AREN'T legendaries (besides Pikachu, of course). I'm going to have to pass on the thought of gen 2, 3 and 4 starters ever being put into another trainer. It'd make more sense at the least to have the fifth gen trainer with fifth gen starters if they were ever to put in another trainer. But seriously, these random ideas of having another trainer with gen 2-4 starters is just silly to me.
Amen, Mah brotha!


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Let me use a popular Fire Emblem expression:

"Personal experience means nothing."

According to most people's accounts, Snake and Meta Knight are the two most used characters in tournaments. Sonic is also considered by most to be a bad character, and generally a poor choice for tourney-play (much like other low and bottom tier characters).
Ummmm, Does LOCAL mean nothing to you. You need to understand that there is a world outside of what Smashboards thinks. Not all tournaments are Meta-Knight/Snake. Just like all Melee tournaments are not Fox/Sheik.

Holy balls. I missed a ton of conversation.
Wrong. But Cheif Mendez already argued this but I will re-justify: Megaman is an entire flippin series. Geno is a character. Therefore, Megaman is dominantly more popular. HOWEVER. Geno is still very popular and demanded very much by MANY Smash fans.
But so is Megaman.
That's my thought.
Again, I explained this before.
If I say a character is more popular then another, it means that character has more request (or want) for Smash Bros then the other. We are talking in a SSB4 thread so Smash Bros. is understood to be the topic at hand.

@Illusive:I really liked those ideas. As a point if criticism, while some were cool, they still felt a little tacky. But otherwise, good job.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
This is correct. Suppose you invite your friend to a...fancy restaurant whatever. He/she/it (you never know :laugh:) is a guest. You expect that person, that's it. You don't expect them to bring their whole family of 5, do you? The same goes for Smash. When Sonic and Snake were invited to come, they brought themselves (along w/ an Assist Trophy each). They aren't going to bring in more characters of their franchise; that's rude. That's a guest of a guest. No, not going to happen.
I agree entirely with that point. However, there is another possibility to consider; would it be possible to have a guest character from TWO distinct franchises of a company? For example, let's look at Konami. Granted, Snake is quite the popular character, but there is a character that acted as a mascot for Konami in the past...Who am I talking about? Goemon, of course.

Snake's series, Metal Gear Solid(I am aware of the NES/MSX entries, as well), is very popular in the states, especially since its settings, scenarios and characters are comparable to those of an american action movie. On the other hand, Ganbare Goemon/Mystical Ninja, Goemon's series, only was an underdog fracnchise in America while it was massively popular in its homeland of Japan. The principal reason why it wasn't much of a hit here was because the settings, situations and jokes were violently japanese. Fortunately, the characters(a crew of ninjas) and off-beat sense of humor are appealing to some people.

As such, Snake and Goemon are two sides of the same coin.

It might be possible for certain companies to bring one rep from a popular series and one rep from a relatively obscure series in future Smash games. That way, first time players may get intrigued by the rep from a more obscure series and decide to do some research for that rep's games.

That was my thought on the subject. Who knows? It might be done one day.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
I agree entirely with that point. However, there is another possibility to consider; would it be possible to have a guest character from TWO distinct franchises of a company? For example, let's look at Konami. Granted, Snake is quite the popular character, but there is a character that acted as a mascot for Konami in the past...Who am I talking about? Goemon, of course.

Snake's series, Metal Gear Solid(I am aware of the NES/MSX entries, as well), is very popular in the states, especially since its settings, scenarios and characters are comparable to those of an american action movie. On the other hand, Ganbare Goemon/Mystical Ninja, Goemon's series, only was an underdog fracnchise in America while it was massively popular in its homeland of Japan. The principal reason why it wasn't much of a hit here was because the settings, situations and jokes were violently japanese. Fortunately, the characters(a crew of ninjas) and off-beat sense of humor are appealing to some people.

As such, Snake and Goemon are two sides of the same coin.

It might be possible for certain companies to bring one rep from a popular series and one rep from a relatively obscure series in future Smash games. That way, first time players may get intrigued by the rep from a more obscure series and decide to do some research for that rep's games.

That was my thought on the subject. Who knows? It might be done one day.
It probably wont work that way. As mentioned before, Sonic barely got in, so it's not easy to get the character in. I'd assume more that if another one would be added, it would be one, an d probably a more popular one.

Also, that was a pretty unique point MarthFanatique.


Smash Lord
Oct 24, 2007
Switch FC
4999 6039 1484
I'd just like to say that I think people hoping for a second Pokemon Trainer with reps from the 2nd, 3rd and 4th gen are being slightly ridiculous.

Biggest question...WHY? Red is the first and most recognizable protagonist. His starters are pretty important too in that they're not the only first starters of the series, they're the only version mascots that AREN'T legendaries (besides Pikachu, of course). I'm going to have to pass on the thought of gen 2, 3 and 4 starters ever being put into another trainer. It'd make more sense at the least to have the fifth gen trainer with fifth gen starters if they were ever to put in another trainer. But seriously, these random ideas of having another trainer with gen 2-4 starters is just silly to me.

I'm WolfCypher and I approve of this message.


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
You should. I think that you'd be one of the few on this thread who doesn't get questioned :-P.
Only one way to find out...

My Ideal SSB4 Roster (with notes)
Characters are organized by series. Characters with an asterisk by their name would be unlockable.

Bowser Jr.*

Okay, let me explain my reasoning here. First of all, obviously, no Mario characters should be cut. All the veterans are important characters who won’t be going anywhere. The reason I picked Bowser Jr. over the many other choices for a fifth spot is because he’s a unique character who’s lately been gaining a fair amount of significance in the series. Paper Mario, while awesome, is Mario, so I left him off. Toad, while important to much of the series, is really a rather minor character. Yes, he’s been playable and important a number of times, and he’d be my next choice, if I was going to add a sixth Mario character, but he just doesn’t beat out Bowser Jr. for me. And Geno… Just no. No Geno. He doesn’t have the importance and significance to the series to make the roster, in my opinion.

The Legend of Zelda
Zelda / Sheik
Toon Link*
Toon Zelda / Tetra*

All right, there are a plethora of bad choices possible here. Every minor character from every LOZ game ever has been suggested at some point by someone. I stuck with adding Toon Zelda and Tetra in that fifth spot, both because they give additional representation to the Toon Legend of Zelda, and because Tetra couldn’t play like Sheik, so they couldn’t be made as a clone. I’m pretty sure if Tetra was made to be a Sheik clone, we could find some legal way to keep Sakurai from making the next game, as that would prove he’s very intellectually lacking.


Okay, half of the reason I put Ridley in is so people will stop complaining about him not being in. Obviously, Metroid is the kind of series that deserves a second rep, and when you really get down to it, nobody deserves the spot like Ridley. They can resize him and all. He’ll probably look ********, but it will satisfy his immense fanclub.

Meta Knight
King Dedede
Knuckle Joe*

This was a hard one for me. I wanted to add about a dozen characters. I could pretty easily narrow it down to Adeleine (from Kirby 64) or Knuckle Joe. I settled on Knuckle Joe for a few reasons. First of all, Adeleine was only featured in one game, despite having a more important role than Joe ever has. Joe has appeared in multiple games, and was also a big character in the anime for a few episodes. Additionally, the Smash community is already familiar with Knuckle Joe due to his Assist Trophy appearance in Brawl. Plus, he’s got half his moveset cut out for him already, from all the things he could do in Kirby Super Star. And lastly, he’d be a sort of unique character, as he’d be small, fast, and strong, his biggest weakness being his serious lack of weight.

Star Fox

Okay, don’t freak, furries. I have nothing against Krystal. I do, however, hate you furries. All in all, I’d be happy to see either of them score the spot, but I currently favor Leon for it because Krystal fans kinda creep me out. In any case, either of them has relatively little potential to be clones, though I’m sure Sakurai could find a way. We’ll just have to hope for the best.

Pokemon Trainer (Squirtle, Ivysaur, Charizard)

It’s hard to make a real list for Pokemon, since there will likely be a new generation before the next Smash, and we’ll have that to draw from. A few things that could happen, though, include Lucario getting the boot for a single new-generation Pokemon, and also the Pokemon Trainer getting a new set of Pokemon, perhaps the starters from the new generation, in various evolutions. Other than that, I think Pokemon looks pretty good as is.

Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Dixie Kong*

Dixie’s got potential to be unique, and she’s one of the more obvious choices for a new rep. Sure, we could throw in Funky Kong or someone, but Dixie’s the kind of character (at least for me) that you just think of when you think Donkey Kong games. Standing out in the series is really what lands her the spot for me.

Yoshi’s Island
Baby Mario Bros.*

An IC-like tag team of Baby Mario and Baby Luigi would really fit into Smash pretty well. Plus, they’re just loveable characters; I think those who don’t favor their showing up in Smash would warm up to them pretty quickly.

Captain Falcon*
Black Shadow*

Okay, enough with the ridiculously unbecoming moveset of Ganondorf. Let’s pull that sword out of his butt and let him use it, and give Black Shadow one similar to what Ganondorf’s been stuck with all these years. Honestly, that’s the only reason I add Black Shadow. I don’t like adding reps for F-Zero, because they don’t have a ton of personality. Captain Falcon gets a lot of his from being in the Smash games. But I think one more will suffice, so we can rid the King of Evil of his cloned moveset.

Earthbound / Mother

Ah, yes, Claus. The more I hear about him, the more impressive he seems. He’s likely to dodge the clone bullet, and he’s an antagonist from the Earthbound / Mother series. All in all, he’d fit in well. I have a feeling his reception would be pretty warm, too.

Fire Emblem

Micaiah’s not a definite by any means. What I’m looking for in a new FE rep is that they not use a sword, not have blue hair, and be female. Micaiah fits that bill, but perhaps another Fire Emblem game will give us a new option. Either way, she’d be my current choice for a new rep for FE.

Retro / Old-School
Mr. Game & Watch*
Ice Climbers

I think four’s a solid number here. I honestly don’t see the need to add to the old-school part of the roster. This is a good enough chunk that it effectively reminds people of Nintendo’s past, but we really don’t want to overdo this.


I feel it’s high time that Custom Robo and Golden Sun got some representation in Smash beyond Assist Trophies. I thought about adding the Animal Crosser here, but he’s not really needed in a fighting game, and would really just clutter the roster unnecessarily.


Keeping Sonic and Snake in was essential, first. They’re completely unique characters with a lot of fans. After that, I added two characters that have been requested for Smash many times, and have also stood the test of time as age-old classics who are still starring in games today.

That’s 49 characters. Add the Random box, and all you have to do is add one column and one row to the roster we’ve got now, and fit in all the characters. If you’ve got any questions about something here, or just want to contest me on something, feel free. Again, this is my ideal, but still (what I’d consider) practical and plausible roster.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2007
Waiting for you to slip up.
Comments are bolded, yo.

Only one way to find out...

My Ideal SSB4 Roster (with notes)
Characters are organized by series. Characters with an asterisk by their name would be unlockable.

Bowser Jr.*

Okay, let me explain my reasoning here. First of all, obviously, no Mario characters should be cut. All the veterans are important characters who won’t be going anywhere. The reason I picked Bowser Jr. over the many other choices for a fifth spot is because he’s a unique character who’s lately been gaining a fair amount of significance in the series. Paper Mario, while awesome, is Mario, so I left him off. Toad, while important to much of the series, is really a rather minor character. Yes, he’s been playable and important a number of times, and he’d be my next choice, if I was going to add a sixth Mario character, but he just doesn’t beat out Bowser Jr. for me. And Geno… Just no. No Geno. He doesn’t have the importance and significance to the series to make the roster, in my opinion.

All fair and good here. And good to see people getting wiser about Geno. But Mario should ALWAYS have more reps than most. I'd add Paper Mario, IMO.

The Legend of Zelda
Zelda / Sheik
Toon Link*
Toon Zelda / Tetra*

All right, there are a plethora of bad choices possible here. Every minor character from every LOZ game ever has been suggested at some point by someone. I stuck with adding Toon Zelda and Tetra in that fifth spot, both because they give additional representation to the Toon Legend of Zelda, and because Tetra couldn’t play like Sheik, so they couldn’t be made as a clone. I’m pretty sure if Tetra was made to be a Sheik clone, we could find some legal way to keep Sakurai from making the next game, as that would prove he’s very intellectually lacking.

I personally don't think they'll keep any Toon characters and even if they do, Toon Ganon would personally be better, or make Shiek a separate character- though that's not likely.


Fair enough, although Sylux couldn't hurt.

Okay, half of the reason I put Ridley in is so people will stop complaining about him not being in. Obviously, Metroid is the kind of series that deserves a second rep, and when you really get down to it, nobody deserves the spot like Ridley. They can resize him and all. He’ll probably look ********, but it will satisfy his immense fanclub.


Meta Knight
King Dedede
Knuckle Joe*

This was a hard one for me. I wanted to add about a dozen characters. I could pretty easily narrow it down to Adeleine (from Kirby 64) or Knuckle Joe. I settled on Knuckle Joe for a few reasons. First of all, Adeleine was only featured in one game, despite having a more important role than Joe ever has. Joe has appeared in multiple games, and was also a big character in the anime for a few episodes. Additionally, the Smash community is already familiar with Knuckle Joe due to his Assist Trophy appearance in Brawl. Plus, he’s got half his moveset cut out for him already, from all the things he could do in Kirby Super Star. And lastly, he’d be a sort of unique character, as he’d be small, fast, and strong, his biggest weakness being his serious lack of weight.

Knuckle Joe probably has already established himself as an AT. Adeline would be goodly.

Star Fox


Okay, don’t freak, furries. I have nothing against Krystal. I do, however, hate you furries. All in all, I’d be happy to see either of them score the spot, but I currently favor Leon for it because Krystal fans kinda creep me out. In any case, either of them has relatively little potential to be clones, though I’m sure Sakurai could find a way. We’ll just have to hope for the best.

Again, LAWL.

Pokemon Trainer (Squirtle, Ivysaur, Charizard)

-_- I honestly don't expect the last two to stay.

It’s hard to make a real list for Pokemon, since there will likely be a new generation before the next Smash, and we’ll have that to draw from. A few things that could happen, though, include Lucario getting the boot for a single new-generation Pokemon, and also the Pokemon Trainer getting a new set of Pokemon, perhaps the starters from the new generation, in various evolutions. Other than that, I think Pokemon looks pretty good as is.

Think of Mewtwo, mon.

Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Dixie Kong*

What, no K. Rool?

Dixie’s got potential to be unique, and she’s one of the more obvious choices for a new rep. Sure, we could throw in Funky Kong or someone, but Dixie’s the kind of character (at least for me) that you just think of when you think Donkey Kong games. Standing out in the series is really what lands her the spot for me.

I see her as a Luigified Diddy. And I also see no unique in her whatsoever. YES, I'VE PLAYED COUNTRY.

Yoshi’s Island
Baby Mario Bros.*

Remember Kamek? He was awesome, right?

An IC-like tag team of Baby Mario and Baby Luigi would really fit into Smash pretty well. Plus, they’re just loveable characters; I think those who don’t favor their showing up in Smash would warm up to them pretty quickly.

LOVABLE?!? Ever played Yoshi's Island? I hate those little b*st*rds.

Captain Falcon*
Black Shadow*

Okay, enough with the ridiculously unbecoming moveset of Ganondorf. Let’s pull that sword out of his butt and let him use it, and give Black Shadow one similar to what Ganondorf’s been stuck with all these years. Honestly, that’s the only reason I add Black Shadow. I don’t like adding reps for F-Zero, because they don’t have a ton of personality. Captain Falcon gets a lot of his from being in the Smash games. But I think one more will suffice, so we can rid the King of Evil of his cloned moveset.


Earthbound / Mother

Ah, yes, Claus. The more I hear about him, the more impressive he seems. He’s likely to dodge the clone bullet, and he’s an antagonist from the Earthbound / Mother series. All in all, he’d fit in well. I have a feeling his reception would be pretty warm, too.

He has a sword. So he's doomed.

Fire Emblem

Micaiah’s not a definite by any means. What I’m looking for in a new FE rep is that they not use a sword, not have blue hair, and be female. Micaiah fits that bill, but perhaps another Fire Emblem game will give us a new option. Either way, she’d be my current choice for a new rep for FE.

Agreed as well, albeit with ONE more rep.

Retro / Old-School
Mr. Game & Watch*
Ice Climbers

I think four’s a solid number here. I honestly don’t see the need to add to the old-school part of the roster. This is a good enough chunk that it effectively reminds people of Nintendo’s past, but we really don’t want to overdo this.

Four's a crowd, but five's a riot. Why not one more fella?


This wraps things up. Although I'd prefer Animal Crosser...

I feel it’s high time that Custom Robo and Golden Sun got some representation in Smash beyond Assist Trophies. I thought about adding the Animal Crosser here, but he’s not really needed in a fighting game, and would really just clutter the roster unnecessarily.

There's no such thing as clutter in a fighting game- unless you count Pichu.


Keeping Sonic and Snake in was essential, first. They’re completely unique characters with a lot of fans. After that, I added two characters that have been requested for Smash many times, and have also stood the test of time as age-old classics who are still starring in games today.


That’s 49 characters. Add the Random box, and all you have to do is add one column and one row to the roster we’ve got now, and fit in all the characters. If you’ve got any questions about something here, or just want to contest me on something, feel free. Again, this is my ideal, but still (what I’d consider) practical and plausible roster.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
Only one way to find out...

My Ideal SSB4 Roster (with notes)
Characters are organized by series. Characters with an asterisk by their name would be unlockable.

Bowser Jr.*

Okay, let me explain my reasoning here. First of all, obviously, no Mario characters should be cut. All the veterans are important characters who won’t be going anywhere. The reason I picked Bowser Jr. over the many other choices for a fifth spot is because he’s a unique character who’s lately been gaining a fair amount of significance in the series. Paper Mario, while awesome, is Mario, so I left him off. Toad, while important to much of the series, is really a rather minor character. Yes, he’s been playable and important a number of times, and he’d be my next choice, if I was going to add a sixth Mario character, but he just doesn’t beat out Bowser Jr. for me. And Geno… Just no. No Geno. He doesn’t have the importance and significance to the series to make the roster, in my opinion.

The Legend of Zelda
Zelda / Sheik
Toon Link*
Toon Zelda / Tetra*

All right, there are a plethora of bad choices possible here. Every minor character from every LOZ game ever has been suggested at some point by someone. I stuck with adding Toon Zelda and Tetra in that fifth spot, both because they give additional representation to the Toon Legend of Zelda, and because Tetra couldn’t play like Sheik, so they couldn’t be made as a clone. I’m pretty sure if Tetra was made to be a Sheik clone, we could find some legal way to keep Sakurai from making the next game, as that would prove he’s very intellectually lacking.


Okay, half of the reason I put Ridley in is so people will stop complaining about him not being in. Obviously, Metroid is the kind of series that deserves a second rep, and when you really get down to it, nobody deserves the spot like Ridley. They can resize him and all. He’ll probably look ********, but it will satisfy his immense fanclub.

Meta Knight
King Dedede
Knuckle Joe*

This was a hard one for me. I wanted to add about a dozen characters. I could pretty easily narrow it down to Adeleine (from Kirby 64) or Knuckle Joe. I settled on Knuckle Joe for a few reasons. First of all, Adeleine was only featured in one game, despite having a more important role than Joe ever has. Joe has appeared in multiple games, and was also a big character in the anime for a few episodes. Additionally, the Smash community is already familiar with Knuckle Joe due to his Assist Trophy appearance in Brawl. Plus, he’s got half his moveset cut out for him already, from all the things he could do in Kirby Super Star. And lastly, he’d be a sort of unique character, as he’d be small, fast, and strong, his biggest weakness being his serious lack of weight.

Star Fox

Okay, don’t freak, furries. I have nothing against Krystal. I do, however, hate you furries. All in all, I’d be happy to see either of them score the spot, but I currently favor Leon for it because Krystal fans kinda creep me out. In any case, either of them has relatively little potential to be clones, though I’m sure Sakurai could find a way. We’ll just have to hope for the best.

Pokemon Trainer (Squirtle, Ivysaur, Charizard)

It’s hard to make a real list for Pokemon, since there will likely be a new generation before the next Smash, and we’ll have that to draw from. A few things that could happen, though, include Lucario getting the boot for a single new-generation Pokemon, and also the Pokemon Trainer getting a new set of Pokemon, perhaps the starters from the new generation, in various evolutions. Other than that, I think Pokemon looks pretty good as is.

Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Dixie Kong*

Dixie’s got potential to be unique, and she’s one of the more obvious choices for a new rep. Sure, we could throw in Funky Kong or someone, but Dixie’s the kind of character (at least for me) that you just think of when you think Donkey Kong games. Standing out in the series is really what lands her the spot for me.

Yoshi’s Island
Baby Mario Bros.*

An IC-like tag team of Baby Mario and Baby Luigi would really fit into Smash pretty well. Plus, they’re just loveable characters; I think those who don’t favor their showing up in Smash would warm up to them pretty quickly.

Captain Falcon*
Black Shadow*

Okay, enough with the ridiculously unbecoming moveset of Ganondorf. Let’s pull that sword out of his butt and let him use it, and give Black Shadow one similar to what Ganondorf’s been stuck with all these years. Honestly, that’s the only reason I add Black Shadow. I don’t like adding reps for F-Zero, because they don’t have a ton of personality. Captain Falcon gets a lot of his from being in the Smash games. But I think one more will suffice, so we can rid the King of Evil of his cloned moveset.

Earthbound / Mother

Ah, yes, Claus. The more I hear about him, the more impressive he seems. He’s likely to dodge the clone bullet, and he’s an antagonist from the Earthbound / Mother series. All in all, he’d fit in well. I have a feeling his reception would be pretty warm, too.

Fire Emblem

Micaiah’s not a definite by any means. What I’m looking for in a new FE rep is that they not use a sword, not have blue hair, and be female. Micaiah fits that bill, but perhaps another Fire Emblem game will give us a new option. Either way, she’d be my current choice for a new rep for FE.

Retro / Old-School
Mr. Game & Watch*
Ice Climbers

I think four’s a solid number here. I honestly don’t see the need to add to the old-school part of the roster. This is a good enough chunk that it effectively reminds people of Nintendo’s past, but we really don’t want to overdo this.


I feel it’s high time that Custom Robo and Golden Sun got some representation in Smash beyond Assist Trophies. I thought about adding the Animal Crosser here, but he’s not really needed in a fighting game, and would really just clutter the roster unnecessarily.


Keeping Sonic and Snake in was essential, first. They’re completely unique characters with a lot of fans. After that, I added two characters that have been requested for Smash many times, and have also stood the test of time as age-old classics who are still starring in games today.

That’s 49 characters. Add the Random box, and all you have to do is add one column and one row to the roster we’ve got now, and fit in all the characters. If you’ve got any questions about something here, or just want to contest me on something, feel free. Again, this is my ideal, but still (what I’d consider) practical and plausible roster.
That is a pretty good roster there SirKibble.

There are a few things I would have liked though a bit different.

I would like Krystal in. Not because I am a furry myself, but I want her in because she'd be more unique and uses a staff, hopefully she'd be a character whom Sakurai (you know how he thinks) would not give a pink landmaster, a laser gun, and a reflector to (and I'd be scared if they put Leon he might decide to make him a semi-clone of Wolf). Also, I'd like to appease the furries so they aren't scary anymore.

I'd like K Rool over Dixie Kong. K Rool is a crocodile, and thus would act much different than another monkey/gorilla. He could also bring in a gun, his arqubus. I forgot what his gun is called, but it fires large metal balls and spiked balls, besides he is also a villain and much more recognizable and been in many games.

I would delete Claus from the Mother list. He has a sword/lightsabre (and we'd be oversaturated with them), and I think he would be too much like Darth Vader. He seems more suitable for a one-on-one battle between Lucas and him in a Boss Battle. Reminds me too much of having a boring moveset potential like how some other people might want Black Knight. Also, we'd also be over saturating the roster with "cool/badass" characters if we included Claus, and not enough characters who are cute/funny etc.

I think Black Shadow shouldn't be in. Ganondorf can use his sword, but it'd make Captain Falcon more unique if only he had his moveset and they buffed him/made him better. Black Shadow and other F-Zero reps as you said don't have much personality so I feel we can leave Black Shadow out.

I'd also add another Warioware rep, I think Mona would be the best candidate. She seems to be the one closest to being Wario's most favored assistant, and she could count as a 'villain' as well. In one of her games, she uses a monkey to throw bananas as police cars chasing her, causing the death of potentially dozens of policemen. Besides, her moveset would be very varied and best of all... she isn't another magic user (i.e. Ashley) giving a non-magic based female moveset.

I also would take away Knuckle Joe. I think 3 Kirby reps are enough, and Knuckle Joe doesn't seem to have that much personality wise. I hope you don't hate me after that :(

I'd also take away Bowser Jr. I like the Paintbrush and all, but he doesn't seem to bring too much to the table and he'd seem way too similar to Bowser and who essentially looks the same (the same cannot be said of Wario and Mona, who both look, act, and fight very differently).

I'd also take away Toon Zelda, because the "Toon" series seem to have enough rep from Toon Link himself and I would get uncomfortable if a clone-copy of of another franchise is put in. It'd oversaturate the roster with Zelda characters, who are almost essentially the same. Even if Sheik and Tetra and different, would Zelda and Toon Zelda be that much different?

I'd also take away the Baby Mario Bros, because many people would get angry over having the same characters again in Baby form.

Also, take away Bomberman. I think 3rd party is expensive, and it seems a waste to put Bomberman in when many people would be upset over his one-dimensional moveset (throwing bombs) and Megaman would be fine. Only include 3rd party if it is really really worth it, the character is super-popular and well known, or if that 3rd party is paying Sakurai to put their character in the game and not the other way around.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 17, 2008
Good roster list, SirKibble.
That's all I really got to say about that.

But can someone give me some info on just WHO Black Shadow is? Is he a racer or just Captain Falcon's enemy? I've seen that infamous Falcon Punch video but that doesn't tell me anything.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
He could also bring in a gun, his arqubus. I forgot what his gun is called, but it fires large metal balls and spiked balls,
It's called a blunderbuss, I believe.

But can someone give me some info on just WHO Black Shadow is? Is he a racer or just Captain Falcon's enemy? I've seen that infamous Falcon Punch video but that doesn't tell me anything.
Certainly. Black Shadow is the leader of a criminal organization and is both a racer and the archnemesis of Captain Falcon. Also, he serves under the omnipotent sorceror known as Deathborne.

That's about everything I know. I hope that helps.;)


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
@Wolfcypher:Agree with your who agrees with him.

@SirKibble: Here are the characters I disagree with.

Knuckle Joe-He worked as an assist because he's basically just another enemy. He's not popular and there are better Kirby characters.

Leon-He's pretty much a second banana. There's nothing he has going for him that another character from the same franchise doesn't already have.

Baby Mario Bros.-Again, what makes IC unique is that they are the only one. It becomes redundant when you have another character who is the same concept. Go back to the drawling board and try again

Claus-Again, as I've said before, Earthbound does not need more characters. Claus isn't very highly requested becuase everyone wanted Lucas, and he's only popular now becuase we have Lucas. There is no need for him.

Micaiah-You did say you didn't have much choice, but I still need to say nay to this one. First, she's not that popular, especially in a franchise with so many characters. Also, unique alone is not a good reason to add her. Let's, for a second, compare her to Krystal. Krystal deserves a spot becuase she is a very popular character, but use uniqueness as a way to support her. Michiah deserves a spot becuase she is unique. The justification for the latter is only becuase she could be unique, and not because she has any merit. Any character can be unique.

The rest is more personal gripes. I'm not a big fan of a Custome Robo character, and I think 4 third party franchises is a bit much, but overall, it works.

Also, while I'm on the note of characters where is the support for CAPTAIN RAINBOW

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
illusive said:
I don't know about anyone else, but I preferred the whole toys thing from the original smash bros than the trophies thing from brawl. The whole idea of it all being some idea by master hand (who I always thought was just representing some sort of creator) was pretty clever. The smash series is based on what if? I'd like to see that idea explored more in SSB4.
I always thought "Master Hand" was the in-game representation of the player's will. I mean, every kid has spent time making their action figures fight each other, right?

Anyway, I agree: the trophy thing wasn't as cool as the little rag dolls from a toy chest.

mantlecore77 said:
No Squirtle! For shame, to repeat a character within two trainers! *smacks upside the head with force*
Just kidding, Chief Mendez
Squirtle's the only character I play as on PT's current team, which probably has something to do with that choice.

Also: *murders mantlecoree77 in cold, cold blood*

Just kidding, mantlecore77

KirbyWorshipper2465 said:
Who am I talking about? GoemonSimon Belmont, of course.
I agree one hundred percent!

mantlecore77 said:
That would be pretty amazing. Especially the backgrounds. I can see it getting a little out of hand though, unfortunately.
Too true. Speaking personally, if this feature were implemented, most of my custom stages would be framed nicely by some good ol' family friendly
tentacle sex
. :bee:


Smash Journeyman
Jul 17, 2008
Certainly. Black Shadow is the leader of a criminal organization and is both a racer and the archnemesis of Captain Falcon. Also, he serves under the omnipotent sorceror known as Deathborne.

That's about everything I know. I hope that helps.;)
Ah, it does. Thanks for the info, KirbyWorshipper.
Now I know why people want him so bad...

Squirtle's the only character I play as on PT's current team, which probably has something to do with that choice.

Too true. Speaking personally, if this feature were implemented, most of my custom stages would be framed nicely by some good ol' family friendly
tentacle sex
. :bee:
My bad. I thought you meant a second Pokemon Trainer... or did you mean to re-do the current Pokemon Trainer? I'm confused.

tentacle sex
Hm. Good work.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 1, 2007

Sorry to break it to you Leon fans, but even the creator of StarFox thinks very little of Leon. As seen in one of the opening scenes of StarFox Command, Leon has a mere S$10000 bounty on his head. Panther Caroso, the newbie to StarWolf has TWICE the bounty on his head.

It doesn't matter if Leon has been with StarWolf longer than Panther Caroso or if he has more of a precedent in the StarFox universe because he's been in it longer than Krystal has. His longer history only proves that he's been and always will be an unimportant character in the StarFox series.

You'd think that Leon who had more time to cause havoc in distress in the Lylat system would have a higher bounty on his head? Well obviously not.

IMO, Leon doesn't even deserve to be an AT. He should simply stay an obtainable Trophy until SSB 6 or 7 comes around...

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
or did you mean to re-do the current Pokemon Trainer? I'm confused.
I was saying they'd redo the current one. We will not see two PTs. A gender swap or something similar, maybe, but the Pokemon will be the same.


kainsword has the best argument against Leon I have ever seen. It is totally irrefutable. Nobody can argue against it, and if they do, we'll all laugh at them.


Smash Lord
Oct 24, 2007
Switch FC
4999 6039 1484
I was saying they'd redo the current one. We will not see two PTs. A gender swap or something similar, maybe, but the Pokemon will be the same.
Dropping PT for SSB4 would be more ideal. It opens up more spots for new Pokémon without having to overflow the roster, plus there is TOO MUCH EMPHASIS ON THE 1ST GENERATION! SSB4's roster could work, Pokémon style, with Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Lucario, and a 5th Gen Pokémon.

Chief Mendez said:
kainsword has the best argument against Leon I have ever seen. It is totally irrefutable. Nobody can argue against it, and if they do, we'll all laugh at them.
End of discussion.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Dropping PT for SSB4 would be more ideal. It opens up more spots for new Pokémon without having to overflow the roster, plus there is TOO MUCH EMPHASIS ON THE 1ST GENERATION! SSB4's roster could work, Pokémon stylem, with Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Lucario, and a 5th Gen Pokémon.
You know, there is a good reason for that.
It's everyone's favorite. The other starters don't stand out as much either.


Smash Lord
Oct 24, 2007
Switch FC
4999 6039 1484
You know, there is a good reason for that.
It's everyone's favorite. The other starters don't stand out as much either.
That brings up another issue. If PT does return again, please keep the FireRed/LeafGreen trainer with the 1st Gen starters.

Twilght Link

Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2008
PT should stay imo 1st generation pokemon are almost always more well known. The other generations seem more generic imo. Plus, i charizard is my favorite pokemon and is pretty popular.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2007
Waiting for you to slip up.

Sorry to break it to you Leon fans, but even the creator of StarFox thinks very little of Leon. As seen in one of the opening scenes of StarFox Command, Leon has a mere S$10000 bounty on his head. Panther Caroso, the newbie to StarWolf has TWICE the bounty on his head.

ZOMG BAOUWNTEE EEZ LOUW ZOMG DEKUNFRMED. What's THAT supposed to prove? The creator may think lowly of Leon, but that dude also isn't Sakurai.

It doesn't matter if Leon has been with StarWolf longer than Panther Caroso or if he has more of a precedent in the StarFox universe because he's been in it longer than Krystal has. His longer history only proves that he's been and always will be an unimportant character in the StarFox series.

Leon is the only character to consistently appear in the games, along with Wolf. Not to mention his addition is not only due to his mainstay in the series, but also due to balancing out the Star Fox rep list, giving two heroes and two villains. And you can't clone a reptile with a canine.

You'd think that Leon who had more time to cause havoc in distress in the Lylat system would have a higher bounty on his head? Well obviously not.

Again, what kind of argument is this? It's like arguing that Mario can't be in because he has a lower jump than Luigi.

IMO, Leon doesn't even deserve to be an AT. He should simply stay an obtainable Trophy until SSB 6 or 7 comes around...
You're an utter moron. Leon is more important than that, seeing as how he's a part of a stage secret. I'm also pretty sure he's a trophy, too.
No offense-

Okay I lied. You're an idiot. Offense given.


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2008
Chapel Hill, NC
I think Falco and Wolf are safe from being cut. They'll get new final smashes. I think that might be it for Starfox. Just the three again.

Megaman IS going to be in the next one. There is no way he won't be, and he would be an awesome character. Samus, but with Kirby-like power copying.


Smash Lord
Oct 24, 2007
Switch FC
4999 6039 1484
/\ All of Skip's games are. Look at Giftpia, a game from the makers of Captain Rainbow, plus so many of the characters in CR are from Japan only titles.
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