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[Official SSB4 Discussion] --- Nintendo announces 2 new Smash games!

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Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
An unfortunate(?) truth.
If anything, we'd have a better chance of seeing a Pokemon Trainer alternate costume that is a female... but nothing more.

(Though my personal go for a "Pokemon Trainer 2" would be Piplup, Bayleef and Blaziken... :o )
And I'd like to see PT in SSB4 with a team of Squirtle, Grovyle, and the 5th Gen's fire starter's final form.

Or any combination of the 1st, 3rd, and 5th gens, really. :)


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
What? Are you implying that I do post on this thread?

Sh*t, man--I wouldn't post in this dungheap if ya' paid me to. Half y'all are stalkers or defilers anyway, and I wouldn't be too surprised if everyone here looked at
. You all make me sick. I hate this place.

Not really! You guys are awesome, really.

Where are they called "guest characters"?

Nowhere, that's where. Sonic and Snake for SSB4.
It's kind of obvious. They have to be unlocked. They are in the back of the roster (they are actually right under Game & Watch) and they are the last two on all the list (end of classic, Brawl records, tournament and the trophy list). I think Sakurai used this term. From where, I can't remember.

Not that they wont appear in SSB4. Just that they aren't the main focus. Just a small addition.
Uh...I don't feel like typing up a response to your last post SmashChu, so you win by default.
(sweet). To be honest though, that's probably how I won most :laugh:
Sorry that I'm too ready to give an ear full.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 20, 2007
Zelda and Shiek should be separated. Nobody ever uses both of them, and a new down B could make them both more varied characters. Pokemon trainer should be the only multiple characters in one, because you're forced to use all of them. And toon zelda/tetra should just be tetra; toon zelda would inevitably be a clone, and why can't tetra just fight on her own?

Pokemon trainer 2 should be a "rival trainer", be the female rival from RSE and use mudkip (popular due to fad), grovyle (very cool pokemon) and blaziken (very popular).

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
SmashChu said:
]Not that they wont appear in SSB4. Just that they aren't the main focus. Just a small addition.
Which is why they're on the back of the box, right?

(sweet). To be honest though, that's probably how I won most :laugh:
Sorry that I'm too ready to give an ear full.
It's not the length, it's the subject matter. Throughout all my time here on the boards, I've never supported Geno, and it just feels like I've been over this a million different times with a million different people, so...y'know.


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2007
Hyde Park, Chicago
And I'd like to see PT in SSB4 with a team of Squirtle, Grovyle, and the 5th Gen's fire starter's final form.

Or any combination of the 1st, 3rd, and 5th gens, really. :)
If they are gonna make a Girl PT with diffrent pokemon, It would be the one I suggested earier or one from the 5 gen. I don't see a PT using pokemon from diffrent gens. If the did the 5 gen one it would be for promoting the 5 gen like they did with Roy in melee. If they did the 1st gen it would probably just for the historical value.


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
A few of my opinions on some things being discussed:

I doubt Sonic and Snake will get cut. I mean, look at the response to the cutting of Mewtwo and all the clones. Imagine cutting two completely unique characters. That's calling for nuclear war. Like Mendez said, nowhere are they stated to be guest characters. They're at the end of the roster because they're third-party, and those characters haven't been allowed into Smash until now. I'm highly confident they'll return.

I'd like to see the second trainer be a female. Perhaps we could give them actual names this time. I know in Ruby/Sapphire, the boy was Brendan and the girl was May. So it's not like we'd have to be dealing with names like Red and Silver. I'm not saying I'd utterly hate that, but face it, the names sound weird. As far as PT2's Pokemon, either three evolutions of the newest set of starters, or a spread combination. If we were to do it now, we could do some from generations 2, 3, and 4, done in various stages like the first PT. For example, Treecko, Combusken, and Empoleon.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2007
If they are gonna make a Girl PT with diffrent pokemon, It would be the one I suggested earier or one from the 5 gen. I don't see a PT using pokemon from diffrent gens. If the did the 5 gen one it would be for promoting the 5 gen like they did with Roy in melee. If they did the 1st gen it would probably just for the historical value.
Hmm, true. But, they could just as easily pull any random singular Pokemon from the 5th Generation to be a representative as playable (much like how Lucario was the sole 4th Gen representative in Brawl). ;)

Just my thoughts, anyway. And it also depends on how people react to the starters upon being revealed...


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
I doubt Sonic and Snake will get cut. I mean, look at the response to the cutting of Mewtwo and all the clones. Imagine cutting two completely unique characters. That's calling for nuclear war. Like Mendez said, nowhere are they stated to be guest characters. They're at the end of the roster because they're third-party, and those characters haven't been allowed into Smash until now. I'm highly confident they'll return.
This is now what we post whenever somebody says cut Sonic/Snake.
. Use it wisely.


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2007
Hyde Park, Chicago
Hmm, true. But, they could just as easily pull any random singular Pokemon from the 5th Generation to be a representative as playable (much like how Lucario was the sole 4th Gen representative in Brawl). ;)

Just my thoughts, anyway. And it also depends on how people react to the starters upon being revealed...
Oh yeah sure, If there is a Legendary from the 5th gen or a Lucario-esque type character (in terms of popularity and a entire movie)

I like how we all agree that if they make on the most evolved will be the Water type.
other than Illusive


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
The PT could have totally random Pokemon...

Scizor, Regice, and... Ditto.

Awesome? Yes? Ditto for SSB4.

EDIT: Wait! Ditto, Magikarp, and Castform! This trio rocks your freaking socks off!

SkylerOcon said:
This is now what we post whenever somebody says cut Sonic/Snake. {quote=SirKibble;5140620}. Use it wisely.
Thank you. I'm deeply honored. Feel free to paraphrase if you can't remember the 7-digit number.


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
Not awesome?!?!

You are so on drugs.


Actually, I'm on drugs right now. Painkillers for wisdom teeth. So my sarcastic attempt may well have failed miserably.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Actually, I'm on drugs right now. Painkillers for wisdom teeth.
Ha-ha, you're in pain. Guess who's not in pain? Me.

darkserenade said:
Pokemon Trainer will probably have the same Pokemon, in my opionion.
This is probably true.

EDIT - I don't actually think there will be a new female trainer. The most they might do is let you play switch the gender of PT, but it won't affect the Pokemon.

Think about it: that'd mean that the devs would have to make at least 7 Pokemon reps. (6 for both PTs combined, and Pikachu)

Which would mean that the unthinkable would have happened, and Jiggs (and Lucario/Mewtwo/pie) was cut. Which would mean we'd all be dead, as the world would have exploded. Which would mean we wouldn't be able to play SSB4 anyways, because we'd be dead.

I'd like to avoid that situation, if at all possible.


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
Right on!!!
Castform is getting some new forms in the 5th gen. I still don't se it happening though.

Edit: @ Dark, we are talking about a new female trainer not the current one
Castform is getting new forms?

Proof? Proof! I must see.


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
Ha-ha, you're in pain. Guess who's not in pain? Me.
Incorrect. I would be in pain, if not for the painkillers. But since I'm on drugs, no pain. Yay for me. :)

Think about it: that'd mean that the devs would have to make at least 7 Pokemon reps. (6 for both PTs combined, and Pikachu)

Which would mean that the unthinkable would have happened, and Jiggs (and Lucario/Mewtwo/pie) was cut. Which would mean we'd all be dead, as the world would have exploded. Which would mean we wouldn't be able to play SSB4 anyways, because we'd be dead.
Shoot... I never thought about it like that... I don't mind most of all that, but I really don't want them to cut Pie... Oh, and dying would probably sort of suck, too.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
On second thought, Sonic will return because the games with his name on it suck.
This makes so much sense. I can't believe I didn't see it before now.

I agree that most of Sonic's games nowadays do stink of the dreaded stink of failure and misdirection, but that won't keep him from the game. Too many people like him.

Personally, I'd get rid of him. I'd recall every copy of Brawl and cut out the little chunk of plastic on each disc that has Sonic's data encoded on it. Then there'd be this little black square where he used to be, and rainbows would cover the land. :bee:

SirKibble said:
Incorrect. I would be in pain, if not for the painkillers.
Oh yeah? Well I'm leaving you. And I'm taking the kids.

There. Now you're in emotional pain. Try numbing that with your totally legal "painkillers".


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
Oh yeah? Well I'm leaving you. And I'm taking the kids.

There. Now you're in emotional pain. Try numbing that with your totally legal "painkillers".
I think I hate you now...
But don't forget that the kids don't like you; they'll be screaming for me all day, putting your ears in more pain that I could ever imagine, even though I'm trying. With any luck on your part, they may rupture something so you can't hear anymore.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
On second thought, Sonic will return because the games with his name on it suck.
Personally, I think guests are guests. Look at Link, Spawn, Vader, and Yoda in Soul Calibur. Those characters were simply there as guests to promote their games, and having them in continuously will make them lose their appeal. Also, I feel Smash is a series that should stick with its roots as a series that celebrates Nintendo history. There should be no more than three slots given to guest characters. Also, I think other guest characters should be given a chance in Smash as well.... Although I think guests should only be around for one game, I think Sonic should return in Smash 4 simply because of how horribly he was botched in Brawl.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
You couldn't be more wrong, Trite.
I still have no idea why you're talking to someone who isn't here.

...But since Trite isn't here, I suppose I'll have to fill in.

Anyhoo: if you're talking about that churro thing...man I'm way ahead of you. ;)

I know for a fact

ChronoBound said:
Look at Link, Spawn, Vader, and Yoda in Soul Calibur. Those characters were simply there as guests to promote their games, and having them in continuously will make them lose their appeal.
Well speak of the devil!

Those characters also don't actually belong in Soul Calibur. Those games take place in the real world, with real locations like Germany and such. And so, those extra characters can rightfully be called "guest" characters, as they're only there as a neat addition.

In Smash Bros., however, every character comes from a totally unique and separate universe. So including characters from other universes is totally fine. The only thing that separates Snake and Sonic from Mario and Link is their creators' IRL occupation--a factor which has nothing to do with the game world.

Also there's the little fact that they were cut from the ranks when SCIII hit. But this hasn't happened (yet) to a "guest" character in Smash Bros., so there's another reason they shouldn't be called "guests".

SirKibble said:
But don't forget that the kids don't like you; they'll be screaming for me all day, putting your ears in more pain that I could ever imagine, even though I'm trying. With any luck on your part, they may rupture something so you can't hear anymore.
Nah, I'm just gonna' put them in a burlap sack then throw it in the Potomac River. Who needs kids when you've got money?

Oh, by the way, I took all your money.


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
Sakurai also referred to Marth as a male. Obviously, the man is not all there in the head.

No, seriously, though, I'm not a Marth-hater. I actually support Marth's masculinity, but it was too fitting and irresistable, I had to post that.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Sakurai also referred to Marth as a male. Obviously, the man is not all there in the head.

No, seriously, though, I'm not a Marth-hater. I actually support Marth's masculinity, but it was too fitting and irresistable, I had to post that.
He also placed in Dr. Mario solely because he loved the remix the Melee composer made, and placed in Pichu for the lols. Sakurai being crazy is his greatest asset and his biggest flaw.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Sakurai referred to them as guests.

Even if he did, that still doesn't mean they'll be cut. He could just as likely been referring to them as "guests to the Nintendo universe", and not necessarily just for SSBB.

I mean really, what kind of inconsiderate jerk kicks out a pair of guests after only four to six years? :dizzy:

He also placed in Dr. Mario solely because he loved the remix the Melee composer made, and placed in Pichu for the lols. Sakurai being crazy is his greatest asset and his biggest flaw.
This I find hard to believe.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
..what's a zigzagoon..?

That's a zigzagoon. It's a Pokemon.

EDIT: SirKibble beat me to it :<

Anyway, I find it seriously hard to believe that Sakurai put in Pichu for the lulz and Dr. Mario because of a remix. Pichu was in because of second gen representation and Dr. Mario for retro representation.


Smash Ace
Oct 21, 2007
Those characters also don't actually belong in Soul Calibur. Those games take place in the real world, with real locations like Germany and such. And so, those extra characters can rightfully be called "guest" characters, as they're only there as a neat addition.

In Smash Bros., however, every character comes from a totally unique and separate universe. So including characters from other universes is totally fine. The only thing that separates Snake and Sonic from Mario and Link is their creators' IRL occupation--a factor which has nothing to do with the game world.

Also there's the little fact that they were cut from the ranks when SCIII hit. But this hasn't happened (yet) to a "guest" character in Smash Bros., so there's another reason they shouldn't be called "guests".
I don't think it justificates anything at all. They are stil guests since they have their origin in other series, and don't beling to Nintendo, since Super Smash Brothers used to be a Nintendo All-Stars characters. And Snake and Sonic are NOT from Nintendo.

Edit: I really have some hard time trying to find out what are you trying to prove here.
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