Since the issue has come up, here are the specifics.
Using 6 months of data, ending with March:
M2K accounts for 15.2% of MK's tournament score.
Ally accounts for 27.6% of Snake's tournament score.
ADHD accounts for 45.5% of Diddy Kong's tournament score.
Using the data unaltered, Meta Knight:
Has 1.95 times the score that Snake has.
Has 3.46 times the score that Diddy Kong has.
Removing each and every point M2K scored without removing Ally or ADHD (totally unfair, but we can play M2K's game here), Meta Knight:
Has 1.65 times the score that Snake has.
Has 2.93 times the score that Diddy Kong has.
More realistically, removing M2K, Ally, and ADHD, Meta Knight:
Has 2.21 times the score that Snake has.
Has 5.20 times the score that Diddy Kong has. <-- LOL
(Note: to be fair I also had to subtract points from Meta Knight here because Ally has scored Meta Knight points)
(off topic edit)
Hey, an image taken from my series of Zero Suit Samus hitbubble .pacs has become an avatar? Neat.
Notice how UTilt is a little less than two Squirtles wide.
Oops crow did it again
He ***** something up the ***
So in short, MK's dominance is not M2K-specific.
im just going to say it then
99% of you suck and aren't at the level where it would matter or become closer
outliers are some of the only good players
if you took out the 2 or 3 jiggs outliers in melee, she wouldn't be nearly as good would she (actually she sort of would), but then if you count them, you realize she wins top 2 at every large tourney every time
also Tyrant and Ksizl are my apprentices. Esp tyrant. I trained with him for 3 weeks straight during summer of 2009. He improved drastically in that time period.
also diddy beats MK. IF you guys are going to bring up rusty ADHD (since he said he has not been playing much after Pound4) then I'm going to bring up Felix beating like everyone at mlg. It's plenty obvious by now that MK is overrated (except with the current stage lists from MLG he becomes better, but those were never standard before MLG happened)
...Diddy beats MK... Why are you the only person really saying this? The Diddy backroom all agree that MK beats Diddy, most sane players agree... maybe diddy has a slight advantage on FD?
I don't usually meatride crow... but that was ****. XD
So you're saying that outliers are the only one that don't count, but you shouldn't count? Are you like a super outlier?
and please explain how mk beats diddy. Try not using the word "I" while you do it.
We're just doing exactly what you were going to do.
Face it: all of the people disputing Crow!'s findings are people who don't understand how important sample size is when it comes to research. In science, replicability is key! If you can't replicate results, then who knows what real reasons you had those original results to begin with? Sure, you, M2K, are the current "top of the metagame"... but (obviously) no one ***** with MK quite like you can, and the numbers prove it. For whatever reason, you buck the trend, and when we're looking at dominance, we're looking at things from a macro sense, not a micro sense.
This means that in the little microsphere of M2K, ADHD, and Ally, MK is totally not over dominant.
In the macrosphere of all of Smash, he very well may be. And THAT is what we're concerned with. You have fantastic results with MK, but if the greater population cannot replicate those results, there must be something special to your circumstances that allows you to do so. And so, we take you out of the equation. Same for Ally and ADHD.
Simply put: a sample size of three people is nowhere near enough to isolate out all of the possible variables as to why MK is doing as well as he is in the placings and leave just MK as a character. Same with Diddy and Snake. We need a larger sample size than you three to get anything worthwhile to the rest of us who very well never reach the level you play at, for whatever reason that may be.
Be flattered: it's putting you on a pedestal.
And the key to this, the reason we look at the macrosphere? Well, allow me to follow this argument to the absurd...
We have a game. Game X. It's a very unconventional fighting game with a ridiculous amount of tech skill required. Like, as in, to be good with any character, you had to be able to mash that R button better than a pro melee fox player in grand finals. Like,
really hard tech skill. There are a bunch of players, like, 10-20 who can reasonably play the average character in this game, and when you can play everyone at a ridiculously high level, they're all very balanced, in fact. However, there's one char who can do what the others do, but without the tech skill required. He may not be the distant best at the very human pinnacle of play, but everyone else will find him broken. So what do you do? Do you protect the people who are all sick of him, or do you protect the top 0.005% and say "nope, everyone else: get better"? I'll tell you what, the latter option is going to make the game lose following very, very fast. And that's kind of what we're doing here... except that it isn't proven that MK is worse at the very top, but in fact still
So, basically, you're saying we cater to the people who wouldn't win tournaments with MK gone because they aren't at the level of M2K, Ally, ADHD, DEHF, NickRiddle, TKD, etc? Or am I misunderstanding?
We cater to the largest group of competitive smashers.
We all suck at brawl. In 5 years, every matchup will have been revolutionized. No one is going to play the same way. (this, of course, is assuming brawl is a strategically deep game)
Similarly, 2 years ago, we knew even less about brawl. We might have said something ******** like, snake or falco are the best characters in the game? Even if 100% of tournaments won were by snakes and falcos. We don't go banning them because of statistics. They aren't overpowered characters.
Therefore: you don't rely on statistics in regards to balance.
Yeah actually that's true.
Saying something like that is completely baseless though. We have miles of statistics showing that MK is way better. It's a rising and continuing trend and has been for the last two years.
Read the next sentence.
Not only do you know anything about balance, but you don't know how to argue. Don't call people thick; it is only detrimental to debate.
Also, popular opinion and intuition are, in fact, more reliable sources of balance than anything.
...This is so ****ing terrible, it's not even funny. The "popular opinion" at the beginning of smash was that snake was far and away the best character in the game. Popular opinion is a TERRIBLE source of balance. And intuition is even worse.
There's no point arguing anymore. I brought my best reasoning and you cling to really bad insults as if they are doing anything.
In case you're not a bad troll, I'd like to refer you to this video:
It has to do with something called the "Dunning-Krueger Effect". You're being consistently told that your arguments are wrong/pointless, and continuing to say that you're debating well... Sounds like it to me.
Whether or not something is an outlier depends heavily on what curve you're trying to make the data fit! Something on a one-X function might be a huge outlier but is almost on the line if you're using x^3!
Part of why people keep calling them 'outliers' is that people like Crow! are making the assumption that not placing is the norm, which from a basic statistical point is the case, but M2K makes the rather cogent argument that the metagame is the peak and not what the people below it are doing.
EDIT: @Razeik, I read your post after this, and it is amazingly appropriate. I award you one internets,.
Yes, we should aim for the top. But not at the cost of the rest of the monkey mountain.
Excuse my intrusion. Has anything changed on the stance of the MK ban issue so far
Well, anti-ban gained a little ground with the MLG Orlando results, but pretty much more of Crow! ****** any anti-bans who stray too close to making a false point.
@ Crow!
Could you possibly post dominance percentages for the top four characters if you only take into account:
- the highest scoring player for that main
- the two highest scoring players
- three three highest scoring players
In other words, three data sets using the peak of the metagame as the sole standard for dominance. I'm just interested in seeing what the dominance looks like. ^_^
Just take his graph from
And set a bar wherever you want to.
If we aren't the best we can be, what is the point of banning someone if we don't even know there is a problem?
Statistical trends show that he's dominant at every level of play, including the current very top.