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Official MBR Tier List

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Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2009
There was a state here, it's gone now...
Forward and Taj both live in Arizona and Forward is a great player and knows the matchup, if he knows the matchup then Mewtwo must be "really easy to beat", than Forward would beat any Mewtwo because "he's such a terrible character," but he can't its possible to win with Mewtwo even against someone who knows the matchup well

And this whole 'Taj and Axe are acceptions to the rules of smash' thing is just ridiculous, both of them secondary top tiers and neither of them could go up 3+ tiers and automatically win any tournament because they're just so 'ungodly good', mewtwo and pikachu are not amazing, but unlike most of the cast someone has actually proven you can beat top level players with them, so they must be at least decent unless those players are just the best there is.
Taj and Axe did well at APEX because:

1. They're ****ing good.

2. Nobody knows how to play against a good pikachu or a good mewtwo.

Taj beats Forward because:

1. Taj is better then Forward

2. Taj is better then Forward.

EDIT: I can't believe the amount of people ITT who think that mewtwo isn't a trash character. I think everyone here needs a little dose of reality: try maining mewtwo.

mewtwo has been proven to have more potential than people thought.
No, no he hasn't.

1 match isn't even close to the level of consistency mewtwo has reached. its also more than just taj.
Iori won one tournament against people who don't know the matchup, and he went sheik in GF

mewtwo has some very unique strengths that can be used to compete at TOP level.
LOL the only good move mewtwo has is nair, and it loses to just about any other good move that any other character has.


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
Taj and Axe did well at APEX because:

1. They're ****ing good.

2. Nobody knows how to play against a good pikachu or a good mewtwo.

Taj beats Forward because:

1. Taj is better then Forward

2. Taj is better then Forward.

EDIT: I can't believe the amount of people ITT who think that mewtwo isn't a trash character. I think everyone here needs a little dose of reality: try maining mewtwo.
im pretty sure axe and forward are better than taj. oh and wobbles.

not concrete evidence but two of them placed better at apex and all 3 are higher on pr.

your mewtwo just wasn't very god. you never reached the level where you can be successful with m2.

idk if its your overall skill or just your m2. but if you don't believe you will never reach his tru potential. its like the heart of the cards! lol


Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2009
There was a state here, it's gone now...
im pretty sure axe and forward are better than taj. oh and wobbles.

not concrete evidence but two of them placed better at apex and all 3 are higher on pr.

your mewtwo just wasn't very god. you never reached the level where you can be successful with m2.

idk if its your overall skill or just your m2. but if you don't believe you will never reach his tru potential. its like the heart of the cards! lol
No. My mewtwo was very good. I could wreck people who didn't know the matchup and/or didn't play well. However, against good people who play smart, and abuse mewtwo's glaring weaknesses, I got destroyed. I eventually realized that if I actually wanted to have fun playing this game, then I should really switch my main. Mewtwo is not a fun character to play as: getting annihilated and having to run for your life constantly is not fun.


but if you don't believe you will never reach his tru potential.
You need to cut off the saturday morning cartoons, they're not helping your view of reality.


Smash Lord
Apr 1, 2010
Taj and Axe did well at APEX because:

1. Taj is better then Forward

2. Taj is better then Forward.

What evidence do you have to support this? More often than not Forward out places Taj at regional tournaments regardless of what character Taj uses. AZ themselves say Forward is their best player and he's ranked 1 on their rankings. Just what evidence do you have to support Taj being a better player than Forward.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 2, 2008
M2 for low tier!

Honestly he seems the best out of the bottoms, and low.

"Taj is very good at this game"


Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2009
There was a state here, it's gone now...
What evidence do you have to support this? More often than not Forward out places Taj at regional tournaments regardless of what character Taj uses. AZ themselves say Forward is their best player and he's ranked 1 on their rankings. Just what evidence do you have to support Taj being a better player than Forward.
Taj hasn't actually cared about this game in years, he stopped playing this game for a long time because of World of Warcraft.

Taj is better then Forward because he beats Forward with a trash character, a character that Forward should be wrecking by now. Also, I don't even know if Taj's mewtwo still beats Forward anyway, I'm not part of the AZ scene lol, and neither are any of you. I'd like to hear Taj, Axe, Forward, Wobbles, or somebody else from the AZ scene actually get in this thread and tell us all what's up.


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
No. My mewtwo was very good. I could wreck people who didn't know the matchup and/or didn't play well. However, against good people who play smart, and abuse mewtwo's glaring weaknesses, I got destroyed. I eventually realized that if I actually wanted to have fun playing this game, then I should really switch my main. Mewtwo is not a fun character to play as: getting annihilated and having to run for your life constantly is not fun.


You need to cut off the saturday morning cartoons, they're not helping your view of reality.
is your mewtwo better than mine? don't even need evidence or anything. but do you believe your mewtwo is/was better? do you believe you know more about mewtwo than me?

again just questions. just want your honest opinion.

edit: taj quit wow for smash. he def cares.

az is probably bout to come in here and make you feel very small.


Smash Lord
Apr 1, 2010
Taj hasn't actually cared about this game in years, he stopped playing this game for a long time because of World of Warcraft.

Taj is better then Forward because he beats Forward with a trash character, a character that Forward should be wrecking by now. Also, I don't even know if Taj's mewtwo still beats Forward anyway, I'm not part of the AZ scene lol, and neither are any of you. I'd like to hear Taj, Axe, Forward, Wobbles, or somebody else from the AZ scene actually get in this thread and tell us all what's up.
There are videos online of Taj beating Forward and you can check out the AZ thread to see what's up. But just to clarify Forward does beat Taj more than Vice versa, I was just saying Taj beats him often enough to disprove your theory that Mewtwo can't win unless his opponent doesn't know the match up.

With that said though it seems as if you're completely unobjective in this argument, it seems more like you're trying to justify you getting wrecked with Mewtwo instead of rationalizing how Mewtwo is a bad character.


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
There are videos online of Taj beating Forward and you can check out the AZ thread to see what's up. But just to clarify Forward does beat Taj more than Vice versa, I was just saying Taj beats him often enough to disprove your theory that Mewtwo can't win unless his opponent doesn't know the match up.

With that said though it seems as if you're completely unobjective in this argument, it seems more like you're trying to justify you getting wrecked with Mewtwo instead of rationalizing how Mewtwo is a bad character.
probably your most gosu post ever.

+ 1


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2008
Howell, MI
Taj hasn't actually cared about this game in years, he stopped playing this game for a long time because of World of Warcraft.

Taj is better then Forward because he beats Forward with a trash character, a character that Forward should be wrecking by now. Also, I don't even know if Taj's mewtwo still beats Forward anyway, I'm not part of the AZ scene lol, and neither are any of you. I'd like to hear Taj, Axe, Forward, Wobbles, or somebody else from the AZ scene actually get in this thread and tell us all what's up.
That is precisely what the power rankings are for. and Forward is above Taj on there.

Just because Taj can beat forward occasionally with Mewtwo, doesn't make him better than Forward. Forward wins more often, and Taj doesn't do better with a higher tiered character. Taj performs best with his mewtwo because he has put the most time into mewtwo and knows him best.

Mewtwo for low tier. Pika for mid tier.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2009
probably your most gosu post ever.

+ 1
You just became one of my favorite smash posters. ;)

Also, anyone up for SCBW / SC2 ? (B rank / diamond #1 rank) /end brag

Edit: crap, thought this was the "mewtwo philosophy" thread where they were chatting about sc >_<


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
I have a question sean? can you land ANY hits at all? Can you avoid any hits at all? if you answer yes for both then in this game your the flaw not m2 why not powersheild lasers? very few peopl have learned how to powersheild falco's dair which you can grab him mid air out of. you can pressure him near the edge at times.

You know how much I john as pichu? everytime I am a hair away from the edge and pichu's sweetspot is insanely hard to sweetspot it's way to small to use. If your saying that your m2 was good could it get any better? so your saying with epic sexy mindgames, no messed up combos, perfect spacing, perfect edge gaurd, powersheilding lasers, teching the edge, and never SDing you can't beat them? could you tech me how to play?

also I believe in my skill as pichu more than you do in yourself. My pichu is by far my best because of how smart I play far better than my fox and sheik.


Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2009
There was a state here, it's gone now...
is your mewtwo better than mine? don't even need evidence or anything. but do you believe your mewtwo is/was better? do you believe you know more about mewtwo than me?

again just questions. just want your honest opinion.

edit: taj quit wow for smash. he def cares.

az is probably bout to come in here and make you feel very small.
From your videos, I'd say my mewtwo is as good as yours. I'd say I have almost as much knowledge of the character as you do.

There are videos online of Taj beating Forward and you can check out the AZ thread to see what's up. But just to clarify Forward does beat Taj more than Vice versa, I was just saying Taj beats him often enough to disprove your theory that Mewtwo can't win unless his opponent doesn't know the match up.

With that said though it seems as if you're completely unobjective in this argument, it seems more like you're trying to justify you getting wrecked with Mewtwo instead of rationalizing how Mewtwo is a bad character.
If Forward beats Taj more then Taj beats Forward, isn't that evidence against mewtwo being good?! Taj beats Forward enough because Taj is GOOD.

No, mewtwo is a trash character. I was only bringing up my own personal experience to give a personal example, it is what I realized while trying to main him. He is garbage, and if you think otherwise, you're welcome to main him seriously, trying to play him competitively, and prove me wrong by winning real tournaments with him. Which, by the way, you won't and can't do.

probably your most gosu post ever.

+ 1
Referencing Computer gaming. I have lost respect for you. Console ftw

I have a question sean? can you land ANY hits at all? Can you avoid any hits at all? if you answer yes for both then in this game your the flaw not m2 why not powersheild lasers? very few peopl have learned how to powersheild falco's dair which you can grab him mid air out of. you can pressure him near the edge at times.

You know how much I john as pichu? everytime I am a hair away from the edge and pichu's sweetspot is insanely hard to sweetspot it's way to small to use. If your saying that your m2 was good could it get any better? so your saying with epic sexy mindgames, no messed up combos, perfect spacing, perfect edge gaurd, powersheilding lasers, teching the edge, and never SDing you can't beat them? could you tech me how to play?

also I believe in my skill as pichu more than you do in yourself. My pichu is by far my best because of how smart I play far better than my fox and sheik.
ICG, I'm getting really annoyed by you. Not only is "can you land hits and can you avoid hits" a really stupid, condescending question, but also saying **** like "I believe more then you do" is completely meaningless. As far as I know, you are (like me) a smashboards poster, not a good player. I have yet to see vids of your pichu doing any damage. My guess is against a good player, you get wrecked like any low tier main.


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
then I would have to say you are behind. my videos aren't an accurate representation of my skill. on top of them being a bit old. honestly I probably shouldn't have them up for the reasons of the opponents being better than portrayed and same with me. I just wanted to upload some ****. look out for new ones.

if you read through the mewtwo thread I doubt you have as much knowledge about this character.

mewtwo players are able to win because they can out play their opponent. better reads, combos, spacing, punish harder. its about playing to your characters strengths and exploiting their weaknesses. whoever does that better often wins. its easier to do with high tiers because they have more strengths and less weaknesses. you must learn to take m2 strengths to another level and thats probably where you failed as a mewtwo player. it can be frustrating, but you can't just give up. imo not believing a character can do well is your down fall.

also, you are usually wrong for somebody with a vast majority of knowledge about a character.

my mewtwo *** ***** yours in talent. soon enough ill prove it.

edit: mewtwo haas a **** load of drama lmao. he needs a song lol.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
seanthedonconsidine, you are both wrong and right about ICG.

Yes, he's not good. However, he gets wrecked by both good and horrible players, even if they pick Pichu.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
I haven't been able to follow this thread at all. lmao There two reason for that though.

1) The lack of discussion of the characters I use.

2) I've been tore up these last few nights.


But honestly Kaostar is good with Mewtwo. Not good enough to win anything extreme but good enough to be called one of the best Mewtwos. Even if his videos are old they're **** good.

Also I don't see why anyone would legitimately try to argue with ICG.

Also also one more meatriding comment: Kao is right about the fact of using a characters strengths and out playing the opponent. It still doesn't make the character good though. It only means that player is good.


Low tiers <3


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
How good a character is, as a character, can not be determined by how well that character places in a tournament.

Mewtwo is NOT a good character

The only characters I think he's better then are:
Kirby, Pichu, Yoshi (idc that you can combo decently, you can't WD OoS.), and maybe on par with, or better than Ness.

As with all characters, you have options, and as with all BAD characters, they have less.

His approach is ****, his killing power is bleh, his gimps are mediocre, his recovery is pretty good, his maneuverability is pretty good, but he's also too big, and too light. He's got ****ty reach on his aerials (aside from bair which is unreliable & unprofitable as an approach). His dtilt which is his main move to set up combo's, coupled with his WD is pretty good. But it's reach too is not the best, the best thing about it is it's spammability, which is in essence unreliable.

Just because Taj (and Iori) have been able to do so well with mewtwo's limited options, doesn't mean he's a good character. It mean's they've tuned their playstyle around his limited options.


Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2009
There was a state here, it's gone now...
seanthedonconsidine, how come you weren't at the MN tournament yesterday?
I was, I was SDC, the guy with blue eyes, blonde hair, backwards vikings hat, glasses, black long sleeve button up shirt, black shirt underneath, and dark navy blue pants (I had just come from work lol). You don't know me because I'm a nobody. lol

then I would have to say you are behind. my videos aren't an accurate representation of my skill. on top of them being a bit old. honestly I probably shouldn't have them up for the reasons of the opponents being better than portrayed and same with me. I just wanted to upload some ****. look out for new ones.

if you read through the mewtwo thread I doubt you have as much knowledge about this character.

mewtwo players are able to win because they can out play their opponent. better reads, combos, spacing, punish harder. its about playing to your characters strengths and exploiting their weaknesses. whoever does that better often wins. its easier to do with high tiers because they have more strengths and less weaknesses. you must learn to take m2 strengths to another level and thats probably where you failed as a mewtwo player. it can be frustrating, but you can't just give up. imo not believing a character can do well is your down fall.

also, you are usually wrong for somebody with a vast majority of knowledge about a character.

my mewtwo *** ***** yours in talent. soon enough ill prove it.

edit: mewtwo haas a **** load of drama lmao. he needs a song lol.
When am I usually wrong about Mewtwo? I know how to use the character quite adequately, I just also know he's ****, unlike you, who seems to be in denial of this obvious fact.

And that paragraph load only means that the player is better, and the character is still crap.

Your mewtwo doesn't **** **** in "talent", and if it did, who cares, it's still a mewtwo, it's like saying "I made the most beautiful turd painting the other day ", well that's great, but you're still painting with ****.

You talk alot of **** Kaos, but I'd bet money that you'd get wrecked by a good player who knew the matchup.

oh wait, yes you did

How good a character is, as a character, can not be determined by how well that character places in a tournament.

Mewtwo is NOT a good character

The only characters I think he's better then are:
Kirby, Pichu, Yoshi (idc that you can combo decently, you can't WD OoS.), and maybe on par with, or better than Ness.

As with all characters, you have options, and as with all BAD characters, they have less.

His approach is ****, his killing power is bleh, his gimps are mediocre, his recovery is pretty good, his maneuverability is pretty good, but he's also too big, and too light. He's got ****ty reach on his aerials (aside from bair which is unreliable & unprofitable as an approach). His dtilt which is his main move to set up combo's, coupled with his WD is pretty good. But it's reach too is not the best, the best thing about it is it's spammability, which is in essence unreliable.

Just because Taj (and Iori) have been able to do so well with mewtwo's limited options, doesn't mean he's a good character. It mean's they've tuned their playstyle around his limited options.
Thank you. Somebody on this god**** ****ing thread with a brain in his head.


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
painting with **** and it still looks good

who said he was good. I normally respect your opinions, but you honestly don't know enough to say where m2s metà game lies.

I don't think anyone is saying low tiers are good. but fyi m2> yoshi, pichu, kirbu, roy, bowser, ness

gw is debatable, yl is probably better but debatable, zelda but debatable.

gw lacks representation, I don't know if zelda has the versatility, yl is not really represented.

seems the 3 have less "tricks/mind games) but m2 is represented better in tournament. m2 has some large flaws but some amazing adv. he loses hard to 4 characters because they can exploit his size and close quarters clumsiness. he would be worlds better if it wasn't for this.

I don't know why people knihT they are smart by pointing out the obvious. blah blah blah no respected mewtwo player is claiming mewtwo is "good" I think we have all been extremely objective when we say where he belongs on the tier list and when arguing his MUs.

id probably place m2 above 2 of this 3 on the new tier list: yl, gw, zelda.

gw has better MUs if the chart is accurate but nobody has done dirt. so he is still garbage.

id can probably accept m2 yl zelda in any order with the proper rationale.

@rhan-thanks dude. <3


-as far as me getting wrecked by a good player. thats very possible. but im not admitting defeat before the match starts. like I said next big tourney I attend ill probably do some mms. we will just have to see. ive said I have a problem with focus and consistency. im working on it. ill try my best not to disappoint.

@sdc-youtube huh lol. im pretty sure we talked about the videos already. I lost yes, but I didn't know I got annihilated.

friendlies don't mean much at all but im not even on the same level as him. where as taj is already an amazing player. he can beat people his level who know the MU if he plays better. its that simple.


Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2009
There was a state here, it's gone now...
who said he was good. I normally respect your opinions, but you honestly don't know enough to say where m2s metà game lies.
Lol. I say mewtwo is bad, and you agree and disagree with me. Way to contradict yourself, and in the same post too.

I don't think anyone is saying low tiers are good. but fyi m2> yoshi, pichu, kirbu, roy, bowser, ness
Extreme **** > Extremely terrible **** = Still extreme ****.

I don't know why people knihT they are smart by pointing out the obvious.

-as far as me getting wrecked by a good player. thats very possible. but im not admitting defeat before the match starts. like I said next big tourney I attend ill probably do some mms. we will just have to see. ive said I have a problem with focus and consistency. im working on it. ill try my best not to disappoint.
For you, admitting defeat before the match would be self-defeating, albeit uncharacteristically realistic of you, Kaos.


Watch em again. Let em sink in.

I wonder how long it'll take you to realize "wait a minute....my character sucks a$$...." Took me a god**** year to realize it.

Yeah, youtube mother****er, the land where the evidence rests untainted by theorybros, johns, and blind faith in a **** character's minor strengths


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
bro don't even come back to the two boards with that garbage.

you aren't even making sense. I hope you are trolling, your points are terrible. you aren't even analyzing what im saying.

****! this is like one of the few subjects I actually get up set about. **** you dude!


Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2009
There was a state here, it's gone now...


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
You really don't think Mew2 is better then Bowser?
I was debating that for a bit, tbh I haven't seen what bowser can do in a while, his fair is nice, his ftilt is nice, his UB OoS is very nice, most of his attacks are pretty strong. His jump is ****.

M2 could be better than bowser, it's inconsequential to me.


I got the impression from a few of the posts (not you) that people were basing bringing m2 higher in the tier list simply because Taj did so well, and Iori has repp'd pretty well. I just kept hearing that statement ______ is good because ______ did well with him.

I'll admit that I don't know much about M2, but going over his attacks in my head, just...he's limited, so limited. When you look at characters like fox, sheik, marth, they have very safe, very versatile options, which combo & kill.

Even my character, samus. I don't approach from the air, it's not good unless my opponent doesn't know wtf to do. All my aerials (except for upair) have very punishable downtime on them, so if I throw out one that doesn't hit, and I can't L cancel it, a safe distance away, I've been punished. Fox...shffl all day np. I have to approach safely from the ground, unless my opponent takes to the air in which case that opens up some more options. I have to wait, and bait, and hope it works out. Aggressive samus...can be dealt with pretty easily. She's not fast, her SH is not good for pressure. Missiles can cover some approaches, but they're certainly not as bad as lasers.

The best thing samus has going for her is her WD (and options out of it), her fall speed (harder to combo), her weight, her recovery, and her UB OoS (which is unique, but still punishable in some instances).

Her missiles are a unique projectile, but the main thing they have going for them is ignorance surrounding them.

But yea, lower in the 'teir list', or character matchup chart, or any characte ranking list is directly related to viable options.


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
@knihT-it sounds like you just don't understand mewtwos strengths.

taj really does this extremely well. its why he is so good.

mewtwo is unique as one of the few mobile floaties. and has projectile.

im kinda just mad lol...*****s don't know about the two.

but none of this post is all that important, but I felt I should give you a response.

anyone who would like detail on his true strengths/flaws can request a detailed explanation in one of the mewtwo threads or by

I don't want to derail this thread anymore.

sdc steals christmas from children!


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
humor me.

I tend to post highly detailed accurate (nobody is perfect) long winded post that nobody cares about cuz its mewtwo.

you talk condensingly and in massive generalizations.

heres your chance to rationalize your bull****.

explain his weaknesses and how none of his strengths can be used to compensate to any degree and please be as detailed as possible. use MU specifics if you want.

if you don't want to embarrass yourself send a pm.

I truly do expect a response with some actual effort put into it.


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
Vman speakin now:

@Kaos+SDC - we should all really get along, here this is a Tier list discussion something in which opinions all around will be stated, more importantly this is a community. We all play this game for the same goal(s) To get, better, to meet new people, and most importantly to have fun. These thngs should outweigh EVERYTHING else that even serve relevance to this game. Sure there will be rivalries, and some of us may dislike each other. But all of us should at least RESPECT each other... Even enemies, can respect each other amongst another.

@Kaostar - Hey, Kaos, you have to remember man, EVERYONE, everyone is entitled to an opinion.. Each and everyone one of us, is given this right.. Whether you believe this/that... or whether SDC believes what he believes, it is indeed an opinion. I understand you're trying to vouch for Mewtwo.. and us Mewtwo players I assure you, we appreciate it, but everyone has their own right to an opinion..whether who's Mewtwo is better amongst you two, or who knows more knowledge about the character, it serves absolutely no relevance in the arguments that you're both making. No matter what you can possibly say, can nor will change SDC's thoughts.. his thoughts are HIS thoughts/opinions... and who are you to change them? You as well remember you have your own thoughts opinions, just like the 800+ of all of us. If me/Taj, Axe anyone says anything, none of us could probably change his view on things, because they are his opinion(s) and that's ok. We're all entitled to this option... What Taj and Iori have done are awesome, we can only hope they keep bringing the awesome! ^^

@SDC - like kaos, we all have an opinion, and to me it just sounds as if Kaos is trying to prove to you that M2, isn't as bad as you portray it..I admit, some of your posts you portray it as "Oh I couldn't do it so therefore M2 is bad so the only way I can win is by going high/top tier" which may have triggered why Kaos is trying to convince you so badly... Just try to pick a better set of words that fit in better with what you are trying to explain... It's ok to have an opinion and even to state it.. but don't attempt to try and change people's minds whose minds are already set... AZ is a perfect example...Axe, myself, Taj, we ENJOY playing the characters we play..and to me that's the MOST important thing about playing a video game..Whether we lose/win all day as long as the "player" is having a good time to me it's all that should matter. The fun/enjoyment that it brings..Serves no purpose to get frustrated because then no fun is being had anyway. If you wanna say Taj, me, Axe will never get anywhere with our character(s) that's fine.. it's your opinion... yes we'll object a few times to prove you wrong and even try to prove you wrong (Axe recently proved you wrong on something that you had stated about him).. but it's merely a defense mechanism to defend what we believe in.. not to question your intelligence..

Overall, I will state what myself/Axe/Taj have stated many times before... I honestly don't believe that any character is rendered "bad" more accurately, would be weaknesses, overlaying their strengths... Yoshi unable to jump OOS, Pikachu's small shield, Mewtwo's lack of priority.. I could go on and on.. but every character does have strengths..along with weaknesses.. the rest comes down to the player to discover these, and develop a way to find these things viable...It's obviously not easy, it's most definetely not fun either, and at times it's frustrating but it's the only way we can discover ways to cover our chars weaknesses.. and some of us... want to use the characters we have fun with... Most players today, in a declining game such as this, want to get known/noticed, before they don't have that chance anymore..and that's fine so the idea of lower tiered characters, people take a gander and laugh.. which is fine..many of us (myself included "(2005) didn't want to dedicate the time/work to a lower tiered character.. specially if you can just choose someone that has more advantages etc..

Any character is viable..(some obviously tougher than others) anyone has the potential to discover and push a character's metagame further... right now it's the amount of players that don't want to take the time/effort to do such things... and that's understandable..(losing isn't always enjoyable) :( but the results from the training can become splendid. :)

Note: these things stated above are indeed also my opinion.. So i've not intention to rub anyone the wrong way.. Im just trying to keep it friendly and enjoy the community with you guys. <3 Kaos+SDC <3 :p

Thanks you all: I <3 you all ^^


Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2009
There was a state here, it's gone now...
humor me.

I tend to post highly detailed accurate (nobody is perfect) long winded post that nobody cares about cuz its mewtwo.

you talk condensingly and in massive generalizations.

heres your chance to rationalize your bull****.

explain his weaknesses and how none of his strengths can be used to compensate to any degree and please be as detailed as possible. use MU specifics if you want.

if you don't want to embarrass yourself send a pm.

I truly do expect a response with some actual effort put into it.
Oh please. You choose not to use any specifics and then you want some from me? You're lucky I'm in a generous mood. Kniht touched on many of them, he's light, has no reliable, dominant, convenient KO moves, no spammable moves, massive hurtbox, his fair sucks for anything but cute combos on fastfallers, any other hits you get with it are lucky. His bair sucks except for situational edgeguarding, his nair is his only good move but you can't even rely on that because it loses to most other good moves, his projectile is a weak, slow, predictable, unspammable piece of ****, his dair is laughable, worst meteor in the game, his tilts are his best bet, but they are weak, predictable, and are CCable, his teleport is nice, but can get predictable and has no end-hitbox so it can be punished easily. Oh and the most important bit: HE HAS NO RELIABLE HITBOX IN FRONT OF HIM. He gets knocked around all day and then gets KOd at low percents due to his hitstun, his confusion sucks, doesn't actually reflect anything, has so much ending lag that they'll punish you after you use it, his disable is completely and utterly useless other then as a quirky once-a-match trick, he has no defense against all of the top tier's best strategies, he has no defense agains the high tier's strategies, he has no defense against the ****ing mid tier's strategies. And that is just a quick list off the top of my head. He sucks, plain and simple. He may not be as ****ty as pichu, but he is one of the worst characters in the game. I don't know how or why you're so **** delusional in your devotion to him, I really don't.

It's funny how I'm the voice of reason here "Mewtwo sucks", and I'm the one making rationalizations. You're such a sad, sad little man Kaos, you really are. What are you going to do, two years from now, you're still nowhere, trying to make this **** character not suck as much as it does, and you finally realize that you just wasted your time??? What are you going to do then? That day will come. Not soon, you're far too deluded for that. But it will come.

Replying on Taj's behalf: I am not better than Forward, but I appreciate the respect. :)

KAOSTAR; SDC; 10975167 said:
Taj, mewtwo sucks, but I seriously love you. I'd like, have your children, and ****

For once, I agree Kao.
While I agree that M2 is crap, I don't agree on what Sean is trying to say.
I'm sorry Sean, but taking one stock off a Fox like Eggz with M2 is impressive
It's a good thing you don't matter, or else I'd respond to you.

Oh wait shiiiii


@SDC - like kaos, we all have an opinion, and to me it just sounds as if Kaos is trying to prove to you that M2, isn't as bad as you portray it..I admit, some of your posts you portray it as "Oh I couldn't do it so therefore M2 is bad so the only way I can win is by going high/top tier" which may have triggered why Kaos is trying to convince you so badly... Just try to pick a better set of words that fit in better with what you are trying to explain... It's ok to have an opinion and even to state it.. but don't attempt to try and change people's minds whose minds are already set... AZ is a perfect example...Axe, myself, Taj, we ENJOY playing the characters we play..and to me that's the MOST important thing about playing a video game..Whether we lose/win all day as long as the "player" is having a good time to me it's all that should matter. The fun/enjoyment that it brings..Serves no purpose to get frustrated because then no fun is being had anyway. If you wanna say Taj, me, Axe will never get anywhere with our character(s) that's fine.. it's your opinion... yes we'll object a few times to prove you wrong and even try to prove you wrong (Axe recently proved you wrong on something that you had stated about him).. but it's merely a defense mechanism to defend what we believe in.. not to question your intelligence..Thanks you all: I <3 you all ^^
Vman, I only mentioned my own lack of competitive success with mewtwo to give you an example of how foolish it is to attempt to take such trash characters seriously. It's called a personal example. Why don't you guys go talk with Quak, we'll see who's side he agrees with here.

I do recognize that some people have had success, and yes Axe got 5th at APEX GOOD FOR HIM, he is **** good, also nobody knows the pika matchup, so he probably won't do so well later on, but w/e glad he was successful.

I'm glad you guys use the character you like, but I'm just stating FACT here, mewtwo is objectively, obviously, fundamentally a bad character in this game, and denying that is only frustrating.

Also, yeah I <333 you too, not as much as Taj, I'd do wonderfully gay things to him rofl, but the rest of the mewtwo boardz got my love.


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
yea u crazy right vman. everyone is entitled to an opinion and im always a supporter of that. I think I just forgot because he was posting as if he had facts. I immediately began deconstructing his argument.

he started using "facts" to support his statements and I forgot about just about everything else.

in the end, I play mewtwo because he is crazy fun.

LOL@ the same post but one has emotions.

edit-"facts"= bull****


Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2006
Starkville, MS
You're such a sad, sad little man Kaos, you really are. What are you going to do, two years from now, you're still nowhere, trying to make this **** character not suck as much as it does, and you finally realize that you just wasted your time??? What are you going to do then? That day will come. Not soon, you're far too deluded for that. But it will come.
Time spent having fun != time wasted?

Real talk though, you seem to be taking this way too personally. This kind of bitter, personal attack isn't needed in the slightest, on any thread on this forum.
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