Vman speakin now:
@Kaos+SDC - we should all really get along, here this is a Tier list discussion something in which opinions all around will be stated, more importantly this is a community. We all play this game for the same goal(s) To get, better, to meet new people, and most importantly to have fun. These thngs should outweigh EVERYTHING else that even serve relevance to this game. Sure there will be rivalries, and some of us may dislike each other. But all of us should at least RESPECT each other... Even enemies, can respect each other amongst another.
@Kaostar - Hey, Kaos, you have to remember man, EVERYONE, everyone is entitled to an opinion.. Each and everyone one of us, is given this right.. Whether you believe this/that... or whether SDC believes what he believes, it is indeed an opinion. I understand you're trying to vouch for Mewtwo.. and us Mewtwo players I assure you, we appreciate it, but everyone has their own right to an opinion..whether who's Mewtwo is better amongst you two, or who knows more knowledge about the character, it serves absolutely no relevance in the arguments that you're both making. No matter what you can possibly say, can nor will change SDC's thoughts.. his thoughts are HIS thoughts/opinions... and who are you to change them? You as well remember you have your own thoughts opinions, just like the 800+ of all of us. If me/Taj, Axe anyone says anything, none of us could probably change his view on things, because they are his opinion(s) and that's ok. We're all entitled to this option... What Taj and Iori have done are awesome, we can only hope they keep bringing the awesome! ^^
@SDC - like kaos, we all have an opinion, and to me it just sounds as if Kaos is trying to prove to you that M2, isn't as bad as you portray it..I admit, some of your posts you portray it as "Oh I couldn't do it so therefore M2 is bad so the only way I can win is by going high/top tier" which may have triggered why Kaos is trying to convince you so badly... Just try to pick a better set of words that fit in better with what you are trying to explain... It's ok to have an opinion and even to state it.. but don't attempt to try and change people's minds whose minds are already set... AZ is a perfect example...Axe, myself, Taj, we ENJOY playing the characters we play..and to me that's the MOST important thing about playing a video game..Whether we lose/win all day as long as the "player" is having a good time to me it's all that should matter. The fun/enjoyment that it brings..Serves no purpose to get frustrated because then no fun is being had anyway. If you wanna say Taj, me, Axe will never get anywhere with our character(s) that's fine.. it's your opinion... yes we'll object a few times to prove you wrong and even try to prove you wrong (Axe recently proved you wrong on something that you had stated about him).. but it's merely a defense mechanism to defend what we believe in.. not to question your intelligence..
Overall, I will state what myself/Axe/Taj have stated many times before... I honestly don't believe that any character is rendered "bad" more accurately, would be weaknesses, overlaying their strengths... Yoshi unable to jump OOS, Pikachu's small shield, Mewtwo's lack of priority.. I could go on and on.. but every character does have strengths..along with weaknesses.. the rest comes down to the player to discover these, and develop a way to find these things viable...It's obviously not easy, it's most definetely not fun either, and at times it's frustrating but it's the only way we can discover ways to cover our chars weaknesses.. and some of us... want to use the characters we have fun with... Most players today, in a declining game such as this, want to get known/noticed, before they don't have that chance anymore..and that's fine so the idea of lower tiered characters, people take a gander and laugh.. which is fine..many of us (myself included "(2005) didn't want to dedicate the time/work to a lower tiered character.. specially if you can just choose someone that has more advantages etc..
Any character is viable..(some obviously tougher than others) anyone has the potential to discover and push a character's metagame further... right now it's the amount of players that don't want to take the time/effort to do such things... and that's understandable..(losing isn't always enjoyable)

but the results from the training can become splendid.
Note: these things stated above are indeed also my opinion.. So i've not intention to rub anyone the wrong way.. Im just trying to keep it friendly and enjoy the community with you guys. <3 Kaos+SDC <3
Thanks you all: I <3 you all ^^