i really want to discuss ice climbers right now because of the way they affect the tier list. they have a very enigmatic presence in tournaments because the matchup is so awkward to play for most characters, but if someone knows the matchup and really executes it well, it becomes EXTREMELY difficult because ic's can be shut down with a strong offense.
peach is anything from 49:51 ot 1:99. it's just a bad matchup so i'll just leave it off right now. i want to keep in mind NAGACE's friend's claim of ic's being top tier w/o peach.
fox - slight fox. stupid strats like full jump, shine, double jump cancel. or running shine make it hard for ic's to react to stuff. there are very many intricacies and different ways to explain this matchup, but when a friend asked me "why does fox beat ic's," it all boiled down to this: fox has the speed advantage
falco - even. very dynamic matchups, especially with all of ic's anti-laser tricks. very stage specific and falco needs good spacing and also the courage and execution to approach ic's without being punished
sheik - shoutouts to ic's for being sheik's worst matchup and hardest counter. this matchup is just soooo bad for her. basically sheik has to try to run away and needle, and then shield pressure with fair->jab which is pretty good anti-shield stuff. but other than that, ic's find it quite easy to grab her and KO
marth - even. reminds me of ryu vs dhalsim in street fighter. very medium-paced match with many exciting moments, but basically both characters have to respect each other's spacing tools until either one gets in and gains momentum. also a very dynamic matchup where strategies on both sides have to constantly adapt mid-match because there are counter strategies to everything. marth lacks the speed to overpower ic's like fox can
falcon - i can honestly call this a 60:60 matchup. like, i'd call it even, but both characters **** each other SO HARD that it's basically about getting that first hit. ic's main goal is obviously a grab, and since falcon has no projectiles, he basically has to use his body as a projectile and make every attack on ic's shield safe, and force them into bad positions.
i'd say it's in falcon's favor (50:60) if falcon can CONSISTENTLY get out of the dthrow-reverse dair cg, which is pretty much infinite if the falcon doesn't SDI properly and guess the right direction. however as usual, ic's have many grab mixups that will kill falcon anyway, but being able to escape the dair cg is a HUGE asset for falcon.
(IMO Hax is so amazing at this matchup that he makes me think it's slight falcon. but still, **** or be *****.)
puff - another character that, IMO, ic's hard counters. fly generally doesn't go along with me in this regard, or at least not to my extent, but i believe ic's win the matchup 70:30. they can zone out puff's bairs by hiding popo behind nana's blizzard. popo can choose uair if she goes over, wd forward and usmash/fsmash/grab depending on her di if she gets hit by the blizzard, or just wd forward and shield and then react to what she does. in the super close range (like that awkward range where both players shield in front of each other) ic's win by spamming dairs because they have frame advantage over puff's stuff and they combo into each other without letting puff throw out any aerials. they are also one of the few characters that can punish puff's "spaced" short hop bair out of shield. basically i've discovered that ic's ground keepaway game is SO strong that puff has no way to approach besides trying to get in from above, or getting behind them, in which case they can roll/wd away to the other side of the stage and begin keepaway again.
secret technology for puff players against ic's: if the ic is relying a little TOO much on blizzard, you can use that secret level 9 cpu tactic and SDI all the hits of the blizzard toward nana and hit one of the ic's.
doc / samus / luigi / ganon: i feel i don't have enough info on these matchups to make any definite claims. so i will just call them even for now.
hm.. so maybe they're not TOP tier. but they are an awkward but definite threat for any player who has a strong ic in their region. the main reason i want to bring focus to them as a very high potential contender on the tier list is because 1.) they really CAN beat every character but peach 2.) i want more people to play ic's.
just remember though. ic's vs peach is 1:99