I'm talking in general, for the people that keep using this excuse.
Then it it should never be brought up at all. Yet people do it when something such as the event at apex happens. They never bring it up to the other side (the character that people claim suck and don't matter at high levels)
I have a good example for you. Peach plays an top MK. All this MK does is short hop dair 2 to 3 times to nado. That's it, this was his only means to get her in the air of off stage for cheap kills. This is all he knows in that match up. If the Peach player was to lose, I assure you people would think Meta play the match up correctly and so did peach. There was nothing Peach could do about it. The player did the best he could. And he was suppose to lose.
Here is where I call BS. If Meta Short hops dairs, Peach can go in and full hop dair, hitting him out of it. If the Peach sucks at it and does not wanna risk it, The player can wait for a nado approach and Fsmash him. Which is Peach best and safe option. If Peach ever gets caught in the move, she is one of the better characters in the game that pops out like 80% of the time and can get a free nair. So this would mean that If Meta tornados peach, he puts himself in a bad position 80% of the time with tornado. For it leads to a free hit. Tornado would cause me about 4 % -10%. While he takes 13% from a nair out of his nado. And this is SERIOUSLY not hard to do at all.
Now meta can't really nado Peach or short hop dair for free. he does not know what else too do. He is now aware of being punished by this and Peach does not have to worry about is as much, giving more of a chance to get in and beat the hell out of the fool. Meta would just depend on luck to win now. Just doing stuff and hope it works. Knowledge > luck.
See what I mean now? if Peach would have lost, people think MK was playing the match up right and nothing peach could have done about it. Which is a lie. People will always look at the best options of winning and make an excuse for their loses. But they would never look at the characters that don't matter so much in peoples eyes and think suck. This is how we improve metagames? This is how we work together to make the game more fun and balanced? This is how we learn our options?
This is why people lose to the same thing all the time instead of taking a hint then maybe there was something about the enemy you did not know about before. Something new and discovered that is getting you good and actually legit in the match up. It's always cause match up was played bad since you been winning like this for a long time. Give credit to thus players that actually get butts handed to them to take the time to try new things and be creative. Not relay on the same typical play all the time and hopes it works. Again, look at how long it took people to actually put down snake.
And you wanna know how my post holds more meaning then anything? How many times do I have to fair your shield and jab you to let you know you can not attack or grab after the fair. If I fair and Jab you can not punish that in between unless you are Marth You have to block or evade. This is 2013, and people (even top players) still try to attack/grab
me out of shield after fair to jab. People depend that I mess up the spacing to get a grab that not even worth it. Cause most of the time, you are gonna get slapped. If you get a hit in, its cause I messed up. And that's what people hope fore alot. Dumb luck and never take a hint.