Supermodel From Paris
Smash Hero
Uhh it is definitely not -2. -1 is a fine ratio for it. Tilt pressure is hard to deal with once it starts but it's also not a given. ZSS can keep MK out on the ground for a while and has amazing reset potential. She can basically say "I don't like where this is going" and leave at almost any time, which is what makes the match-up doable.It's -2 for those reasons. Compare to MK's actual -1 match-ups.
Also isn't it funny that M2K didn't use any tilts, he just spammed tornado and shuttle loop with the occasional aerial?
Don't get me wrong, ZSS is good and should be considerably higher on the tier list, but this won't even come close to happening again.
The reason M2K used a lot of nado and SL is because in his past dealings with ZSS players it worked, but Salem is different. That stuff doesn't work against him and he learned that. Next time it might go differently, but don't forget that M2K and Salem have played before in tournament and apparently train together.
Also, "ok, but this won't happen again?" Really? I mean, DEHF won Apex 2010 and hasn't won a big national or anything since, but no one said "this won't happen again" when he won. There is definitely a weird anti-ZSS bias running through the community, like, even when she does well (read: usually she does at least pretty well) it isn't good enough. I mean, Marth hasn't won a tournament like Apex, nor has Pikachu, etc. But if they did no one would bat an eye.
ZSS has a bad grab, sure. This means she suffers a bit when it comes to close range pressure and dealing with very defensive players. But it is more than made up for with her superior, ridiculous even, mobility and damage output. ZSS has damage output and kill-power comparable to Snake's, punishes second only to Ice Climbers, and mobility comparable to Sonic or Fox, if not better overall. Mobility is classically one of the hardest things to theorycraft because situations it is useful in aren't measurable in, like, frame data.
And the better blonde award goes to...Are you actually being serious with this? Not only were there players who werent American, Apex was also full of top level players. ZSS is not a very rare character, without any doubt most players have some knowledge about fighting her. ZSS has always existed, so where is this discredit coming from?
I must admit I cant believe this blond skank actually won an international, but I hope things like "ZSS is nothing but a gimmick character" wont be said again, theres just no way a 'gimmick character' could win an (inter)national in a metagame that is 4,5 years old.
Kudos to Salem, this is a very admirable accomplishment.