Warios use Skype pretty often. Last time I used it was me, DMG, Masky, and Dyno. I usually just use it to talk with Limit. XD
Inogoro, there's three PTs in CA alone! PokemonMasterIRL, typh (inactive but still really good), and MaTa. In Texas we have Magik (still good but doesn't go PT often now) and TheNamelessWanderer (never goes to anything despite living in AUSTIN, but from what I've heard he's gotten a lot better since WHOBO 2). Steeler's in KS, and Coontail is in NY. Aposl's EC, but I don't remember what state he's in exactly. I don't play PT anymore, but I still know how he works. Trela also uses him in MT.
That's all the US PTs I can think of off the top of my head.