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Official BBR Tier List v5

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Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
There are a few things that make Marth very difficult to play in high levels of competition:

1) Extremely Unforgiving Error Margin
2) High MU Knowledge Requirement
3) Why wouldn't you pick MK?
Allow me to point out something I've done multiple times in this thread

Lets look at say... ganondorf.

1) Extremely Unforgiving Error Margin
2) High MU Knowledge Requirement
3) Why wouldn't you pick MK?

Wow this applies to him more so than every single character in the game

Then we could look at say... wolf. and youd say that he represents almost the mid-point between the extremes of these traits (where obviously Metaknight represents the other end)

Its so simple. those traits are synonomous with being a bad character. there is no top or high tier character which suffers from them and these is no low tier character which doesnt. You just complete exaggerate marths weakness', as if his natural 'high tier' character design or something, negates those low tier qualities. if Marth REALLY had those problems, holding him down as a character, more so than anyone else in his tier, he would actually be a low tier character. Fact is majority of the cast WISH they had this error margin on many things and his ability to play the same, safe playstyle in almost every MU.

Yes I acknowledge marth is hard to play at high levels. but I believe you cant be hard to play at high levels without being hard to WIN with at high levels. I mean, what sort of character is hard to play, but easy to win with? Again, apply this to low tier characters. They are very hard to win with at high levels. So why cant I say that like, Luigi is hard to win with, therefore implying he is hard to play at high level. Or I could simply say, Luigi has mid-tier qualities. Its the same thing. If you are hard to play as, you have a hard time winning, which makes you a mediocre character. Either marth is considerably worse than where he currently is, or he is no where near as hard to play as you think he is.

IMO of course...


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Allow me to point out something I've done multiple times in this thread

Lets look at say... ganondorf.

1) Extremely Unforgiving Error Margin
2) High MU Knowledge Requirement
3) Why wouldn't you pick MK?

Wow this applies to him more so than every single character in the game

Then we could look at say... wolf. and youd say that he represents almost the mid-point between the extremes of these traits (where obviously Metaknight represents the other end)

Its so simple. those traits are synonomous with being a bad character. there is no top or high tier character which suffers from them and these is no low tier character which doesnt. You just complete exaggerate marths weakness', as if his natural 'high tier' character design or something, negates those low tier qualities. if Marth REALLY had those problems, holding him down as a character, more so than anyone else in his tier, he would actually be a low tier character. Fact is majority of the cast WISH they had this error margin on many things and his ability to play the same, safe playstyle in almost every MU.

Yes I acknowledge marth is hard to play at high levels. but I believe you cant be hard to play at high levels without being hard to WIN with at high levels. I mean, what sort of character is hard to play, but easy to win with? Again, apply this to low tier characters. They are very hard to win with at high levels. So why cant I say that like, Luigi is hard to win with, therefore implying he is hard to play at high level. Or I could simply say, Luigi has mid-tier qualities. Its the same thing. If you are hard to play as, you have a hard time winning, which makes you a mediocre character. Either marth is considerably worse than where he currently is, or he is no where near as hard to play as you think he is.

IMO of course...
You've misinterpreted basically everything I said.

To address point 3, you countered with Ganon. I'm not talking about picking MK instead of Marth just because he's better. Obviously that applies to every character in this game.

I was addressing the fact that he is better and has A VERY SIMILAR PLAYSTYLE. That's the important part. Most players are good with one, maybe two "archetypes" of character design, and that's the type of character they prefer to play.

Because MK is within the same archetype in virtually every aspect (airspeed being the main difference, as I said), the transition from Marth to MK is significantly easier than say, Marth to Diddy, or Marth to Falco, because they all play quite differently. It's not just the simple matter of moving up the tier list.

To address point 1, I refer specifically to an article written by Havoc back in '09, and while slightly outdated in terms of specific content (like Marth being mid tier), the general concept still applies.

This is what I'm talking about, from the Hot/Cold Marth Theory:

Havok said:
So how does Marth win in the first place?

By playing flawless.

Have you ever noticed either you’re completely overwhelming a perso,n literally beaten to a pulp or you’re the one being decimated? That’s because Marth has no error margin. Marth doesn’t have the luxury to get hit off the stage often because of his mediocre recovery. Marth can’t afford to get hit very much because his momentum cancel leaves him without a jump, opening him to more gimpy action. However, when played to a point of near perfection as far as Brawl is concerned, Marth is a Beast. By spacing well, not getting grabbed, reading people, being patient, knowing when to attack and when to hold back, DI correctly, use your kill moves correctly, pressuring when appropriate, applying a mixup game, and knowing your matchups, the game suddenly leans heavily in your favor. Not many characters can do much to a Marth that actually practices what he preaches using the range, invincibility frames, etc. Not even Meta Knight. Why is Marth so Hot/Cold?

Because Marth is an emotional character.

Let me explain.

I’ve spent countless hours playing with Marth and I’ve come to the conclusion that in order for you to transfer everything your skill has to offer you need to be completely in sync with the game. You need to be “in the zone”, “owning”, “pumped up”, whatever, in order to get passed those last few rounds to reach finals of a tournament, whether it’s a local or in a regional. You absolutely need it. Notice how your Marth does on those days you just don’t feel like playing. It does terrible. Notice how your Marth does after a dissapointing loss that sends you to losers bracket. Terrible. Notice how your Marth does after when he 3 stocks you or you SD. Terrible.

My point is:

Control your emotions. Think. Put aside anything that’s happening at the moment. I believe he’s the only character that suffers Severely from Hot/Cold.

Of course there are exceptions, those people who can just “Do it”, either that or they’re impervious to feelings. I know this sounds weird since it doesn’t have anything to do that’s integrated in Brawl, but it applies to the psychological aspect of the game, like mind/mixup games.

It winds down to the reason why Marth has been shifting away from the higher tier, it all depends on how the actual player uses the character at the moment, Marth can wind up from being as good if not better than MK (well at least pretty **** close), Falco, and Snake or as iffy as Zelda or Lucas.

** Believe me, I know this may or may not apply to the entire game as well but I think so, more so to Marth in Brawl.
And finally, to point 2, you again missed my point. Obviously Ganon has to worry about 99 matchups because he loses to EVERYONE. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the number of matchups with VIABLE, common characters that you've likely to run into in bracket.

A character with many heavily advantaged matchups and several bad matchups (hypothetically, in this case, since no such character exists) has to worry about only his bad matchups, because his extremely good matchups (regardless of how common they are) do not require much thought.

On the other side of that coin, a character like Marth has only a few disadvantages, but almost ALL of A, B, and even some of C tier are within +1/-1 with Marth. That effectively means he has to worry about ALL of those matchups, because if he encounters one he has no idea how to play, he can't just auto-pilot.

This is why I mentioned that Marths seem to lose not to MK (because we HAVE to learn that match-up), but rather to more uncommon threats to us, because many of them require very SPECIFIC playstyles, like fighting against ZSS or DK.


Smash Hero
May 15, 2006
I'm pretty sure everybody has a specific playstyle for ZSS

On another note Yoshi is the most popular character in my low +bottom of mid project by a sizeable margin. What's up with that?


ᗣᗣᗣᗣ ᗧ·····•·····
Sep 4, 2006
I'm pretty sure everybody has a specific playstyle for ZSS

On another note Yoshi is the most popular character in my low +bottom of mid project by a sizeable margin. What's up with that?

because people know he's better than other low tiers by a sizable margin


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
How high to people feel Yoshi should rise?

Should anyone drop INTO low tier?


ᗣᗣᗣᗣ ᗧ·····•·····
Sep 4, 2006
above sheik imo.

lucas shouldn't be low tier either imo


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
Lucas? eh, I could see him being top of low tier, right above where Falcon should be.

Falcon should be above Bowser and Mario imo. His mobility and power are far more impressive and so are his recovery and general survivability.


Feb 6, 2009
you can't put lucas into mid tier without putting someone else into low tier ... and nobody in mid tier deserves a drop that far.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
Thats not true at all.

You don't HAVE to have a certain amount of characters in low tier.

The tiers are seperated by the gaps in the quality of each character, not the amount of characters in each tier.


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
what raziek posted about hot cold is pretty much a universal thing.

It applies to Lucario a lot since basically everything he does is off of reads. at least marth has solid safe options lmao.

and yeah I'm pretty sure most of the cast wishes they had some of the fast, solid range marth has everywhere, and frame 1 invincible kill move to mow through any pressure


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
I cant accept your implication that without metaknight, marth would be a better character.

If all the people who used MK, switched to marth instead because he played similarly, marth would still be the exact same character programmed onto the disk in February 2008, and hed still have the same limitations that even those who have mained him since day 1, to this day STILL cant get over.

Havoks reasoning I can accept, but leave metaknight out of this completely. I dont care if marth goes even or loses 30:70 to MK, or if MK is a marth clone with a different set of specials, its completely irrelevant. However as before, I'll completely disagree on the comment about no error margin since it is a complete exaggeration. If marth has no error margin, then about 36 or so characters in the game have a negative error margin. Marths error margin is actually quite large imo, however it is heavily skewed by his bad character traits which affect him when he does fall outside of that margin.

Being a light weight with a mediocre recovery and laggy kill moves isnt JUST an error for margin, its also the traits of a mediocre, limited character.

Like compare marths laggy, heavy punishable kill moves to someone like DK. They both will get hit hard if they miss these attacks, except DK can do it twice as many times and not die. That is a completely separate trait and you cant combine his low weight (bad trait) with his error margin (laggy kill moves) as an excuse to say that his low weight is a factor in his error margin, thus a potential fix if a very good player is using him. Its just so inaccurate :/ No amount of skill and precision is going to make marth live longer, the same way no amount of skill will increase sonics margin for error and make his fsmash hit very often etc.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
No amount of skill and precision is going to make marth live longer, the same way no amount of skill will increase sonics margin for error and make his fsmash hit very often etc.
precision = better spacing = you get hit less. especially with a lot of kill moves having limited range or application, you can live longer by zoning properly(for instance I'm sure everyone notices that most MK players are not dying at 100% when they theoretically could be killed, same concept). skill is directly related to how long a character like marth lives

I do think the "MK just holds marth back" argument is wrong though, marth has more difficult MU's than characters like diddy, falco, olimar, and IC's period. he's always going to be that "pretty good" character that just lacks the definitive brokenness that the actually relevant characters possess


Feb 6, 2009
Thats not true at all.

You don't HAVE to have a certain amount of characters in low tier.

The tiers are seperated by the gaps in the quality of each character, not the amount of characters in each tier.
At some point we have to draw the line.
soon we're going to have everyone in mid tier and then ganon in bottom tier.
if the gaps get smaller we just have to make the difference in tiers keeping in mind equally smaller gaps.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
makes sense IMO, the game basically has 3 character groups in my mind

(no particular order)

broken: MK, diddy, falco, ice climbers, olimar, maybe pikachu
mid tier: everyone else
bottom tier: falcon, samus, jigglypuff, link, zelda, ganon


Smash Hero
May 15, 2006
I can see Low tier being reduced to 8 characters. People should probably start hosting "bottom half" tournaments instead of mid/low tiers.


Feb 6, 2009
brawl isn't that balanced lol.
sure it's not as bad as some people say but it's definitely not that good either.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
brawl isn't that balanced lol.
sure it's not as bad as some people say but it's definitely not that good either.
when did I say it was balanced?

I basically just said that if you want to maximize your potential, your character select screen has six characters on it.


ᗣᗣᗣᗣ ᗧ·····•·····
Sep 4, 2006
At some point we have to draw the line.
soon we're going to have everyone in mid tier and then ganon in bottom tier.
if the gaps get smaller we just have to make the difference in tiers keeping in mind equally smaller gaps.
its pretty much undebated that bowser, mario, samus, falcon, jiggs, link, zelda, and ganon are low tier because they perform so poorly compared to everyone else including theory craft.


Feb 6, 2009
when did I say it was balanced?

I basically just said that if you want to win, your character select screen has six characters on it.
having only 3 tiers implies a fairly reasonable balance, though.
basically you're saying there's only 2 large gaps of viability between the characters, which isn't true at all imo.

but i agree that there's only a few truly viable characters.


Feb 6, 2009
its pretty much undebated that bowser, mario, samus, falcon, jiggs, link, zelda, and ganon are low tier because they perform so poorly compared to everyone else including theory craft.
samus' results aren't that bad though, are they?

Has there ever been a greatly balanced metagame? Pokemon is the only one I can think of.
This ... doesn't really have anything to do with what i'm saying.


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
if you really want to you could drag Dtier into low tier or something. Or just have more mid tier tournies.

and there's a very clear line between mid and high IMO. and it's ZSS/Lucario/G&W. I kinda see them on their own tier in between mid and high lol.

but low tier is really hard. if you want true low tiers you get like 8 characters...

but mid tiers can be really competetive IMO (as long as D3 doesn't drop to mid tier)


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
I can see Low tier being reduced to 8 characters. People should probably start hosting "bottom half" tournaments instead of mid/low tiers.
OR people could do MK banned tournaments?

Or maybe just mid tier tournaments? Who cares if low tier still loses to mid tier, its not nearly as bad as what happens against high tiers. Low tier isn't remotely balanced anyway. Bottom tier is still alot worse than the upper low tiers.


Smash Lord
Jan 26, 2010
Puerto Rico
Another opinion (in my opinion it's way more accurate than the other ones i've done

S: :metaknight:/:diddy:

A: :snake: :falco: :marth: :olimar:
B: :popo: :wario: :lucario: :dedede: :pikachu2: :gw: :zerosuitsamus: :fox:

C: :kirby2:/:toonlink: :rob: :dk2: :pit:
D: :luigi2: :peach: :sheilda: :sheik: :sonic: :ike:
E: :ness2: :pt: :yoshi2:

F: :mario2: :lucas: :samus2: :link2: :falcon: :bowser2: :jigglypuff: :zelda:
G: :ganondorf:


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I cant accept your implication that without metaknight, marth would be a better character.

If all the people who used MK, switched to marth instead because he played similarly, marth would still be the exact same character programmed onto the disk in February 2008, and hed still have the same limitations that even those who have mained him since day 1, to this day STILL cant get over.

Havoks reasoning I can accept, but leave metaknight out of this completely. I dont care if marth goes even or loses 30:70 to MK, or if MK is a marth clone with a different set of specials, its completely irrelevant. However as before, I'll completely disagree on the comment about no error margin since it is a complete exaggeration. If marth has no error margin, then about 36 or so characters in the game have a negative error margin. Marths error margin is actually quite large imo, however it is heavily skewed by his bad character traits which affect him when he does fall outside of that margin.

Being a light weight with a mediocre recovery and laggy kill moves isnt JUST an error for margin, its also the traits of a mediocre, limited character.

Like compare marths laggy, heavy punishable kill moves to someone like DK. They both will get hit hard if they miss these attacks, except DK can do it twice as many times and not die. That is a completely separate trait and you cant combine his low weight (bad trait) with his error margin (laggy kill moves) as an excuse to say that his low weight is a factor in his error margin, thus a potential fix if a very good player is using him. Its just so inaccurate :/ No amount of skill and precision is going to make marth live longer, the same way no amount of skill will increase sonics margin for error and make his fsmash hit very often etc.
I swear to god, Browny. Stop strawmanning EVERYTHING I say. Not once did I imply Marth would be a better character if MK didn't exist. You even defeated your own argument for me in your second paragraph! Marth would not change at all as a character.

However, the amount of SKILLED PLAYERS invested in him WOULD change! If MK did NOT exist, more people would play Marth, because he's MK Lite. This doesn't make him a better character, but it WOULD give him better results, which would probably boost his position on the tier list.

As an aside, lack of MK would also give rise to many of his harder matchups, so his net gain would be very slight, pending possible drops of Falco and Snake, due to their slightly inflated presence due to strong matchups with MK.

Futhermore, you're HEAVILY overestimating Marth's weaknesses. You make it sound like he's dying at like 120 regularly. If you're playing properly and not getting hit by anything that will seriously **** you, I easily get to 180 or more every stock.

Marth also doesn't NEED to rely on his laggy kill moves. (smashes, I'll assume you mean) They're one in a set of three main things Marth uses to kill.

1) Tipped aerials (Virtually everything but Dair)
2) Guaranteed kills on punish from D-Smash, F-Smash, Dolphin Slash.
3) Dancing Blade keeping everything in 1 & 2 fresh.

Marth doesn't just throw out random smashes unless the person playing him is garbage. He's perfectly capable of simply relying on punishes to kill, and if you DO happen to kill someone with tipper nair at like 100, even better!

On his recovery: It's isn't that awful, though it's certainly his weakest point. We're not talking about Link here, we're talking about one of the best vertical recoveries that isn't a flight mode or ZSS's tether.

With correct DI, management of your double jump, use of dancing blade for the height boost, and proper timing, Marth really only needs worry about being forced into a position where edgehog is inevitable, or being sent directly horizontally. (And of course, fearing characters like MK who can chase him offstage)

Have you actually seen how generous the game is with the distance and ledge-snap on Dolphin Slash? Watch this video, which happens to be amusing in that I almost got *****, so I'm sure you'll love it. :awesome:


Some Marths may over-rate the character, but you're heavily over-emphasizing his minor weaknesses.
precision = better spacing = you get hit less. especially with a lot of kill moves having limited range or application, you can live longer by zoning properly(for instance I'm sure everyone notices that most MK players are not dying at 100% when they theoretically could be killed, same concept). skill is directly related to how long a character like marth lives

I do think the "MK just holds marth back" argument is wrong though, marth has more difficult MU's than characters like diddy, falco, olimar, and IC's period. he's always going to be that "pretty good" character that just lacks the definitive brokenness that the actually relevant characters possess
Actually yeah, that works. I just hadn't thought of him at the time. :awesome:


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2009
Baltimore, MD
precision = better spacing = you get hit less. especially with a lot of kill moves having limited range or application, you can live longer by zoning properly(for instance I'm sure everyone notices that most MK players are not dying at 100% when they theoretically could be killed, same concept). skill is directly related to how long a character like marth lives

I do think the "MK just holds marth back" argument is wrong though, marth has more difficult MU's than characters like diddy, falco, olimar, and IC's period. he's always going to be that "pretty good" character that just lacks the definitive brokenness that the actually relevant characters possess
The second paragraph is fine.

The first paragraph isn't even Marth-exclusive. Thanks for explaining every character in the game dude.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2010
OR people could do MK banned tournaments?
A-tier and below tourneys da bess :troll:

Anyway imo there needs to be a tier between the current D and E tiers which is basically comprised of Ness, PT, Yoshi and Lucas. (they're all low tiers imo just better than the other low tiers)


Smash Lord
Oct 10, 2007
Btw although I quoted raziek Im curious of anyones opinion on oli/pika given their success against the three above them.
I'd disagree somewhat that they've been outperforming the other three. What other Pikachus are getting high placings besides ESAM? What other Olimars besides RB (and maybe Dabuz?)? In before I get shot by people who rage at me because I forgot someone.

Yes, you can say the same thing for Marth, I suppose. (Who besides Mike, really? xD) In that regard, I think arguing it based solely on placement is a bit of a moot point, because there's no distinct winner in my eyes.
At high levels I don't think thats true. imo Olimar and Pikachu have made a strong case for having more tangible success than the three above them.

Pikachu hasnt had multiple champions at one time, however he has had very consistent success since Brawls release, with three different players (anther, ESAM, PikPik) having such success at the national level.

Olimars would include Rich, PS and Brood as having had success at US nationals (I dont include Dabuz since I dont know if he ever entered a national, though I doubt many would disagree he's on their level).

Although it's not huge gap, I do think there is a solid distinction between the success of olimar and pikachu vs Wario, Marth, and Ice Climbers.
As for a straight argument against Pika and Oli being above those 3, my argument would be an appeal to the criteria for our tier list itself. It's not a Tournament Rankings list, nor strictly a match-up chart. It's a combination of the two.

Not speaking for Wario and ICs, I would personally justify Marth's placement based on his tournament success being slightly higher than Oli and Pika (monetarily), while having a more concrete MU spread.
I have two issue with how tournament success here is judged.

1. If we're going to base it off monetary success, percentage used needs to be taken into account. ex. In some make believe perfect gaming world, if you had two characters A and B played in equal amounts at the same level everywhere each winning 50% of all money; if we saw the amount of character A's doubled then we'd also see their winnings improve to 66% while character B falls to 33%. However you are equally likely to win money picking either character A or B. Taking that into account, the best stat to use to measure monetary success would be (% of each dollar won / % used).

2. I don't find monetary success to be helpful for much more then what it directly measures: the best characters to choose if you want to win money in some random region. To look beyond that into the quality of a characters based on tournament success, it's more or less essential to look into the quality of their victories. Otherwise based on (% of each dollar won / % used) you see Ice Climbers as third best character, and Falco/Marth as worse than DDD.

Regarding MUs, A tier + oli and pika all have pretty similar MU spreads. Can you elaborate a little more on what you mean on this point?


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
The second paragraph is fine.

The first paragraph isn't even Marth-exclusive. Thanks for explaining every character in the game dude.
staying in a safe area is a universal concept, but different characters use different means to achieve that goal

for instance fox might use his excellent walk to stay out of your range, where GAW might grab the ledge 50+ times a game. one requires finer control and more acute observations than the other


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
At high levels I don't think thats true. imo Olimar and Pikachu have made a strong case for having more tangible success than the three above them.

Pikachu hasnt had multiple champions at one time, however he has had very consistent success since Brawls release, with three different players (anther, ESAM, PikPik) having such success at the national level.
Consistency in "level of amazingness" isn't that important in a character's placement on the tier list, unless nothing has changed in their metagame. The tier list is supposed to be a representation of the CURRENT metagame. Thus, having multiple players being successful IS important. Anther wrecking people in '08 doesn't mean anything to a 2011 tier list.

Right now both Marth and Pikachu really only have one champion each. I'll grant that Pikachu's has performed better than Marth's at nationals, but they're both difficult to draw a specific line on due to only having one major player right now.
Olimars would include Rich, PS and Brood as having had success at US nationals (I dont include Dabuz since I dont know if he ever entered a national, though I doubt many would disagree he's on their level).

Although it's not huge gap, I do think there is a solid distinction between the success of olimar and pikachu vs Wario, Marth, and Ice Climbers.
Olimar is more reasonable to argue for here, I agree. PS is.... Pyronic Star? I haven't heard anything from him lately. Brood's also a rather isolated incident. If some of the European Marths came over and bodied some people, would we all **** our pants? Maybe, but that's not something we can stake a huge claim on.

Further issue lies in how you would have to re-arrange that tier. You'd have to make a case for them to pass ALL three of those characters, and I'd find that quite difficult to justify, personally.

I have two issue with how tournament success here is judged.

1. If we're going to base it off monetary success, percentage used needs to be taken into account. ex. In some make believe perfect gaming world, if you had two characters A and B played in equal amounts at the same level everywhere each winning 50% of all money; if we saw the amount of character A's doubled then we'd also see their winnings improve to 66% while character B falls to 33%. However you are equally likely to win money picking either character A or B. Taking that into account, the best stat to use to measure monetary success would be (% of each dollar won / % used).

2. I don't find monetary success to be helpful for much more then what it directly measures: the best characters to choose if you want to win money in some random region. To look beyond that into the quality of a characters based on tournament success, it's more or less essential to look into the quality of their victories. Otherwise based on (% of each dollar won / % used) you see Ice Climbers as third best character, and Falco/Marth as worse than DDD.
I agree with both of these issues with the ranking system, but that's not exactly something I have a lot of control over.

Regarding MUs, A tier + oli and pika all have pretty similar MU spreads. Can you elaborate a little more on what you mean on this point?
Sure thing. This is most easily displayed by simply looking at their match-ups, and how common those characters are.

0: :diddy: :falco: :pikachu2:
1: :snake: :wario: :marth: :popo: :olimar: :zerosuitsamus: :fox: :wolf:
2: :dedede: :gw: :lucario: :toonlink: :kirby2: :pit: :peach: :dk2: :sheilda: :sonic: :sheik: :ness2: :yoshi2: :lucas: :mario2:
3: :rob: :luigi2: :ike: :pt: :bowser2: :falcon: :samus2: :jigglypuff: :link2:
4: :zelda: :ganondorf:

MK is extremely self explanatory. He goes even with 3 characters tops, is +1 with most of the other viable characters, and +2 or worse on everyone else. I personally don't see Pikachu being even with MK, either, but ESAM is the metagame, so it's all we have to work with. It's not like Snake or Falco, where we can point out the clear outliers (Ally and DEHF) through comparison to their contemporaries. No other Pikachu is on ESAM's levels, so it's difficult to argue.

-1: :metaknight: :marth: :olimar: :pikachu2: :dedede:
0: :falco: :wario: :fox:
1: :diddy: :popo: :zerosuitsamus: :toonlink: :rob: :pit: :dk2: :wolf: :sheilda: :sonic: :ike: :sheik: :yoshi2:
2: :gw: :lucario: :kirby2: :peach: :luigi2: :ness2: :pt: :mario2: :bowser2: :falcon: :samus2: :link2:
3: :lucas: :jigglypuff: :zelda: :ganondorf:
Snake is actually a really interesting case. On paper, his matchup spread is actually a bit worse than Marth's, but he sees much better results, justifying his spot.

His only Bad matchups are to MK (a difficulty virtually everyone faces), two uncommon characters (Olimar and Pikachu), Dedede and Marth. To my knowledge, many Snakes carry pocket MKs for Dedede if they don't like fighting the matchup, and MK also suppresses Marth and Dedede to some extent. (This is part of why I feel like Snake's placement is inflated by MK)

Other than that, his matchups are all in his favor or even.

At this point I realize we were addressing Wario, ICs, and Marth specifically, but this does help me to work out my thought process a little bit, so we'll just skip over Diddy and Falco...

-2: :marth: :peach:
-1: :metaknight: :dedede:
0: :snake: :falco: :popo: :olimar: :gw:
1: :diddy: :pikachu2: :lucario: :zerosuitsamus: :toonlink: :kirby2: :fox: :rob: :luigi2: :sheilda: :sonic: :ike: :sheik: :ness2: :yoshi2: :falcon:
2: :pit: :dk2: :pt: :lucas: :mario2: :samus2: :jigglypuff: :link2: :zelda: :ganondorf:
3: :wolf: :bowser2:
Wario faces a -2 from Marth and Peach. His disadvantage with them hurts him, but these aren't exactly match-ups you'll typically see in tournament play, largely because Wario is uncommon to begin with.

-1 with MK is typical, Dedede doesn't hurt him extremely and is often stage dependent, and after that he's looking at an even with Oli, +1 with Pika, and even or +1 with most viable characters.

-1: :metaknight: :diddy: :dedede:
0: :falco: :popo: :toonlink: :rob: :dk2: :wolf:
1: :snake: :olimar: :pikachu2: :lucario: :zerosuitsamus: :kirby2: :fox: :pit: :peach: :sheilda: :sonic: :ike: :sheik:
2: :wario: :gw: :luigi2: :yoshi2: :bowser2: :falcon: :samus2: :link2:
3: :ness2: :pt: :lucas: :mario2: :jigglypuff: :zelda: :ganondorf:
Marth suffers a little bit more than Wario due to his bad matchups (MK, Diddy, Dedede) being fairly common. However, many of his evens are rather uncommon. (Toon Link, Falco (seriously, who actually reps Falco at nationals besides DEHF?), ROB, DK, and Wolf) They provide him difficulty if he DOES face them, but it's fairly unlikely.

Marth is also +1 on Snake (common) and +1 on both candidates to rise above him (Oli and Pikachu).

-1: :metaknight: :snake: :diddy: :zerosuitsamus: :toonlink: :peach: :yoshi2:
0: :wario: :marth: :pikachu2: :lucario: :rob:
1: :olimar: :pit: :wolf: :sonic: :ike: :lucas:
2: :falco: :gw: :dk2: :luigi2: :sheilda: :ness2: :pt: :mario2: :jigglypuff: :link2: :zelda:
3: :dedede: :kirby2: :fox: :sheik: :falcon: :samus2:
4: :bowser2: :ganondorf:
ICs are another strange case like Snake. Their matchup spread is actually pretty bad for a high tier character, but they see good results in tournament. (IMO, this is largely due to the fact that they REVOLVE around infinites.

-1s with MK, Snake and Diddy hurt them. Their other -1's are uncommon. Even with Pikachu, +1 with Olimar.

-2: :falco:
-1: :metaknight: :marth: :popo: :peach: :luigi2: :wolf:
0: :diddy: :wario: :lucario: :zerosuitsamus: :pit: :ness2: :yoshi2: :mario2:
1: :snake: :toonlink: :fox: :sheilda: :ike: :sheik: :pt:
2: :pikachu2: :dedede: :gw: :kirby2: :rob: :dk2: :sonic: :lucas: :falcon: :link2:
3: :bowser2: :samus2: :jigglypuff:
4: :zelda: :ganondorf:
Olimar's spread isn't super amazing either. -2 with Falco is bad, though uncommon. However, -1 to Marth and ICs, whom he's trying to pass DOES hurt him. Even with Wario and Diddy.

-2: :olimar: :lucario:
-1: :diddy: :wario: :marth: :gw:
0: :metaknight: :popo: :toonlink: :kirby2: :pit: :peach: :ness2:
1: :snake: :zerosuitsamus: :rob: :luigi2: :sheilda: :sonic: :ike: :pt: :yoshi2: :lucas: :mario2:
2: :dedede: :dk2: :bowser2: :samus2: :jigglypuff: :link2: :zelda:
3: :falco: :fox: :wolf: :sheik: :ganondorf:
4: :falcon:
A -2 to Olimar, -1's to Marth, Wario, and Diddy. Even with ICs and MK.

When all is said and done, I ask myself this question: Do Pikachu and Olimar perform better against those ABOVE the characters they're trying to rise above?

Olimar has his -2 to Falco, -1 with Marth and ICs, and even with Wario and Diddy. His performance against MK and Snake is similar to all of those characters, so I don't think that justifies any movement above them.

Pikachu is -2 to Olimar, whom he's competing against, -1 to Marth and Wario, who he's trying to pass, -1 with Diddy, even with MK and ICs, and has the niche hard counter on Falco.

When you look at the big picture, neither Pikachu nor Olimar do better than Wario, Marth or ICs when facing the top 4, and they also BOTH lose to Marth, and either lose or go even with Wario and ICs.

Tl; DR: At best, I think you could justify them passing ICs. Losing to Marth while not performing better against those above him doesn't justify passing him or Wario.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
I swear to god, Browny. Stop strawmanning EVERYTHING I say. Not once did I imply Marth would be a better character if MK didn't exist. You even defeated your own argument for me in your second paragraph! Marth would not change at all as a character.
1) Extremely Unforgiving Error Margin
2) High MU Knowledge Requirement
3) Why wouldn't you pick MK?
I dont think I am. I absolutely do not agree with the first 2 points as to why marths results are lackluster since that is ENTIRELY subjective and you cant possibly prove it in the same way I cant prove the opposite. Find me a character A-tier or lower who doesnt need a lot of MU knowledge or has a large margin for error overall. Seriously.

and then we get to your third point, apparently im strawmanning you because I said that you implied marth would be better without MK. Firstly, let me point out that I never mentioned MK, I dont care how good he is and he has absolutely NO EFFECT on how good marth is or isnt. However you say things like this
The third thing is that there tend to not be many high-level Marth mains because of how similar his character is to MK. MK has almost all of the same pros, except airspeed. He sacrifices airspeed for numerous other benefits that ultimately make him a very similar, but better character. For that reason, you see a lot of Marths switch to, or co-main MK. (Zex, for example) Those that DO tend to stick with him are either very dedicated, or not necessarily high level."
The point we are debating is marths comparatively weak tournament results, and then you post about how his players are using MK instead. Sounds like johns tbh. Its like its perfectly convenient for you that the best character in the game happens to have some similar moves to marth, so as to overshadow him and give you an excuse for marths relatively poor results. Your implications are the exact same as suggesting that jigglypuff would have better results if wario didnt exist, because anyone who wanted to play a character with that style would use wario instead. yes its a rather extreme comparison, but its still the same thing.

However, the amount of SKILLED PLAYERS invested in him WOULD change! If MK did NOT exist, more people would play Marth, because he's MK Lite. This doesn't make him a better character, but it WOULD give him better results, which would probably boost his position on the tier list.
All Im saying is if MK was banned or if MK was low tier, it doesnt make the slightest difference to how good/bad marth is. Marth doesnt have ONE SINGLE TINY BIT of an excuse as to why his results are poor because metaknight exists than any other character. Marth/MK, Sonic/MK, DDD/MK its all the same to me. Especially these days where every second person uses MK. Its unfair that you would be able to suggest that a Lucario main who might switch or co-main MK (Lee is a great example) is indicative of Lucario being a lower tiered character while a Marth main who does the exact same thing is merely doing so because of a similar playstyle, not because marth is a limited character. Honestly, what you said is pure theorycraft. Remember, you cant get a boost on the tier list unless other characters go down, you cant ignore my example.

In short; stop bringing up Metaknight as a reason for marths anything that would show him to not be such a great character. There is nothing MK does to marths tier placement, directly or indirectly, that he doesnt do to every single character to SOME degree and you cant hope to prove otherwise.

inbe4 im strawmanning you again apparently. I dont really care since thats all anyone seems to be able to say to arguments. Its clear as day that you are implying that marth would have better results, thus have a better justification for being A tier if metaknight didnt exist. However that scenario can not occur unless it doesnt happen to any other character, which is a MASSIVE assumption. THAT, is what im calling you out on.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Thanks for complely ignoring the part of my post where I address how you complete overestimate his weaknesses!

Not to mention practically everything else you said is wrong, and is in fact, STILL STRAWMANNING ME.

Yeah, I'm done with you.
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