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Official BBR Matchup Chart v1.0

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Smash Hero
Nov 14, 2010
In the rain.
Would you be willing to wager a million dollars I can't post a video of me juggling so snake (perhaps in training mode) for about 12 hours straight (keep in mind its heavily debatable what defines juggling in this game). You are correct in my first statement but who are you to say whether or not it CAN be done to juggle snake all day.
Well obviously if you created a custom stage with a ceiling (a high one), and gotten a friend who was good at teching, and you were able to run and uair Snake everytime before he hit the ground, then yes you could post the video. But that's if you want to get all technical and say "it CAN be done", and you and I both know that that wasn't what the context when you said that Marth could juggle Snake literally all day.

Fox CAN beat every character by getting them to 400% and then usmash them, therefore he wins every matchup he has. ZOMG WHERE IS TEH FLAW IN MY LOGIC.

Would you like to wager a million dollars that I can't post a video of Fox getting somebody to 400% (or higher) with lasers, then usmashing them and killing them for each stock in a 3 stock match?

If you think Marth beats Snake, fine. I know approximately nothing about the matchup, so I won't disagree as long as you back it up with some sort of sound reasoning. However, if you say something like Marth wins because he can juggle Snake LITERALLY all day (when you and I both know that any juggling at a competitive level would never last longer than 1 minute, and would only happen if it were set up) to back up that claim, then you are one colossal failure and I had every right to call you out on it.

I agree, Marth can juggle Snake. Just not for 24 hours in an 8-minute match. That's all I was trying to get across.


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
Your character is bad, face it.
This is why he's low tier, has no results, and has a horrid MU spread.

Next topic please.
Cuz this definitely has something to do with that I was asking...

I'm not saying he beats G&W, but -3 is incorrect, especially considering who shares that with him (Marth, D3 and MK).


Smash Champion
Jul 27, 2009
In an alternate universe.
LOL. I'd like to see you do that with Fox.

Also Marth:Snake is even or slightly in Marth's favour so long as the Marth is doing it right. Marth ****s snake up the *** hard when he's doing it right.

Maharba the Mystic

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2009
Houston, Texas
@any mario flamers

just because he is usually on the -1 side of most his matchups, that does not make him a bad character. due to the fact that his worst MUs also happen to be the most popular characters (mk, snake, D3, etc) is why you never see him do any better as no1 who wants to use mario has enough resolve to have to deal with those MUs over and over again.

but overall, while he is by no means a great or even average character, if the person playing him is really good at overcoming mario's short comings and working a little harder to do good with the main he has the most fun with then more power to him imo.


Smash Hero
Jul 11, 2007
Edmonton, AB
This isn't '08. G&W can't go "lol bair" anymore and expect it to work. It's annoying for Mario because he normally (or at least how I do it) has to carefully hit him and not over commit. It's not hard to avoid his kill moves either. They're really slow. G&W still beats Mario. Number wise I'd say 6:4 or 65:35 G&W's favor. So I'm guessing by this scale, it would go under -1 or -2 for Mario.

On another note, can someone explain to me the reasoning behind Mario vs. PT?
I'm lost on the whole "What can Mario do to G&W?" question...

Why wouldn't Mario be able to do things to G&W? We get outprioritized? Bucket > Fireballs?

Does that equate to -3?
I didn't say we could go "lol bair." We can't do that vs anyone anymore (although bair is still a fantastic move). What we can do though is "lol throw out moves that outrange and outprioritize you." Honestly this is simlar to the jiggs vs gaw match-up except you have worse kill moves.

What can mario do to get inside of game and watch? Serious question. Fireballs get bucketed, and we can effectively sit in our shield and just nair when we see you get close or upB. The reason this isn't a -4 match-up is because you have good combos/set-ups once you get inside, and your upB is amazing.


Feb 6, 2009
LOL@spelt, you seem to know so much about this game! how come i've never heard of you though? o:
Of course you haven't heard of me.
I would have to place top 8 in a national for that to happen.
i'm guessing that's why i've never heard of you, or any other mario main for that matter.

C'mon, you know Spelt!

He's PR'd in...erm...

He placed well at...

Oh my, the mario main salt level sure is high today.
But don't worry, i don't blame you. It's probably because of having to deal with that trash character of yours...


Feb 5, 2009
I like when people go

"Lol this guy's opinion isn't valid because he's not ranked and didn't place in a major tourney. I mean I didn't either, but my points are still valid anyway."


Smash Master
Oct 26, 2007
Montebello, California
I like when people go

"Lol this guy's opinion isn't valid because he's not ranked and didn't place in a major tourney. I mean I didn't either, but my points are still valid anyway."
not only do i like this! but i LOVE it. :D:D:D:D

EDIT: steam i main mario..i just use mk for my bad matchups...LOL


Feb 6, 2009
Well i'm ranked over President Obama. I'm good at this game, yes?


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2008
Well obviously if you created a custom stage with a ceiling (a high one), and gotten a friend who was good at teching, and you were able to run and uair Snake everytime before he hit the ground, then yes you could post the video. But that's if you want to get all technical and say "it CAN be done", and you and I both know that that wasn't what the context when you said that Marth could juggle Snake literally all day.

Fox CAN beat every character by getting them to 400% and then usmash them, therefore he wins every matchup he has. ZOMG WHERE IS TEH FLAW IN MY LOGIC.

Would you like to wager a million dollars that I can't post a video of Fox getting somebody to 400% (or higher) with lasers, then usmashing them and killing them for each stock in a 3 stock match?

If you think Marth beats Snake, fine. I know approximately nothing about the matchup, so I won't disagree as long as you back it up with some sort of sound reasoning. However, if you say something like Marth wins because he can juggle Snake LITERALLY all day (when you and I both know that any juggling at a competitive level would never last longer than 1 minute, and would only happen if it were set up) to back up that claim, then you are one colossal failure and I had every right to call you out on it.

I agree, Marth can juggle Snake. Just not for 24 hours in an 8-minute match. That's all I was trying to get across.
I said that because someone decided to get technical and try to call me on using the term literally. However technically i was correct on that statement. Its as simple as if you are gonna call someone on technicality then you better be prepared to receive it back lol


Feb 6, 2009
President Obama plays brawl? o my

The biggest flaw in this matchup chart is that mario should have sweeping -3's across the board, except zelda and ganon, which should be -2 and -1 respectively.

Maharba the Mystic

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2009
Houston, Texas
Well i'm ranked over President Obama. I'm good at this game, yes?
that's just dumb. every1 knows obama is actually m2k, ally, and adhd. he and his clones all where government grade disguises so that he can have a challenge playing brawl.

also there is boss (omg! a weegee mario main who does well in tournies and everyone has heard of!)

and while he probably does not remember playing me, i got to play vato at either TAG or WGF4 before i moved out here. like i said just cause mario isn't amazing does not mean he can't be played amazingly.

btw vato i was the pit/marth main who you friendlied several times in a row before one of us got called to our match in case you were wondering.


Smash Master
Oct 26, 2007
Montebello, California
Your too easy dude. Anyway, on a serious note your ignorance is astonishing, mario is actually not super terrible, though he is kinda bad. I believe he only loses to gaw -2, why? because GAW doesn't shut him down as bad as marth,DDD, or metaknight do. It is stll a very bad match up for mario but, he has some tools get into GAW and keep him out.

Marahba, really? i don't recall, though i was not entirely all there so i apologize for not remembering.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
just because he is usually on the -1 side of most his matchups, that does not make him a bad character.
actually, thats EXACTLY what it makes him.

also lol @ spelt getting called out for being a complete scrub nobody in irl tournament scene, and than replying with, well your a nobody too, to somebody people have actually heard of and who is ranked in a super stacked region. then once he realises that vato isnt a nobody like he is, he disregards the point entirely and calls him out for not being ranked high enough.

this kid spelt is too much. stay free bro.


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
What can mario do to get inside of game and watch? Serious question. Fireballs get bucketed, and we can effectively sit in our shield and just nair when we see you get close or upB. The reason this isn't a -4 match-up is because you have good combos/set-ups once you get inside, and your upB is amazing.
I mean, G&W doesn't even wall Mario out as completely as other characters can. Even with bucket to kill our fireball approach, it's not like our conventional SH aerial approaches n such don't work...Lucas is harder for Mario to approach than G&W...and he has better CQC options to combat Mario's as well. G&W just doesn't seem to have the moveset for it.

But whatever, do what you will with the ratio. It'll just continue to look ridiculous...like MK vs Mario = PT vs Mario...lol

Edit: For the record, I think it should be on the chart as -2.

Maharba the Mystic

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2009
Houston, Texas
actually, thats EXACTLY what it makes him.

also lol @ spelt getting called out for being a complete scrub nobody in irl tournament scene, and than replying with, well your a nobody too, to somebody people have actually heard of and who is ranked in a super stacked region. then once he realises that vato isnt a nobody like he is, he disregards the point entirely and calls him out for not being ranked high enough.

this kid spelt is too much. stay free bro.
but -1 is not that bad. it just means a little more work is required, but -1 is not that hard to overcome. sure i agree mario ain't no high class character but he also does not have much support either. if there were more marios in the tourney seen he would have better results and thus his matchups would not be listed as bad as they are now.

thats my opinion of mario at least. although honestly mario don't really matter too much because like i said there are like no competitive marios that are successful besides boss to my knowledge.


Feb 6, 2009

also lol @ spelt getting called out for being a complete scrub nobody in irl tournament scene, and than replying with, well your a nobody too, to somebody people have actually heard of and who is ranked in a super stacked region. then once he realises that vato isnt a nobody like he is, he disregards the point entirely and calls him out for not being ranked high enough.

this kid spelt is too much. stay free bro.
the first half of this post made no sense whatsoever.

4/10 probably would not read again.
except maybe if you ever get top 8 in a national, then i might care.

Spelt is pretty bad IMO


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
Vato is considered good?

Is this the same scrubby Mario main that i'm thinking about???


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
Vato is considered good?

Is this the same scrubby Mario main that i'm thinking about???
Can't tell if serious...

Vato's been ranked in SoCal with MK/Mario forever...

@ Spelt: KirinBlaze does well in tourney too as Mario/Link.

Maharba the Mystic

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2009
Houston, Texas
it seems like everyone but SPELT is willing to admit that people can play mario competitively so i say every1 should play my favorite game "IGNORE THE TROLL"

so with that in mind... NEW TOPIC:

as i've said before the pits think snake should be at 0. but i just realized i never asked wat their arguement was that got them to get it labeled as -1. this means they thought it was even more in their favor or were just really solid on their belief that it is their slight advantage of -1.

now i know the pit's arguements for this mu inside and out. wat is the snake's arguement on wat gives them the advantage? im being totally legit when i ask this because i haven't heard their side of it and want too


Smash Master
Oct 26, 2007
Montebello, California
i lost to mars one tournament about 2 year ago, so it's understandable to why he calls me scruby, though i outplaced him still(lol). Of course i'm a lot better now and i do use mario a fair amount in tournament, socal is really hard to place well in, if you don't believe me, you should come through. what X said about mars is true LMAO


Feb 6, 2009
it seems like everyone but SPELT is willing to admit that people can play mario competitively so i say every1 should play my favorite game "IGNORE THE TROLL"
nah man, it's common sense that mario is way below the line of viability.
the only reason anybody plays him is because how iconic he is.


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
Hey scrubby-dub-dubby you still owe me money from the MM we did after the tournament set, don't think I forgot.

And get off X's nuts. He doesn't like u.


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
nah man, it's common sense that mario is way below the line of viability.
the only reason anybody plays him is because how iconic he is.
How is it that he's unviable, yet players still manage to do well with him?

Like...how does that work?
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