Alex Strife, would you mind if I try to record on a major set up? I want to put as much footage as I can up on youtube. I know that VGBootCamp is taking care of the main brackets and ajp_anton will be recording crew battles. What I'm basically asking for is the second or third best set up to record on. If you want a list of reasons why I'm one of the best video recorders, here's a resume.
Excellent video quality
-All tournament video descriptions contain smashboards links to important threads, such as the tournament thread, results thread, and video thread.
-All tournament video descriptions include the name of the tournament and when/where they happened
-All tournament videos contain annotations that show the current score and provide links to the next/previous games of the set.
-I am very fast at separating and uploading tournament footage. From local tournaments, I can upload everything I've recorded in less than 24 hours after the tournament ends.
-When I upload everything, I can make
well organized video threads, complete with anti-spoilers.
Plank wants me to be the main tournament video recorder of Pound V, if that will help convince you that I'm well fit for the job. I'm asking you like this because I recorded footage at Herb 3 on a TV that not many good players went to which ended up getting very unnoticed.