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NYC/LI Power Ranking - New Rankings! Good stuff at Poly guys!

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Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
Anti, care to provide reasonning about each player and where they are? I am curious.
Well i didn't really make any decisions for this panel, but for the next one im going to be active.

But i think this should be every 2 months instead of 3.

Punishment Divine

Smash Champion
May 21, 2008
Long Island, NY
I would very much like to be on the PR lol

Considering I'm extremely active in the community, love everybody, and have a good idea of everyone's relative skill level in and out of state, I would be a prime candidate. I would also keep active and can easily provide intelligent reasoning on my decisions.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
dang, my boy vinnie gettin it in... good stuff son.

also big ups to blacka for hating singles and still getting on the PR lol.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Didn't you say how you didn't want to be put on this?
I said that a few months ago. I Told C.M this. Then changed my mind and decided to go for it. I made a post here saying I go for it again. And it was the reason I put my wins and loses.


Smash Master
May 20, 2008
New York
gota step it up.

and gratz to everyone who made it on or moved up.:D
gj vinnie as you expected lol.

Angel.M <3 C:

Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
imouto island
1. Anti - Anti being number one this season shouldn't be a shock. He finally enters singles enough to get on the PR and definitely showed he deserves to be number one dominating almost every tournament he goes to. He was also a lot more consistent then everyone else. I don't think I need to say his wins and losses, but the guy barely lost this season to begin with.

2. Shadow - At first I thought Shadow was a lock for 2nd, but Alex strife pointed out Shadow's recent poor results combined with NinjaLink's late consistency this season. In the end we decided that even with that shadow's multiple wins over players such as Atomsk, and ADHD kept him ahead of NinjaLink. Shadow's early/mid season success and wins over those players combined with NinjaLink's rocky season overall put Shadow ahead.

3. Ninjalink - Even though NinjaLink had a rocky season, NinjaLink has outperformed Jash this season. NinjaLink's record this season was solid taking a few top 3's beating good players, also outperforming jash at tournaments they both attended.

4. Jash - Jash as alot of top 5 placings this season, but some of those didn't come with really good wins. Jash was put over Vinnie mostly because he has scored wins on everyone else on the rankings not ahead of him minus Jtails. I think what hurt Jash was not being able to attend as many tournaments as NinjaLink this season. Also having to play Ally early in bracket at 4 different tournaments. Also of note: Jash beat mikeHaze for $10 at mlg columbus.

5. Vinnie - Vinnie earned his 5th mainly due to his consistency all season, Jash was put ahead of Vinnie due Jash being slightly more consistent and beating Vinnie himself. Vinnie being a lot more consistent then will put him over him. Vinnie also has a plethora of solid wins this season while his losses were all people ranked higher then him.

6. Will - Will has solid wins from this season, but what kept him as 6th and not ahead of Vinnie was his inconsistency this season. While will has wins over players such as Ksizzle, coney, and TeeVee. His losses and up and down season kept him where he is.

7. Jtails - Jtails quietly went about this season, barely making the minimun number of tournament entries to make the PR. His late season win over Shadow is what really made him soar up the rankings considering Shadow's only losses within NY were to Anti and Jtails respectively. After discussion with the panel most decided that with the win over shadow coupled with Jtails other wins this season jtails is narrowly put ahead of Minty.

8. MintyFlesh - Minty has been consistent all season long but slipped down to 8th because he hasn't had many tournaments under his belt this season. Minty and Jtails both don't have many wins, but Minty doesn't have a win like shadow which would put him higher, coupled with his loss to John12346 who has a loss to Jtails also. Minty is also put ahead of Cheese not only for having a positive record vs him this season but Minty has shown more consistency then Cheese while Cheese has slowly been heading down hill for the past month.

9. Cheese - Even though cheese had an outstanding first 2 months of the season his big probably was consistency. Even with cheese attending almost a tournament a week he has horrible results recently getting close to last in singles multiple times. Cheese also has a lose to everyone above him except will. Overall consistency hurt cheese the most.

10. blackanese - Silently squeezed by John12346 for the 10th spot. Blackanese has been solid every tournament he has entered. Having great losses and pretty good wins such as Jtails, cheese and Xzax and more put him at 10th this season. If blackanese attended more tournaments he could've been a lot higher.

sorry i got distracted lmfao. I have a headache so please don't mind little mistakes and such. Also john12346 barely missed top 10(I had him at 11) while I had dark.pch at 12.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
minty beat me to it but

shadow went snake. i suppose you guys do the rankings as in

you beat the player shadow therefore you get the full win on beating a national level player like him due to his name.

so even if shadow went falcon, jtails wouldve gotten the full win as well.

and i mention falcon because what has shadows snake ever done?

nothing of merit from what ive seen.

just like his falcon :bee:

will got the full win on me i suppose so too. my falco has..beaten orion and will. thats it. certainly isnt as good as taking out my mk but

i suppose NY does things differently therefore i shouldnt open my mouth

only thing is im jealous of mah boy cheeses performance. **** is straight gdlk.

Punishment Divine

Smash Champion
May 21, 2008
Long Island, NY
I don't think that either of them had those wins greatly affect their placements from what I've seen, Kelvin. Will's placement, even without your win, seems reasonable to me and the win Jtails got on Shadow seems to have only slightly pushed him above Minty. I'm sure it was also taken into account that Jtails has a win on one of Minty's losses.

Regardless, I don't know how I feel about the "I used other characters" thing. On one hand, it doesn't really make sense to give someone a full win for beating someone's character they don't have many accomplishments in tournament with. On the other hand, however, the tournament scene is a play-to-win atmosphere, so one must assume that, for instance, Shadow went Snake because he felt he had a greater chance of winning with him. And if he didn't, then one could seriously skew both results and rankings by not going their main in tournament and just saying "LOL secondary!"

I think that this sort of thing is very...objective which isn't the kind of thing one aims for when creating rankings. We're, or I would hope, going for a straight "Who placed better, who has better wins, etc." information based system, but this kind of situation completely skews that. I say this because, for instance, what if someone like Atomsk goes a different character other than those we perceive as his "mains". But he felt he had the best chance of winning with them. that's one thing. But what if he just went a different character, and sandbagged. There would no doubt be several perspective opinions on the issue and just **** everything up ~_~

What are the NY Panelists opinions on this matter?


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
I don't think that either of them had those wins greatly affect their placements from what I've seen, Kelvin. Will's placement, even without your win, seems reasonable to me and the win Jtails got on Shadow seems to have only slightly pushed him above Minty. I'm sure it was also taken into account that Jtails has a win on one of Minty's losses.
a power rankings depicts what happens in the one season. if wills placement without the win on me looks the same still, i see a **** ton of bias (not surprising)

chaos marth depicted his most notable wins earlier. ksizzle, coney, teevee. look at the gap between me and those 2. taking off that win would surely make a big difference unless CM overlooked another good win from will. that difference would at least make him drop a spot.

on the shadow part, shadow did say he thought he could win. no doubt about it.

the thing is that he didnt and he also not have accomplishments with snake in the past or currently. same as his falcon, or his zss, and his pikachu. should that win be of merit? thats the question i ask CM since i dont know his rankings system and want to know if its like NJ's currently. if it is then forget everything i said. if it isnt, then lol

Angel.M <3 C:

Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
imouto island
Ever since I became a panelist everyone agreed that in the sense of play to win. Character choice shouldnt matter. It's been that way for awhile.


MLG That Bracket Girl that makes cookies <font col
Jan 28, 2008
Pineville, NC

I CHOOSE not to enter singles even if i ****.

I dont give a fuccc about my rank.

I just want to get **** done and make it look nice.
Chillface. In general, it is my personal opinion that people who are a potential candidate to be on the list should not be part of the committee to decide said list. Don't get your panties in a twist.

Punishment Divine

Smash Champion
May 21, 2008
Long Island, NY
a power rankings depicts what happens in the one season. if wills placement without the win on me looks the same still, i see a **** ton of bias (not surprising)

chaos marth depicted his most notable wins earlier. ksizzle, coney, teevee. look at the gap between me and those 2. taking off that win would surely make a big difference unless CM overlooked another good win from will. that difference would at least make him drop a spot.

on the shadow part, shadow did say he thought he could win. no doubt about it.

the thing is that he didnt and he also not have accomplishments with snake in the past or currently. same as his falcon, or his zss, and his pikachu. should that win be of merit? thats the question i ask CM since i dont know his rankings system and want to know if its like NJ's currently. if it is then forget everything i said. if it isnt, then lol
Pretty sure he also has like 2 wins on Vinnie and I think a win on Jash lol (Will)

And I still don't know how I feel about the matter of character choice but I would have to assume that the player legit thought they could win with that character =/

If not, you have to see that a large amount of objectivity and bias comes into play. Obviously things like the M2K example you gave are clear-cut examples of something that shouldn't count, but what about things, like the Shadow incident, where there's a lot of gray area?

Angel.M <3 C:

Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
imouto island
chaos marth depicted his most notable wins earlier. ksizzle, coney, teevee. look at the gap between me and those 2. taking off that win would surely make a big difference unless CM overlooked another good win from will. that difference would at least make him drop a spot.
No he has a lot other good wins, I just didnt sit and look at them while typing this up. lmfao. If it wasn't for will's inconsistency this season he'd probably be ahead of jash.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
haha anti she said u wear panties

PD, i dont care how the systems work tbh but i do care about following the rules. i want to see what system the ny rankings used. objective or subjective. cm said he uses the same one as nj so i carried on lol.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2008
ADHD went ice climbers on armada in pools at pound 4, and because of that i almost didn't make it out. though it was his decision and there was nothing anyone could do about it. cause his ice climbers were *** and he was giving armada a free win. luckily however i 2-0ed armada which helped me make it out.

so had i not made it out of pools that day should it have been reprimanded because adhd didn't go diddy?
no, its the players choice to use whatever character they want. part of playing the game is making decisions such as character counter picks and match ups. so if it doesn't go according to plan that's on the player who made the decision. some people also use 2 different characters during a set and win with the second, although their 2nd character is not as "GOOD" as their first. the opponent may not have known the match up and lost.

I'm just making a point, I'm not saying i should be 7th or 8th the decision was made without my input just facts. so it is what it is.

in any case ill aim for the top this season! :p


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2008
This PR is skewed towards the end of the season, but it's whatever. I legitimately don't care much for PRs, too objective. MLG system or bust. Anyways, if nothing else, it's motivation I guess.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Technically choosing a character that isnt your best character in a serious set in which you are expected to play to win, and losing with it, shows that you arent really as good of a player because within the confines of the game you are making poor decisions. so wins against skilled people that arent playing their supposed best character, should count fully because its showing that the other guy is making bad decisions that reflect on their overall ability as a player.




MLG That Bracket Girl that makes cookies <font col
Jan 28, 2008
Pineville, NC
Only thing thats keeping me from putting her on blast is her gender.
That shouldn't matter in speaking your mind.
I was just giving my honest opinion, I only specifically said you because you had recently said something. No offense meant to you, kiddo. *pats*

Shadow 111

Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Staten Island, New York
Meh, this rankings nonsense is a big reason why i don't use my secondaries much in tournament. That and everyone always saying MID MATCH "wow, shadow, wtf are you doing?!" even if i'm going even with the player! haha

I like using secondaries in tournament to see how much i've improved with them and test them out. Hate that it causes all this debate and such though. Sorry for the trouble over that, Jtails :(.

Also, kelvin, have you SEEN my falcon?


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
Only thing thats keeping me from putting her on blast is her gender.
It's easy like this!

That shouldn't matter in speaking your mind.
I was just giving my honest opinion, I only specifically said you because you had recently said something. No offense meant to you, kiddo. *pats*
Shut the **** up

Also, kelvin, have you SEEN my falcon?
***** you can't even think that you have a falcon until you ditto me again.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2008
It's all good Shadow, it was a fun set i think. haha maybe next time we can falcon ditto lmao!
I used to do it with Hax all the time in tournament.
its no big deal for me, and i understand why people may be annoyed. but hey its a fresh season guys so lets make the best of it ;)

<3 Shadow and <3 Minty

I'm down to $5 mm somebody at Gauntlet this Friday.


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2009
New York, NY
It feels weird that I'm only four spots away from Jtails when he can beat me with his secondaries.


Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
Meh, this rankings nonsense is a big reason why i don't use my secondaries much in tournament. That and everyone always saying MID MATCH "wow, shadow, wtf are you doing?!" even if i'm going even with the player! haha

I like using secondaries in tournament to see how much i've improved with them and test them out. Hate that it causes all this debate and such though. Sorry for the trouble over that, Jtails .

Also, kelvin, have you SEEN my falcon?

i know its silly...its just with tournaments u have to play super serious...although lets try this system out for next time -
UTDZac Edit:
If you're curious about the type of system I used, please refer to this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_system
For an easier time reading, please refer to how MTG does it: http://www.starcitygames.com/php/news/article/9198.html
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