D0N said:
What does it mean to be "capped?"
To add a tiny bit more from what EA said: From what my friend in Jamerica tells me, we pay the same for 12gig, as they do for like 150gig. And he doesn't get capped nor charged extra when he goes over his cap. Last few months he's downloaded like ~750gig, the internet company called him, and said they'd ban him for a year unless he stopped going over the limit, (was downloading blurays and stuff). Capped can also be called "shaping" or "throttling".
And that's my amusing anecdote.
Late shout out things from EA's meet:
@Ea: Thanks for hosting, was good to verse not the computer for the first time in a few months. Had lotsof fun, sorry i left before the mini-tourney thing. Also, iceclimber chaingrabs arn't nice

@Ted: Good few games we played against each other, and in teams. starting to think u might not hate me, haha.
@Gopo: Nice to meet you Gopo, you were heaps good considering that was your first proper meet. hope u figure out who u want to main, its never to late to change, i change like every 2 weeks

, lets hope i stay with peach, cause everyone knows, peachies got it.
@Scoot: Your rages at Ilag were pretty hilarious, we didn't really play much, i think u should pick a character and stick to it, haha. Also, you should have saved those awesome link combo things u pulled off. Glad you were impressed with my turnip slide pulling thingy

. Next time don't turn down the melee tv so much, honestly scoot, tsk tsk.
@Ilag: Your response to me in your shoutout made no sense, haha, unless your comparing my current peach, to that one time like a week ago, when i started playing her, when i had no tripping code on, and i apparently killed myself 3 times in wifi, haha. Your metaknight is pretty great, i think u should show us what this scar combo is finally, also start using your kirby, and speaking with some sort of expression or emotion. Also some of the things u said were way too hilarious, also when u made scoot rage, or when u had 3 kills on me when we teamed together. Always fun times.
@Fakemin (Paul?): I think your dash dancing is much too quick, and u should slow down haha, interested to see who u finally decide to use in brawl, wish id gotten to verse you in melee

@D0N: Nice to (kindof) meet you

. Was interested to see just how lost you got in quakers, everyone just kind of ignored you when u got inside, when u were trying to tell us about it, lol

. Next time hopefully I'll verse or see your DK, sucks i left so soon after u got there.
@Tom: Didn't play u much, cept in friendly teams, pretty sure your Kirby ***** one of my stocks pretty hard. Was nice to meet you briefly. Also, thanks for bringing your wii, haha. Next time i think we need to organise it so the people who live like 30minutes away (Ilag/Scoot/Me) bring their wii, and not the person who travels 5 hours, hahaha.
Best part of the day (when i was there): *Ilag playing metaknight against teds wolf*, "Ilag: this matchup is impossible for metaknight to win", *rage quits*, "i need someone who i can play where i can outcamp you" *picks wolf*, *game starts*, *10 seconds later* *ilag on 60%, ted on 0%* *ilag ragequits* *choses dedede* *game starts* *...* *ilag gets 2 stocked*....
This is much too much writing, im sorry
